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Wild Cards

"Still the same old Rhea always trying to not be a burden, Ask as many as you want after you sleep." Kai said laying her in the back he tossed sage some clothes "We are about the same size just be long on you," it was a button up shirt and dress pants.

Shania sat in the van "I for one have alot of questions,"

Rose never stirred in Lucifer's arms she had fought so hard to keep the pearls. Ebony was still sniffling.
"Oh... Your kind of tall... I would say a lot long." Sage commented, though she was not going to change here, "Ok well... take us... where ever I guess." Sage said hopping it the passenger seat. "Huh.. this feels oddly familiar."

Rhea nodded and laid down to close her eyes, she did feel oddly tired.

Lucifer set Rose down next to Rhea, though put a blanket over her wings so she did not cut anyone. Lucifer eventually transformed bak to looking human before he looked at Shania, worried. he also gently whipped away Ebony's tears, "You did wonderfully." He told her.
"that my dear death bringer is where you always sit," Kai said getting in and texting a few numbers to his phone. "Kid, should we go to Shania's house? or shall we hide in mine?"

Shania watched Lucifer "you changed," she commented.
Lucifer looked up, "We should go home first... I think it will be best for Shania." He said quietly. Before he looked back at Shania, "Yeah... Shania I am a demon. You kill demon that threaten humans... but I am on your side. Fredrick earlier... he was a demon. The one that took your memory is also a demon... Rose here is a demon too, but also out ally." He tried to explain the girl.

Sage seemed to just said and look at the pen that was a scythe moment ago. "There is absolutely nothing in my head to think back on... demon hunters huh? Explains the blood..."
"I have our first well you Lucy Shania and Ebony's first fight on tape me and princess were trying to hold in the party guests," Kai said.

Shania sighed "I have no memories nothing at all... what will it take to remember?"
"Why would you show that to Shania?" Lucifer snapped, Shania had almost killed Lucifer in that fight... then nearly killed Sage. "Look Shania has tons of Photo albums at her house... it will be fine. We have to get those pearls back from Freddy, we need them to eat their own pearl." He said pulling Ebony close to him.

"Eat pearls... I think we can do that." Sage said, ruffling her hair.

"And Rhea's brother?" Lucifer asked Kai.
"I sent word that Rhea has been placed into protective custody since the kidnapper was seen at large near her and us we can't do anything like go to school untill I tell them to lift the... custody situation," Kai shrugged "it was all I could think of Ebony's parents were contacted as well,"

"Mom and dad are going to flip," Ebony said hugging Lucifer tightly.
Lucifer hugged Ebony back as tightly, "Don't worry... we can talk to them afterwords." He looked at Shania again, "Look... you body will remember everything... So I am just going to have to tell you to trust you guy's instincts. Your mind may be blank, but your body knows what to do. Like you said Sage... this felt familliure to you."

"That makes sense..." Sage said, thinking a bit. "Where do I live? If Shania has photo albums... I must have something as well right?" Sage said.
"You have a cat," Kai said "You went through a pretty bad time your mother... well you'd hate me to sugar coat this your mother died and like Shania you don't have anyother parents. Shania's brother died and she was alone until she started ... adopting Lucy and Rose," KAi said "I'll pick up your cat for you," Kai promised Sage. "you love to cook too maybe that'l make you feel better... as long as I don't get in your way,"

Ebony nodded into Lucifers chest.

"So I adopted two demons? and we hunt demons? and I have no family?" Shania asked.
"Yeah... your my big sister..." Lucifer said, his eyes flashed a bit sadly at Shania.

Sage seem to glance at Kai for a long moment, her eyes seem to be calculating him, judging things for herself, taking everything he said and turned it over in her mind.
"Ok. I'll believe you. Take me to my Cat Kai." She said turning back to look out the window. "You seem like we are a bit close." She said, more of an observation.
"You are my most trusted," Kai admitted "and I'll take your cat to you you are under protective custody,"

Shania reached out to ruffle Lucifers hair.
"So I can't even look at my own house? To see if I can find something about myself for myself?" Sage said. Her independent personality was still there.

Lucifer smiled wide at Shania and giggled,
"Yeah... you always do that to me." He said beaming at her.
"You can't do anything till I get everything calmed down look Sage with you Rhea and Shania out we are out a damage dealer our only healer and our greatest defense and a d*mn mad vampire is running around with a sword that steals our abilities from our bodies," Kai was tense to say the least.

"I can see why you're pretty cute when you laugh." Shania said still as blunt as ever..
"Calm down." She said slightly as blunt, "I was not saying alone... I assumed you would come with me. Besides, you said the vampire took a massive amount of damage right? Can he heal instantly?" She reasoned with him. "If not... take me for 10 mintues to let me look around, take all of us for all I care." She said shrugging.
"Rose is fine." Lucifer huffed, "Shes got worse when Hiro nearly killed her."

Sage smirked in victory, "I won't be long."
"Ten minutes Death that's it then get out," Kai used the same tone as when they were on missions "Freddy has too many tricks I don't like it. Oh your sponsor is going to be p*ssed off at me, not only did you loose your mind... his daughter is unconscious in my van,"

"Sponsor?" Shania asked.
Sage blinked,"Sponsor... Daughter?"

Lucifer nodded,
"Both of you have demon sponsors who have given you powers. Levi sponsors all of us but Shania. Rose's dad is Sage's Sponsors ... Shania, your sponsor is close to almost legendary demon of power..."
"They are gone... Sorry Rose... I failed to get a hold of them after Freddy cut you." Lucifer said sadly. "But we got everyone here... Freddy did not trick anyone to turn."
"I'm sorry, I tried to hold onto them," Rose said "why didn't you tell me getting shot burns so much?" she winced.

"I'm sorry," Ebony said.
"You should have known.... they have demon hunting weapons remember?" Lucifer said, hitting Rose on the head gently. "Stop making Ebony feel bad."

"Are we usually this big of a mess... or is it only when this... freddy appears?" Sage asked, looking at kai.
"We are always a mess but only with freddy does it not work for us... he teamed up with a demon named hiro kidnapped Ebony and Shania we almost lost Shania that night, Freddy tricked me into fighting him alone I almost died you saved me, that guy needs to get dead," Kai said

"I didn't mean to Rose Whined.
"Your fine Rose... just rest up." Lucifer said, gently rubbing Ebony's back.

When they got to Sage's house, Sage spent a good amount of time rummaging through the apartment. She let out a long farsighted growl, but she changed while being mad.
"I don't have anything in here! The only thing I can find is this stupid mask and a picture of my parents... or assume my parents." She said, coming out of her room with the fat cat in hands. "Ok this was a waist of my time. I keep nothing about myself around. Lets go." She told Kai.
Kai rolled his eyes "No but you are still acting like you, you'll have more stuff at Shania's probably thats like... our second home," Kai said.

"When did my house make a home for all of us it must be huge," Shania said

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