• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Widersia:Clockhaven] Tinkerers Triage I:Start up company!

Erich Zann
[Isekai Mundane], [Apprentice Tinkerer]

Unfortunately, Erich's inspection of the six-armed figure's horns ended up being cut short, after quite a strong pull from something. Turning his head to face his interlocutor, the tinkerer saw who it was: a female beast-humanoid, with a few distinct features which made her look like a squirrel. Erich had not seen a real squirrel up and close, after all, how could he? Those weren't present at Gneron 4VJ1. In fact, no animal was, but he had some knowledge about them from data banks. Still, she was quite strong for someone shorter than him, appearing to be equally lighter. Was she wearing some sort of mechanical-strength augmentation under her clothes? An exoskeleton, perhaps? Maybe.... or maybe it was only natural strength. He had met a fellow during his last trip which was incredibly fast after all.

Offering not resistance to being pulled away from the other person of interest, nor being able to offer it, his hazel eyes now were directed towards the shorter-female, emerald-colored ones. "Oh no, I wasn't talking about her limbs, you see! No, no, I was talking about the appendages on top of her head! There!" He would say, turning around a bit and pointing at the horns on top of Leian's head. With his attention going back to the squirrel-girl in front of him, he would finally satisfy her query. "My name is Erich Zann, I am a tinkerer and engineer. Formerly employed by Nykkon Conglomerate, R&D of the Weaponry Division. Currently working under my mentor, Cellica, back in Ryken." The mouthful was spoken in quick succession, which answered the first part: who he was. After saying so, he would stop for a moment, gathering his next thoughts, as if trying to remember why he had made the arduous trip to Widersia to begin with. "Oh, right, why I am here. I've heard from one of the clients that visited the workshop that this place, Widersia, had some pretty interesting stuff. More advanced than the rest of countries! Although, I don't quite know the name of all of them... uhhh... there is the East Empire that the animal-folk walk around with collars, whatever those are... uhhh... The See which I was told to not go to... and... mmm..." While his sentence began coherent enough, it became slightly less coherent as he went on, as he rambled.

Crossing his arms, Erich was lost in thought for a moment, getting the spanner out of the front pocket of his lab coat and beginning to twirl it, with the index finger of his right hand stuck into the ring of the tool. After a while of twirling the tool, it appeared that his mind became better focused. "Ah yes, I came here to see the technology available, find out what I can work with." Adding to his explanation, Erich's eyebrow raised as the female in front of him mentioned an event. "An event? I had no idea that there was an event taking place... OH! Is it related to the motor over there? Ah, wait..." He stopped remembering what Viokii had told him previously about his lack of social cues. Maybe he ought to learn who is he dealing with first? "Sorry about that, who might everyone one of you be?" He asked, first directed at the female in front of him and then at the others present in the workshop.
Julius Atreus Astolgia

Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer
Character Sheet
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo Maxxob Maxxob

Julius would begin to put the motor within a loop to properly gauge its output of power. He’d nod at Eriedeth as she gave her status update, “excellent, once we’ve got all the pieces we can start solving the puzzle.” The tall man grinned, at about this time the doors to the workshop flung open with a stranger standing at the front.

Annoyed, the Astolgia man would raise his wrench towards the intruder. “HEY, WHO JUST BARGES INTO SOMEONE'S WORKSHOP AND STARTS GIVING ADVICE!” Julius shouted back. It seemed like Eriedeth also was unaware of who this mystery person was. His name was Erich and it seemed like he came from Ryke, it also appeared to Julius that this individual wasn’t too aware of the world around him. Perhaps he was one of those off-worlders who came to this land through some sort of freak experiment.

Julius was appalled at how Erich was a shoot first ask questions later individual.

“It’s better to introduce yourself and get to know everyone before you ask questions. Names Julius Astolgia.” The red haired man grumbled as he continued to test out the voltage of his motor. A smile would appear on his face again at the sight of stable readings from the motor, now to work on the Analog keyboard.

“Maybe we should get a security bot, what do you think Eridieth?”
Leiana Offer
Leiana was absorbed in her work for a moment, until she felt someone prodding at her horns. She let out a rather shrill "EEP!" before turning her head around quickly, her eyes wide and her cheeks red with a blush. "Erm... firstly, who are you? And secondly, don't touch my horns unless you've at least taken me out for dinner first. That is a very intimate place." She said, one of her arm sets covering her horns protectively. She pulled out her lamp, covering it protectively as well, not sure if this person would try to kidnap her like some others do. "Besides, who on earth are you? We're in the middle of very proprietary business!" She said, her other hands covering the keyboards she had been working on with a frown on her face, her blush slowly draining from her face.

  • Out of character information

    Against her own (and Julius’s maybe) better judgement she offers Erich a spot on the team in exchange for not turning him in.

    Character Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Eriedeth: Start up the company 'Tinkerers Triage'/Create Gauntlet
    ( SixSense SixSense ) Julius: Start up the company 'Tinkerers Triage'
    ( NeramoDJI NeramoDJI ) Leiana: Start up the company 'Tinkerers Triage'
    ( Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ) Pierre: start up the company 'Tinkerers Triage'/find a job
    ( Maxxob Maxxob ) Erich: Start up the company ‘Tinkerers Triage

[Isekai Mundane], [Apprentice Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric]

Erich's eyes darted towards the red-haired, tall man for a moment, as he showed his indignation towards the engineer's actions. In his mind, Erich wondered who wouldn't burst into someone's workshop and give advice? It wasn't strange for Erich to walk into different divisions of the Nykkon Conglomerate to see what they are up to, giving suggestions here and there. How those were taken, however, is another different story. Still, he had learned the man's name: Julius Astolgia. "Nice to meet you, Julius." Erich offered the man with an unchanging attitude, either not seeing anything wrong with his own actions or simply not feeling sorry for them.

Next, his attention would be focused on the female who had Tesla Coils on top of her head. Clearly that was what those were! He couldn't be wrong for a second time, could he? No, no, no, that would be just silly. Watching her take a protective stance to cover her horns, his assumptions of what the appendages really were just became more and more engrained in his mind, maybe stubbornly so. "Oh... like I said, Erich Zann, tinkerer and engineer! And dinner? Mmmm..." Tilting his head, Erich began to think about the Leiana, at least that is how he guessed her name was, thanks for the squirrel girl, said about dinner. So far, it appeared that Tesla Coils were very intimate part of one's body, for some reason, and only after feeding them food one would be allowed to examine them. He couldn't make heads or tails of why that was so, but he assumed that it was some sort of local custom.

His hazel eyes would fall next on the object she started to clutch protectively. He had no idea of what that was, just that it had a very curious shape. When she mentioned 'earth' he shook his head in denial. "Earth? No, not Earth, I am from Gneron 4VJ1... oh..." His eyes widened a bit when the words 'proprietary business' were uttered by her, the spanner on his finger being twirled even faster. That was something he was very familiar with. "... oh, now I see! Keeping patents and blueprints secret is serious business! Industrial espionage is a very nasty endeavor. That is why I've always had a combat bot accompanying me, in case there was a need for it." He said, nodding a few times to himself, while his eyes trying to get glimpses of the keyboard she was trying to hide.

However, the squirrel girl had, once more, captured his undivided attention. He didn't quite buy the story that those horns weren't Tesla Coils, him being wrong a second time of the true nature of the appendages on top of one's head was simply too much. As she introduced herself, he nodded with a relaxed expression on his face. He would take to heart Eriedeth's advices about the other realms, just as he had done with Chandra, or Kalina, had better explained how [Criminal Titles] worked. He would stop spinning the spanner, putting the tool back into his pocket and cross his arms, while he listened to her attentively.

When she mentioned the advancements of mundane technology in Widersia, something prompted him to comment on something which she, and the others, might find it curious. "Mmmm... before coming to Widersia, I was in the Underbelly in Ryken, ever heard of it? It is a rather lawless place, filled with criminals, vampires and some other stuff. There was some odd inventor in there called... Professor Dougal. The poor man is becoming senile from what I saw, but he owns some very interesting technology himself, among them, even a real time surveillance system! Well... the image isn't that clear, plus he did hand me some firearm which ended blowing up when I tried to use it. Still, I suppose some of his stuff is useable." He commented, almost as if going back there for a moment.

He became silent when Eriedeth exchange some words with Julius and then explained her proposition to him. His gloved hand made its way to his hairless chin, slowly caressing it while he digested every word she spoke. His expression looked unreadable during her explanation and at the end of it, he nodded a few times. "Oh! Is that whatchamacallit... 'blackmail', ain't it?" A wide smirk appeared on his face, before offering his right hand forward in a handshake. "Righto~, I am sold to the idea, so you can count me as a member of your team. Let's 'rob' those investors blind and get all the funds necessary!" He said, in a very laid-back manner, something unknown glinting in his eyes.
Leiana Offer
"Well, I can't condone hiring a clear pervert, but if it's what you all thing is best I suppose I'm outvoted then." Leiana said, her arms still moving over the keyboards and working on them while one set cross over her chest in a pout. "It's not robbing anyways, it's providing a service the people need at a price they're willing to pay! Perhaps it's a substantial fee, but such is the price of innovation and comfort." She corrected the new member on stating they were going to rob the investors blind, making it somewhat more palatable for said investors to accept their payment demands. She is a sales expert after all, making things good for the investor and the customer is very important.

"It's a little surprising you don't know such basic information, but I suppose such is the way of things." She added, reaching one of her hands into her lamp and withdrawing a screwdriver to adjust the keyboard, her arm liquifying to get into the lamp when she did so.
Players and Goals:
( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )Eriedeth Pip: Start up the company Tinkerers Triage /Offically Create her catalyst gauntlet
( SixSense SixSense ) Julius Astreus Astolgia : Start up the company Tinkerers Triage
( NeramoDJI NeramoDJI )Leiana : Start up the company Tinkerers Triage
( Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ) Pierre :Start up the company Tinkerers Triage /Find a job
( Maxxob Maxxob ) Erich : Start up the company Tinkerers Triage

Other information:
Annnnndddd we have officially switched scenes :3. I imagine this will be the last scene technically. So I’d estimate about 3 or 4 rounds left of this rp before it completes (at most) TLDR is simple. We are at the event. And there was a time skip.

Ps:I changed the code to make this easier sorry if it’s a tad jarring ;-;

Note: Between now and June 1st I’ll be working on moving. I’ll be doing my best to keep this schedule on track, however do not be surprised if I am late or early by a day or two some rounds.


The next day, the wind gently blew throughout the city of Clockhaven. The Widersian Captial's skies being tainted gray with a black smog and Steam emanating from the factories within the city. Widersia citizens bustling around torwards centeral station. The sounds of train whistles and motors could be heard from anywhere in the city. The group would follow the masses towards Central Station, the place where the start-up competition would start. As they walked, Eriedeth held both the mechanical raven and water purifier (C grade strength). The previous night. after the group had completed their prototypes, Eriedeth had worked on her own project, a gauntlet that fit the size of her paw with [Artisan[D]:Tinkerer/Artificer] she had used the Mithril catalyst to form the gauntlet. Albeit there was probably a lot more work that needed to be done to it before testing it out mechanically, as there were plans to give it mundane abilities. Like navigation, perhaps mining abilities, but there was only so much time in the night, so she was only able to make a normal [F grade catalyst]. Once they made it to the Central station, it would leave them waiting as other teams got called up 1 at a time for their presentations. This would give them the time they needed to discuss the presentation and come up with a company name in the meanwhile, while Eriedeth had already taken care of the application for the start-up competition. Eriedeth paced back and forth. Perhaps it was nerves. While Widersia was neutral to her species, they didn't have the highest opinions about beasts playing a part in the field of science. Eriedeth had always been a little weird that way, probably, her dedication to engineering seemed to have carried on in her past life. Speaking of which, that reminded her of something Leiana said.

"Hey Leiana...are you fro-- what is earth?"

She changed the phrasing at the last minute, but it was belated, so they would likely catch on. She didn't like risking it... Probably because of Julius, who probably knew about other worlders, she didn't know how. Perhaps due to his parents? She never met them though, and for all he knew what she had heard when she was younger, it could've been him bluffing. But he still seemed to know of them being a thing. About Erich, she could guess he was an otherworlder. It was easy. He basically admitted it. She then asks.

"Okay names for the company...maybe Innovators Inc?"

While they waited, they might as well converse. She also thought about whether things went well, investing in some properties to give them more to work with. For such a business she doubted they'd make it in a workshop alone.

Last edited:
[Isekai Mundane], [Apprentice Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric]

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SixSense SixSense Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo

There was a visible confusion on Erich's face upon being called a pervert, not really remembering of performing any unsavory advances with the intent for intimacy towards any of those present at the workshop. He just tilted his head, slightly, pondering for a few moments why he had been called that, but dismissed it in the following one. Clearly Leiana's Tesla Coils could be malfunctioning and the electrical waves of it interfering with the ones of her own brain, yes, that must be it. Still, that was a pretty dangerous situation to be in. She ought to take the appendages for maintenance ASAP before random thunderous discharges begin to happen and things become a tad chaotic.

"A service they need, huh? There is always a possibility to create the necessity, even if it didn't exist before." The tinkerer commented briefly, not really going in detail what he meant by it. He didn't think the six-armed female was wrong about his inexperience with investors, however. Erich might have dealt with directors on a presidential board, but not with the final client. His salesmanship was rather lacking, only by chance catching the attention of a certain vampire about his wares. He could only watch the bizarre scene, as Leiana's hand got into the strange, metallic object she was holding it, being sure that would probably be some sort of 'magic' which he heard and saw in this bizarre place.

He didn't sleep that much during that night, having rented a cheap room in a local inn. In fact, Erich didn't sleep at all. Just as usual, he would often not tend properly to his own body's needs. Yet, he didn't seem tired, his body already being used to make due with whatever sleep it got. As he walked towards the Central Station, he couldn't help but take another moment to appreciate the curious technological place that Widersia was. When the group stopped, Erich watched as Eriedeth paced back and forth. "Are you nervous? First presentation in front of a 'board'?" He asked her, thinking that maybe that was it. "If one gets stuck, another one of us should be ready and able to continue it. Showmanship is often more important than the product itself, as my mentor has taught me." He said, appearing to be eager to do it, even if only the gods knew exactly what his explosive mind would say to the investors.

When the question of which name the group should use for the company came, Erich appeared to be pensive. His hazel eyes darted towards the ground, as his mind tried to think about a choice. "How about... The Artificial Syndicate?"
Julius Atreus Astolgia

Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer
Character Sheet
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maxxob Maxxob NeramoDJI NeramoDJI


Julius was genuinely at a loss for words when it came to Erich. Apparently he was not even initially from their world, hailing from Genevin 4VJ1 or something like that. Now he was pestering Leina about her horns. This is why you shouldn’t work with amateurs, they just make things much more difficult. At the end of the day whether Erich stayed or went would be up to Eriedeth since it is her shop.The tinkerer would give a dismissive shrug as he returned back to his work, tossing out replies to the interesting conversation going on behind him.

“Don’t pay him too much mind Leina, if he causes you anymore trouble I’ll beat him for you” Julius chuckled, whether or not that's a joke Erich would have to find out

Creating the Analog keyboard was his new focus which would be a bit easier than the other languages. The language consists of a collection of numbers so the keyboard would be comparatively smaller than the other ones.

The next day came rather quickly, after the work at the shop had been finished. Julius had decided to return back to his initial work on the J hammer. The sun would greet him soon enough indicating he should get ready to present, Julius would arrive well dressed for the occasion. A black suit with a red shirt underneath the same colored palette as the hair atop his head. He also even had a red handkerchief to match, providing a rather sharp look for the tall gentleman. The group gathering at central station was an interesting sight to see, they all collectively seemed like an unlikely group but at the same time they meshed together oddly.

Julius would take notice of Eri’s nerves as she tried to make small talk. “Don't be so nervous Eri, you’re not going to be on stage alone. Besides you have the prodigious Julius on your side backing you.” Julius smirked, trying to make jokes to distract Eriedeth.

Erich’s comment on showmanship was probably the first thing to come out his mouth that didn’t sound ignorant.

“You’re spot on about that my weird friend. Emotional intelligence is just as important as logical intelligence. Doesn’t matter what you say if you don’t connect with the crowd, we could always provide a little show. Get the people involved with the demonstration.” Julius smirked looking towards the group.

“As for the group name, how about Julius and the J-Stars?”
Leiana Offer
Leiana listened to the people talking around her, until Eiredith nabbed her attention with a question, the woman smiling as she clasped 4 of her hands together. "Oh! It's a turn of phrase my father would use. A very good man, he would tell me stories of where he came from before he came to Ryke and met my mother. He had many of those kind of phrases." She said with a smile, one of her six hands patting the girl on the back as they got to the discussion of naming their company.

"Oh come now, you're all thinking too simply. A true good name would involve all of us somehow, but with some kind of pop to the common buyer. But it can't be too long, lest the name not come up in casual conversation..." She said with a hum, before snapping her fingers with a smile. "Perhaps Steamfire Incorporated? We all seem to have some experience in the kind of engines of the kind, and it's something easy enough for people to remember."
Players and Goals:
( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )Eriedeth Pip: Start up the company Tinkerers Triage /Offically Create her catalyst gauntlet
( SixSense SixSense ) Julius Astreus Astolgia : Start up the company Tinkerers Triage
( NeramoDJI NeramoDJI )Leiana : Start up the company Tinkerers Triage
( Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ) Pierre :Start up the company Tinkerers Triage /Find a job
( Maxxob Maxxob ) Erich : Start up the company Tinkerers Triage

Other information:
TLDR: the characters have been called up! Give the presentation your best shots everyone!

And now I come to realize that this might be the second to last round of this roleplay. Might be perfect to end it next week.

Anyways do your best to help explain the construct raven ! i left that part open for a reason.


When Erich asked about her nervousness she remembers exactly how ignorant of this world Erich is. The first Isekai she was aware of meeting and Eriedeth wished they had been similar cases in which he was reborn into this world and able to properly acclimate to it.

“Oh yeah, you don’t know. Beastkin aren’t well known in the fields of science…. That’s why Widersia primarily has Faes and Humans and constructs living within its borders. Technological life has not exactly been easy for most beastkin to adjust to. And as a result, saying most here don't look at a beastkin and say 'oh there's someone who can help advance our society!' is an understatement."

Why did she have to be reborn into a beastkin anyway? Perhaps it doesn’t matter now. It’s been 19 years since then. She nods, saying.

“That is one of the many pros of working in a group…hmm…. Artificial Syndicate.. Not that bad.”

Eriedeth expected worse out of him in terms of name suggestions due to his believing that horns are tesla coils. She then replies to Julius.

“Huh, yeah, ‘prodigious’ is a strong word, wouldn’t you say?”

She wished he had the reputation to back that up. How helpful that would have been. However, his name suggested she should’ve expected that.

“No. It would be like me naming us Eriedeth and the Pips. It sounds like a band title.”

Eriedeth nodded to Leiana’s explanation. Her dad was a isekai? Small world it seemed, but made sense in a way. She then replies.

“You are right, Miss Offer. How about… Tinkerers Triage?”

After that, their group was called, simply called ‘group H’. They would enter the building and Eriedeth would put their precious prototypes on the table. Eriedeth would receive strange looks from the judges. Some seemed skeptical, some seemed intrigued.

“I am Eriedeth Pip. My pitch is to start a company centered around innovative technologies that hopes to branch out to other countries on this continent. For now, we are presenting smaller scale prototypes to show what kinds of inventions we intend to push forward.”

She picks up the water purifier first.

“Our nation is not known for clean water, our factories pollute it to the point we have a reserve especially for it. So I propose a solution with this prototype. It’s called a Water Purifier.”

She through a vent. If someone looked closely enough, they could see wind turbines through it.

“Powered by wind energy, pressing the button on top will activate a set of wind turbines which will convert air into a power source. Once said power source starts up the machine, it will light a small and fire inside which will be distinguished once it’s filled its purpose with air redirection.”

Eriedeth explained as she pressed the button. Picking up a waterskin which she had filled once, breaching Widersian borders. She had picked it back up at her workshop. After just returning to Widersia, and collected a sample. Pouring the water into a rectangle on the top of the purifier as it comes out the other end clean. She was quick to catch the water with the waterskin again.

“The heat boils the water then pours it into a strainer. Making it cleaner and drinkable. This was made with the intention of putting it in front of major water streams like Guhua river. And next…is the construct raven..”

She pushed it in front. Her nerves were beginning to get the best of her.
[Isekai Mundane], [Apprentice Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric]

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SixSense SixSense Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo

Erich listened to the others with an attentive expression. The threat of physical harm by the red-haired humanoid had not gone over the tinkerer's head, his hand nonchalantly adjusting the potency of his Hi-Tech Hurt Stopper under his lab coat. It should give him some time to react to a possible blunt trauma, assuming its force doesn't exceed 7000N.

Julius certainly looked confident and sure of himself. So much so that Erich thought he ought to try and look at his schematics at a later date. If the hubris matched reality, the tinkerer would have stuff that would make the 'professor' he met earlier look like an amateur!

As the many names were mentioned, he had taken a slight liking to 'Eriedeth and the Pips'. It had a certain ring to it, but as another option had been put forth, Tinkerers Triage, he nodded in agreement. "Mmmm... that sounds like a solid choice. Both words begin with 'T' causing a nice alliteration, and it is short enough for people to remember it."

And then came the presentation itself, as group H had been called forth. Erich watched with palpable interest, as the squirrel girl introduced the prototype, which he hadn't seen thus far, for a water purifier. He looked at the invention with a critical eye, almost as if he were one of the judges himself.

When the water exited the apparatus, the tinkerer was surprised on how savvy the creation was. Still, it looked like the demonstration could be taken a step further, and thus, he decided to enhance it with some showmanship. As soon as the waterskin had been filled up, Erich snatched it from the squirrel girl's hands, very overtly, making sure the crowd and judges were certain that it was the same one. Stepping forward, he would present the waterskin, before opening the top of it.
"And as you can see, ladies and gentlemen..." He began, before bringing the waterskin to his mouth and starting to drink from it, with deep gulps, putting his trust in what the group had developed. Hopefully, that wouldn't give him severe diarrhea or anything of the sorts.

When he was done, he cleaned the few droplets of water which escaped the corners of his mouth with the sleeve of his lab coat. "... clean and drinkable. A real solution for a real problem!" He finished, with palpable enthusiasm, a wide grin being present on his lips. Hopefully, both efforts would be enough to drive home the point of what an incredible solution had been presented to them. Stepping back after doing his thing, while still holding the waterskin, he allowed Julius and Leiana to continue the presentation, moving now to the construct raven. After all, one could only hog the spotlight for so long.
Julius Atreus Astolgia

Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer
Character Sheet
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maxxob Maxxob NeramoDJI NeramoDJI

The handsome crimson haired man would flash his pearly whites as he took the stage. Eriedeth may not be a fan of the spotlight but Julius was definitely born for these moments. The Astolgia man would clap his hands at the demonstration of the water purifier, pleased by Eriedeth and even Erich whom took things a step further and supported their beastkin friend.

Sorry Erich but you won’t be taking the spotlight from me

Julius smiled as he took center stage, “Now residents of Widersia, I am excited to bring you part 2 of our showcase.” He would then whistle loudly, voice activating the construct raven. The motors on the bird would begin to wind up as it stood on its own two feet before taking flight around the stage. Julius would extend his arm out, providing a perch for the construct to land on.

“Yes yes, you’re probably thinking. ‘why did they bring an avian creature on stage?’ But I’ll have you know this is actually a construct outfitted to blend in with nature. This is the Tinkers Triage Construct Raven.” The raven would coo as it picked at its own feathers a bit and looked around, mimicking the actual bird's behavior. “This raven specializes in delivery of messages, whether it’s speech, text, or even physical messages. It is outfitted with cameras on its eyes for video recording as well as a keyboard in each language with the ability to translate allowing for communication barriers to be a thing of the past!” Julius smiled as the Raven would take flight once more before landing on the judges stand for closer inspection.

“Our construct is equipped with security features as well to ensure the safety of your items such as voice recognition, encrypted keys, and even a lockbox within the raven's belly to store sensitive information.” The raven would then spread its wings wide, revealing the inner workings of the construct such as the motor, bilingual keyboard, as well the lock box on its belly. “Tinkers Triage believes that the construct raven will be a revolutionary step in how we communicate between one another in Widersia.”
Leiana Offer
Leiana smiled with her usual grin behind her veil, standing next to Julius, gesturing with her arms to their demonstration, knowing how to play up the exotic nature of having so many arms, as even in the standard fantasy of the world, her kind was rather rare. "With our ravens, missives and deals that would take weeks to deliver take only a manner of days. And as my darling assistant here said, they are encrypted with multiple safeguards to keep what you want private just that, private." She said, gesturing to Julius with 2 of her 6 arms while she spoke.

She was sure they were going to make headway, after all, with both the water system and the birds, they were a shoe in for getting at least SOME funding from these big cats, especially those who wanted a piece of the future pie they were sure to be making with these kind of creations.
Players and Goals:
( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )Eriedeth Pip: Start up the company Tinkerers Triage /Offically Create her catalyst gauntlet
( SixSense SixSense ) Julius Astreus Astolgia : Start up the company Tinkerers Triage
( NeramoDJI NeramoDJI )Leiana : Start up the company Tinkerers Triage
( Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ) Pierre :Start up the company Tinkerers Triage /Find a job
( Maxxob Maxxob ) Erich : Start up the company Tinkerers Triage

Other information:
Conclusion post! Also to determine if any of the goals actually succeeded we might have to wait on grading. If you join an rp while waiting on grading I think until the grade we should assume that discussions with the investor are simply in place for the moment. This has been fun though! Look forward to the next Tinkerers rp with you guys! (If you all stick around for it)


During the presentation, the judges—one was a halfing, a fairly [small] Fae, a halfling that was at most 2ft tall, the other two were humans. The Halfing was named Clover Ezra. The other judges were Adrian Namol and Locan Marsh, who were all fairly popular inventors for the time being. The group would be asked questions and Eriedeth would reply while also giving some demonstrations of certain things. After the presentation was completed, Locan Marsh pulled the, aside, seeming to be willing to invest in the Tinkerers Triage company. The group and Locan would discuss plans for the potential future of the company.



all Characters: Optional Title- Tinkerers Triage Founders: the charactr is one of the founders of a new company called ‘Tinkerers Triage’

Erich: Optional Title- Strange Maniac: This character has the tendency to break into other peoples work shops, any artisan that crosses this character’s path will be wary.

Julius: optional title- Mr.Prideful: character has shown a deep sense of pride to the point that even some envy can be formed towards a teammate

Isekai Hell Grade

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo Maxxob Maxxob

New companies in widersia? Seems fine. Not sure the inventions were that novel but the power of points to craft them out of thin air will probably help. guess we will see where it goes. May have to hustle on the business mechanics to better structure how the business can grow.


The merchant's guild in widersia will pay the Tinkerer's Triage a visit. The dues for membership are high for a small company and the benefits are questionable, but the potential for growth is more promising when not competing with the financial juggernaut that is the merchant's guild. The company's future will rest on if they join or not.


All Characters - Optional Asset Acquired [Tinkerer's Triage Company F] - Tinkerer's Triage is a company in widersia's clockhaven. It specializes in mundane constructions for everyday needs. As the company is founded by Eriedeth, Julius, Leiana, Francois, Erich, majority vote must be issued for any one thing to be done with this asset moving forward.

Optional title acquired [Tinkerer's Triage Owner] - part owner of the Tinkerer's Triage Company

Eriedeth - 52pts

Julius Atreus Astolgia - 66pts (attentive student)

Leiana - 13pts

Francois Rothael - 7pts

Erich Zann - 25pts

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