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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Rebecca turned towards Kalin. "I know the situation. I know things will be bad out there. I'm not an idiot. I just refuse to believe that there is no hope. And if I had any shadow of a doubt of what I'm getting into I would have never gotten out of bed. So what it may be trivial, but in my eyes it's necessary. If you can't see that then its to bad for you." She turned back to Dove with a smile. "Ok just come to me when you have a decision." She turned and walked to Ryan. "Thank you."
"The dreamworld is much easier to navigate compared to this hell hole."
Ryan looked at her. "Don't thank me. I wasn't necessarily supporting you any more than I was against it. Like I said, I don't believe in love. That's your thing. It's a distraction. Look at how Morpheus has been acting. I don't love sister. You know that"
Tazmodo said:
Rebecca turned towards Kalin. "I know the situation. I know things will be bad out there. I'm not an idiot. I just refuse to believe that there is no hope. And if I had any shadow of a doubt of what I'm getting into I would have never gotten out of bed. So what it may be trivial, but in my eyes it's necessary. If you can't see that then its to bad for you." She turned back to Dove with a smile. "Ok just come to me when you have a decision." She turned and walked to Ryan. "Thank you."
(He walked off already))
Heather was feeling a world of emotions. She let him in so he could feel them too. Sorrow, fear, confusion, tension and something else. Something entirely familiar. From the first time they shared energy freely. She squeezed his hand as the thunder startled her. The rain fell more heavily, in a torrent, and she shrieked happily and took off running through it, dragging him behind her to her apartment. Once they were inside the building she released him and shook her blonde hair like a dog before flipping it back.
Decimus enjoyed watching her laugh and run through rain. He enjoyed watching her be carefree. When he got to her apartment he ran his hands through his hair, fixing it, and shaking the water out. "You now we me for two leather jackets beautiful"
Heather giggled and closed one eye as he messed up her hair, the other looked up at him fondly. When she opened the other, her gaze fell to his chest. She grabbed ahold of his collar and pulled the leather jacket off of his arms with a little bit of a smirk. She tossed it on the bed. "I don't owe you anything." She said, moving her hands to his hips and running them up underneath his shirt along his abs. She pulled it over his head and left it there with a laugh. Her tigers had jumped up from their resting places and come to snuggle with her. Bamdi sniffed Decimus. With his face still hidden her fingers danced along his abdomen, down to the edge of his pants. She traced the line of his skin just above them. Through the very tips of her fingers magnificent amounts of hungry energy flowed.
Dove looked up to Rebecca and nodded, her head spinning from today's events. It was strange, how fast everything happened, how fast it came to this.
Decimus held his wicked smirk while now blind. He felt the sniffing and said, "ahhh im going to assume you're the female yes? The male didn't like me much" He bit his lip as he felt the hungry energy and for once he fed her. He poured all of his reserve from her to her, his smirk molding into a satisfied smile. He kept his desire to a minimum while it continued, controlling himself
Heather accepted the energy into herself, eager for the connection. It wasn't all she wanted but it filled her with vigor. "That's Bandi...she loves everyone.", she giggled, letting her hands run along the edge of his jeans and then down the seam of his fly. She wiggled her fingers into the little flap and tugged on the fabric teasingly, before releasing. Her hands both went up to pull the shirt off of his head the rest of the way. She had changed while he was hidden away. She was standing before him in tight black leather lingerie. She spun for him so that he could get a good look at her...work.
He looked at with with intrigue and a bit of desire. His smile spread as he lightly bit his lip, watching her spin. Looking at every part of her. Admiring how the leather clung, and stepped, putting his hands on her hips. "Black and leather my oh my you know my weaknesses"
Heather laughed as she fell against him. She was so full of emotions, and tension, she needed relief. She tilted her head up, to kiss him tenderly under the jaw. Her tongue met his skin. Ru was standing by the door. He growled, low in his throat. His hair was standing on end. Heather didn't even notice. She was full of energy that needed somewhere to go. It pushed itself through her body, into his. It flowed to his groin and built there. With her lips pressed to his skin, and her hand running down his belly to meet with her energy, she whispered. "There isn't anything weak in you....don't hold back anything...." The time for timidity and awkwardness was over. Bandi moved to join her brother, her ears lying back against her head. They sensed something...but they weren't sure what it was. It felt hostile.
Decimus raised an eyebrow at them, expanding his awareness. But before he could actually figure out what it was his mind was filled with her emotion. Her words skipped in his ears, teasing him, breaking him. He gave into himself and kissed her deeply, passionately, roughly. He pushed her back on the bed and his kissing moved down, across her neck, biting. He was so distracted with her he forgot anything else existed. Lightning cracked again and he didn't even hear
Heather kissed him back, expertly undoing his jeans and pulling them down some before he pushed her back onto the bed. She felt torrents of hot and cold energy flowing into her, she shivered and groaned when he bit her neck. Her hands ran along his back, scratching him with her well manicured nails. Her fingers met and tangled in his hair, pulling at it some as she lost her own control and her own self in the wave of his emotions meeting hers. Their energy stopped cycling and more...well...exploded between them. She arched her back some to the sensation of his power and her own colliding. Ru roared loudly, when the lightening struck. Then he was suddenly silent. "My my...so sorry to interupt.", came a smooth English accent from the darkness of Heather's room. Heather gasped, and grabbed on to Decimus, looking up at Anny who was standing with his head tilted, watching them with a wide grin. He was dressed in a dark robe. Lightening flashed again, through the window, and lit up his dark eyes. Her tigers were collapsed in a pile near the door, unconscious it seemed.
Decimus rolled and looked at him, his control back. "Oh you. Anny. Hello again. What brings you here to interrupt our moment?" He looked at the tigers and lightning "Ominous to say the least. Love the robe"
Anny grinned a little wider at Decimus' response. "Thank you, darling.", he chuckled, glancing up at Heather who was more than uncomfortable. She pulled Decimus' leather jacket over her and blushed as she pulled her legs back together and sat up. She looked to Decimus, then followed his gaze to her tigers. She forgot about everything else at that moment, and stood up, letting the jacket fall. She ran over to them, "What have you done to them?!", she cried out. Anny watched her, "Nothing, my dear. They're sleeping, I assure you.", then he turned back to Decimus. "What are you doing? Besides the girl, I mean.", he asked with a wink.
Before Morpheus had left he asked Eric to do him a favor. He went into Damians apartment and grabbed all the bobble heads. He pull them in a sac and went to the roof. He looked for a girl named Angelica. He searched but could barely see in the darkness. He found her. "Hi I'm Eric. What's your name? He said approaching her.
Decimus watched her, a bit worried, and replied "nothing majorly important. Though I do ask all quests be held off until tomorrow. I was quite enjoying my activities"

(Toook long enough! My toyz are safe c:)

The girl laid there, sprawled, surprisingly dry in the rain. Her hair was blowing and she spoke without opening her eyes. Her voice was slightly high pitched. "Mmmmm I've been up here for quite some time, feeding, unnoticed. Im surprised you could find me." She opened her mouth and a red mist escaped. She smiled near sexual and arched her back "Mmmm.... though my meal was just interrupted." Her eyes opened to reveal the blank circles, black rimmed, pupils gone. "My name is Angelica Rose. And you are? Don't tell me!" She rolled and stood "Boy... right? Youre very... mm. What do you want?"
(Stop leaving important things lying around where any old ghosty-boo can take em!)

Heather glared up at Anny. Petting her sleeping tigers. She could feel that they were alive, so she knew he wasn't lying about that at least. Anny chuckled deeply, "I'm sure you were, Master.", he said, "But this can't really wait for long....Eli went to the Gods and told him of the plot against them. He is in the astral plane now....and I would like for the two of you to join him there. In my castle. It is a safe place for you both...the castle is protected from spirits and it is inpenetrable by all powers aside from myself and those who I let enter."
Tazmodo said:
Rebecca turned towards Kalin. "I know the situation. I know things will be bad out there. I'm not an idiot. I just refuse to believe that there is no hope. And if I had any shadow of a doubt of what I'm getting into I would have never gotten out of bed. So what it may be trivial, but in my eyes it's necessary. If you can't see that then its to bad for you." She turned back to Dove with a smile. "Ok just come to me when you have a decision." She turned and walked to Ryan. "Thank you."
Drumonkey said:
"The dreamworld is much easier to navigate compared to this hell hole."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan looked at her. "Don't thank me. I wasn't necessarily supporting you any more than I was against it. Like I said, I don't believe in love. That's your thing. It's a distraction. Look at how Morpheus has been acting. I don't love sister. You know that"
Kalin Scarlet](He walked off already)) [/QUOTE] ( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/1580-charchar45/ said:
@CharChar45[/URL] )

Luna opens up another portal which will take them to the base in which Echidna stays at on a island in the Bermuda Triangle. "I had the feeling the portal really would take us to her." Luna looks up at the large city populated by monsters. They were in the forest not too far from it. "Alright... We need a way to get through the town without being spotted by any of the residents, which are monsters. I would guess Echidna is in that large building at the heart of the city. We need to get in there somehow and convince her that we're turning against the Gods and pledge our loyalty to her. Or whatever we have to do to make her let us join. If things go bad I want Alex to freeze her sense of time and I need Morpheus to work on making her think we're loyal to her. Let me tell you... this won't be an easy journey to digest. We might even have to fight the others in a worse case scenario, if that does happen. Aim for knocking then unconscious, don't kill them. Remember our goal... earn her trust."
(Im sorry....)

Decimus sighed and scratched his hair. "As lovely as that sounds, I hate the astral plane. But if Eli snitched they'll assume we're in on it. The Gods are very kill first ask later." He pulled up his pants and put his shirt on "Heather dear, lets get you dressed"

Morpheus sighed then looked at her. "Can I turn us into little ants? Ants are cute! Or would you like to be invisible?"
Rebecca looked around for a safe route. "They'll smell us. Plus can you really control this big of a group for that long. So we cant go through, it's to big to go around and we obviously can't fly. We should go under. Does anyone here have control of the ground." She looked around. "Nope. We're fucked."

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