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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

RedZombieWolf said:
Vermiculus looked at her, and the only regrets he could see didn't make sense, but they made her seem like a good enough person. "Sorry, I'm just a little paranoid right now. You're the first person I've talked to for some time". He cast his eyes nervously at those talking nearby, "I don't entirely trust those two"
(Are you taking about Ryan and Rebecca?)
He sighed. "I know. I understand. She's... difficult. But you just don't understand. And thats okay. Give her time." He turned to Luna and smiled, his eyes brown. "Cutie..."

Ryan looked straight ahead. "It doesn't matter. Whats done is done." He sipped his drink. "It's good to see you again nevertheless"
Drumonkey said:
Dru shrugged "it's been a day and I like to take liberties here since I can." Dru stood up and slammed his hand down on the table and the entire area shook and rumbled. "I came here to help. I was going to use your father to maybe convince you to forgive yourself and start to make friends. I am the son of a dream god do you think I go around judging people for their problems and their fears?! We are all human and we are all troubled. If you don't want my help then fine but that doesn't mean you know me. Here in this place only the truth thrives and grows. This place was supposed to be different, I was supposed to make friends with people like me yet here you are angry and hurt and lashing out. If you want me gone from what was a nightmare then tell me that." Dru leaned over the table his gold eyes boring into her telling her that only the truth could be spoken here in his presence and that even he abided by that rule.
"You're completely missing the point! You may have come here with good intentions but the way you went about it just made things worse for me. If you were really trying to help me you'd face me as Dru not as my father and lie through your teeth. Even if you had good motive I never asked for help, if I wanted you to know my personal life I would have told you in person or I would have called for you! Just because you can control the dreamscape doesn't mean you have the right or you're entitled to do whatever you please and say it's morally correct! Have you ever considered taking your head out of your ass just for a moment to consider that maybe what you think is right or what's best for others isn't always correct and should be kept to yourself?! Now both you and Morpheus know something I hoped wouldn't be exposed. For a second could you stop thinking about yourself and your ideals for a second and think about how others would feel?"

RedZombieWolf said:
Vermiculus looked at her, and the only regrets he could see didn't make sense, but they made her seem like a good enough person. "Sorry, I'm just a little paranoid right now. You're the first person I've talked to for some time". He cast his eyes nervously at those talking nearby, "I don't entirely trust those two"
Rhea thinks for a moment but nods her head. She gets what he's saying... people being paranoid is to be expected in this kind of world. "Have you tried talking to others?"
So it is girl problems. She thought. "Ok if you say so and you too." She took a drink of her soda. "Welp time to go mingle. You too." She said pulling him with her with a smile on her face.
"Please" she said with puppy dog eyes. "Dru will be fine we wont be gone for long also we can stay in here."
Light said:
"You're completely missing the point! You may have come here with good intentions but the way you went about it just made things worse for me. If you were really trying to help me you'd face me as Dru not as my father and lie through your teeth. Even if you had good motive I never asked for help, if I wanted you to know my personal life I would have told you in person or I would have called for you! Just because you can control the dreamscape doesn't mean you have the right or you're entitled to do whatever you please and say it's morally correct! Have you ever considered taking your head out of your ass just for a moment to consider that maybe what you think is right or what's best for others isn't always correct and should be kept to yourself?! Now both you and Morpheus know something I hoped wouldn't be exposed. For a second could you stop thinking about yourself and your ideals for a second and think about how others would feel?"
Rhea thinks for a moment but nods her head. She gets what he's saying... people being paranoid is to be expected in this kind of world. "Have you tried talking to others?"
Vermiculus just shakes his head, "Everytime I talk to someone I see more and more of their life, not the good moments, only the bad ones. If I talk long enough I even experience them"
"What is it I don't understand? What exactly am I missing? What has happened to her to grant her such privileges as being able to yell at me in my place of residence?" Dru was peeved and trying very hard not to yell at them both again. He listened to her triade then raised an eyebrow at her. "Would you really have done that? You don't want me here you don't want my help fine. Consider my head unlodged and me set on my path. Sorry I will leave all this alone and consider it forgotten." Dru opened a door and pulled out a necklace with an hourglass on it that was empty. Dru then closed his eyes and put the memory of all he had seen into it then handed it to her. "Keep the memory." Dru then stepped through the door back to the diner and saw Ryan leaving but didn't say anything.
Her eyes lit up. "Yay lets go make so nee friends. Don't worry I'll leave him a note. Let's go talk to the cutie with the red hair." She walked towards the stranger.
RedZombieWolf said:
Vermiculus just shakes his head, "Everytime I talk to someone I see more and more of their life, not the good moments, only the bad ones. If I talk long enough I even experience them"
"Hmm.... quite tragic. Tell me Vermiculus, do you wish to interact with others? I really hate to see my Grandson sitting alone. Also to hear about him suffering like this." Rhea has concern in her eyes, he previous smile starts to fade away. The strange thing about it is that these emotions were genuine. Not many knew how this Goddess truthfully cared for so many people and how she remembered their names.
Morpheus stared. "So I guess only you and I know now.... so um.. how do I leave your dream? Do I have to wait for you to wake up?" He chucked nervously

Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose. "He appears to be busy. Why don't you just come back with me?"
Rebecca saw him with another girl. "Fine" she said sounding defeated and walked back. "Hi Dru" she sat back down.
Light said:
"Hmm.... quite tragic. Tell me Vermiculus, do you wish to interact with others? I really hate to see my Grandson sitting alone. Also to hear about him suffering like this." Rhea has concern in her eyes, he previous smile starts to fade away. The strange thing about it is that these emotions were genuine. Not many knew how this Goddess truthfully cared for so many people and how she remembered their names.
Vermiculus shook his head "I've done bad things over the years, I've blackmailed, munipulated and killed to forward my own cause. The things I did will always haunt me, this is just another part of my punishment. I shall endure it for as long as I can, and try to redeem my honour somehow"
"No clue whatsoever. I don't remember what happened while I was in there I can only assume it went badly since I am quite angry. When did you get here Rebecca?" Dru raised an eyebrow at her.
Drumonkey said:
"What is it I don't understand? What exactly am I missing? What has happened to her to grant her such privileges as being able to yell at me in my place of residence?" Dru was peeved and trying very hard not to yell at them both again. He listened to her triade then raised an eyebrow at her. "Would you really have done that? You don't want me here you don't want my help fine. Consider my head unlodged and me set on my path. Sorry I will leave all this alone and consider it forgotten." Dru opened a door and pulled out a necklace with an hourglass on it that was empty. Dru then closed his eyes and put the memory of all he had seen into it then handed it to her. "Keep the memory." Dru then stepped through the door back to the diner and saw Ryan leaving but didn't say anything.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus stared. "So I guess only you and I know now.... so um.. how do I leave your dream? Do I have to wait for you to wake up?" He chucked nervously

Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose. "He appears to be busy. Why don't you just come back with me?"
Luna sighs to herself as she destroys the memory. "He still doesn't get it." Luna looks up at Morpheus and and then back towards her feet. "Can I be left alone for a moment?" Even though it was in form of a question it sounded more like a statement. She felt humiliated... most of all, weak. She hated this feeling and she hated Dru. Not for lying and acting like her father and everything he's done. She didn't hate him for not apologizing about those things. She hated him for not realizing in his heart what he did was wrong. She wanted to cry even more about the fact that he pretended to be her father, the man she loved the most even though he used her, abused her, and eventually got her killed. Just so he could get what he thought was a happy ending. He didn't care at all about how he did it and how he'd make people feel while doing it. He just wanted to solve the problem.
"I was training for a whaile then I got back went to bed woke up and came here for food. Why do you ask?" She took another drink.
"I think my character has been called into question. I was asking because maybe I would understand what happened or why I forced myself to forget something important. I am just worried that even with all my knowledge I still can't socialize right."
RedZombieWolf said:
Vermiculus shook his head "I've done bad things over the years, I've blackmailed, munipulated and killed to forward my own cause. The things I did will always haunt me, this is just another part of my punishment. I shall endure it for as long as I can, and try to redeem my honour somehow"
Rhea's frown does grow but it also doesn't stop. "I'm not proud of what you've done in your past. I actually frown upon it.... I can't believe you would do that. But, the fact that you're trying your hardest to make up for it proves you are a good person in your own way. I really so hope you can redeem this honour of yours. When that day comes, I assure you I will be there to show you how proud I am to be called your Grandmother Vermiculus." She starts to smile, and stares into his eyes. Excitement bursts in her golden eyes. "I'm actually thinking of making you a squad leader for the next mission! Nothing like having others lives as your responsibility as a test to grow closer to redemption!"
Rebecca playfully punched his shoulder. "Socialization doesn't require knoledge, just common sense and practice. Also if you believe that what your saying is just then just go along with it. You'll get the hang of it."
Light said:
Rhea's frown does grow but it also doesn't stop. "I'm not proud of what you've done in your past. I actually frown upon it.... I can't believe you would do that. But, the fact that you're trying your hardest to make up for it proves you are a good person in your own way. I really so hope you can redeem this honour of yours. When that day comes, I assure you I will be there to show you how proud I am to be called your Grandmother Vermiculus." She starts to smile, and stares into his eyes. Excitement bursts in her golden eyes. "I'm actually thinking of making you a squad leader for the next mission! Nothing like having others lives as your responsibility as a test to grow closer to redemption!"
Vermiculus bows his head and falls to his knees, "You honour me greatly, I will do my best to make you proud and not regret this"

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