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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Dru walks in behind them "Luna I want my memory back that is if you still have it." Dru's eyes seemed dull and dark.
DizjayDeathPride said:
He sighed and layed in her lap. "I don't know. I believe so, yes. He said hes going home to get more supplies. Im trusting he will come." He looked at her and plucked his hat back. "Are you happy now?"
Drumonkey said:
Dru walks in behind them "Luna I want my memory back that is if you still have it." Dru's eyes seemed dull and dark.
"I wasn't unhappy in the first place." She turns to look at Dru, contemplating whether or not she should give them back. Luna seems not to care all to much in the end and throws him a vial of sand.
He reached up to her, oblivious to Dru. "I know I can't change your mind. Well no, I can. But I won't. So Ill join you. But I have to ask Luna. Do you care about me at all? Like I do you?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
He reached up to her, oblivious to Dru. "I know I can't change your mind. Well no, I can. But I won't. So Ill join you. But I have to ask Luna. Do you care about me at all? Like I do you?"
Luna looks down at Morpheus and raises an eyebrow at his suggestion. "Yes I do value your life."
"That's not what I meant. You know that." He played with the tip of her hair. "In simple form, do you love me like I love you? In a complex form, what do I mean to you?"
Dru caught the sand. "I'll go with you guys wherever it is you plan to go."
Luna nods her head towards Dru. She groans and bites her lip when she hears Morpheus. "Morpheus don't put me on the spot here of all places."
He reached up slowly and touched her cheek. "Im sorry. But... i have to know. I need to know just where we stand before I fling my life away. A no won't change my mind. But... i need to know the truth about you and me"
Dru watched the proceedings with a bored look then turned away and walked to the side of the room and sat down his gaze far away like his mind was somewhere else.
Suddenly, the door opened, and Alex stepped inside. However, he looked much different from how he did since earlier that day. His hair had grown, as had the rest of him, and his eye patch was gone. His eye now glowed with an unnatural energy. Smaller, apparently simplistic dynamos swirled around his hand he looked around, and smiled at the others.

"Hey there. Did I miss something?"

"Alex what happened to you? You seem younger or rather different." Dru stood up and his eyes seemed to glow faintly returning to normal for a few seconds.
"Well, I've had alot of time on my hands. Rather, on my everything." He said, plucking the new jacket he wore. "I read a few books, did a little building, and now, here I am. Better than ever! Oh yes... I feel much better..." Alex stared at his hand, laughing quietly as he clenched it into a fist.
"Exactly how much time on your hands? What happened during that time and how exactly has that changed you?" Dru tilted his head at him a little angry that he had disappered during such times.
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DizjayDeathPride said:
He reached up slowly and touched her cheek. "Im sorry. But... i have to know. I need to know just where we stand before I fling my life away. A no won't change my mind. But... i need to know the truth about you and me"
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Well, I've had alot of time on my hands. Rather, on my everything." He said, plucking the new jacket he wore. "I read a few books, did a little building, and now, here I am. Better than ever! Oh yes... I feel much better..." Alex stared at his hand, laughing quietly as he clenched it into a fist.

Luna just sighs. "Morpheus in that way, I don't know how I feel about you. I'm sorry but I really don't." Luna looks over at Alex and starts to explain everything that has happened. ( Hopefully you read what had happened because I don't feel like explaining it. X.x )

"Well...lets see...About 2 years? Yeah, that sounds right. I spent the last two years in a world where time slows to a crawl, and I stayed there until I found the thing I needed to find. Power...and if I had to say, I think I found what I was looking for." He said, smirking as he turned to Luna.

"To face our parents is not the best of ideas. To try and replace them is even worse. However...I wish to protect my family, or whatever is left of it. This madness will tear us apart, when all is said and done. And I don't need to see into the future to know that. Just...swear to me that no matter what happens, we don't turn against our family, and I'll go."

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Dax began to stride out of the ocean a little sea monkey on his back clinging for dear life. As he strode out the ocean he held his trident at the ready all he knew was that he was drawn here He didn't know why exactly. Once he stood on the beach he leaned against his strident and looked at the city before him. "I wonder what drew me here."
"I don't know why most of you are saying you'll have to face off against the Gods when they're powerless and will stay that way. Also yes I swear to you we won't turn our back against our families. Those whom left technically did.... you saw the way Demeter didn't even care all too much about her own child. You also know how Rhea and Hekate didn't care all too much about me. The only way to protect our fellow demigod is to defeat our common enemy, Echidna and stop our Godly parents from using us as tools." Luna looks at her tea and takes a drink. She then turns back to Alex. "As you can see Alex... our people are dying. Yet not one God has arrived yet to thank us or them for their sacrifice in freeing them. Not even Rhea, this should be a reality check to the others... they don't care about us and they won't once this is all over. I just don't get why they're going to stand by these Gods who'll just use them like Demeter used Pierce to get back power to replenish the earth so they can get even more power. Why don't they understand? I'm trying to save them! Yet again... I'm the evil one here. So what do I know? I'm immediately in the wrong because I can't appeal to them emotionally or because I'm Luna."


Drumonkey said:
Dax began to stride out of the ocean a little sea monkey on his back clinging for dear life. As he strode out the ocean he held his trident at the ready all he knew was that he was drawn here He didn't know why exactly. Once he stood on the beach he leaned against his strident and looked at the city before him. "I wonder what drew me here."
Rikka walks along the beach looking around the area. Judge, Jury, and Executioner follow her in their small size. "So this is the place."
"This situation is funny because apparently that's what happened to me. Look some people have a problem turning on their parents they feel obliged to help them or something. Not everyone has had piss poor parents Luna. Look I get where you are coming from and I support you but what does that matter?" Dru stopped talking and realized no one cared about his opinion.

"Hey young lady there with the 3 hounds do you know where we are?" Dax called out to Rikka he didn't move and Lyon his sea monkey peeked over his shoulder.
Light said:
"I don't know why most of you are saying you'll have to face off against the Gods when they're powerless and will stay that way. Also yes I swear to you we won't turn our back against our families. Those whom left technically did.... you saw the way Demeter didn't even care all too much about her own child. You also know how Rhea and Hekate didn't care all too much about me. The only way to protect our fellow demigod is to defeat our common enemy, Echidna and stop our Godly parents from using us as tools." Luna looks at her tea and takes a drink. She then turns back to Alex. "As you can see Alex... our people are dying. Yet not one God has arrived yet to thank us or them for their sacrifice in freeing them. Not even Rhea, this should be a reality check to the others... they don't care about us and they won't once this is all over. I just don't get why they're going to stand by these Gods who'll just use them like Demeter used Pierce to get back power to replenish the earth so they can get even more power. Why don't they understand? I'm trying to save them! Yet again... I'm the evil one here. So what do I know? I'm immediately in the wrong because I can't appeal to them emotionally or because I'm Luna."

Rikka walks along the beach looking around the area. Judge, Jury, and Executioner follow her in their small size. "So this is the place."
Alex laughed, walking closer to Luna. " Of course you're the bad guy... you will be replacing Echidna. Even she couldn't finish our parents off. So what will you do with them? Lock them in cages? Seal them off with the titans? Let them go and hope they stay put? You aren't taking the route of the hero, despite the good you think your plan will achieve. You will be the enemy to quite a few... Are you prepared for that?" he said, leaning until they were face to face.
Dove nodded quickly, smiling slightly at Becca's comment and moving towards her apartment. There wasn't much there that she valued, so Dove simply stuffed some clothes into a backpack and slung it over her shoulder along with her swords. She then limped back to Luna's room.
Kalin walked back towards his apartment, unaware of the events occurring at Luna's place. On his way home, he noted Dove was wobbling through the streets.

"Hey! You need a hand? Wait, no you obviously need a leg, but I'll give you the hand anyway." he said as he approached her.
As Rebecca walled into the door she froze. There was a random stanger holding a weird machine that looks hand made. That was the worst part there was a huhe robot behind her and it lookked hostile. "Who are you?" She completely ignore the question.

Gaige had been sitting in her apartment for a way waiting for someone to return. Sje didn't expect it to be anhirl and was slightly shocked. When she spoke Gaige said one sentence. "Where's Steve?" There was emmense hostility in her voice but it was mixed with concern.
Heather laughed darkly, "And what do you call this place if not a ruin...", she whispered. She pushed open the door to the apartment and stepped out into the rain. She saw Eli, Morpheus, Eric and Dru. Eli put his hood up and turned away from the others. Morpheus, Eric and Dru left together. They crossed their path, in the opposite direction, and Heather smiled. She didn't feel friendly right now. She was worried about Eli. What had they said to him? She hurried a little bit toward where he had dissappeared into the alleyway, her boots splashing in the puddles, and looked down it. He was long gone. She sighed and turned back to Decimus as he approached. "With our gifts we could go anywhere.", she told him with a small but genuine smile, "I can build a fucking castle out of the shards of civilization and who knows....maybe there are a few survivors out there? Humans or lost demigods...we can team up with them..."

Eli arrived at his apartment swiftly, he had the routes all mapped in his mind. When he opened the door, he rushed into darkness. Quickly, he started grabbing things and shoving them into bags indescriminately. As much of his equiptment as possible. He was panting. "So what's the plan, little man?" A deep voice called, and it made Eli jump. He spun around to find Anny leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He was wearing a dark robe. Eli eyed him suspiciously, "A...Anny...", he did not trust the old man. "Where have you been?" His eyes narrowed, as Anny laughed and stepped away from the wall toward him. "Oh, here and there.", he said, "The question is, my darling....where are you going?" Eli looked away from him and turned back to his things, continuing to collect them. "I don't rightly know.", he admitted. Not wanting to give his secrets away. Too late he remembered that Anny was telepathic. He sighed and looked up to him again, "They've all gone completely mad..." Anny simply nodded. "They've lost focus.", Eli closing a full pack and turning toward the door. Anny followed. "But you have not. And nor have I. Will you come with me....for a time?", he asked. Eli glanced back at him, warily, "To where?", he asked. Anny told the truth. "The Underworld. To meet with Lord Hades." Eli stopped dead in his tracks. His thoughts were all jumbled. He shook his head. Anny sighed, stepping in front of him. He smiled wide. "I have brought him the souls of the cults of Hades throughout all time....", he told him, "We have raised them from the dead. His power is growing quickly, Eli. Be on the winning side." Eli stared at him. "What does he wish to do?", he asked him. Anny's grin stretched out to an almost unnatural width. "To rule, of course. To conquer Echidna's children and their mother and use them to rule the gods and demigods. Of course." He laughed. Eli continued to stare. His heart was beating fast. "So...he wishes to free the Gods?" Anny nodded slowly in response. Eli tried to hide his thoughts, that the gods would easily over power Hades....but....they were all weak....with no supporters and if Anny was honest in what he was saying....Hades had thousands of mortal worshipers now. He would be the most powerful god and he could easily crush the weakened gods. Eli shook his head. "I'm sorry...I can't.", he said, backing away from Anny. Anny knew that he would go to tell the others. Or Rhea. He knew that the news would spread. He only needed to wait for the demigods to go to Hades now. If they were smart. He let Eli go. Eli walked calmly away from him, until he reached the bottom landing. There he broke out into a sprint. He went not to Luna's apartment but out into an empty field. "Lady Rhea!!!", he cried into the sky.
Decimus tapped his chin. "Thats a fair point." He looked up into the rain. "Are you sure? If you are so be it. We can leave easily." He walked over and touched her cheek. "You're upset about Pierce. You obviously love him more than me. I just want to make sure you really want this and you're not just... grieving"
Drumonkey said:
"This situation is funny because apparently that's what happened to me. Look some people have a problem turning on their parents they feel obliged to help them or something. Not everyone has had piss poor parents Luna. Look I get where you are coming from and I support you but what does that matter?" Dru stopped talking and realized no one cared about his opinion.
"Hey young lady there with the 3 hounds do you know where we are?" Dax called out to Rikka he didn't move and Lyon his sea monkey peeked over his shoulder.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Alex laughed, walking closer to Luna. " Of course you're the bad guy... you will be replacing Echidna. Even she couldn't finish our parents off. So what will you do with them? Lock them in cages? Seal them off with the titans? Let them go and hope they stay put? You aren't taking the route of the hero, despite the good you think your plan will achieve. You will be the enemy to quite a few... Are you prepared for that?" he said, leaning until they were face to face.

Luna looks towards Dru. "You may be right but when it comes down to it their parents will turn on them in the end." Luna turns back to Alex. "No, I don't have to. The Gods may roam free as they please. I don't intend to lock them away. Yes I may be evil to some but to the majority I will be looked at as a benevolent creator. When I 're-create these mortals using the same method Prometheus or my mother has in the past, I'll tell them the truth. Of everything humanity has went through. All of its ups and downs and of the Gods. I'll tell them why we overthrew them and why they shouldn't praise the Gods before us. I'll make sure nothing shall harm these mortals even at the cost of my life. Unlike the Gods before us would sit around and let them suffer. So if doing the right things they couldn't is evil? Then yes I'm prepared for it."

Rikka turns to Dex. "Hounds? These are my cats. To answer your question, no I don't know too much."

CGULL9313 said:
Heather laughed darkly, "And what do you call this place if not a ruin...", she whispered. She pushed open the door to the apartment and stepped out into the rain. She saw Eli, Morpheus, Eric and Dru. Eli put his hood up and turned away from the others. Morpheus, Eric and Dru left together. They crossed their path, in the opposite direction, and Heather smiled. She didn't feel friendly right now. She was worried about Eli. What had they said to him? She hurried a little bit toward where he had dissappeared into the alleyway, her boots splashing in the puddles, and looked down it. He was long gone. She sighed and turned back to Decimus as he approached. "With our gifts we could go anywhere.", she told him with a small but genuine smile, "I can build a fucking castle out of the shards of civilization and who knows....maybe there are a few survivors out there? Humans or lost demigods...we can team up with them..."
Eli arrived at his apartment swiftly, he had the routes all mapped in his mind. When he opened the door, he rushed into darkness. Quickly, he started grabbing things and shoving them into bags indescriminately. As much of his equiptment as possible. He was panting. "So what's the plan, little man?" A deep voice called, and it made Eli jump. He spun around to find Anny leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He was wearing a dark robe. Eli eyed him suspiciously, "A...Anny...", he did not trust the old man. "Where have you been?" His eyes narrowed, as Anny laughed and stepped away from the wall toward him. "Oh, here and there.", he said, "The question is, my darling....where are you going?" Eli looked away from him and turned back to his things, continuing to collect them. "I don't rightly know.", he admitted. Not wanting to give his secrets away. Too late he remembered that Anny was telepathic. He sighed and looked up to him again, "They've all gone completely mad..." Anny simply nodded. "They've lost focus.", Eli closing a full pack and turning toward the door. Anny followed. "But you have not. And nor have I. Will you come with me....for a time?", he asked. Eli glanced back at him, warily, "To where?", he asked. Anny told the truth. "The Underworld. To meet with Lord Hades." Eli stopped dead in his tracks. His thoughts were all jumbled. He shook his head. Anny sighed, stepping in front of him. He smiled wide. "I have brought him the souls of the cults of Hades throughout all time....", he told him, "We have raised them from the dead. His power is growing quickly, Eli. Be on the winning side." Eli stared at him. "What does he wish to do?", he asked him. Anny's grin stretched out to an almost unnatural width. "To rule, of course. To conquer Echidna's children and their mother and use them to rule the gods and demigods. Of course." He laughed. Eli continued to stare. His heart was beating fast. "So...he wishes to free the Gods?" Anny nodded slowly in response. Eli tried to hide his thoughts, that the gods would easily over power Hades....but....they were all weak....with no supporters and if Anny was honest in what he was saying....Hades had thousands of mortal worshipers now. He would be the most powerful god and he could easily crush the weakened gods. Eli shook his head. "I'm sorry...I can't.", he said, backing away from Anny. Anny knew that he would go to tell the others. Or Rhea. He knew that the news would spread. He only needed to wait for the demigods to go to Hades now. If they were smart. He let Eli go. Eli walked calmly away from him, until he reached the bottom landing. There he broke out into a sprint. He went not to Luna's apartment but out into an empty field. "Lady Rhea!!!", he cried into the sky.
Instead of Rhea, Demeter appears. "Rhea is busy. What do you desire?"

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