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Wild Cards

Fredrick pulled Rose to block the arrow, letting it sink into the girl demon's back. As soon as he could he took tried to take the pearls from Rose.

Lucifer was not sure he could get in there, with Ebony shooting arrows he can very well just get himself hurt.
Rose held the pearls close to her self despite the amazing burning pain in her body. Ebony dropped her bow she had again hit an ally she covered her eyes as she began to cry Kai slasher at Freddy's back.
Fredrick let go of Rose momentarily to dodge and to lean down and pick up Sage's unconscious body to throw at Kai. Then he took his new glowing sword and slashed Rose hard, letting it drain the girl of power, he needed those pearls.
Lucifer dived after the pearls, knowing exactly what Rose knew. Fredrick can not get a hold of them. Fredrick picked them up Long before Lucifer even got close to him, but just before Lucifer scratched Fredrick again.

Fredrick seem to run back several paces before he picked up Shania. Lucifer froze, he did not want to approach him while he had the girl.

"Warrior... I need you to wake up... we are in danger, our ally's are all dead. I need you to wake before it is too late. I don't want to lose you either." Fredrick said to Shania, shaking the girl lightly.
"Loose me?" Shania asked "Warrior?" she opened her eyes a bit dazzed. "Dead?" she asked.

"No...no please don't," Rose said.

"Dirty trick Freddy let her go!" Kai yelled "God Sage wake up," he shook Sage. "come on we can't loose all three of you.... Archer don't let him get Princess!"
Sage seemed to stir a bit and opened her eyes, "What?" She said, sitting up and rubbing her head, "What is going on?"

"Yes... you are a fighter.. our Ally's are dead, and things are looking bad. Warrior... do you not remember?" Fredrick asked Shania.

"Warrior! Don't listen to him. He is lying to you... he just took all your memories..." Lucifer said, landing slightly close to Shania. Fredrick growled and pointed his sword at Lucifer, "Stay away from her demon." He said.
"demon... I can't remember anything," she said but felt a sword in her hands "a sword? it's mine? our friends are dead I'm a warrior," She repeated.

"God Death come on give me a witty comeback or random insult... he took your memories yours our warriors and our princess," Kai was shaking with rage. "You fight fair Warrior we need to get home you can here my voice in your ear right? we are connected warrior we are connected because we are your friends that Vampire is trying to kill us!"

"I do hear you... in my head," Shania said.
"God your loud." Sage said, touching her head, she looked around, her eyes assessing the situation quickly. "I don't know what is going on, but I am getting the sense that we are in danger..." Sage stood up and looked at her hand to see a scythe, "Oh look at that..." She said.

"Yes the sword is yours... we need to run, we are out numbered and out matched... we need to morn our lost... Come Warrior we need to leave, hurry get up. They are demons.. they play tricks... that guy is the Joker after all." Fredrick said, pulling Shania off the ground.

Lucifer took a step foreword,
"Shania... Please believe us... I know your confused... but we need you to stay with us."

"Stop trying to trick her you fends!" Fredrick said.
"Oh for the love of god stop this," Shania said holding her head "Shania," kai whispered so only she and the group could hear "that's your real name he doesn't know your real name but we do we are your allies we fight with you..." he sounded despite.

"Ok why the hell do i hear a voice in my ear what the hell is going on and let go of me already," Shania said so confused she was getting annoyed
Fredrick was not going to let up with trying to convince her, if he gave her time to think it might be bad for him. "Warrior, we need to leave... we are in danger." He said a bit pleading.

Sage took a good look around, she looked at herself. She was covered in blood, and so was the weapon she was holding. She saw two things that did not look human... one that was questionable and then another girl who looked like she lost her memory too.

"Hey girl, Warrior I guess they are calling you. I kind lost my memories too... Though I can see you are hearing the voices in your head too. That guy, his voice does not project like the other's does." Sage said, she had one hand in her pocket. Sage seemed to walk to the girl, the warrior and then suddenly swung her blade at both Fredrick and Lucifer Making both of them launch away from Shania. "Look i don't know who the hell all of you are, but back off the the girl."
Shania lifted her sword "Thank you," Shania said Kai looked releived they got her back maybe.

"Death Warrior Kid is our friend he won't hurt either of you he'd die before he harmed a hair on Warriors head but that guy Fredrick he'll kill us in fact we are still in a dance Freddy," Kai said.

Rose had lost consciousness now.
"Oh no Joker, I plan on leaving here with Warrior, I won't let you have her like you've taken my brother." Fredrick said frowning. "It is not my fault that memory beast you brought had back turned and taken your ally's memory too."

Sage raised an eye brow, but remained where she was, "I am confused as all get out right now... Who is Fredrick? Who is Death, who is Kid? Who is Freddy?"

Lucifer walked up a few steps closer again, "Your Death, Kid is me... Freddy is Fredrick, he is the Vampire behind you... He has your memories, Fredrick has your memories. Rose got hurt trying to keep them." Lucifer said a bit desperately. "Archer... try and get a shot on Freddy..."
Ebony was shaky as she drew her bow "I... if he moves i'll hit someone," Ebony said. "Rose... rose is going to die and it... it's all my fault," she was crying "I'm sorry,"

"Archer it's ok we will save Rose we will but first we got to save our friends, give them there memories back Freddy," Kai ordered him standing and twirling his weapon "I wont let you hurt them again,"

Shania huffed "this is too weird...," she said
"I have no the slightest idea what you are talking about Kai." He said, he was still frowning, "Warrior... we need to leave... stop standing next to that girl, she is your enemy."

"Archer... I promise Rose won't die from that shot." Lucifer said quietly. "But you need to save them again... Warrior and Death need you..."

"I am having the feeling we are about to be forced to choose a side..." Sage said to Shania. "I can see my side is define... but I am not sure where you belong."
"Pick a side," Shania said looking from the one vampire and the group of half dead looking fighters.

Ebony raised her bow and loosed an arrow right at Freddy's heart. "please don't miss," she begged it silently
"I don't know about you... but I am feeling a bit of a pull to stay where I am..." Sage said leaning on her scythe, watching Kai and Freddy.

Fredrick hissed before he nearly screamed, and arrow moving right through his chest. Although it did go through his heart, it still pieced the vampire.

Lucifer let out a long sigh of thankfulness that he was able to coax Ebony to shoot.
Ebony loosed another before he had enough time to run.

"Ok... yeah I feel like I should stay to his arms feel weird," shania said even as he screamed.
He did however move to leave. Fredrick jumped to the decaying cloth demon before Stabbing it with his glowing sword. With one swipe, the put up a shield to block Ebony's arrows. Then he jumped out of one of the window, Kai's shadow move blocking the window he left from so no one would follow him.

Lucifer actually ran straight into the shadows trying to follow Fredrick. He bounced of and hit the ground.
"Tch Damn It... He always gets away! He has their memories too!"
"Rose and the girls first," Kai said "Freddy later," he said "Death Warrior you guys feel ok?" he asked they didn't look too injured but he knew he expended alot of energy in that fight.

Ebony crawled to Rose half carrying Rhea. "Lucy is she going to be ok?"
Lucifer leaned down and looked at Rose, gently he pulled he to sit up. Using he strength and pulled out the arrow in her back. "Shes fine... just blood loss... help me wrap her up." he said.

Rhea seemed to stir as Ebony dragged her some.
"Mm.." She said, "I feel... sick..." Rhea's normal reaction after closing a portal.

"Tired... a bit confused, also a little wet. Blood does wounders for clothing I bet." Sage said, though she still looked ready to fight.
"Yeah we were in one hell of a fight," Kai said "Come on I'll get you to the car I packed extra clothes under the mattress in the back." Kai said "Kid you need anything from the van?" Kai asked as he watched Ebony wrapp Rose's injury. "Princess we know you lost your memory you always feel sick after closing a portal I'll carry you to the car," he picked Rhea up gently "you just need rest,"
"Princess? I am a princess?" She asked confused, her eyes a bit wide when Kai came to pick her up. "What... portal... to where?" She mumbled.

"Think we should go? Looks like another one with lost memory." Sage asked Shania, she glanced around at the decaying bodies around.

Lucifer pulled Rose up after he was done and gave Ebony a soft smile, she did the best she could,
"No, we will use the slave when we get back."
"Ok..." Ebony said.

"Do we have a choice?" Shania asked Sage.

"Princess is what I call you because I love you Rhea is your name," Kai said his voice thick though he was trying to hide it "I am Kai, the bird girl is Rose the kid's name is Lucifer, Death your name is Sage, Warrior as i told you your names Shania... Freddy will pay Ebony's arrow got him pretty good though."

Ebony looked at Lucifer "Can you carry Rose? her wings wont cut you right?"
"You love me... Rhea. Memory loss." She said quietly, she thought about things slowly. "I'll try not to ask to many questions." She said.

"Guess not." Sage said shrugging. Sage followed skeptically, "Sage is my name huh?"

"They will, but I rather me then you." Lucifer said quietly, walking with Ebony to the van.


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