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Wild Cards

Luifer looked a bit distraught at the idea, "But... I don't want to hit..." He said.

"Um... Kai, I know I am not in my right mind.... and that I will have my memory reset after this is over... but I really wanted to thank you for all your help." Rhea said quietly.
Kai just smiled "I'd do this for you no matter what Princess and somewhere deep inside you know that," kai pulled her into a hug.

Shania smiled "I can't go looking like I'm a trap can i?"
Sage laughed, "I'll beat you up. I heard that you actually beat the crap out of me one time. Not sure if I want to return the favor, but I can use this as an excuse." Sage said laughing. "We should probably wait for Kai... who knows what we are doing some of the time anyway... Maybe Dasuke could beat you up."

Rhea probably did something that if she had her memories would not of, but she got on her tippy toes and gently kissed Kai on the lips,
"I know... thank you again.." She said blushing, after she got back down on her feet.
Kai smiled "That's the first time you kissed me on the lips, you actually kissed me," he chuckled and hugged her tightly.

"I will not beat up Tannis' student... besides Fredrick would know better I'd trap her with my flute," Dasuke said

"Lets go see how they are fairing out there," Kai said smiling still
"Oh... ok yeah..." Rhea said before following Kai back out. She seem to make him happy, she just wanted to ease some of his stress.

"No one would know you beat her up... who beats her up is not the issue." Sage said waving her hand at Dasuke happily. "We just got to beat her up before we make her walk around like a kicked puppy dog."

"Yeah... you said earlier he would not be so dumb to get you... but he was trying to get Shania... so why not make it seem like she believe him in the first place, escaped with her life and was looking for Freddy?" Sage said shrugging.
"Ok now for the task of where should she look for him the building?" Kai asked "Sage you might be able to get in a few good hits but we need to make her look like she really turned on us... so my blood on her nails or something,"

"You want me to scratch you?" Shania asked

"Yes," Kai said simply
"Ew...." Sage said simply, "Ok well would it not seem more convincing if she actually attacked the demon in out group.... maybe have him chase her down a bit trying to convince her to come back."

"I... feel badly about the whole hurting each other thing..." Rhea mumbled. "I am guessing this is usually when I say I don't like this idea?"

Lucifer huffed and sat up from the floor,
"I would never hurt Shania..." He said.

"We know.. so does Fredrick, you would just be on the defensive." Sage said.
"I however have no such connection," Dasuke said "perhapse I had struck out at her injuring her and she ran fighting you as you pursue her," he thought

"Dad... you think he'd believe it?" Rose asked
"Yeah... I am not sure he would believe that... that's why it would be more convincing for Shania to believe Lucy is an evil demon and Fredrick is not." Sage said shrugging. "Why would you attack her?" She asked Dasuke. It would not make sense, after all he said it himself, he would not hurt Tannis's student.

"Well... it would be worth a try... however is there a less painful way we can present her to be injured... like makeup kits?" Rhea said.
"Sorry but no," Kai said "it's ok princess Shania is so used to pain it'll be a wonder if she even says ouch,"

"I can believe that," Shania said dryly not to thrilled on the being injured part either.
"O-ok..." Rhea said, "I'll... just cover my eyes." She said.

"Ok great, lets all go into the room and fight each other like we mean it. Not that I remember how to fight..." Sage said, jumping up from the couch.
After they were done, Kai, Sage and Shania looked like they had been through hell fighting each other, which they had been. From there Rhea guessed from the previous information she had been told that he may possibly be around some of the slum parts of the city, mostly in a curtain area where the factory, cave and portals were. So they kind of just let Shania lose to run around slum parts of the city looking for Fredrick. The gave her a mic, but not a headset and they also had a tracker on her.

Everyone else anxiously sat in the van waiting for something to happen.
Shania ran through the area "Please," she called "Fredrick?" she tried to sound despite which wasn't hard as she looked like hell.
Shania probably searched for along while, and probably head the sense like she was being watched for a good bit of it, but it was not long before the failure face when she first woke up reappeared, his sword was ready, "Warrior? What brings you out here looking for me?" He asked, his eyes narrowed. He was supoisous....
"You were right... I never should have left with those monsters... they killed him didn't they? The boy in all those pictures with me Kurama he was one of our friends wasn't he," she actually fell to her knees and the mention of the boy in the pictures made her want to cry. "I fought them and got away,"
Fredrick's eyes narrowed, "They kill my brother as well... A shame you don't remember either. They have killed several of our comrades... Tell me they all fought you? It is a relief to see you figured it out on your own and have returned to me. Every one has been very upset at your capture." Fredrick still looked pretty hurt. There was a large hole in his chest, however he did not seem to phased by it.

Rhea perked up when she heard Shania speak something other then just calling for Fredrick's name,
"It sounds like he finally came out to her!" Rhea said.

Lucifer also perked up, it was night now. He flexed his wings, ready to go save Shania.
Shania saw his wound and something in her clicked. "No I won't loose you too!" She yelled and stood fire in her eyes it was easy for her to play this part. "We have to get you to a safe place..." She said "I will not let then hurt you," her sword appeared "I will never let them neer you,"
"I am sorry I left you Warrior." Fredrick said, taking a few steps back form her when her sword appeared, He seemed wary of Shania, but he was believing her, or he thought she was believing him. "I know a place safe for us. Neither of us are in a condition to fight, even with out strength combined."
she nodded and put her weapon away "Do you need me to help you can lean on my shoulder I am not to badly hurt," Shania said worry hinting her voice.

"She is too good at this," Kai muttered.
"No... you seem worse off them myself." Fredrick said. "Follow me..." He told the girl. "You can still walk?" He asked.

"Should we go now?" Sage asked.

Rhea pursed her lips together, "Maybe we should wait and see where they go...?"

"I rather just go now and kill him." Lucifer said, he did not like Shania being so close to him.
"Wait Lucifer... patience is a virtue," Dasuke said "he wont hurt her he needs her too much,"

Shania nodded "I can walk, Fredrick... or do I call you something else?" she asked "how long have we been in a team together?"
"Fredrick is my name. The rift-rafts that held you call my Freddy out of spite, I really rather you not call me that. We have been together as a team for only a few months, we don't know each other all that well because you were actually really quiet, but you have been a good partner, there was a third with us, but he was killed." He said shrugging a bit as they walked. "I have been trying to find your memories but I think they might have them some where I can't get too..."

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