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Wild Cards

"Huh... ok lets go." Sage said, the cat in her arms, Then Sage laughed, looking at it, "It.. looks like Smores."

When they made it back to Shania's, Rhea actually woke up from a nice long nap, though she looked around, not sure where she was.

Lucifer was helping Ebony put the salve on Rose's wounds and wrap her up semi nicely.
"Princess," Kai smiled "welcome home," he copied what Shania normally said. "I'm going to bring your things over tomorrow," he said and was attempting to cook.

Rose looked at Rhea "Glad you are ok," she said her wings were not out she had her human disguise on.
"You were the angel... with the wings?" She asked Rose softly, Rhea had a strange sensation to reach out for Rose.

Sage watched Kai with a raised eye brow,
"Does it sound weird that everything about what you are doing right now pisses me off?" She asked as he attempted to cook.

Lucifer was eyeing Rhea, he could see what she wanted to do and he was afraid she was going to hurt Rose.
"Actually by now would have kicked me out of the kitchen... is that supposed to be smoking?" Kai asked her.

"Arch angel mix," Rose corrected Rhea.
"Oh sorry..." Rhea said, "I don't remember. Your my friend?" She asked her.

"I am pretty sure it is not... Give me that!." Sage sighed and took the skillet from Kai, "Go.... do what ever you usually do. If this is what I do, I am sure I can do it." Sage said, Before opening up the cuberts and pulling out a dusty cook book.

Lucifer eventually came back out with a photo album. "Here Shania... This is for you."
"For me?" She asked and took the book opening it she made a face "I look so happy," she said sarcastically as she opened up to one of the pictures of her dressed up. "Am I wearing combat boots?"

Rose thought for a moment "We haven't know each other long I taught you alot about demon plants so you could help me and Luci get better you are a healer." Rose told Rhea.

Kai laughed "I just get the stuff to high for you to reach." Kai said
"I see. Well I don't know where anything is. I think I will be fine by myself. Leave me alone a bit... I'll figure this out, but I need to organize a few things in my own brain." Sage said, pulling out some ingredients from the fridge. "Not that there is a lot there to organize."

"I see... I want to heal you... I feel in inside of me." Rhea said, gently she reached for Rose and Lucifer got up and garbed Rhea. "Wait... don't do that." He said, holding Rhea's hand. Rhea looked a bit scared when Lucifer suddenly gabed her. "Sorry... just don't do that.. that works on you humans but not on Rose and I..." Lucifer said, letting go of her hand. "What does... I don't understand... I am sorry."
"You're healing is positive energy we are negative energy your healing hurts us it's why i wrote you the book on our medicines and plants, Luci I think she kept it here somewhere," Rose said.

Shania flipped through the pages on her photo album "why are none of you in it?" she asked.
"I heard you told Rhea one time that you don't like taking pictures. Your brother took all those, before he passed." Lucifer said, letting the poor scared girl go. Rhea sat down on the ground, her head was spinning a bit and she felt confused. Lucifer gave Ebony a pleading look for help.
Ebony smiled at Rhea softly "It's ok don't push yourself," she said "I bet you would like some tea... would you?" she asked

"He... looks so happy, my heart is tight but I don't know why," Shania said.

Kai smiled "how are you guys doing out here?" he asked.
"I think... if its not too much to ask for." Rhea said quietly, When Kai come out Rhea smiled at her, "I think things are OK." Rhea said. "I guess... I can't heal Rose or Lucifer."

Lucifer gave Ebony a quick kiss on the forehead,
"Thank you." He whispered to her. Before moving to go sit down next Shania and leaning on her, "Its ok... You miss him still, all the time... But we are here for you." He told her.
Shania absentmindedly wrapped an arm around him and hugged softly. "Yeah Luce," she said them blinked a few times "well tell me to start taking pictures when I'm back to myself so this doesn't happen again,"

Ebony went into the kitcen to start water for tea "You always smile so much when you cook I used to watch you alot," she told sage staying out of the girls way.

Rose smiled at Rhea "you saved Shania's life with your healing and Ebony and even Sage, you are amazing," she told the girl
"I can do that. Rhea tried to convince you to do it once. I was not really paying too much attention because I was half asleep..." Lucifer said thinking about it.

Sage seem to glance at Ebony, smiling at her,
"Is that so? Ebony was it? This seems to be coming a bit natural to me. Nice shot earlier hitting Freddy."

Rhea looked at Rose before smiling at her,
"It would be more amazing if I could help you." She told Rose quietly. "Are you Doing Ok Kai? Rose?"
Kai chuckled "not a scratch on me just really sore," he sat down and hugged her "I know you hate when I do this but I could have lost you today... " he kissed her.

"Yeah, t...thank you." Ebony said with a blush "you are really good at cooking Kai won't hardly eat anymore unless you cook it,"

Shania ruffled Lucifers hair still looking through the pictures.
Rhea blushed a lot, "I hate... when you kiss me?" She asked, "You said, you love me.... were we dating?" She asked again, she looked pretty confused.

"Thank you, lets see if we can work that magic without memory." Sage said happily. "Do you think you can tell me what happened, how did I lose my memory?"

Lucifer smiled and then hugged Shania really tight,
"Ill get your memory back, I promise."
"I proposed to you but you never answered me yes or no," Kai said with a smile "I can't blame you I live a dangerous life even when not hunting demons,"

"This demon came through and he stole a pearl from you and... my arrows bounced off so i couldn't take him out till he lost his shield I got him but not in time," Ebony said and poured a cup of tea for Rhea as it was done now. "I'll let you cook," she smiled still blushing.

"You better I want to know what I'm missing," she said and hugged him back
"Ah... well I guess thank you for Saving me." Sage said, before Ebony seem to disappear around the corner with the cup of tea.

"Proposed?" Rhea repeated, "And I never answered... That seems offley rude or me... I am so sorry.. but I don't think I am in the position to answer you now..." Rhea said, thinking about it a bit, but the blush was still very much present.

"I promise... I will." Lucifer said.
"No Rhea it's fine you'll answer me when you are ready to." he smiled and stroked her cheek softly.

Ebony brought Rhea her tea "Here you go," she said

"I know you will. I trust you," Shania said
"Thank you Ebony." She said, taking the tea from Ebony's hand. She drank is letting the warmth calm her nerves. Kai was soothing her.. but oddly making her nevious at the same time. "I appreciate it."

It was not long before Sage seem to brang a stir fry out and set it out on a table, "Ok... Don't expect it to be any kind of amazing." Sage said, crossing her arms a bit before sitting down next to Rose and letting out a deep breath.

Lucifer stood up a bit before tugging on Shania, "lets eat." He said quietly.
"Sage even without memories you are still you Shania... is acting like a completely different girl altogether if Luci isn't near," Kai took a bite and smiled "perfection as always,"

Ebony giggled and looked at luci who still hasn't let her look at his injuries "as soon as you eat I want you to sit and let me bandage those up, I know where Shania hides your candy and I won't give you a piece till you are all better," Ebony tried to sound a bit like shania
"Oh... not you too Ebony..." Lucifer whined, but regardless he would sit down and let Ebony look at his shoulder, candy threatened or not.

Rhea smiled at Lucifer's reaction before taking a bit of food, Kai was right, the food seemed really good.

Sage seemed to beam at the compliment of the food before she looked at Rose a bit,
"So... your a demon?" She asked the girl, "And my 'sponsers' daughter." She asked her.
"Yeah my dad is Dasuke he's your sponsor Tannis is Shania's sponsor," Rose said and winced as she had moved too much.

Ebony giggled "I'll even kiss it better,"
Lucifer smiled happily at Ebony before he looked up to Kai, "We can probably move to your hid out now Kai..."

"So... any chance they can help get our memories back?" Rhea asked suddenly. "If they are as powerful as you say... and here to help us right?"

Sage seemed to nodd, "
That is true... will they help get them back?"
"Kid is there anyway to contact them?" Kai asked Lucifer "Shania called Tannis once when she was dieing... but I don't know how she did it,"

"I called him?" Shania asked.
"Well yeah... Shania your the only one who can call Tannis.... usually when I call Levi I just think about him, but using the energy inside of me... Yours... might be the inner fire." He said. Lucifer then looked at Sage, "You Sage, you have a jewel that Dasuke gave you. That should the be same, use it as if you were using your weapon."

"Oooh? The thing I saw on my neck earlier when I was changing?" Sage asked pulling the black opal from her shirt, "Was wondering what was up with this. So should I call him?" She asked.

Rhea looked up at Shania and Sage, both had the ability for help, both had no memory. Such a mess, the situation was messy.
"I wouldn't know... Kai I would think would know.." Rhea said.

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