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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

"This is quite the line up of gods we have here.. This should be very interesting." Dru looked around at the demigods assembled and realized luna wasn't there. Neither was Alex or Morpheus,
[sorry, went out all day. Movie, dinner, and A trip to the arcade...ahh, today was fun...]

Alex sat up, looking over at Morpheus from his spot on the bed.

"You call me kid, but I've been around a bit longer than you have...And no, I didn't take Luna from you. She is still here, in her house, like before. She's just not lying on the floor surrounded by pills. Probably for anxiety. She's been through alot..." he said, looking over at the sleeping girl.

"Why are you here, and she is not?"


"She was perfectly content and safe in my arms until you showed up, kid. Why she's here? She's dreaming and I'm not Dru." He caught himself. He wouldn't reveal too much. "If you don't mind, Ill deal with my cutie. Do see yourself out. And to sedate your curiosity, i call you kid because it was the first name I heard for you. Now" He step aside and jestered his hand towards the door

( Oh well that's good. )

Luna wakes up and isn't too surprised about what she saw. She was just upset, this meant Alex also saw her with the pills. She felt even more humiliation. Luna crawls out of the bed and receives the message from Rhea. "Thank you both... but I'm fine." She still felt a bit disoriented.
Morpheus jumped to her side, primarily literally, and held her arm. "Don't worry so much cutie. I've got you. Do you want to skip the mission?" He noticed Alex hadn't left. He snapped and sent him to the auditorium. "We can ditch cutie"
Alex stood, walking back to the door. "Good to see you're still with us." Alex said to Luna. "You're servant told me you weren't feeling well today, so he let me sit with you for a while..." He lied, having slipped the pills under the pillows of her bed before he stood. Perhaps you should stay behind today. No reason to risk your life if you can't put all of your effort into it. I'd stay behind, but I get the feeling that the others just might need me this time...good day, Luna. Do be safe." He said before walking past Morpheus.

"Make sure she gets better." He said, before exiting the house, and heading for the Auditorium...


Kalin sat in the back of the auditorium, sleeping in silence as the mission details were being discussed. He kept the reigns on his aura of seduction while he slept, so he wasn't drawing much attention to himself, in the process...
Heather smiles when she sees Pierce enter. They had separated for a while because Heather had tried to go find Ryan. She had asked a few people if they knew him or where he might be but nobody she met seemed to. She was standing beside Decimus, and gestured for Pierce to join them. She wasn't sure how he felt about everything she had told him because he had been pretty silent through it all. She felt very awkward about it. When she sees Ryan in the stands too she waves at him excitedly and pardons herself from the boys before starting over to him. That is when Rhea starts. Heather stops to listen. She thought that Rhea was going to say Dionysus, but instead she said Demeter. She grinned widely, looking back at Pierce. Although she wads happy for him, she felt for her own father at the same time....he was a free spirit like herself...more so of course...and he was trapped somewhere. Alone. Powerless. With no wine. She realized she herself hadn't had a glass of wine for a few days now except for here and there. She was pleased to find that she was suffering no withdraws. Maybe all of the energy from Pierce and Decimus was keeping that old familiar need at bay. And creating a whole universe of others. When Rhea was finished she continued over to Ryan. Smiling as she approached.

Anny heard Dru and grinned as he wandered over to him. Tucking his grey curls behind his ear he approached. "Hello, darling! I'm surprised to see you don't have a book in your hands." He chuckled.
Ryan saw her approaching. He wanted to stand and leave but decided not. He looked away, hoping she might have some other objective in mind. When she approached he said hello but didn't look back
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus jumped to her side, primarily literally, and held her arm. "Don't worry so much cutie. I've got you. Do you want to skip the mission?" He noticed Alex hadn't left. He snapped and sent him to the auditorium. "We can ditch cutie"
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Alex stood, walking back to the door. "Good to see you're still with us." Alex said to Luna. "You're servant told me you weren't feeling well today, so he let me sit with you for a while..." He lied, having slipped the pills under the pillows of her bed before he stood. Perhaps you should stay behind today. No reason to risk your life if you can't put all of your effort into it. I'd stay behind, but I get the feeling that the others just might need me this time...good day, Luna. Do be safe." He said before walking past Morpheus.
"Make sure she gets better." He said, before exiting the house, and heading for the Auditorium...


Kalin sat in the back of the auditorium, sleeping in silence as the mission details were being discussed. He kept the reigns on his aura of seduction while he slept, so he wasn't drawing much attention to himself, in the process...

Luna desperately wanted to go even though they were right. The drugs were slowly working, keeping her soul bound to her body. She may have took too much, which she realized quite quickly. "I'm going..." Luna grabs her umbrella and starts to make her way to the door. She leaves her dorm and makes her way to the auditorium. She made sure to clean herself up though.
Morpheus nodded and stayed with her, not more than 2 steps away. "You positive you can handle, cutie? We could totally order pizza and watch a movie. Everyone would be gone" He knew it was a no. "Ill protect you if worst comes to worst." They arrived last to the auditorium it seemed. He followed Luna, letting her sit where she wanted. From what he gathered from everyones thoughts, the mission was selected and now everyone sat waiting for teams
Rebecca had woken up late again. She quickly got ready and ran full speed to the auditorium. On her way she passed a girl with an umbrella and boy in a hat. She thought nothing of it and went to sit and wait. She smiled as she saw Heather walking towards Ryan. Rebecca saw Decimus and walked over to him. "Hey I haven't seen you in awhile." She said with a smile.

Eric had been waiting in the back of the auditorium for everyone else.
Heather moved closer, "Hey, you. Didn't get to see you after the fight.....you ok?" She slipped her hand into his, squeezing at a little. She saw his discomfort and was worried.
Decimus raised an eyebrow to her. "Rebecca... right? You're Ryan's twin correct? How are you? You've been M.I.A for quite a while havent you?"

Ryan pulled away a bit. "Yeah no not really... are you?" He finally looked at her
"You don't remember me?" She was getting sad. "Yeah I've been ok. I was training for a while with swords and stamina and stuff. How about you?" She sat down next to him.
Heather frowned, taking her hand back and holding it in front of her. "Yeah, of course. You mad at me?", she asked him sadly.
Decimus smiled lightly at her. "No no I remember. But we haven't talked. I've been fine. I don't really need to train. Tell me more about you"

Ryan's face immediately turned to ease. "No no! Of course not! Just.... i almost killed you. I would have if you didn't collapse... and then.." he looked down. "Rhea made it all pointless by giving us amnesty. I should have just surrendered. Then I wouldn't have had to...."
Heather shook her head, smiling again softly. She opened her arms to him for a hug but waited for him to reciprocate. "I'm fine...see? I'm not sorry I pushed you either.", she giggled. "You kicked so much ass."
"It's not so much as I need to I want to. It help relieve stress also my swords skills have been lacking slightly but now I'm good. We should spar sometime. What do you want to know? Ask me any question." She scooted closer to him.
He hugged her back and forced a smile. "Yeah i guess.... i hate it still."

He chuckled. "As lovely as that sounds, I don't use my swords unless absolutely necessary. You're welcome to spar with Pierce here. His scythe is... interesting. To say the least." He looked her up and down when she scooted closer "Any question? Well tell me all the basics"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus nodded and stayed with her, not more than 2 steps away. "You positive you can handle, cutie? We could totally order pizza and watch a movie. Everyone would be gone" He knew it was a no. "Ill protect you if worst comes to worst." They arrived last to the auditorium it seemed. He followed Luna, letting her sit where she wanted. From what he gathered from everyones thoughts, the mission was selected and now everyone sat waiting for teams
Luna enters and takes a seat. She looks up at Rhea whom flashes her a smile.

CGULL9313 said:
Heather frowned, taking her hand back and holding it in front of her. "Yeah, of course. You mad at me?", she asked him sadly.
Tazmodo said:
"You don't remember me?" She was getting sad. "Yeah I've been ok. I was training for a while with swords and stamina and stuff. How about you?" She sat down next to him.
Rhea clears her throat and looks toward all the demigod. "Due to the type of mission this is. You all will be sticking together. Things may also not go as planned. So until you reach the building you will have one person leading this charge. Once you get in and find out where the different Gods are located, then the separate squads split up and perform their duties. This said leader will be the last to exit the building. Every demigod must be out safely once the mission is complete before the leader themself leaves. The squads and squad leaders will be up to the decision of this mission's leader. Have fun with those decisions, Luna. You should be familiar with the dead." That last comment Rhea made towards Luna made her stomach turn. She knew what she meant. Luna didn't want to lead this charge at all. She immediately tried to leave.

( @Kalin Scarlet @Drumonkey )
Alex looked up to find Luna entering the room. He glared for a moment, before turning away. His brow twitched in irritation, as Alex wondered why the girl couldn't listen to common sense...
Light said:
Luna enters and takes a seat. She looks up at Rhea whom flashes her a smile.
Rhea clears her throat and looks toward all the demigod. "Due to the type of mission this is. You all will be sticking together. Things may also not go as planned. So until you reach the building you will have one person leading this charge. Once you get in and find out where the different Gods are located, then the separate squads split up and perform their duties. This said leader will be the last to exit the building. Every demigod must be out safely once the mission is complete before the leader themself leaves. The squads and squad leaders will be up to the decision of this mission's leader. Have fun with those decisions, Luna. You should be familiar with the dead." That last comment Rhea made towards Luna made her stomach turn. She knew what she meant. Luna didn't want to lead this charge at all. She immediately tried to leave.

( @Kalin Scarlet @Drumonkey )
Upon hearing Rhea's statements, and watching Luna make for the door, Alex stood.

"Perhaps I should lead this mission, lady Rhea. Luna is not in the best condition, and to have her watch over others while weak is not responsible..."
Eli made his way over through the stands toward Luna and Morpheus. He was frowning deeply at Rhea's last comment. If it meant what he assumed it meant...it was cruel. Simply cruel. To expect the girl to lead a charge through the corpses of people she had once known...how could such a thing be expected of someone. His mother was ever present I his mind. If he saw her...he couldn't handle himself. He came up to Morpheus' waist, crossed his arms and stayed silent.

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