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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Dru was the last one into the area of the train "you rang?" he looked around and tilted his head taking into account everyone.
Rebecca joined Ryan and shot with her light arrows. "I thought you hated using that thing." She kept firing.
(I go to sleep and everyone replies lol)

Dove yelped as the beast tore through the metal of the train, her eyes wide as he devoured the demigod. Her stomach twisted, vomit rising to her throat. She quickly swallowed it back, forcing herself to take a calming breath. "We aren't going to die, Becca," she said, the gears in her head turning. "A ball... I need a ball." It was a crazy plan, but it was all Dove had. After all, the beast was kind of a dog... A poison spewing, snake haired dog with multiple heads, but a dog all the same.
Kalin joined the others in firing arrows, his filled with explosives. "Damn it, I should have expected something like this when I saw the dogs back there! And I'm almost out of love to channel, so putting this thing down is out..." He said, using every arrow he had, even the simple bladed ones.
Heather was beside Pierce. She had been useless in rescuing the gods, but this? This was her game. The three headed monster had torn one of the demigods in half before her eyes and she had felt the blood lust come on her. Her pupils had turned to slits. Her fingernails had darkened and sharpened to points. Her teeth grown into fangs. Like that, she turned to Pierce, fully capable of communicating still. "Bind it. The thickest vines you can manage...thorns and all. Keep it's mouths shut. Got it?" She made her way through the others to stand near the front, against a wall. Her hands caressed the metal and plastic of the subway car, returning the windows to their places and making them into thick plates of steel. Incase anything else wanted to come bother them while they took on the dog.

Anny was nowhere to be seen. As he had been finishing the wraith and releasing it to the underworld he had heard Decimus call for him. He had considered going, before he looked around. He was in his master's kingdom. He made his way, carefully, to the river and approached his father's ferry. It was overrun with foul beings. He made quick work of them with the right words and boarded his birthright. The oar was missing of course. One touch of his staff to the souls beneath, and the oar that it truly was became evident. Feeling more than right in this place he rowed across the great rivers toward Hades' palace. There were monsters all around him, coming closer, but in his eagerness he ignored them as he made his way to the throne room. There he waited for his king to return to his seat of power.

(Sorry about my absence. I was asleep.)
Drumonkey said:
Dru was the last one into the area of the train "you rang?" he looked around and tilted his head taking into account everyone.
"Try and release some sleep powder out of this window!" Luna gives Dru his orders and turns back to the window.

CGULL9313 said:
Heather was beside Pierce. She had been useless in rescuing the gods, but this? This was her game. The three headed monster had torn one of the demigods in half before her eyes and she had felt the blood lust come on her. Her pupils had turned to slits. Her fingernails had darkened and sharpened to points. Her teeth grown into fangs. Like that, she turned to Pierce, fully capable of communicating still. "Bind it. The thickest vines you can manage...thorns and all. Keep it's mouths shut. Got it?" She made her way through the others to stand near the front, against a wall. Her hands caressed the metal and plastic of the subway car, returning the windows to their places and making them into thick plates of steel. Incase anything else wanted to come bother them while they took on the dog.
Anny was nowhere to be seen. As he had been finishing the wraith and releasing it to the underworld he had heard Decimus call for him. He had considered going, before he looked around. He was in his master's kingdom. He made his way, carefully, to the river and approached his father's ferry. It was overrun with foul beings. He made quick work of them with the right words and boarded his birthright. The oar was missing of course. One touch of his staff to the souls beneath, and the oar that it truly was became evident. Feeling more than right in this place he rowed across the great rivers toward Hades' palace. There were monsters all around him, coming closer, but in his eagerness he ignored them as he made his way to the throne room. There he waited for his king to return to his seat of power.

(Sorry about my absence. I was asleep.)
Pierce shakes his head with a frown. "I can't do that without actual ground or something. The best I can do right now is seed control and scythe control.... unless." Pierce runs to an open window and throws his scythe at the top of the tunnel which bounces off and lands on the lower back of the Cerberus. Instead of the scythe coming back, Pierce holds out his hand and he flies out the window to his scythe. Taking the same elusive path his scythe did landing on it'd back. He picks up his scythe and notices the large serpent of a tail raising up to kill him. He had work to do.

[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Kalin joined the others in firing arrows, his filled with explosives. "Damn it, I should have expected something like this when I saw the dogs back there! And I'm almost out of love to channel, so putting this thing down is out..." He said, using every arrow he had, even the simple bladed ones.

CharChar45 said:
(I go to sleep and everyone replies lol)
Dove yelped as the beast tore through the metal of the train, her eyes wide as he devoured the demigod. Her stomach twisted, vomit rising to her throat. She quickly swallowed it back, forcing herself to take a calming breath. "We aren't going to die, Becca," she said, the gears in her head turning. "A ball... I need a ball." It was a crazy plan, but it was all Dove had. After all, the beast was kind of a dog... A poison spewing, snake haired dog with multiple heads, but a dog all the same.
Tazmodo said:
Rebecca joined Ryan and shot with her light arrows. "I thought you hated using that thing." She kept firing.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan stood with Luna shooting his bow. The arrows merged with her darkness and swirled into the beast
The Cerberus didn't appreciate what they were firing at it. It hurt but it made it more agitated than anything. The middle head fires a magic blast once again and makes the tunnel crack and shatter. The tube was breaking in a domino effect way. Now the train had to outrun Cerberus and breaking glass tube. The water was rushing toward, threatening to wash them all away. The Cerberus head on the left fires poison gas out of its mouth while it charged through the water. The poison gas started to erode the back of the train away and it kept surging forward. The head on the right kept barking and the sound waves were shaking the train. One of the eroded train cars behind them got shaken off the tracks and disconnected from the others.

One the train makes it out the tube they still have to travel through a little part of New York, with Cerberus behind them and an endless supply of seawater behind Cerberus.
Rebecca started firing a villey of arrows at it feet in a attempt to trip it. But had no effect and went back to the eyes.
Dru stepped in front of the archers and inhaled deeply before breathing sleep sand in a massive cloud directly into the face of Cerebus.
Drumonkey said:
Dru stepped in front of the archers and inhaled deeply before breathing sleep sand in a massive cloud directly into the face of Cerebus.
Tazmodo said:
Rebecca started firing a villey of arrows at it feet in a attempt to trip it. But had no effect and went back to the eyes.
Cerberus inhaled some but tries to shake away the rest. The head that spews poison ends up falling asleep along with some of the snakes on it's mane. The middle head fires a magic blast at Drew and Rebecca's window.
Dru coughed and some of his sleep sand came out but again he inhaled deeply and then breathed out another cloud more widespread than before and as he did it he began to glow faintly. Dru nodded at Morpheus's question and continued to exhale sand.
Dove thought quickly, turning and darting towards Kalin. "Do you have any explosive arrows left?!" She asked quickly, the plan forming in her mind. Maybe they could take Cerebrus out from the inside. If they could get an explosive in his system, that is.
Drumonkey said:
Dru coughed and some of his sleep sand came out but again he inhaled deeply and then breathed out another cloud more wide spread than before and as he did it he began to glow faintly.
Both the middle and right head start firing things to blow away the top of the cloud. Cerberus then jumps over it and and the right head barks. Making their trains car shake.
Dru coughed and wobbled a bit before sitting down. After a minute of deep breathing he stood up, "Morpheus can you get something inside of the mouth of one of them?" Dru was getting a very crazy and super risky plan but they were running low on options at this point." @DizjayDeathPride
Dru tossed a little piece of wood with some sand on it into his hands, "Put it into the mouth of the far right one and then turn it into an old oak door with a brass handle and I won't kill your pet but I will put it down and If I can move it for you. Hurry please." Then Dru glanced at Luna "I found a way past it's reach." Then he shrugged and made an old oak door with a brass knob appear in front of him.
Morpheus sighed and handed it to a clone. The clone stared at the right, his eyes swirling silver, locking on. "Got it" And he appeared in it's mouth, to be eaten. "Oooo that looked painful. Poor guy"
Dru snapped the sand glowed then the door glowed then Dru opened the door in front of him and they could see inside its mouth through the door. "Down the hatch." Dru breathed a huge cloud of Sleep sand into its mouth and down its throat some of it even blew back and into it's eyes and that is how Dru brought down the right head. "Thanks Morpheus and sorry about the clone." Then Dru closed the door.
Drumonkey said:
Dru tossed a little piece of wood with some sand on it into his hands, "Put it into the mouth of the far right one and then turn it into an old oak door with a brass handle and I won't kill your pet but I will put it down and If I can move it for you. Hurry please." Then Dru glanced at Luna "I found a way past it's reach." Then he shrugged and made an old oak door with a brass knob appear in front of him.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus sighed and handed it to a clone. The clone stared at the right, his eyes swirling silver, locking on. "Got it" And he appeared in it's mouth, to be eaten. "Oooo that looked painful. Poor guy"
Drumonkey said:
Dru snapped the sand glowed then the door glowed then Dru opened the door in front of him and they could see inside its mouth through the door. "Down the hatch." Dru breathed a huge cloud of Sleep sand into its mouth and down its throat some of it even blew back and into it's eyes and that is how Dru brought down the right head. "Thanks Morpheus and sorry about the clone."
( ! )

The moment the clone appears with the door in its face the dog head in the middle knocks it away with a magic blast.The door is destroyed and it's about to fire another one to kill Dru.

Luna bites her lip. "Again that idiot! I have him specific orders to just blow it out the window!" Luna gets ready to jump out again to save him for the third time.
(Oh come on that plan was great. Also how did it knock the door away without hurting itself. The door was in its mouth)

"Shit." Dru drew the dog's attention and was standing in front of an old oak door so that when it fired he would open the door and jump out the way and most f the blast would enter the dreamworld.
Rebecca pulled back on her bow. An arrow of light formed bigger then any other shes ever made. It was almost the size of the train car. She released it aiming straight fot the eye of the beast. She had put all of her energy into it and passed out.
Drumonkey said:
(Oh come on that plan was great. Also how did it knock the door away without hurting itself. The door was in its mouth)
"Shit." Dru drew the dog's attention and was standing in front of an old oak door so that when it fired he would open the door and jump out the way and most f the blast would enter the dreamworld.
( Definitely, jumping into a three headed dogs mouth was definitely the greatest plan ever. Also the dogs mouth was open and I think the Cerberus has practiced more than once on accuracy. )

Tazmodo said:
Rebecca pulled back on her bow. An arrow of light formed bigger then any other shes ever made. It was almost the size of the train car. She released it aiming straight fot the eye of the beast. She had put all of her energy into it and passed out.
Cerberus fires its blast at Dru but when it does the head to the right falls asleep, it's head goes limp and it's mouth closes. Making the Cerberus miss. The middle head decides to have its searing hot magic climb up the throat of the head Dru is in. Even though it's burning the throat up, it'll be worth it. Rebecca's arrow hits Cerberus in the eye and blows it out of the socket completely.

CharChar45 said:
"Luna!" Dove shouted, darting forward as well, "I need an explosive of some kind. I have an idea."
Luna turns to Dove. "Are you really going to fire at explosive at it when we have one of our demigod in it's mouth?!" Luna turns to the other demigod. "Hold your fire!"

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