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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

"I like that idea but at the same time I don't want to replace my father since I can't even talk to people." Dru looked luna in the eye.
Heather caught the end of the conversation, and her mouth dropped open. She unwrapped her arms from Decimus and stared at the rest of the group. "Are you serious?", she breathed.

Eli shook his head. "I don't like the way this conversation is going....we need to work together!" His brows were furrowed. "All of us!" He stepped into the middle of the group, and looked at them all, his hands raising in question to them all. "How many of you have families? Hmm? A mother, a father, brothers, sisters?! Mortals all of them. That Echidna consumed in her rage against the gods!?"
He looked at her, pleading. "And at what cost? More death. There can be no war without casualties Luna! I..." He blinked and looked at Eric then back to her then Eli. "You can't be serious... you expect me to fight the gods and risk losing Luna for the chance we might be better than them?" His eyes turned a weak pale blue and quivered "I..." He looked around and stood. "Are all of you considering this?! We couldn't kill Sylvester together! Let alone a God, weak or not! We are to die a pointless fight for a dead species for what?!"

"Is your love for her so blinding that you wouldn't act for the greater good?"

Morpheus looked appalled. "What do you mean?!"

"I mean, I may not understand what we are fully talking about, but I do understand that the Gods are tyrannical and need to be stopped. Are you so in love with her and afraid to lose her that you would let everything perish around her to protect her?"

He stared, shocked. ".... would you not do the same for Heather?"

"Dude.. not cool"

Decimus flinched back and clinched his jaw. A moment passed and he closed his eyes, giving a half smile. "And my argument is done." He opened his eyes and shrugged, "Im a neutral figure. I do not care for battle. But I will support the greater good. And she won't die because of it"

Morpheus closed his eyes. "Very well. Anyone else?"
Eli shook his head, frowning at Morpheus and then looking around the group again. He left the room with disgust on his face.
Drumonkey said:
"I like that idea but at the same time I don't want to replace my father since I can't even talk to people." Dru looked luna in the eye.
CGULL9313 said:
Heather caught the end of the conversation, and her mouth dropped open. She unwrapped her arms from Decimus and stared at the rest of the group. "Are you serious?", she breathed.
Eli shook his head. "I don't like the way this conversation is going....we need to work together!" His brows were furrowed. "All of us!" He stepped into the middle of the group, and looked at them all, his hands raising in question to them all. "How many of you have families? Hmm? A mother, a father, brothers, sisters?! Mortals all of them. That Echidna consumed in her rage against the gods!?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
He looked at her, pleading. "And at what cost? More death. There can be no war without casualties Luna! I..." He blinked and looked at Eric then back to her then Eli. "You can't be serious... you expect me to fight the gods and risk losing Luna for the chance we might be better than them?" His eyes turned a weak pale blue and quivered "I..." He looked around and stood. "Are all of you considering this?! We couldn't kill Sylvester together! Let alone a God, weak or not! We are to die a pointless fight for a dead species for what?!"
"To all of you whom just spoke up. From what we've just seen from Demeter the Gods have zero problem with taking our lives. Sure she showed some sorrow but she didn't shed a single tear. When Heather who's only known Pierce for maybe a week or two cried her eyes out. So I'd like to ask you a question, in a situation in which your godly parents life was on the line. Do you think for they would even hesitate to take your life for power to save their own? To them, they think they can make another one of us. No matter how you look at it they value themselves much more than they value us. I would know....." Luna turns to Eli. "That's what we've been doing Eli! We've been working together! For what?! To save the world and release these Gods?! So they can just throw us away? Or forget all about us as they rise back to power? You must really like being the underdog Eli. You just want us to do the work and let our comrades die so these Gods whom hadn't helped us once could rise back to power as if they did all the work? I see what happens every time we face a General, you pull out the vial of victory and somebody takes all the glory from you. If we keep doing this it's going to be the same except this time they'll dispose of us. Don't you get it?! Any of you?! Nobody has a family anymore Eli they're dead! Have any of you even gotten a thank you when you've freed a God? If so I'm surprised." Luna then turns toothed others. "We can defeat them if we stop wasting our time freeing these Gods and actually train to fend for ourselves!"
"... As crazy as it is I agree with Luna," Dove said quietly, "We don't need to actually kill the gods to defeat them. We simply need to take away their power, which is as simple as no longer worshipping them, as Luna said."
Heather looked up at Decimus when he spoke. She sighed and collapsed on the sofa. She listened quietly to what everyone said, looking to the door in shock when Eli slammed it behind him.
"Look I got thanked first off because my dad isn't that bad but fending for yourself isn't easy. I did that for most of my life before the gods were locked away. It isn't fun but you make it sound like it will be so very easy." Dru's voice was falt and dead as he spoke about his past and the possability of fhis future.

"Look I got thanked first off because my dad isn't that bad but fending for yourself isn't easy. I did that for most of my life before the gods were locked away. It isn't fun but you make it sound like it will be so very easy." Dru's voice was falt and dead as he spoke about his past and the possibility of his future.
Morpheus' mouth dropped at Dove. He looked at Heather to be the voice of reason but with the way things were going... he sighed and took his hat off, placing it on Luna. "Well... you all don't need me. Im just the wacky god of chaos. Im not important. I can't just go along and watch you all die. Especially not you Luna." He walked to the door and stopped. "Your crusade will obviously mean more to you than me correct? Ill get Eli then" And he closed the door sadly behind him
Drumonkey said:
"Look I got thanked first off because my dad isn't that bad but fending for yourself isn't easy. I did that for most of my life before the gods were locked away. It isn't fun but you make it sound like it will be so very easy." Dru's voice was falt and dead as he spoke about his past and the possability of fhis future.
"Look I got thanked first off because my dad isn't that bad but fending for yourself isn't easy. I did that for most of my life before the gods were locked away. It isn't fun but you make it sound like it will be so very easy." Dru's voice was falt and dead as he spoke about his past and the possibility of his future.
Luna looks at Dry respectively. "As I said, I'm surprised. By fending for ourself I mean we train for each other not for the Gods. Trust me it won't be easy, I think we all knew that."
Eric had been silent the whole time thinking about what to do. He walked for the door. "I'm only here to free my father. Good bye and good luck." He closed the door behind him.
Heather watched as Morpheus exited as well, she looked to Decimus. He had spoken up. He had thought that the gods were cruel...of course they were...but what would they do better? As mortals they could not restore the Earth. She had no love for the gods but restoration was their goal here, was it not? The gods would bring restoration. They could create life in a way that the demigods could never. She shook her head and stood. "Decimus...I'm going.", she told him, looking at his chest instead of his face. "I want you to come with me....but if you want to be a part of this don't bother following."

Eli was walking down the street, alone. There was rain falling around them, and he had his navy blue hood up and his hands in his pockets. There were tears stinging his eyes. He was alone now. And the words that Luna had said to him. She had tugged on a heart string, and certainly not in a persuasive way.
Dove hesitated watching as people began to leave. She knew not many of them actually cared for the gods, yet they still didn't dare rise up against them. They needed something to encourage them maybe? To show that they didn't need the gods to restore the world, that they didn't need the gods to defeat the monsters controlling everything. They needed proof that demigods could do it alone. Dove looked up, her gaze moving to Becca. She had heard her say she was against it, but Dove couldn't help but hope that she would stay.
Morpheus ran after him, yelling his name. When he caught up he caught his breath. "whew im out of shape shit. I'm here for you my man"

Decimus raised an eyebrow. "My loyalty is to you and Pierce remember? If you're not apart of them then I'm not. Take your leave and ill follow"
Rebecca sat down next to Dove. "I don't mind helping but do we at least have a plan? Hades probably has his power back because of the underworld. But he may help us sense he hates all the other gods. So I'll ask again. Whqts the plan?"
Eli glanced behind him when he saw a form quickly approaching. He had thought for a moment to duck into an alley and make himself invisible...but he stopped when he saw that it was Morpheus. His eyes widened. "Morpheus...", he breathed with some suprise. "What do you mean?"
Dru shook his head and walked away following after Morpheus and Eli. "Hey you two wait up." Dru could be seen sprinting to them.
Tazmodo said:
Rebecca sat down next to Dove. "I don't mind helping but do we at least have a plan? Hades probably has his power back because of the underworld. But he may help us sense he hates all the other gods. So I'll ask again. Whqts the plan?"
Luna overhears this comment. "Actually Hades is just as weakened as the other Gods. If the Underworld empowered him he wouldn't have been locked up in the first place."
Heather smiled some at his reply. He hadn't made that promise. But she supposed he was now. That was good enough. She nodded at him and turned to leave. When Decimus spoke to the other girls, about his father, she just laughed. It was nonsense. Hades would sooner rip these mortals to shreds than aid them in anything. And if he did use them, he would destroy them all afterward. He was the pitiless god of the underworld afterall. And one could only expect that from him. She left, leaving the door open for Decimus but not waiting for him. She had heard enough of this.

Eli looked behind Morpheus to see Dru sprinting toward them in the rain. He blinked at him, and then looked up at Morpheus. "Are...are you both agreeing with me?", he asked with some confusion. "Despite..." He was going to mention Luna, but he thought better of it and shook his head instead.
Rebecca watched her leave. Well damn salty ass just leave your guy behind. She thought. Shelooked back to Luna. "So whats the plan?"
"I don't support her dying. I support her cause. But if it risks her life I wont participate. But if you do, then.... alright. You're my friend and I care for her. So ill join."

Decimus shrugged "That's 5 now. Soon 6. You're losing support Lady Luna. I do apologize. I wish I could help" He followed after Heather and closed the door
"Unfortunately, Hades isn't good with alliances," Dove said, sighing and holding her head, "He has a throne to protect, a throne I doubt he'd give up to help us." She rubbed the bridge of her nose, "I don't think any of the gods would really help us. Then again, I could be wrong." She hesitated, looking over as the sixth member left gritting her teeth. Dammit... they had to figure out some way to prove them wrong. "If we're going to regain their support... I think we'll have to do this on our own."
"I don't support her, I don't support you. worst case I decide to ask my dad to take me with him into his realm. I am fine with Luna's plan just not Luna."
Heather had stopped down the hall, leaning against it and looking at her feet. When he approached she glanced up at him and smiled. She stepped away from the wall and took his arm as he walked. She kissed his shoulder in appreciation. Heather would have gone on without him but it would have been difficult. She hugged his arm tightly before releasing him with a sigh and heading down the stairs. "Now what?", she asked him as they moved forward. "Do we leave the island?"

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