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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

DizjayDeathPride said:
When Morpheus ran around the corner he marvelled. "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! I MUST HAVE YOU! You can join the 100-headed bobblehead! OH MY GOD A PUPPY BOBBLEHEAD DAMIAN LOOK THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME! YOU ALL! WEAKEN IT BUT DO NOOOOT DESTROY IT! Im gonna call you... Sylvester"
CharChar45 said:
Dove quickly followed Luna up the stairs, panting slightly from all the cardio. She wasn't sure what would be waiting for then up there, but she was ready.
Drumonkey said:
Dru silently ran past Dove and glanced at her as he passed before looking forwards and sprinting at Cerebus he wasn't sure he wouldn't kill it but wound it he could. Dru pulled out his knives as he charged.
Luna finally makes it to Cerberus with Dove. She sees Dru running forward towards Cerberus and holds out her hand, to use a repelling spell. Which pushes Dru away from Cerberus. "Don't get close to it! What the hell do you think you're doing it would have killed you instantly. It has snakes for a mane razor sharp teeth and claws and it has much more reach than you do! You can't just charge in alone!" Luna herself kept her distance.

The Cerberus seemed to lay down, not even bothered by the demigod. It was as big as a garbage truck. Poison gas seeps out the mouth of the left head. When the gas touches the floor it seems to erode away. The other heads had unknown abilities.
Morpheus ran to Luna, bouncing with excitement "Cutie cutie cutie rip its soul out I want it!!! It's so cuuuute! His name is Sylvester!"
"Pops taught me a trick I would have been fine." Dru said as he was forced to back off. He was unsure what had happened with Luna but whenever he thought about her he felt anger and confusion.Since the beast had longer reach than him he backed away.
Rebecca instantly started firing light arrows into its eyes. She shot volleys of five at a time into each eye hoping it would have any effect.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus ran to Luna, bouncing with excitement "Cutie cutie cutie rip its soul out I want it!!! It's so cuuuute! His name is Sylvester!"
"I can't! It has a much stronger willpower than I do. That's what you should expect from a beast who's watching over six God's and controls many undead." Luna summons her chakrams. Wondering why Cerberus is.... asleep.

Tazmodo said:
Rebecca instantly started firing light arrows into its eyes. She shot volleys of five at a time into each eye hoping it would have any effect.
The Cerberus exhales and releases more poison gas, which erodes the arrows away. The beast seemed to be half asleep. Not even bothering itself with the demigod. The head on the right does bark, when it does the sound waves rush towards them, ripping up the ground as it goes. Nearly missing them as it that was a warning. Luna stood, shocked as the blast almost hit her.
Morpheus grabbed her in a natural protective instinct. "Sigh.... okay. Let's weaken it. Then you get it's soul and I get its body kay? Cool" He kissed her cheek and bounced away, to Rebecca "Helloooooo there. Stop trying to blind Sylvester pleeease"
Dru tilted is head as Cerebus seemed to be sleepy then he began fighting the 3 headed dogs will trying to wrestle it to sleep. "Keep distracting it and injure it some more so I can put it to sleep."
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus grabbed her in a natural protective instinct. "Sigh.... okay. Let's weaken it. Then you get it's soul and I get its body kay? Cool" He kissed her cheek and bounced away, to Rebecca "Helloooooo there. Stop trying to blind Sylvester pleeease"
Drumonkey said:
Dru tilted is head as Cerebus seemed to be sleepy then he began fighting the 3 headed dogs will trying to wrestle it to sleep. "Keep distracting it and injure it some more so I cna put it to sleep."
"Injure it some more? We haven't hit it once!" Luna throws one of her chakrams only to have the head in the middle fires a blast of searing hot magic at the chakram, which makes it soar back at Dru.

The Cerberus's right head barks again and seals the exit. Making it cave in, that's when the head on the left starts spewing poison gas. The head in the middle fires more magic into the poison cloud, making it flare up and fade away. The poison gas isn't as effective but it spreads quickly around the sealed room. The demigod had at least an hour and a half before they completely run out of oxygen and have to breathe in poison only.
Steve had recovered from earlierand decided to take action. "Morph I have a bad idea get Decimus ready." He pulled out his dagger and ran full speed at the beast. He took a deep breath and ran into the poison cloud to get near it. He climb up it's middle head slashing his whole way up. Hopefully it would take his bait and attack. He kept running around its heads slashing.
"Oooo we done done and gone and made it maaaaad. What do we doooo?!" Morpheus ran around wildly before getting serious. "Alright seriousness. Tall dark and handsome, Underworld. Child... jesus shit. Lets go"

Decimus raised an eyebrow, arms crossed. "Tall dark and handsome?" He shrugged and his Cloak formed. "So be it" His Hands of Hades appeared. He flung the Right, grabbing the middle head's throat
The Cerberus gets up and shakes wildly as if it were trying to get water off its body. Shaking Steve off and Making the hands of Hades swing around. The head to the right barks at the Hand of Hades and sends another Soundwave blast. Making it completely swing off into the direction of Steve. The head on the right randomly starts barking and firing blasts around the room, tearing it up. The middle head starts to fire magic blasts at the other demigod while the head on the left let's out a lot of poison gas.
"Yeeeeah no we're not doing this today sorry everyone BOING!" He clapped and they were back to the train. "We got the Gods. Fuck the toy let's just leave" He looked around. "How... do we leave?"
Dru deflects the chakram and watches everyone else fighting Cerebus then was apparently on a train. "what just happened?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Yeeeeah no we're not doing this today sorry everyone BOING!" He clapped and they were back to the train. "We got the Gods. Fuck the toy let's just leave" He looked around. "How... do we leave?"
( @Drumonkey @Kalin Scarlet @CGULL9313 @Tazmodo @CharChar45 )

All the demigod were transported out the Generals room due to Morpheus's magic into the train. They had completed their mission in the sense of freeing all the Gods but the General required an emergency retreat. The train closes its doors and starts to speed off. Luna sits down for a moment to catch her breath, she was shaking. "Holy shit...."

Pierce himself leaned on his scythe to register what they've just faced. It was naive of him to think they could overcome this. He was beginning to lose hope.
"Thanks you really saved me there Morph. If not I'd be dead." He leaned against the back of the train.
Morpheus waddled to Luna and sat with her "Well cutie you're our leader. How do we escape? Any idea how to drive a train?" He laid his head in her lap and looks up "Morpheus 1 giant big dog 0"
"well that was eventful thank you morpheus we need a better plan for this, if we are going to fight it again."
Tazmodo said:
"Thanks you really saved me there Morph. If not I'd be dead." He leaned against the back of the train.
Drumonkey said:
"well that was eventful thank you morpheus we need a better plan for this, if we are going to fight it again."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus waddled to Luna and sat with her "Well cutie you're our leader. How do we escape? Any idea how to drive a train?" He laid his head in her lap and looks up "Morpheus 1 giant big dog 0"
At that moment, all three of them jinxed it. 'If we are going to fight it again. Morpheus 1 giant big dog 0. If not I'd be dead.' One of the heads of Cerberus rips through a part of the train and locks its razor sharp teeth on Steve. Ripping his upper body off, and then collecting it the second later. Swallowing it all, as it continues to run after the train.

Luna is speechless frozen even as she saw the person she's taken in from the streets way back die before her eyes.

Pierce stands up immediately and yells. "Everyone to the front car of the train!"

( Don't worry I had permission. From Tazmodo. )
"I know where we can escape it." Dru summoned his katana and sprinted to the front of the train as he calculated all the risks.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus grabbed Luna and ran. He moved of instinct and followed Pierce
Pierce waited for the others to.Make it to the front of the train before he did.

Drumonkey said:
"I know where we can escape it." Dru summoned his katana and sprinted to the front of the train as he calculated all the risks.
The right head of the Cerberus barks and suddenly all the Windows break from it. At the front of the train the controls burst due to the sound waves as well. Making the train go faster but it's now a run away train. The Cerberus bites at another part of the train that luckily no-one was in. The train finally reaches the underwater tube.
Eric woke up too late. Steve was already in half. "Fuck I slept for to long." He ran up to Morpheus and Luna. "Hey I know how's not the time but I have something to give to you. He showed her a note. "I told Steve that this would happen in the auditorium before we left and he wrote this for you two." He gave her the note. It read "If your reading this then I fucked up. Sorry. Hey Morph keep her safe for me." Eric pulled out his knife. "Also I think you should have this."

Rebecca saw it all and ran to the front. She found Dove and sat down. "We're all going to die aren't we." She said to her. Tears were rolling down her face.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus held Luna "are you okay? I... saw. Steve meant a lot to you right?"
Tazmodo said:
Eric woke up too late. Steve was already in half. "Fuck I slept for to long." He ran up to Morpheus and Luna. "Hey I know how's not the time but I have something to give to you. He showed her a note. "I told Steve that this would happen in the auditorium before we left and he wrote this for you two." He gave her the note. It read "If your reading this then I fucked up. Sorry. Hey Morph keep her safe for me." Eric pulled out his knife. "Also I think you should have this."
Rebecca saw it all and ran to the front. She found Dove and sat down. "We're all going to die aren't we." She said to her. Tears were rolling down her face.
Luna takes the knife and remembers when she saved Steve and gave him this knife. Her hands start to shake as she tries to hold in her tears, she had to be strong right now and handle her emotions later. She stands up straight and takes a deep breath. We need to get everyone to the front of the train, anybody who can use long range attacks, stay here. Get me Dru." Luna heads to the next broken window and starts firing orbs of darkness at the Cerberus. Malice is evident in her eyes as she intends to slow it down.

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