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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Morpheus kissed her head twice before sighing deeply. "I know.... I know." He didn't know what to say. He had no words. He had saved Steve just for him to die anyways. And Pierce gave himself for them. If he weren't so distracted with Luna he could have done more. But he couldn't. Splitting and removing the rubble was too much. He couldnt have teleported them too. He started to rock as he looked into the water, holding her tightly. "I know..."
CGULL9313 said:
Heather continued to kiss Decimus as she felt her energy being absorbed, and his heart beat regulating. He gasped into her lips and she pulled back so that he could breath, reaching up to brush his hair back from his face. Not letting the connection end. "You come back.", she said to him softly. She turned to look for the clone of Morpheus but it was gone. Was it up to her to save Pierce too? She didn't know if she had enough in her to...she looked up, hearing the waters rushing in. "No...Decimus! Wake up now! We have to go!", she shouted. She glanced at Pierce. His eyes were open. She smiled, thinking he was going to be ok. They would just need to get him to sunlight. She gasped when the glowing goddess entered into the darkness of the train car. She picked up the body of Pierce and Heather watched in awe. They were suddenly back on the beach, she was still sitting beside Decimus. She stood, mouth agape at the words that Demeter had spoken. She stared at Pierce's body as it was lowered to the ground. Tears flowwed from her eyes, finally. She had been holding them back with such effort. She sobbed hard and moved slowly over to the body in the sand. She crouched beside him and touched his cheek. He was cold. "This is bullshit!", she cried, looking up at the goddess with slitted pupils. "You're his mother! Save him." She tried to force energy into the corpse. To fill him with life, but it regected it and it dissipated into the sand.
(You fucking suck, Light. I hate you.)
( I've secretly been thinking of killing Pierce off since the mission started. I had to do it for the sake of plot. Also it's not my fault I like romantic tragedies! )

Demeter turns her head away while she fades away. "I cannot.... he's the one whom asked me to take his life in return. He's gone now.... I cannot further aid him." Demeter completely fades away.
Rebecca stood up in front of the goddess. "Why did he have to die your a fricking god and you couldn't do it without take his life. So why?"
Heather screams at the place where Demeter had been. Her voice changes into a deep, animalistic roar, before it dies back down to a pathetic sob. She lies down beside the corpse of her friend and cries into his shoulder.
Her first day here and two demigods were dead. Dove stayed silent, staring ahead in shock, unsure on what to do or say. The goddess had saved them all... but with a price. Why? Why did the gods have to be this way? Why couldn't they just hell for the sake of helping rather then requiring a sacrifice? She gritted her teeth in frustration, wanting to yank on her hair and scream.
Tazmodo said:
Rebecca stood up in front of the goddess. "Why did he have to die your a fricking god and you couldn't do it without take his life. So why?"
Before Demeter completely fades away she had a face of sorrow.
Kalin falls into the sand, grasping his head in pain. The broken hearts surrounding him were making him partially sick, while the love they represented were empowering him. It didn't sit right within him, and he felt the urge to throw up repeatedly. He sat on the beach, gagging into the sand.
Rebecca went to the dead demigod and kneeled next to him. A few minutes later she started digging a grave for him. "Why do we even bother freeing them if this is all the results we get?"
Dove quietly stepped forward beside Becca, helping her dig the grave. She didn't have an answer to her question. In fact, she was wondering the same thing herself. Why bother if it only led to death?
Heather sat up when Rebecca came over. She wiped the sand off her face and put her hand on the girl's arm. "Not here...", she whispers. Slowly standing up. Her long hair blew in the wind. "He needs to be in the dirt. With plants around him..." She looked back, toward Decimus, then to Morpheus and Eli over by Luna. "Will you help me carry him?", she asked them all.

Eli was exhausted, wobbling some on his small legs as he solemnly approached.
"Because some of us believe that its the only way things will get better..." Alex said, as his dynamos started to assist Rebecca. His back was turned to the others, as he adjusted his eye patch nonstop, almost obsessively.

"That if we win this war, and free our parents, they'll do better, be better than they were before the world went to hell. Who knows if they're right or not? It simply sucks to have to wonder while you watch your friends die...is that about right?" he said to her.
Alex shook his head, and made the dynamos stop. He walked over to Luna. "I apologize for your loss. My powers weren't enough to save anyone but myself..." he said, before flying off. He headed immediately to the chronohistoire, where he marked down the names of the fallen in a book. Alex then resumed his reading, not stopping regardless of time passing by...
Heather took his head, and Eli took the feet. Dru helping as well as whoever else had joined. Heather led the procession slowly to the cave beneath the waterfall. She passed beneath the water, and it drenched the others. There were beasts there still, in the darkness, and they all seemed sad too to Heather. They followed the demigods, carrying Pierce, to a side tunnel. There a large dragon made of trees leaned down and scooped a big bite out of the moist earth with his jaws. They laid the body within and the beasts covered him with the soil. As they watched, one of them laid down on the grave mound and closed it's eyes. It died there too, dissolving into a pile of moss and beautiful closed light yellow flowers. The mass grew up the side of the cave wall, and the flowers bloomed all at once and the flowers along the walls throughout the cave glowed brightly.
Morpheus figured she'd be okay. He kissed her head one last time before going to help. He walked with them and looked at the cave, amazed. "Im going to guess he made this?"

Ryan sat there, still shocked from it all. He watched Decimus and Damian as the two slept
Heather stood silently and watched as the flowers bloomed. She turned with a sniffle to Morpheus and wiped her cheeks. "Mostly....we both kind of did, I guess.", she said quietly. Looking down the tunnel leading to their throne room and the image of them kissing. She had felt awkward about it then, as she hadn't meant to make it, but she was glad that she did now. His image was somewhere in the cave so they could look on him in the future.
Dru turned and walked away entering the dreamworld and sitting down at the table in the clearing thinking about everything that had happened.
Dove looked to Becca as she spoke, slowly taking her hand. "... I hope so..." she said quietly in response, following the procession forward. She didn't even flinch as the water touched her skin, washing the dirt and grime from her skin and clothes. She had a slight limp in her walk, but ignored it. Her pain didn't matter right now. Demigods had died today... and a stupid pain in her leg wouldn't bring them back. She watched as they buried him, Pierce she believed his name was, watched as the flowers bloomed up and around the cave. It was a stunning sight, and Dove couldn't help but feel at least a little bit of awe. "... it's beautiful..." she whispered in a hushed tone.
Morpheus nodded and rubbed her shoulder. He opened his head and a little figurine of Pierce appeared, the bottom circle he stood on was engraved saying FOREVER. "I don't know him at all. We never spoke. But obviously he meant a lot to you. So it's the least I could do." He willed more energy and the little Pierce would move in a sequence of waving and smiling, pulling out his scythe, twirling it, leaning on it, then putting his hands together as a rose grew. Then it would go back to standing and repeat. He handed it to her. In doing so, more of his hair started to grey, significating his power was killing him again. He coughed a bit then tilted his hat
Luna was angry... Two demigod died and the Gods haven't done a thing. That hadn't even tried to save her in her previous life. This was the last straw, things had to change and she was going to make sure of it. She turns to Morpheus. "Give everyone invitations to my dorm tonight. In an hour. I have to discuss something for them."
Heather smiled, looking at the little figurine. She giggled a little as he twirled his scythe about. "Thanks.", she said to Morpheus, then turned to Luna when she spoke. Her eyes were cold, despite the tears. The did need to talk. All of them. She was through with this stupid little game. There were gods now. Where were they? Shouldn't they care at all about the children that had fought so hard to free them...the mortal demigods who gave their lives? Demeter had saved them all from the ruin of the subway station. But allowed her own son to die. Allowed Steve to die. "I'm sorry about Steve.", she said to Luna softly. "I wish we could bury him too...but....", she tried to sound cheerful, "Maybe you'll see him in the astral plane again."
(So, should I just have Kalin slit his own throat? Because he's gagging on the beach, and not a person even checked up on him.))
(we all left. But i got it)

Ryan snapped from his thoughts at the sound of.... gagging? Vomiting? He could have sworn he heard them say theyre burying Pierce. He looked around and saw Kalin. Quickly he scrambled and ran over to him. "Are you okay? Of course not. Why are you.... vomiting? Is death hard for you?"

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