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Wild Cards

Lucifer shrugged at Shania, unsure of what he was doing. Sage and Rhea watched quietly.

Tannis leaned his self down and his tail move to touch the middle of the Rose, a faint glow sat on it for a moment before disappearing.
"Liquid fire. Fredrick is weak against fire... you only have one, but if you do hit him with the drop, you can expect what ever part you land it on will burst into flame. If you use it or not... is your choice." He said kindly.

"Thank you ," Dasuke said "remind me to grow more of those clovers you like to roll in," he smiled at Tannis as he carefully put his rose back in his hair.

"Liquid fire... awesome," Shania commented
Tannis purred loudly when Dasuke mentioned clovers. "It will be a long time Shania before I teach you such a move." He told the girl, "Also... be warned, once they get their memories back, it will reset their minds... none of them will remember this time between when they lost them and gained them back."

"Oh great... I get to forget again... while remembering." Sage said sarcastically.

"Fight hard. Call me when you are ready to return." Tannis said to Dasuke before standing up and opening the portal, "Anything more you wish of me before I leave?"

Rhea squeeze Kai's hand as she watched the demon open up the portal.
"Very well. Good hunting to you Dasuke." Tannis said, before returning the bow, closing the portal behind him.

Rhea blinked in amazement, take took a few long breaths before coming around Kai, thinking she should not be scared.

Lucifer smiled when Shania bowed as well before he looked at the group.

"So... we are going looking tonight?" Sage asked "Because I am exhausted..." She said. "What is it... 4am at night now? Almost dawn."
"We need you all rested, I will look in day light as you all recover," Dasuke said.

"I have a drive to get done after I get everyone home," Kai said "Luce you feel up to going with me us being alone s not a good thing lately."
"Yeah... sure." he said, looking up to Kai.

Sage yawned and carried Rose back to the van, she was ready to go to bed.

Rhea followed Kai, looking up at him,
"Where are you going?" She asked. "I could maybe come to so its not just two. I am not too tired..."
"I'm going to get stuff from yours and ebony's houses so you will have clothes and such, You are supposed to be in protective custody," he smiled. "besides princess you need your rest,"

Dasuke looked at the team they did look worn down and could use a good rest.
Rhea made a face, it felt natural to her. Her worried face. "Ok..." She said quietly. "Ah come on you lot. Lets get some rest." Sage said, putting Rose into the back of the car.

Lucifer looked at Dasuke,
"Maybe you can come with us... hunt with us tomorrow." He offered the older demon.
"If you think that would be best," Dasuke said "i worry about people as young as you lot fighting demons like Hiro and Freddy," he admitted.

"Don't worry if we work together we tend to do rather well," Kai said "and Lucy here got a power boost we have been sorely needing," Kai pat Lucifer on the head,
Lucifer beamed, "Yeah. With Rhea and Kai always coming up with Plans and sticking close to each other, we usually do really well for ourselves." Rhea looked up at the menchen of her name.

"Oh who came up with the brilliant plan that lost our memories?" Sage asked with a smirk.
"You," Kai said, "lets just go in no worries it's a trap and we know it," Kai said and rolled his eyes. "not that we had many options,"

Shania had actually fallen asleep in the back of Kai's van already.
"What really?" Sage said blinking, "Here I thought I didn't make any of the plans. Woops I guess." She said quietly. Kai probably knew if she had memory of the event, she would have told him he was an idiot for him and Shania to stay in the church when the swarms came in.

"I kind of think no matter how we went in there... his plan would have been the same. Wait for Rhea to close the portal before attacking her with the demon that took her memories..." Lucifer said, "Then from there take everyone with lost memories and turn them on you. Thats why he was talking about Shania and Sage turning on you in the begin..." Lucifer said, laying on the floor of the van.
"Rest up kids," Kai said though Rose and Shania were now both asleep. "Overgrown children," Kai chuckled.

"To me you are all children" Dasuke said getting in the van.
Sage laughed, it was very much true. They left for Shania's and spent the night there. Lucifer was sure Fredrick would not attack with a demon as powerful and Dasuke around. Morning came around quickly and Sage was among the first to wake up and move into the kitchen to cook.

Rhea was still very much fast asleep where every they had stuck her, while Lucifer slept on the floor, giving his bed up to Sage to sleep in.
Ebony as always stayed close to Lucifer but she helped around the house even Dasuke proved to be good with housework. Dasuke was obviously a laid back calm person but he was deep in thought on how to trap and track Freddy wanting to get this done as soon as possible. Freddy had been the cause of harm to his daughter and had left his brother to die, not that he much liked Hiro; it was just the fact he left a comrade to die that riled Dasuke.

Shania found it came natural to her to take care of Rose and Lucifer as if they were children and she redressed their wounds Sage had already fixed breakfast when she woke.

Rose was sore the salve worked wonders though. In a day or two it should not hurt anymore at all. She was nervous about her dad fighting she has never actually seen him in a fight this big though he was plenty strong enough.

Kai had spent the morning talking with Rhea's brother explaining the situation he had picked up a few of her things her brother had sent with him and Lucifer last night and Ebony's parents had almost not let them leave without telling them where Ebony was, but Kai was able to weasel his way out; Lucifer being there helped a bit as well.

"This is a mess," Kai said sighing deeply and trudging into the kitchen.
Rhea's brother did not take anything Kai had to say well, the only thing they were able to agree on was Rhea's safety, but he was still livid about the whole situation. Eventually Kai manage to coax Roen enough to give up some cloths and tell Rhea he loved her. Of course there were also a few brotherly threats in there as well, Roen was suspicious and Kai knew he was.

Lucifer sat still while Shania would change his bandaging, he was happy Shania he just let herself do what she normally did, even though she was a bit mindless while she did it. Unlike Rose, Lucifer was almost healed already, the scratches he obtained far less severer then what Rose herself had gotten.

Rhea had found the notes that Rose had mentioned and started to read them all. She also found herself getting the courage to speak to Dasuke, the man's calmness drove her to him a bit which made her ask him a few questions here and there, which he did not seem short of answering.

"It could be worse," Sage said, pulling a few waffles from a cooker, "We could be on Freddy's side trying to kill you." Sage said before pouring in more batter, "Beside with Dasuke's help you would think out memories will be gotten back in no time."
"unless Freddy gets to use that sword Dasuke has a lot of power but I've never seen him fight except against you and you couldn't even nick him," Kai said "Rhea's brother is a pain in my *ss... I swear if he calls one more time I'm blocking his number,"

Shania ruffled Lucifer's hair "feeling better?" she asked him.

Dasuke was curious how could Rhea be so curious knowing she would soon have her memories reset? He still answered all her questions.
"Yeah, I am ready to get your memories back." Lucifer told Shania, though he reached out for her and gave her a hug.

Rhea smiled at Dasuke,
"You kind of look at me like I am a bit crazy to ask you so many questions. I can stop if you want." She said quietly.

Sage laughed,
"Well you were the one who proposed to here were you not?" Sage said grinning at Kai, "The walls here are pretty thin... I have a feeling I ease drop a lot while I cook." She said laughing a bit more.
"Yeah, and she likes Shania too, I will not peruse her to hard me and you live a life that makes demon hunting safe," Kai chuckled.

Dasuke smiled "No I don't mind it just seems odd to me since you will just forget later unless you are writing my answers down,"

"I know you will," Shania told Lucifer hugging him.
"Oh I do tooo?" Sage said, "That... for some reason does not surprise me. So... am I romantically involved with Rose? I'll be honest I feel this pull to Ebony... but shes all over that Lucy guy. Kind of confused. But I have a lot of text on my phone.... I think I am a player... Which is actually pretty cool." ​She said laughing loudly.

"Ah... No, I kind of assumed I already knew all these answers. Knowing puts me a bit at ease for some reason." She said, gently she poured herself a cup of tea, but offered it to Dasuke first.
"You were in love with Ebony but you were mean and she hugged onto Lucifer now those two are inseparable," Kai said "Ebony was the first one to crack your armor me and Shania just busted it open... rather literally,"

"No thank you," he said to the tea and smiled "and I understand I'll answer anything you wish,"
"Sounds like we are all very close..." Sage said sarcastically. Although she meant it, she was not really sure how she felt to know she was beat up by her friends and then let someone she love be stolen away from her. "Hmmm... I sound like a real pain to be around." She said smiling, "Sounds like I do it on purpose too." She said.

"You are as powerful as Fredrick...?" Rhea asked, "Or more powerful? And Tannis... he is powerful too?" She asked Dasuke, taking the tea as her own.
"Tannis is powerful enough to step me out if I didn't have my flute to aid me, I myself am stronger then Fredrick but the sword worries me I'll admit," Dasuke said with a smile.

Kai nodded "yeah you are a pain but we aren't the same without you,"
"The sword Kai keeps talking about?" Rhea asked.

Sage laughed,
"Good to know. Here breakfast is done, help me out." She told him.

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