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Wild Cards

"I'd be foolish if I thought I could, Hell I can hardly protect myself," he shrugged "its such a big part of me I can't get out nor would I if i could," KAi admitted.

Ebony smiled "Shania really loves you but I love you too," She smiled.
Lucifer blushed, he felt his heart beat against his chest. He pulled Ebony's hand to his chest where his heart was before he spoke again, "I love you too, Ebony."

"I guess... we are both in for a bit of heart break." Sage said quietly.
"Ebony huh?" Kai asked with a small knowing smile. "IU caught on but you didn't seem too serious yourself.

Ebony smiled and pressed her ear to Lucifers chest to listen to his heart beat she held onto him "do demons marry?"
"Umm.. most demons... mate for life... so once you have mated, then that is it..." He said blushing a bit, "Most demons remate if their mates have passed on... but some never remate... There are a few exceptions here and there.... sometimes there are marriage rituals... but they don't mean us much to us as they do to humans."

Sage chuckled a bit and shrugged,
"I was in denial." She said, "Kind of would hate to see the same thing happen to you... kind of think you should take the chance."
"I'm content as long as she's happy," Kai said "god i sound like a bad romantic comedy loser," he stuck out his tongue.

"... when do you mate? At what age?" she asked looking up at him.
Lucifer blushed a bit, "My demon kind usually mates in our 20s.... we have more emphasis on our skills and family name. But it is normal for mates to be... taken earlier... Human mates.. can be looked down upon though... I don't feel like that though, its only a cation .. humans are known for being fickle, and easy to get board... You... you won't get board of me with you?" he asked a bit fearful.

Sage grinned,
"You do, its cute on you Kai, when you act like a softy."
"never," Ebony promised "I'll always love you,"

He stuck his tongue out at her "I am not soft... with anyone but Rhea and you d*mn me,"
"Oooh, You have a soft spot for me?" Sage asked with a grin, she leaned over to Kai, "Does this mean I can make doe eyes at you and get my way?" She asked with a grin.

Lucifer felt himself warm inside as he wrapped his arms around Ebony to pull her closer, giving her a gentle and loving kiss.

"In your dreams Death," he said with a smirk "if anything you do that i'll double your workload,"

She kissed back and smiled "I'm pending the night tonight," she said quietly.
Lucifer blinked, he liked when Ebony spent the night, sleeping next to her always made him happy. I liked waking up with her as well, it was soothing to him, and to her nightmares of recent as well. "Yeah?" He said brightly.

"Man... Rhea does it though, why won't it work for me?" She asked, pouting slightly.
She nodded and smiled "I love spending the night, it's the best," Ebony was happy to be close to Lucifer he was super cuddly and clingy and she loved it.

"Because I'm soft in different ways I beat sense into you i comfort her see?" Kai asked with a chuckle.
Sage huffed, "That's no fun.... I just verbally abuse and sexually harass everyone..." but then she rubbed the back of her head, "But I guess... in the end, I got.. a soft spot for you as well."
Sage laughed and shrugged, "Sounds like a good idea to me... though I have a feeling I am going to be kissing Rose till shes done..." Sage pressed her fingers to her lips, "I think she feels the same thing I do, Its like our powers mesh... its an odd feeling, I think that is whats been driving her to keep kissing me."
Sage glared at Kai before rolling her eyes at him, getting up and leaving to cook. The rest of the day went much like that. Sage had convinced everyone to play telephone some time as well. They probably played through half the game wondering why the statements were coming out not just a little wrong, but completely different Turned out every time it got to Sage she turned it into something else.

Rhea had a lot of fun and was practically beaming by the time they were done, but when they had gotten to the house it had warn off the girl and she had turned back into stressing over the portal. Rhea had actually made herself sit down and watch the tapes a few more times before they actually went to leave. Before they had left Rhea had gather a bit of the antidote they may need for Rose and Lucy, just in case to have on hand. Sage also had to go back home real quick to get the jewel for Rhea for when she found the portal.

"I've counted a total of 12 of those things... but there may be more in the building and in between the portal." Rhea said finally after watching the video a third time again. Sage had just texted Shania to tell her she had the jewel and would be back in 5 minutes.
"Sage will be here in Five, Rhea calm down stress causes an uneven head in battle, Luce you are on the team defending Ebony and Sage They need you so don't get hurt, Rose arial I need you to keep tour eyes as sharp as you can. Rhea we are stuck with Kai but we'll be just fine," Shania said

"Stuck with me gee thanks," Kai said and sighed "However you are righ we need to stay calm and open in order to win this with no casualties on our side."

"I can do air assaults! I'm good at fighting in the air!" Rose was way to happy to be going demon hunting
"C-casualties..." Rhea repeated what kai had said, that actually ended up making her freak out a bit more, Shania's near death still a bit fresh in her mind, "Mh..." Rhea sighed.

"I can do that, I have been practicing." Lucifer said.

"Good we will all come back victorious and in one piece," Shania said "no matter what we protect Rhea and Ebony never leave them out of our sight if Freddy is out he knows they aren't head on fighters and he may try to pick them off, Kai I have your back if you are in trouble,"

"I have yours too warrior," Kai said and clasped her shoulder. "Sage will look after Ebony and Lucifer you don't have to worry and Luci has grown alot he's going to show those big kitties who is boss,"
"Of course I would, why wouldn't I?" Sage asked, closing the door behind her. She tossed Rhea the jewel before smiling, "I am ready to go. Sorry I forgot the jewel. Lets head out." She said motioning to outside.

When they did get in the car, Sage passed out the mics and Rhea helped Rose with her own mic, still trying to keep her nerves down.

Lucifer on the other hand was his normal relaxed self, he never really changed to seriousness till the actual sensing of the other demons.
"This will be my first time really being part of a portal closing expedition," Rose said a bit jumpy "anything i need to know?" she asked

"Protect Rhea she is the only one that can close the portals," Kai said "and Ebony is very weak with close combat but at range she can tear things apart easily. Shania is a horrible planner makes a habit of rushing opponents too strong for her so she needs backup alot, Sage is defensive her actual combat needs work but, she is smart and doesn't rush in Lucifer picked up alot of Shania's bad habits remember our code names birdy? Also I'm more of the guy who only goes in if he is needed I'm not the best fighter but I know the field pretty well I still might need an air view," Kai said

"Oh wow... you guys are so weird as a team," Rose said.
"Oh? Just remember to use our code names, as soon as these mics come on, we use them. Of course your Code name is Bridy." Sage said shrugging.

Rhea nodded, though fidgeted, Kai had it on the dot.

Lucifer had transformed when they had gotten to the area, taking to the skies almost immediately as soon as they where out of the car.
"I think freddy is here..." Lucifer said, immediately recognizing the demon.

Rhea's heart sunk into her chest... She knew it.
Rose shot into the air herself her feathers becoming blades as she focused on them "I have a bone to pick with him." Rose said flying around like normal

"Personal vendetta's after we are all safe and the portal closed ok Birdy?" Kai asked she nodded.

"Ok Priestess stay close to Trickster no matter what, I'll always be close as well," Shania promised.
"Yeah... I am your charge today Archer, Try not to stay to far." Sage said simply, taking out her Scythe. "Besides Birdy, If anyone has a bone to pick with him, its Kid, Joker, and I." She said chuckling a bit.

Rhea only nodded and followed behind Kai, knowing Shania will charge a bit ahead before Kai himself.

When Lucifer got up, it seemed like the Tigers were ll crowded around one building, the building he felt Freddy and the portal coming from,
"looks like they are trying to get Freddy..." Lucifer said.
"Should we let them try is the question," Kai said dryly "torn apart by big poisonous kitty cats sounds good to me,"

"Trickster please try to think if he is close to the portal be may be trying to drag something in again," Shania said "I'd rather not fight another hydra,"

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