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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

"Break open her cell and hope everything goes well," Dove said in response quickly skidding to a stop in front of Athena's cell. Instantly, her hands went to her hair, pulling out one of her many Bobby pins and digging it into a lock. After a moment of twisting the bobby pin from side to side, the lock finally freed, the cell door swinging open.
Alex blasts away more of the undead, when he starts to realize their numbers have dropped quite a bit. After a few moments more, they are dead, and Alex notices the smoke trailing up some distance away.

"Can someone find out what caused that fire over there?" he asked, landing on the ground as he adjusted his eyepatch.
"That's some bobby pin." She put her bow down and approached the cage. "Is she ok?" Rebecca could feel the raw power pulsing from the cage.
"Yeah, I think so.." Dove said peering inside the cell where the goddess sat. She quickly helped her up, seeing no point in trying to make conversation. They needed to focus on getting out of here.
Tazmodo said:
"That's some bobby pin." She put her bow down and approached the cage. "Is she ok?" Rebecca could feel the raw power pulsing from the cage.
CharChar45 said:
"Break open her cell and hope everything goes well," Dove said in response quickly skidding to a stop in front of Athena's cell. Instantly, her hands went to her hair, pulling out one of her many Bobby pins and digging it into a lock. After a moment of twisting the bobby pin from side to side, the lock finally freed, the cell door swinging open.
Luna had already freed Odyne and Hestia. Both Goddesses have left the area under Rhea's summons. "Alright as soon as you're done with Athena we should start going up floors to look for the General."

Demeter disappears and Pierce runs down the halls. He reaches the farthest cell to see Nike. He immediately trees her and frees her. He would have never sensed her if not for Demeter notifying him. He runs back to the others and straps his scythe onto his back. "Decimus, time to lead us to Hades."

( @CGULL9313 @DizjayDeathPride @Drumonkey )
(I take a small nap and THAAAAATS when yall get active xD omfg)

Decimus got up from his nap on the ground and scratched his hair. "Jeez took you long enough to free her. Come on" He walked a ways turning a bit here and there. Then he came to a stone wall in complete darkness. When he touched it, his Cloak spread across him. But much more pure. The black was darker, more glossy. The rotten purple color of the underworld flesh flowed and moved through it. His eyes glew purple. He closed the left one and turned back to his unit. "We're here" an evil smile on his face. His right hand lingered on the wall. He extended his arm and his flesh itself began to warp and move as if something were coming through it, turning black and purple. The wall fell away to reveal an even blacker cave and Decimus' arm returned to normal. "Shall I? Or will you all join?" His voice was a cold ghostly whisper
"I'm down but first let me." Dru held up his hand and golden light shone from it. The light was calm and soothing and not too bright but just enough for them to see where they were going. "Lead the way."
DizjayDeathPride said:
(I take a small nap and THAAAAATS when yall get active xD omfg)
Decimus got up from his nap on the ground and scratched his hair. "Jeez took you long enough to free her. Come on" He walked a ways turning a bit here and there. Then he came to a stone wall in complete darkness. When he touched it, his Cloak spread across him. But much more pure. The black was darker, more glossy. The rotten purple color of the underworld flesh flowed and moved through it. His eyes glew purple. He closed the left one and turned back to his unit. "We're here" an evil smile on his face. His right hand lingered on the wall. He extended his arm and his flesh itself began to warp and move as if something were coming through it, turning black and purple. The wall fell away to reveal an even blacker cave and Decimus' arm returned to normal. "Shall I? Or will you all join?" His voice was a cold ghostly whisper
Drumonkey said:
"I'm down but first let me." Dru held up his hand and golden light shone from it. The light was calm and soothing and not too bright but just enough for them to see where they were going. "Lead the way."
Pierce stops. "I can't. Hurry though, no time for chit chat. I think we're behind. I'll stay out here." Pierce stands out the way of the cave. Looking around.
Decimus smiled evily, a shadow inking around Pierce, turning into armor. "Aaaas... you... wishhhh... Pierce" His voice had gained more bass but had become more ghostly, near demonic. He stepped down the stairs slowly, his left hand covering his left eye still, trying to maintain control and not fall completely to the Underworld power
Dru followed using the light to keep his vision clear Dru was a little unsettled by all this darkness but to each their own.
The further he went the more he felt the lure of Underworld. The more it pulled the more he returned to normal. He sighed and dropped his hand but kept his left eye closed. "Yo Anny we're almost there. Hurry up"
"I don't see Anny is he here?" Dru pulled out his knife and held it at the ready. "How much further until we reach him?"
"He bonded himself to my spirit and aura. Don't know if he didn't notice or knew I wouldn't care. But yeah. So i know he can hear me. We aren't too far away. Few more meters or so"
"That is very weird, we should get him quickly like Peirce said we are a bit behind everyone else."
Rebecca went back to the others to see if she could help. She saw Ryan and ran to him. "Hey what did I miss?"
Decimus stretched. "Screw waiting. We're here." He stared at the cage in darkness. "We dont have time for this." He walked up to the cage and looked inside. "You just look sickly in there. Maybe you should stop wasting energy huh Father?" He turned and walked back, raising his right hand behind him and above formed a giant purple rottened fleshed fist. He threw the Hand of Hades at the cage, grabbed the bars, and ripped them off "Cool. You're free. See you later" He said, still walking back upstairs
Dru didn't even glance at the god of death and followed Decimus up the stairs shaking his head.
CharChar45 said:
Dove quickly darted back to Luna's location, Athena gone to do her goddess stuff. "What now?"
Tazmodo said:
Rebecca went back to the others to see if she could help. She saw Ryan and ran to him. "Hey what did I miss?"
"We keep going up the stairs until we reach the top. The General may be up there." Luna runs to the stairs and starts to climb.

Drumonkey said:
Dru didn't even glance at the god of death and followed Decimus up the stairs shaking his head.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus stretched. "Screw waiting. We're here." He stared at the cage in darkness. "We dont have time for this." He walked up to the cage and looked inside. "You just look sickly in there. Maybe you should stop wasting energy huh Father?" He turned and walked back, raising his right hand behind him and above formed a giant purple rottened fleshed fist. He threw the Hand of Hades at the cage, grabbed the bars, and ripped them off "Cool. You're free. See you later" He said, still walking back upstairs
Pierce sees them leave and turns to the stairs. He doesn't even open his mouth, they all know what's next. He starts to run up the stairs.

At the top in an arena based floor, Cerberus the three headed dog with a serpents tail, mane of snakes and the claws of a lion was waiting for them, as if it knew they were coming.
As Decimus walked he felt a presence in his mind. Im impressed son. Here's the secret to the full body. He stopped and could feel a power growing inside him and a giant hand on his shoulder. The power rose and flooded through him, pouring out of him. He looked at his hands and clenched them. "Interesting.." And then it was gone. He felt stronger. He continued forward and when he reached the top his Cloak finally vanished "Cool freed Hades. and now we're running? Great" He followed Pierce but didn't run. He instead glided on darkns
Dru sprinted his steps not making a sound, as he glanced around he began to feel a bit tired and wondered what the deal was then once Dru made it to the top he saw Cerebus sitting there and groaned haaving to fight this monster.
When Morpheus ran around the corner he marvelled. "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! I MUST HAVE YOU! You can join the 100-headed bobblehead! OH MY GOD A PUPPY BOBBLEHEAD DAMIAN LOOK THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME! YOU ALL! WEAKEN IT BUT DO NOOOOT DESTROY IT! Im gonna call you... Sylvester"
Dove quickly followed Luna up the stairs, panting slightly from all the cardio. She wasn't sure what would be waiting for then up there, but she was ready.
Dru silently ran past Dove and glanced at her as he passed before looking forwards and sprinting at Cerebus he wasn't sure he wouldn't kill it but wound it he could. Dru pulled out his knives as he charged.
Rebecca had heard they were going after the general and ran to meet up with them. She scaled the stairs and caught up with them. "Hey I'm back did I miss anything?"

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