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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

She laughed at the chipmunk now curled in her breast. "If buttercup is calling himself Morpheus then I guess he's Morpheus now" She shrugged and walked away, hands on hips

The energy filled him completely and he was losing himself to her touch again. He barely maintained and breathed out "we can't stay here. We'll lose our bodies. We'll be wandering souls trapped here. We have to go. Let's go to... Michigan. Continue there"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus smirked and let her work. "No I can't. Youre the energy absorber. I can only sense things through someone's soul"

She poked her lip out, looking sad, holding up the bag "I would have said but chip hurt my feelings so now ill never say"
CGULL9313 said:
Heather smiled down at him, running her hands along his abdomen and up to his chest. She laid down on top of him, So that their torsos were pressed together. "You can feel through me, right?", she asked him, looking up at him through her hair. She was all but vibrating with energy. Her eyes were brighter than normal. "I would have thought it would be depressing here....like....like....", she stopped herself and sighed as she laid her head down on him too. "It's exciting.", she giggled, slipping her hand between their bodies and running it down to introduce her fingers into his open jeans. It was like nothing that had happened that day happened at all. Things were...suprisingly...clear here. The ugliness of the empty world above was not here. It was what Anny had made it, and filled it with, and nothing more.
Suddenly her hand goes through Decimus. Their bodies were starting to fade away. The Astral Plane was taking them..... They've stayed far too long. Any further time in there and they'd die and stay in the Astral Plane for good.

Luna senses a disturbance in the plane. ( Force. ) She curses to herself as she recognizes this feeling. The feeling of visitors sinking away into the Astral Plane. She had a mission to perform but this could be important, most likely the meddling of Anny again. Luna sighs and closes her eyes, focusing on this feeling. When she opens them she's standing at the bed in which Heather and Decimus are on. "You two need to get the hell out of here."
Heather blinked and sat up on him, slipping her hand from his pants. "Michigan? What is in Michigan?", she asked him. She hadn't fully understood what he had said about loosing their bodies...but she had far less experience with these things than he did. She moved off of him onto the big bed. Looking around at the room. It was beautiful. It was nice. It was empty of sorrow in a strange way. She wanted to stay here forever. She wanted to lose herself in these walls and w...her thoughts stopped dead. "Oh, my gods.", she breathed. Finally understanding what was happening. The place was....enchanting her in some way. How had she not realized it? "W...why would Anny have sent us here? I thought he wanted to protect us?", she asked him as her brows furrowed.

(Luna can't enter the castle. It is protected.)
CGULL9313 said:
Heather blinked and sat up on him, slipping her hand from his pants. "Michigan? What is in Michigan?", she asked him. She hadn't fully understood what he had said about loosing their bodies...but she had far less experience with these things than he did. She moved off of him onto the big bed. Looking around at the room. It was beautiful. It was nice. It was empty of sorrow in a strange way. She wanted to stay here forever. She wanted to lose herself in these walls and w...her thoughts stopped dead. "Oh, my gods.", she breathed. Finally understanding what was happening. The place was....enchanting her in some way. How had she not realized it? "W...why would Anny have sent us here? I thought he wanted to protect us?", she asked him as her brows furrowed.
(Luna can't enter the castle. It is protected.)
( Protected with what and from what? )
Eric walked with her. "Wait he's using a fake name. Why? What is his real name? Please tell me."

Chip rolled up and went to sleep.
Decimus chuckled. "Exactly. Nothing but us." He gasped at the hand. It was nothing like Underworld. When Luna appeared he huffed and finally breathed "okay this interruption was worth it" he touched his chest "are we trapped here? No it doesn't matter come on Heather" he crawled over to Luna, one hand holding Heather, the other grabbing Luna

Angelica turned back to him, one hand on his lower stomach, the other in his hair. She closed her eyes into his neck and inhaled. She lightly kissed his neck and dragged her lips up. Her voice was an innocent whisper "Why? Am I driving you mad?"
(The castle exists as a seperate plane than the astral one. It was raised from the chaos and is an entity of it's own. Anny lied to Dru about having created it in the image of the castle from the book he had read. It does not work the way that the rest of the plane works. And it is protected from anyone that the castle does not accept within it. Anyone else will be absorbed into it or sucked into the mote of souls. Right now, it has only let Decimus and Heather in. And the souls that he has enslaved there. That is why Anny was shocked at what Dru said. The castle exists seperately from Luna's plane. She can't enter it. It is his secretest weapon.)

(I even wrote in his app that he was a nice guy! Nobody believed me!)

(Though as for enchantments and filling people with happy thoughts so that they don't want to leave and will stay inside forever? That's totally true. It is a hungry monster after all.)
CGULL9313 said:
(The castle exists as a seperate plane than the astral one. It was raised from the chaos and is an entity of it's own. Anny lied to Dru about having created it in the image of the castle from the book he had read. It does not work the way that the rest of the plane works. And it is protected from anyone that the castle does not accept within it. Anyone else will be absorbed into it or sucked into the mote of souls. Right now, it has only let Decimus and Heather in. And the souls that he has enslaved there. That is why Anny was shocked at what Dru said. The castle exists seperately from Luna's plane. She can't enter it. It is his secretest weapon.)
(I even wrote in his app that he was a nice guy! Nobody believed me!)
( Raised from the chaos? To me that's going way too far. I remember saying that the Astral Plane is all the same, not separate areas. So if it's a separate plane it's not the Astral Plane at all. Which now means you're going out of your characters boundaries. I created rules with the Astral Plane in which even my own character follows. In a way the spirits have more power in the Astral Plane than Luna and Anny. Anny also cannot stay there forever, sure both Luna and Anny can stay there much longer but as long as they're alive they can and will be possessed as well for staying too long. I already told Char Char and Taz that not even Hades could get back his powers from the undead or underworld but only from live humans in the physical plane. If Hades could get power from the resurrected or the spirits don't you think he wouldn't have been captured in the first place? But I let that slide but manipulating and bending the rules I made about the Astral Plane is going too far. I also remember Anny saying Luna has a much better grip over the Astral Plane than he does, meaning even if he put up a protection in there she would still be able to get through it as well as the spirits there would be able to. But if you want to keep the castle, sure go ahead. But it's in the Astral Plane not a separate one. Also if you still want Luna being unable enter then fine. But the spirits of the astral plane can. By the way, ( ! ) Warning. Eli has most of his life force taken meaning he won't last as long as the others in the astral plane. )
Eric stood there for a moment. His mind suddenly flooded him with his worst fear. Death. He saw all of the faves that travel through him to the underworld all over again. It was endless. Suddenly it stopped. His mind went back to Morpheus or who ever he really was. He couldn't take it. He could feel the insanity no rather madness flooding his mind. He could only mutter one word. "Why?" He said in a small tone. At that moment his mind focised on one thimg the girl in front of him. He lost control and gave her a passionate kiss. He broke away. "Sorry my mind's going crazy. What did you do?" His mimd was flooded again.
(Oh hot dog i smell tension)

She smiled wickedly and licked her lips "Complete" Eric could see about 10 of her rubbing his body, his chest, his crotch, his face, kissing him giggling, nibbling him, until they bit harder, deeper, and started ripping his flesh amd spit it away. They had blood running down their pale skin, the same shade as her dress, making it look like an extension of the dress. One smiled sweetly and held his face with her bloody hand holding him. She leaned and centimeters before they kissed the illusions were gone, his body perfectly fine, and she was no where to be seen
Although it had been fake Eric felt every moment of the excruciating pain. His knees buckled and he passed out. The raining showering over his unconscious face.
(Anny comes and goes. He just doesn't get bothered by the spirits in his castle because they are his slaves. As for the other spirits of the astral plane they cannot come inside. That is what the mote is for. There is a reason I wrote it in. As for the seperate plane, sure. I'll let that go even though I was literally planning it from the beginning of Anny. As for the worshippers of Hades, they were raised from the dead after being held by Anny for years inside his castle. 5 of them are family and friends of his, but the other 20 are just people who worshipped Hades before they died. Members of his old cult. Not even strong ones or demigods in anyway. Just 25 people with zombie like bodies who are sacrificing goats to Hades in a cave like it's the ancient times all over again. With Hades' help they were able to bring them to life. There is no reason that is not possible. If you can take a soul you can shove one back inside a body. Luna does it all the time. Only these people happen to be working for Anny and Hades instead. They are out in the world somewhere, not in the astral plane or the underworld. With their souls intact. They have physical bodies and are living, hidden away somewhere on Earth. They can be killed as easily as everyone else that already died. As for the castle again. Only after they leave can they be possessed, unless it is by one of those trapped inside. That is totally possible. But they can't get overwhelmed by those outside because of the mote. So, it's not exactly safe. And it does have enchantments to trap people inside. Anny is very addicted to the place to the point that it's kind of faded his physical body and made him nuts over the years. And since it is part of the Astral Plane again I guess they can fade away or get trapped inside as spirits. Although, Decimus and Heather left their bodies back in the Shadow Realm technically I believe. So how would that work? As for Eli....I thought he was dead already. Lol. He's just another spirit somewhere in the castle as far as I was concerned. I suppose Luna could come in if it's not going to be the way I originally designed it. Oh well. But the spirits can't come in. Luna and her mother could, I suppose. And anyone else who can phase through the mote and wall that aren't dead.)
(So whatever. If my design doesn't work it doesn't work. Heather and Decimus fading...Anny must be nuts to bring them there...yada yada....Luna appears.)

(Then we all run screaming to Michigan? Why Michigan?!)

Heather shrieks when her hand passed through Decimus, and looked at her own hand with wide eyes. When Luna appears she jumps up before Decimus and runs over to her, absolutelly terrified again. The only place that gave her any peace was an illusion. Where would they go now? To Michigan? What the hell was in Michigan?
CGULL9313 said:
(So whatever. If my design doesn't work it doesn't work. Heather and Decimus fading...Anny must be nuts to bring them there...yada yada....Luna appears.)
(Then we all run screaming to Michigan? Why Michigan?!)

Heather shrieks when her hand passed through Decimus, and looked at her own hand with wide eyes. When Luna appears she jumps up before Decimus and runs over to her, absolutelly terrified again. The only place that gave her any peace was an illusion. Where would they go now? To Michigan? What the hell was in Michigan?
( Like I said, you can keep the castle and you can keep the empowered Hades. But okay then, Luna can enter and the spirits cannot because of the mort. The castle must be in the same plane as the astral though, unless you put it in the underworld but it's already in the astral. It's also up to you whether or not Eli is dead or alive. Honestly I want him dead because snitches get stiches and if he doesn't die. People on this thread will think the snitches get stiches curse is fake and they'll snitch in real life. Which won't be good because there will be a speeding tow truck waiting for them around every corner. Also Luna can only use necromancy if she has the spirit and body of the intended target and can only fully resurrect them if she has the body, spirit, and mind. Now excuse me as I set fire to everything this thread loves but cannot achieve, relationships. )

DizjayDeathPride said:
(Mommy... daddy.... please stop fighting)
Luna looks at what they were doing and the hand Decimus is touching her with. "Before we do anything else... I want to know. Had this hand been around any place you wouldn't touch in front of your Mother or a young child?" Luna was getting ready to transport them to.... Michigan.
(No. Please set fire to them. I love it. Bwahahaha!)

Heather is too afraid to laugh, she is forcing all of the energy that came from the castle out of her at incredible rates. It is exhausting. She pulled at it and pulled at it until it pulled at her. Then she pulled some more. Like a purging session. Or scrubbing your body in scalding hot water until it is rubbed raw...after some sort of violation. She knew the feeling all too well.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus, still filled with the energy, laughed full heartedly, in tears "No nothing naughty Lady Luna"
CGULL9313 said:
(No. Please set fire to them. I love it. Bwahahaha!)
Heather is too afraid to laugh, she is forcing all of the energy that came from the castle out of her at incredible rates. It is exhausting. She pulled at it and pulled at it until it pulled at her. Then she pulled some more. Like a purging session. Or scrubbing your body in scalding hot water until it is rubbed raw...after some sort of violation. She knew the feeling all too well.
( You know, in real life I just said. "Maybe I should just bide my time and make more jokes. If I'm lucky they'll die by the next post." )

Luna transports them to a destroyed suburban area in Michigan. "So is this where you two plan to go? Hide out in Michigan? You don't have to do this, you can join us. The Gods won't pursue you where we are."
Heather moved away from Luna, staring at her. She cracked her neck some, and groaned. Her whole body felt sick from what had just happened...and the sudden emersion back into the real world. There was nothing to feed off of here. It was dead. Everything was dead. She sighed, looking around at the houses that had been ruined in the massacres. It was ugly. It was ruin. But what she said before still held true. She shook her head and looked up at Decimus. "You go with her if you want.", she told him quietly, stepping away from them both. Whatever her situation would be here...it would be better than what Luna had planned. They would all die screaming in agony. They would all be in the ground beside Pierce. But she would die in her sleep wrapped in her lover's arms at a ripe old age with generations of demigod children left by her to repopulate the earth once all of this was over with...when she had freed the gods with Decimus' help and earned their favor.
Decimus sighed. "Very well. I am sorry Lady Luna but my loyalty is to Heather and Pierce. You'll have to convince her." He squeezed her shoulder lightly "Thank you for saving us. Truly. It means a lot my Lady. For that I owe you" He turned and went with Heather
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Kalin glanced from behind a tree, to find the gods had cornered the others. He had one inclination to join them, one to run, and the other...wasn't a good idea. But he went with it, anyway. Kalin focused his energy into his zephyr, before sweeping an arm around him, creating a violent wind that destroyed all of the trees in the nearby area. Kalin then bent the wind around him to hide his presence.
Alex brought his hands up, focusing his energy into freezing the gods. He knew they wouldn't be held for long, but they couldn't risk a fight now. Suddenly, the forest became filled with lots of noise. Firstly, it exploded for some reason or another, followed by many howls, roars, and other incoherent noise. Monsters, lots of them, had just been agitated by something. It was safe to say that this would not turn out well for anyone...

( What are you talking about? Both of them are with the group rebelling. No Gods showed up there. Luna left her body and started walking around in her spiritual form to sneak around the city of Echnida so she can infiltrate the tower without detection and summon the others into the room of Echidna so they can convince her to let them join. Luna just had to make a quick detour to save Heather and Decimus. You're still hiding in the forest. )
Light said:
( What are you talking about? Both of them are with the group rebelling. No Gods showed up there. Luna left her body and started walking around in her spiritual form to sneak around the city of Echnida so she can infiltrate the tower without detection and summon the others into the room of Echidna so they can convince her to let them join. Luna just had to make a quick detour to save Heather and Decimus. You're still hiding in the forest. )
(Wait, who did the gods corner, then? The only rebels were the people in the forest))
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Wait, who did the gods corner, then? The only rebels were the people in the forest))

( They cornered Decimus, Heather, and Anny back at the apartment. )

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