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Wild Cards

"I agree..." Rhea said.

"Ugh that Hydra was such a pain!" Sage exasperated.

"Waiting would be out of the question, he looks like he is locked up tight in a building." Lucifer said again.
"Well let's kill us some kitties...," Shania transformed her blade and looked to Kai "You actually going front lines?"

"Hell yeah, I've been training these shadows of mine, this will be a trial by fire, Death stay with archer me and warrior will come at the group from both sides archer shoot any that try to escape sound good team?" Kai asked
"Oh so I am on guard duty today? Alright, fine by me.." Sage was pretty sure the moment Ebony shot something, it was going to move its attention to Ebony.

"Since we know where Freddy is... maybe I should stay near Archer, so I don't burden you guys. Also Kid, give us a quick head count." Rhea said after a moment.

"Oh ehm... 14... I see 14 of them." he said after counting and recounting the tigers a few times.

"Freddy probably killed a few of them. Count a number every time you kill one." Rhea said after a moment.
"Oh fun trickster I bet i can kill more then you," Shania said

"You are on Warrior," Kai smirked.

"Are those two like this alot?" Rose asked watching them run to attack Shania circling to get to the other side her sword coming down hard on one as Kai's axe slit into one on his side
"No... usually it is Joker and Death." Rhea said quietly.

"But I am sitting out this time." Sage said, a bit of pout in her voice as she leaned on her scythe.

Lucifer wished he could attack from the sky a lot like Rose could, but the most he could do was dive and he was not sure diving at poison cats would be a good idea.
"Most of them seem a lot more wanting to get in to the building then you guys... but I don't think the mass has noticed you guys yet." Lucifer said.
"one," Kai and shania said at once, Rose sighed and spun and dived ant the cats at the bake jetting up at the last second her feather blades shooting at the cats at the back.

Shania slashed another one trying to get them in one hit but she had to jump away "two," she said avoiding one's claws.

Kai swung and one jumped at him and he readjusted his attack to bring the blade up into the cats stomach. "Two," he said flinging it off his blade.
So far so good... Rhea thought, Though they are making it more difficult to count them, 4 down.

"Archer, look."'
Sage said, pointing at one of the cats, it seem to turning to run.

"They look like they are starting to scatter..." Lucifer said, finally diving down to help round a few of them up, trying to keep them together.
"Not gonna let them!" Ebony loosed an arrow it went straight trough one, "one," She drew again ready to loos another.

Rose had strong weeds burst and hold four of them in place. Shania killed one of the pinned ones Kai got two in one swing but almost got hit but he was wearing his shadows like an armor. "One for me two for Joker so we've killed, eight already," Shania said dodging a few claws and singing a cat.

One Cat lept up at Lucifer claws out.
Sage let out long whistle when Ebony's arrow shot through the cat like it did.

"you guys have actually killed 9... Warrior has 4, Joker 5, Birdy 1, Archer 1."
Rhea said, quickly keeping of the numbers.

Lucifer could not maneuver fast enough out of the way, he knew this, so he let himself drop, folding his wings and basically ducking under the tiger and raking his claws under the beast. He landed hard on his back, but the tiger died on the spot, most of its insides spilling out,
"One for me." He said a bit loss of breath in his voice, getting up and taking flight again.

"10. 4 more. 1 is pined." Rhea said.
Rose flew down her wings around her like a drill and she literally drilled through the pinned one. "One for me only three more," Rose said flying off into the air "you ok kid?" she asked looking down at Lucifer.

Shania sliced through another as it tried to escape "5 only 2 more," Shania said "Death one's coming at you fast," Shania called Ebony was focused on one down the field and didn't notice the one coming up on the side. Ebony loosed killing one in the field but she was open now,
Sage was on her feet in moments, running to the beast and cut it right under its legs, tripping it and watching it roll before it had even reached Ebony. "Got it!" Sage mused, bringing her scythe down onto the throat of the cat. "Told you I would protect ya Archer." Sage said, winking at her.

"Ok, all of them are dead, quick plan for the portal and Freddy. I guarantee this is a trap." Rhea said.

Lucifer landed a moment later, looking at Rose,
"Yeah I am fine, just though better then trying to fly to dodge. Not quick enough."
Rose flew to him "are you cut?" she asked that got both Shania and Ebony's attention.

"No doubt it is a trap." Kai said "In fact he probably knows we think its a trap and will stay out here longer buying him time,"
"No..." He said, "I just landed hard on my back, that's all."

Rhea looked up when she heard cut, but Lucifer said no so she guessed it would be ok.

"Lets go through one of the windows."
Sage said, looked up at the building, she just realized it was a rather large chuck. "Interesting..."
"Kid can you tell us exactly where freddy is?" Kai asked Shania scoped out the windows trying to find a good entrance Rose was flying around doing the same thing.
"Yeah... right next to the portal. He is not really moving." He said.

Rhea frowned,
"Sounds like he is waiting to pull something out."

Sage seemed to move around the building too. Freddy has to be laughing his @ss off as they walk around the buildin
"I can just... fly in," Rose said "and if he has a trap... I can try to see it."

"Too dangerous," shania said though that sounded like something she would do.
"Stop teaching your children bad habits Warrior." Sage said, to Shania, though she was laughing.

"I don't think we have much choice but to go in..." Rhea said quietly.

Sage sighed, "Let me go in first, I have the best defense here, I can probably dodge what ever he can throw." She said, stepping up.
"I'll go with you I'm good at frontal assaults," Shania said "in case he corners you like the first time you fought."

"Fight over who goes into an obvious trap why don't you?" Kai asked
"Warrior does." Sage pointed out with a smile, before approaching the door. She looked at Shania to see if she was ready to go in. The more they dilly dallied, the more Freddy was laughing at them.

When she opened the doors, Sage to a few long calm steps into the church, to see Freddy sitting down on the alter waiting.

"Oh, good, I was starting to think you guys were never going to walk though the doors." he said, a smirk on his face, his sword in one hand, the only difference was he had a second sword in his other hand.

"Hello Freddy," Shania said calm as always striding in fearless and rather reckless though she didn't get within his sword range and she had the fire in her ready as well.

"Don't converse with him! Birdy Kid stay," KAi strode in.
"Oh Warrior, seems you made a full recovery. A Shame, I was really hopping Hiro at least swept you under the rug." He said he crossed his legs and the smiled brightly when Kai walked though, "Trickster! Such unrest to see you are doing well too." He said

"I think we feel the same way about you Freddy." Sage said, staring the guy down.
"Actually i'm glad we are on even ground," Kai said "oh and our dear warrior is not that easy to kill like Death she doesn't stay dead,"

Shania held kai back from getting too close though he wanted to tear him apart.
"I've noticed how increasingly hard it is to kill you lot..." Fredrick said.

"We can say the same for you, so do us a favor and come over here." Sage said, swinging her scythe to the side.

"Sage was it?" Fredrick asked. Sage's eyes narrowed, "On the dot. Why not come here? I would love to have you an ally of all people." He said. "Same with your Warrior. It would be such a fantastic show to watch you two turn on the Joker." He mused coolly.
"Sorry I'm not much on betrayal," Shania said dryly "I fight with our Trickster often enough but you after what you and Hiro did all I want is your head on a spike."
"Yeah? I see we often have the same feeling but for different people." Finally Fredrick stood up from the alter, leaned a sword on it for a moment before he grinned and snapped his fingers. Within moments a swarm of demons rushed out of the portal.

Sage made a face as dozens of demons started to rush to the three of them, quickly to swung her blade across the small horde and killed several in one swing.
"Fall back?" Sage asked.

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