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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

(Yeeeeaaaah no, everyone went to bury the dead guy or disappeared so he just choked it up alone))

"Hehe...no, death *cough, cough* death is no *gag* big deal...Rage, though...Anger, mixed with love for a lost soul...its like *gag* Its like I'm dehydrated, and my only.chance to live is to drink water filled with shit...." Kalin said, finally spitting up a small amount of water. He slowly pushed himself to his feet, as the emotions he was feeding on, and the people attached to them, had moved to a new location. "Damn it. They're really pissed about this."

Kalin brushed spittle from his lips, and shook off the discomfort he'd felt. "Thanks, by the way. I thought I might be invisible to everyone..."
Ryan looked at him, confused. "Interesting. You only survive off positive emotion? Hmm..." his mind was reeling. "Well what about Decimus or Damian? They're asleep. They don't know Pierce is dead so they must have some good still in them, right?"

Morpheus hugged her for a bit before walking out. "Im on it cutie." He went back to the beach to see Kalin and Ryan. "Hey guys. Luna is having a meeting in her room in about.... 45 minutes give or take." He looked at the sleeping two and sighed. "Ill take them home"
"That one," Kalin said, pointing at Decimus," is very unhappy. He's a buzz kill, really. If I reach in there, I might as well end his life, cuz he doesn't have much happy left to take...but lets see about the other one." he said, walking over to Damian. He put a hand to the boy's chest, and tried drawing on his love,when he felt the slightest tug from Decimus, as well. He refused to take from that boy, however. He focused on Damian, trying to find the love within him.


DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan looked at him, confused. "Interesting. You only survive off positive emotion? Hmm..." his mind was reeling. "Well what about Decimus or Damian? They're asleep. They don't know Pierce is dead so they must have some good still in them, right?"
Morpheus hugged her for a bit before walking out. "Im on it cutie." He went back to the beach to see Kalin and Ryan. "Hey guys. Luna is having a meeting in her room in about.... 45 minutes give or take." He looked at the sleeping two and sighed. "Ill take them home"
Looking back at Morpheus, he tilted his head. "How about you feed the love train first." He said, offering a hand for the boy to take. Odd as it was, the boy had quite a bit of love himself.
CGULL9313 said:
Heather smiled, looking at the little figurine. She giggled a little as he twirled his scythe about. "Thanks.", she said to Morpheus, then turned to Luna when she spoke. Her eyes were cold, despite the tears. The did need to talk. All of them. She was through with this stupid little game. There were gods now. Where were they? Shouldn't they care at all about the children that had fought so hard to free them...the mortal demigods who gave their lives? Demeter had saved them all from the ruin of the subway station. But allowed her own son to die. Allowed Steve to die. "I'm sorry about Steve.", she said to Luna softly. "I wish we could bury him too...but....", she tried to sound cheerful, "Maybe you'll see him in the astral plane again."
"I know.... I do have something from him. That's enough for me." Luna nods her head. Her umbrella floats above her. "Everyone on this cave! I'd like to discuss something with you I. My dorm tonight in a half hour!" Luna told everyone where her dorm was located.

( @CharChar45 @Tazmodo @Drumonkey )
(Theyre actually both depressed buuuut lets roll with cause plot!)

Damian was silent. In his mind flashed memories, emotions. He felt the thoughts of a girl.... Sandra was her name. But he remembered nothing else. He could feel smiles passing, kisses, holding. But he couldn't remember why, or how she looked. He couldn't remember her hair, her race, her eyes, her face. Nothing. All he could remember was how she made him feel. And soon that happiness turned into sadness, longing, hatred, depression. He felt himself remembering how she betrayed him, hurt him, left him. But he couldn't remember why, how, or when. He felt cold, alone, empty

Morpheus shrugged and grabbded his hand. Quickly memories of Luna flooded through his mind, his heart raced. The first time he saw her. Their first embrace. Their first moment of intimacy. Their first kiss. The way she moved constantly, always busy. When he complained to what he thought was himself before the mission just to have her kiss him then. He remembered when he first made her blush in the astral plane. He remembered making her mad. He always thought she was a cute little devil when she was mad. He remember how he felt when she kicked him out. How he felt when he resisted how he felt about her. He remembered the feeling of the bullet entering his mind to erase the feelings and how iy failed. And he remembered how he felt when he saw her cry. How his own world crashed and all that mattered was her. He closed his eyes and slowly smiled as he ended remembering how he loves the way she molds into his arms
Heather smiled and nodded before looking back to the little statue and then to the grave. She sighed and put the statue down in the mound of grass. She would grow it into something grand later. He deserved to be seen for generations to come for his sacrifice today. She looked at it for a while, before turning and walking back out of the cave with the others. She was tired and thinking of all the ways that she could have saved him...but everything she could think of might have meant Decimus' death. Neither one would have been fair. Either one would have hurt her as deeply. Decimus, however, he held on to every bit of love like it was the only flame in winter. Letting him die after rescuing Pierce, for her, would have been cruel. Everything was cruel about this world. Everything. She remembered Pierce's words as she made her way to the beach to find Decimus and make sure he was ok. He had asked her how she remained so carefree in the dark times they were in. She had made it a joke. She had told him alcohol was the secret. That wasn't true. There was no truth. She was so far from carefree. Everything here was ugly and it hurt her deeply, she just tried to hide it the best she could when she was around others. When she made it to the beach she saw Morpheus, Ryan, Kalin and the two bodies of Damian and Decimus. She sighed as she approached, pushing her hair back from her tear stained face. They were working so she kept quiet as she made her way to Decimus.

Heather sits down on the sand and moves so that she can rest Decimus' head in her lap. She runs her thin, trembling fingers through his dark hair and over his forehead. She doesn't have much left in her but she shares a small stream of her energy with him. It flows in and searches him for that little bit of warmth he had had before. When she found it she grabbed on to it and brought it back into herself, amplifying it and passing it back into him. It was as natural to her as breathing, so it wasn't affected by her exhaustion. Although the energy held remnants of her sadness in it as it flowed through Decimus. "Wake up...", she whispered to him, leaning down and kissing his forehead softly as it rested in her lap. "I need you, Decimus..."
Rebecca had started walking home. All the death was starting to affect her. She had barely known either of them. For the first time in a while she wanted to be alone. Her heart hurt. She only felt like this one other time. Her ex had dumped her through text. The next day he asked a girl out right in front of me. Luckly she said no and he looked like an idiot. Ever sense then she rarely hooked up. She only does with people she trusts. She instantly thought of Dove. She didn't know why but she couldn't get her out of her head. Ever sense the mission she had been all she could think about. She got to her apartment and laid down trying to process all that had happened today. Her room was dark and lonely.
Luna enters her dorm and leaves the door unlocked. Waiting for everyone whom went on the mission to enter. She had snacks, soda, and tea ready for her guests.
Eric went to Lunas apartment. He saw all of the snacks and smile a bit. "Hey I'm sorry for not telling you about Steve sooner. He told me not too." He looked to his feet. "He truly cared for you."
Eli was exhausted, he had barely been able to make it to his own apartment, where he took several potions with a groan and sat on his bed for a while rubbing his neck. It had snapped when he hit the pavement. It had been a terrible feeling. One of the worst he had ever experience. One of them. He rested for a while, and showered before dressing in comfortable clothing and heading over to Luna's apartment. He knocked quietly on her door.
Decimus felt her tugging on his core. Oh you're back? Sigh... I guess i have to get up. No rest for the wicked. He groaned as his eyes opened, his body hurt like hell
Heather was still leaning over him. Her blonde hair was a curtain around them as she sat with her lips pressed to his forehead. She was sobbing quietly into his skin, her cheast heaving with her silent cries. When she felt his eyelashes flutter open she sat up some to look at him. He groaned and a small, sad smile spread across her face. Tears dripped down onto Decimus' cheeks. She reached up to wipe them away gently. "Hey, you bastard.", she whispered to him as he woke. The connection between their energies was still there, cycling through the two of them through her lap directly into the back of his head.
Dove quietly went to her own apartment, now that she finally had her own, staring blankly at the room in front of her. She wasn't quite sure what happened. One minute she was fine, and the next she simply wasn't. She collapsed to the floor with a slight thud, her whole body trembling from the shock of it all. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her first day here had consisted of death and pain, and not much else. She had clawed her way out from the ground Athena had put her in, just to land here. Part of her wished she was still buried, still in that meditative state and clueless to what was happening on the surface. Taking a shaky breath, she slowly stood, unable to stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks. It was illogical to just sit here and cry, but Dove wanted nothing then to do just that. Yet she couldn't. Her and everyone else were expected to be in Luna's room soon, and Dove didn't want to show up looking like a hot mess. Rather quickly, she cleaned up, taking a brief shower to clean the dirt and grime from her skin and hair, and to scrub her face clean, erasing any sign of her earlier tears. She changed into clean clothes, tying her dark hair back into a ponytail. There. Now she looked presentable. Giving herself one last glance in the mirror, she headed out towards Luna's apartment, looking around for Becca on the way.

(Quick note: I'll be put of town for two weeks starting tomorrow so sorry if I'm slow to reply!)
Tazmodo said:
Eric went to Lunas apartment. He saw all of the snacks and smile a bit. "Hey I'm sorry for not telling you about Steve sooner. He told me not too." He looked to his feet. "He truly cared for you."
CGULL9313 said:
Eli was exhausted, he had barely been able to make it to his own apartment, where he took several potions with a groan and sat on his bed for a while rubbing his neck. It had snapped when he hit the pavement. It had been a terrible feeling. One of the worst he had ever experience. One of them. He rested for a while, and showered before dressing in comfortable clothing and heading over to Luna's apartment. He knocked quietly on her door.
Luna walked to the door and opened it. She couldn't talk much about Steve at the moment. "Welcome Eli."
Eli bowed some, hissing at the pain in his neck as he did. "Thank you Miss Luna.", he said quietly, as he stepped in beside her. He nodded at Eric, not smiling. It really wasn't a smiling sort of occassion. "I haven't really met you yet, my friend.", he said as he walked over and outstretched a small hand to him.
(Imma take him back now kay)

After their moment, Morpheus carried Damian to his room and left the toy ceberus with the other bobbleheads. He went across the hall and knocked on Luna's door
Eric shook his hand. "Hi I'm Eric. Who are you?" He tried his best to stay upbeat. "I saw you during the mission you are very resourceful."
Heather shook her head and sobbed softly as she took his hand in both of hers and held it to her lips. She didn't want to say it. She didn't want to tell him. She wanted it to go away. It wasn't going to though. "Pierce didn't make it.", she said into his fist, then took a deep shaky breath to steady herself and looked down at him with watery blue eyes. She didn't want to tell him the circumstances surrounding his death. That she had chose to help him first. That she had kissed him to save his life. He didn't know. It was her burden to bear alone.

Elijah smiled at the compliment, although only out of politeness. "Thank you, sir. I am Elijah.", he said, shaking and then releasing his hand. "It's nice to meet you Eric, however unfortunate the circumstances."
He looked confused. "no no i saved him. I know I did. I ca-" and he stopped. She was right. His soul was nowhere. He couldn't sense him. "But i..." he closed his eyes and sighed. "I guess I didn't. Im sorry" His voice a mixture of sorrow and anger

"Yes death is always sad but we must be strong for those who cannot. Did you know either of the two?" He took a drink of tea.
Heather shook her head, putting his hand back down on his chest before helping him to sit up. "It's not your fault.", she assured him with a soft, shaking voice. She slipped out from behind him and stood up in the sand, to walk around to his front and offer her hands to him. "Are you ok?"

Eli shook his head, going to pour himself a cup of tea. "Not really...", he admitted. "But they were family."
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Imma take him back now kay)
After their moment, Morpheus carried Damian to his room and left the toy ceberus with the other bobbleheads. He went across the hall and knocked on Luna's door
Luna opens the door and points towards the couch.

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