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Wild Cards

Shania concentrated and surrounded them in her fire to protect them from the demon onslaught "I'm not retreating," Shania said simply.

"Nor am I, Oh Freddy do you want my real name since you know so much my name is Kai, and I'll be the one to kill you," Shania's flames were a welcome warmth to him she opened the back way in case Sage wanted to escape.
"I am not running, I just don't want to get swarmed or cornered, we are in a tight space." Sage tried to remind the two hot heads. She wanted at Freddy too, but still, they should know better.

"Kai is it? Pleasure to finally know your name." Fredrick said with a laugh.

Rhea was watching from the outside before she motioned for Ebony to follow her quietly around the building.
Ebony did so quietly. Shania burst through her fire and went straight for Freddy her sword blade on fire as her shield began to decipate. "look death I can't let him escape again it almost killed two of our group I will not let him live past today," Kai followed Shania after Freddy.
Rhea had came around to a back door, she needed to close the portal as soon as she could! The swarms seem to just keep coming...

Lucifer growled and finally rushed into the building to help, tired of staying put. He began to charge into the mass of demons, cutting down most anything in his way.

Sage sighed and jumped after Kai and Shania, thought she was trying more to keep the demon's from swarming her.

Several demons jumped on Shania and Kai as the tried to move past them to get to Fredrick, the vampire demon laughed rather loudly as he watch them try and trudge their way up to him.
Kai smirked and shadows wrapped around Fredrick Shania was catching anything that touched her on fire. Rose looked around but couldn't see Ebony or Rhea. Ebony had her bow readi following Rhea silently. though this was how they got their throats slit last time they fought freddy.

"You coward," Shania hissed "you can't take us on Freddy."
Finally Rhea and Ebony made it into the same room everyone else was in. Rhea had looked just tine time to see Freddy jumped to avoid Kai's Shadow's and move to another side of the room. Rhea took notice that Fredrick had two swords this time. Turning her gaze back to the portal, she looked at Ebony, hopping the girl could get her back while she closed the portal.

"I can't take you all at the same time no, and you increase of power had me worried so I went home to get a few things to help me out with that." Fredrcik said. Sage jumped out him, swinging her scythe, but Fredrick easily jumped out of the way to another part of the room again.
"Death Warrior stand down "I'll fight freddy one on one," Kai said swinging blood off his weapon.

"You wan't to know what dieing feels like I'll tell you its not fun," Shania said.

Ebony was shooting any demon that came close to her or rhea still being quiet
"Are you nuts?" Sage asked Kai, "You honestly believe we are going to let you do that. Warrior maybe, but I am not."

Fredrick laughed,
"I would love to dance with you Kai, it has been a while since we have had private time together." Fredrick seem to snap his fingers again and the demon swarm seemed to just meld away from Kai, though they attacked everyone else still.

Rhea reached for the portal with her hand after she had gotten to it, when she touched it, she began the closing process.

Fredrick seem to look up momentarily when he noticed the portal being closed and smirked, before lifting up both his swords.
"They aren't your opponents I am," Kai rushed Freddy like Shania normally would his eyes were full of fire.

Ebony was too busy shooting the swarm to notice Freddy at this time and shania was disparately trying to destroy all that was around her so she could get to kai before he died.
Fredrick laughed, "Oh no, I know who my opponent is dear Kai." He said, he spun both his swords in his hand, the new sword started to glow a bit and he smirked at Kai.

"Damnit..." Sage said, the swarms felt like the here concentrating more, pushing her back, she swung at them desperately trying to get to the idiot Kai.

Lucifer finally took flight out of the swarmed and turned to help Kai, diving at Fredrick.

Rhea could feel the portal almost closing, until something more stepped out of it. It was a tall looking man he looked like he was covered in blood and white Robes. His face was covered with a white cloth all except his mouth. He steps through the portal just before it closed and then with one swift motion, grabbed Rhea's head with his hands. "Ah..." Rhea was taken by complete surprise.
Ebony tunred and shot at it doing her best not to hit Rhea. "We need Help!" Ebony yelled. Rose dove into attack the white clothed demon.

Kai paid no heed to the glowing sword he was too focused on his foe. he spun his weapon and went for an attack at Fredrick's abdomen.

"D*mn this why is it if Freddy is around everything gets more difficult Princess hold on!" she said trying to make her way towards Rhea and ebony.
Ebony's arrow seemed to bounce off a shield of some kind, it was faint and glowing once it was hit. The man suddenly dropped Rhea, and in return he was holding a glowing orb. He clasped his hands around in before looking to Shania, who was running to him. Rhea just dropped to the ground, she was unconscious now.

Sage looked over to see what was happening,
"What the hell is that thing?" She asked, before jumping slashing another large amount of demons. Looking back at Kia, she saw Lucy coming to help, so she went to go help Shania, Rhea and Rose.

Fredrick seemed to plan the glowing sword in the ground to the side Kai was striking to take the blow. The blow itself moved Fredrick to the side a few inches from the force. When Lucy dived for him, Fredrick moved out of the way and sliced Lucifer on the shoulder before kicking him into Kai.
Kai gasped "What part of one on one fighting don't you guys understand?" he asked Lucifer and pushed him of before Kai could accidently hit him with his weapon. Kai gaurded Lucifer Standing in front of the demon so Freddy couldn't attack him.

Ebony caught Rhea and pulled her away to relitive safety. Shania slashed at the creature with her flaming weapon.
Lucifer jumped up immediately after Kai pushed him off and turned around to look at Fredrick and hissed, "You don't need to fight alone, something is very wrong with his sword there. I don't know what, but it is not good." ​ Lucifer looked like his shoulder was not bothering him at all and he was still ready to fight.

The creature seemed to just phase away, as if it made multiple copies of itself, it quickly surrounded Shania with the copies and at the same time all of them reached for her.

Sage was starting to get tired, she swung hard, but the smaller demons were slowing coming down to bearable number, Sage had taken care of a large majority of them. With the portal closed there was no way for them to replenish their numbers.
Shania used the ring of fire Tannis taught her to try and protect herself but she was sluggish and tiered by now.

"If my pride gets me killed it's my fault I'll just cut his arm off so he can't use the sword," Kai said his weapon ready.
The ring of fire worked, dissipating all the shadows around Shania, but not before the real one seem to drop from above her and then clasp his hands on her head. Shania could feel like her life was flashing before her, everything she had ever felt or seen was moving through her. When she was done, she felt and saw.... nothing. The demon removed his hands from Shania and in his hand was a red pearl.

Fredrick seemed to laugh,
"Two down." He said before. Lucifer looked up, "Two.." He looked over to see Shania behind held but the large demons, "When did that... oh no." Lucifer said, "Bridy help them!" Lucifer said.

"Warrior! Crap I am coming." Sage said, jumping foreword to kill off the demon.

With that, Fredrick lunged at Kai and Lucifer swinging both his swords at that them while they were distracted.
Rose dove at the white garbed demon. her wings like a drill around her again. "I'm trying," she said.

Kai didn't bother to dodge he just went to attack he didn't much seem to care about his own body at the moment.

Shania fell to the ground like Rhea unconscious.
Lucifer was worried about Shania, but dodged Fredrick easy enough anyway, Fredrick swung his new blade to meet with Kai's in an attempt to block him. Lucifer Lunged at Fredrick after a moment and was kicked away before Fredrick moved to attack Kai with his glowing sword in a downward's slash.

The demon seem to hold his hand up to Rose and a large shield appeared in front of him, making Rose run into it.

Sage watched as Rose ran into the shield, the same thing happened with Ebony's arrows. They guy can't have the shield up all the time though, or he could not have touched Rhea and Shania like he did.
Rose unfolded her wings and fell to the ground but on the ground she tried to trap him with her plants.

Kai kicked again disregarding the sword though his weapon would probably block it as he went to attack with it again Kai was full of fury so much so that shadows grabbed Freddy around his neck and began to tighten.
It was in that moment when Rose touched the ground that the field that seem to be around the demon, moved to completely around Rose, trapping her plants and all.The demon then turned to Sage and started to move to her.

Fredrick's sword was blocked by Kai's own blade, but when he was grabbed by the neck by the shadows, Fredrick used his sword and sliced through Kai's shadows. There was a small draining feeling in Kai when the blade went through the shadow's. Fredrick leaped out of the way When Lucifer tried to attack him again. Luifer turned coarse and attack again, cutting Fredrick on the arm some.

Sage was dodging the demon, but it seemed like everywhere she went, the demon reappeared, the occasional small fry would try and stop her. Finally Sage bumped into a wall, completely cornered. She had cornered herself by accident.
"Archer..." Sage said just before the demon pressed his hands onto her face, "His shield .. is around Rose right now.... shoot!" Sage said before she felt her entire conscious fade.
Ebony drew her bow and fired at the demon aiming for it's head hoping to kill it in one shot. "please strike true," she said Rhea's head in her lap.

Kai growled and attacked again "the sword has a draining quality to it huh?" he asked "cheap trick Freddy,"
Fredrick smirked at Kai before locking his weapon with Kai's again, "Only the best for you Kai." He said laughing. "Though it had a few more ticks here and there..."

Ebony's arrow did strike true, and went straight through the demon's head. Soundlessly it died, falling to the ground and dropping Sage. Dropping out of his hands were three small orbs the size of pearls, Red, White and Blue. The shield around Rose disappeared.
Rose flew and grabbed the pearls before checking Sage's pulse. Ebony was trembling but she drew again and aimed at Freddy who was distracted with Kai "how.. how dare you," she yelled loosing the wind charged arrow.

Kai was panting now the day had been full of fighting and he was getting rather worn out then he heard Ebony she sounded angry and scared.
Lucifer looked up from where he was and immediately jumped out of the way.

Fredrick looked up as well, noticing her as well. Quickly he jumped to move quickly away, the wind in the blast pushed him away where he hit the gournd and rolled. He got up quick, running, he was heading to Rose, jumping at her sword first, he needed those pearls.
Rose used her wings as a shield the metal feathers hopefully adding protection as Kai dashed after Freddy. "I am your damn opponent!" Kai yelled after Freddy Ebony loosing another arrow at Freddy

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