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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Morpheus turned. "Why? No stupid question i know why. Well... very well. I don't ask you to join. You have freewill. Your duty has been fulfilled. Your father is free."
Eli shook his head up at the both of them. "Do you want to free the gods?", he asked them for clarification. His brows furrowing, down the street he saw Heather and Decimus emerge from Luna's building.
"I want to free some of the gods but not necessarily all of them. I also want them to shape up and act better this time. they are always in need og saving they should know better by now."
"Personally I don't care. Sure Id free my parent out of respect for creating me but thats it. I haven't wanted to do any of these missions since day one. You know that"
Tazmodo said:
Rebecca watched her leave. Well damn salty ass just leave your guy behind. She thought. Shelooked back to Luna. "So whats the plan?"
CharChar45 said:
"Unfortunately, Hades isn't good with alliances," Dove said, sighing and holding her head, "He has a throne to protect, a throne I doubt he'd give up to help us." She rubbed the bridge of her nose, "I don't think any of the gods would really help us. Then again, I could be wrong." She hesitated, looking over as the sixth member left gritting her teeth. Dammit... they had to figure out some way to prove them wrong. "If we're going to regain their support... I think we'll have to do this on our own."
"I don't need the support of those who feel grateful to beings whom see them as tools. We can do this on our own... I meant it when I said even without anyone I'd continue. They'll see their mistake one day and by then it'll be too late. They've chosen their side.... they choose to fight for the Gods instead of their own kind." Luna turns to whomever is left in the room. "I really appreciate it if you packed up all your belongings that are most precious and easy to carry with you and bring them back to my apartment." She has Spartans raise from the floor. "They'll assist you in moving them."
Eli watched their faces from his place, much lower to the ground. He understood what they meant to a degree. Things had not been great before the fall of Olympus and the destruction of mankind. But they were not capable of destroying Echidna's children alone. They would need the help of the gods. The ones that were freed and the ones that had yet to be. And then to restore life? That would require more than a few demigods. He pulled back his hood to scratch at the back of his head. He had healed a gash there earlier and it still itched. "We need to get to Lady Rhea...."
Morpheus grabbed his shoulder. "NO! She might go ape shit and kill whoever is responsible. Absolutely not. What we need to do is go back, listen to her plan, then convince the few"
Tazmodo said:
Rebecca looked confused. "Wait why bring our things here?"
"We need to leave this island. Since we have less people the plan has changed... I assure you I will explain everything. Your safety will be a priority of mine. I wouldn't let my own kin down."
Rebecca stood up. "Ok of you say so. So long as I'm with Dove." She saod with a smile. Then went to get her things.
Eli shook his head, pulling away from the larger man. "Morpheus...you know the woman better than I. Would she change her mind? Even if everyone of the demigods turned against her...would she change her mind?" His voice was suprisingly strong despite the weakness he felt.

(Diz? Decimus and Heather?)
"Then for the love of hell do this for me. Please don't hasten her death. If anything we have to go with her. We can protect her at least. Please Eli. Don't let my Luna die"

(She didn't say anything after we left! D;)
Eric walked up to Morpheus. "Hey I need to talk to you." He turned to Eli "do you mind if I borrow him?"
CGULL9313 said:
Heather had stopped down the hall, leaning against it and looking at her feet. When he approached she glanced up at him and smiled. She stepped away from the wall and took his arm as he walked. She kissed his shoulder in appreciation. Heather would have gone on without him but it would have been difficult. She hugged his arm tightly before releasing him with a sigh and heading down the stairs. "Now what?", she asked him as they moved forward. "Do we leave the island?"

Eli shook his head. "I need to get some of my things gathered.", he said with a sigh. That was where he had been heading. To his apartment. To get his armor and his weapons and potions. He would need to be armed more heavily now, and all the time. Things were more dangerous now. "I will meet you all later...you know where to find me.", he told them, before returning his hood and slipping off into the darkness.
(Unobservant my bad)

Decimus kissed her head. "That is up to you completely. But to what do we run to? Ruins? We don't have many options you know"

Morpheus sighed. "Okay. Good. Now what? Walk and talk" He headed back to Luna
Dru wandered around the island the only one who didn't belong. He agreed with both sides but didn't know where to go.
Eric started walking. "Not to alarm you but I overheard Luna is leaving the island with or without you. Also on the way her life may be in danger."
"I know that" He pointed to his head. "She's wearing my hat. Thats why Im going. She may not care how I feel. But if I do feel the way I do then Ill protect her no matter what" He entered the elevator with Eric
Eric stood against the wall. "You don't understand someone who is like us will try and kill her. I don't quite know the results but it doesn't look to good I need you to be there to help resolve the situation. Peacefully. If this goes well she'll have an ally."
The door opened. He walked. "Not a force in this world will keep me from protecting her Eric." He opened the door and sat down. "Eli is on board."
DizjayDeathPride said:
The door opened. He walked. "Not a force in this world will keep me from protecting her Eric." He opened the door and sat down. "Eli is on board."
"Eli? Are you sure?" Luna sits on the couch and drinks tea.
He sighed and layed in her lap. "I don't know. I believe so, yes. He said hes going home to get more supplies. Im trusting he will come." He looked at her and plucked his hat back. "Are you happy now?"

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