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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Heather laughed and sat up some to let the big creature leave if it wanted. She stretched out to the men and waved her hands at them in a goofy manner. "I'm gonna need a new pillow if he leaves. Let's have a competition!", she laughed as she pushed herself again to her feet and started walking toward one of the tunnels she and Pierce hadn't been in together yet. She tried to avoid the throne room the beat she could, although she passed by it. The golden apples glinted in the soft glow. She tried not to look at the relief of her and Pierce. "Who makes the most comfortable pillow!", she laughed again and turned back to them, pointing at her boobs. "I guarantee that I will win this one."
"That's the thing I have read about it I do know about it. I still don't know what to do about people. I however can manage some social interactions not all though." dru watched as his hand got healed, he wasn't worried since he was going to do it himself later.
"Well if thats the case then you'll just need more practice." He shrugged. "You'll figure it out"

Decimus tapped his fingers on his side. "Interesting idea but I'm sure he'll win." Decimus put his hands behind his head and slid back on a wall. "Guess we're all napping"
"Yeah maybe. Another problem of mine is that I talk to the primal sides of people the them in dreams that isn't restrained by that bullshit of life. It is strange to see what a person hopes for,then to see them get all strange like it should be some secret they hide deep in themselves."
"People thrive on the bullshit. It's almost necessary for their survival. Vulnerability leads to being hurt. Not everyone can handle that. People who hide more are always the ones who were hurt the most. It is best not to force but instead allow them to progress on their own."
"Yeah, I guess." Dru shrugged then looked around, "Where were you headed to? I need to get out the street and this conversation is helping me calm down."
"Let's try this pizza place over there you like pizza don't you?" Dru smiled at him shrugging his shoulders.
Dru lead him to a pizza place and ordered a few pieces of 3 meat pizza and let him order before sliding into a booth.
Luna decides to get up and walk to the kitchen. "A lot has happened today." She stares at the water bottles that she drank earlier. They were laying on the floor. Luna closes her ajar fridge. She immediately walks to the bathroom to flush her vomit filled toilet. She couldn't believe she left it in there. The events from before start to run through her mind along with what happened with Dru. She didn't want him to go through what she did... drifting aimlessly through the Astral Plane as a spirit. At that time she wasn't alive or a guest... She was dead and she was a resident. Images start to flash through her head, as her breathing starts to become disorganized. She goes straight towards a capsule of pills hidden behind the toilet, pills Rhea had given her. To use only for emergencies. Her hands shake as she tries to open it only leading to dropping most of the pills. "Shit!" She hisses to herself as she drops to the floor to pick them up. The flashbacks from her past life and her time in the astral plane start flooding back all at once. She remembers each spirit she touched, she saw every minute of their lives from birth to death in seconds. All these things started to run through her head at once. "Shit....shit...shit...shit." Luna behind the scenes, was a wreck. She could feel her spirit slipping away. Luna takes a pill, which slowly makes her devoid of emotions each time she takes it but it keeps her spirit bonded to her body. One pill didn't work at all, she decides to try another one and another one until she invests 9 of them. None of them worked." Luna made sure the bathroom door was closed and locked. She had to calm down or let it out somehow. Yet all she could do was cry herself to sleep again and hope that she'll wake up in her body.

( Yes in this case it is different than what she does when she leaves her body to go to the Astral Plane in her sleep. This time it's like her body itself is rejecting her soul. If it does well... she's dead and she'll be a spirit in the Astral Plane unable to return. Meaning she'll die.... again. This time for good since she wouldn't be able to take her mind with her. That's why she's so desperate with the pills. )

Pierce simply lays down on a bed made out of a sunflower and falls asleep. The sun was starting to set. He had a feeling Rhea was cooking up another mission soon and he wanted to get rest for it.

Rhea finally finishes thinking of the teams and what God and general they're going for next. She has her voice ring through the minds of all the demigod. "All demigod! Tomorrow we shall hold a meeting for the next mission in the auditorium. I hope you'll all attend!"

( @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo @Verdas @CGULL9313 @National @Drumonkey @Kalin Scarlet @Serpico @RedZombieWolf )
Morpheus let the cat disappear and watched the whole thing. He followed her closely to the bathroom and listened through the door, confused. He didn't understand what was going on with her but he felt it had to be something important. He phased through the door to see a sleeping crying Luna on the floor surrounded by pills. Seeing her like that, he immediately lost all sense of resistance to how he felt. He dropped next to her and pulled her into his lap, rocking her slowly. "Oh my love. I don't know what's going on with you. But I will not leave you alone again. I promise." He rubbed her hair and kissed her head over and over. Never for a moment would he stop rocking her. "You'll be okay. I promise. I will do whatever it takes to make sure of it." He crossed his legs and moved her sleeping body into the gap, holding her as close as possible. He cared nothing for what Rhea said. All he would dare worry about was Luna. The contact allowed him, or forced him, to enter her vulnerable mind. He could see all of her thoughts, feel all of her fear. All of her memories flooded into him. The usual jealousy was masked with worry. He was afraid just like her that she might not return. "You're strong cutie. You can stay. You know that. You've done this long enough. Don't leave me. This is your body, not a copy. Yours now. Come on" Then he thought about it. "Copy..." and he created hundreds of Luna all standing there, empty. "Come on cutie. Just come back. Wake up"

Decimus smiled slightly at them both. "Looks like I lost already." He stretched a bit before standing back up and putting Heather in the bed with Pierce. Then he walked back outside to watch the darkness engulf the island. Not too long after he heard Rhea. "Ugh. More work. Whatever."

Ryan ordered pepperoni and sat across from Dru. "So. Tell me abo-" before he finished, Rhea spoke. "Sigh. Already? Not surprised. I wonder if we'll have new teams."

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"I think something happened to Luna. I felt what was almost like a nightmare and then panic then nothing. I almost hope for a new team."
Ryan didn't really worry too much. He didn't know the girl. He had no ties to her. As far as he knew she was a near demonic child. "Well that's not good. But Im sure that Morpheus guy will handle it." Ryan twirled a straw between his fingers, thinking about Heather, wondering if she was okay
Rebecca was walking home when she heard the message. She decided to call it a night and went to bed.

Eric had finished working when he heard the voice in his head. "All right I'll do it. But first." He went to Morpheus's apartment and waited for his return.
"Yeah I guess. What are you worrying about? or no not worry just unease." Dru raised an eyebrow as he watched him and took a bite of his pizza.
Ryan twirled. "I am unsure if you're able to read situation or you're a telepath. Well you saw my fight. Heather was my friend. And i would have killed her if I had to. And now Rhea made it all pointless by giving the fallen amnesty. I should have just surrendered. I would have shot her crystal through her heart if she hadn't collapsed. And all... for nothing"
"It isn't for nothing there was a reason to it but Rhea changed her mind she is the mother of Hera after all. Things happen and it doesn't always work in your favor. am sure your friend is fine we are all pretty tough here."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus let the cat disappear and watched the whole thing. He followed her closely to the bathroom and listened through the door, confused. He didn't understand what was going on with her but he felt it had to be something important. He phased through the door to see a sleeping crying Luna on the floor surrounded by pills. Seeing her like that, he immediately lost all sense of resistance to how he felt. He dropped next to her and pulled her into his lap, rocking her slowly. "Oh my love. I don't know what's going on with you. But I will not leave you alone again. I promise." He rubbed her hair and kissed her head over and over. Never for a moment would he stop rocking her. "You'll be okay. I promise. I will do whatever it takes to make sure of it." He crossed his legs and moved her sleeping body into the gap, holding her as close as possible. He cared nothing for what Rhea said. All he would dare worry about was Luna

Decimus smiled slightly at them both. "Looks like I lost already." He stretched a bit before standing back up and putting Heather in the bed with Pierce. Then he walked back outside to watch the darkness engulf the island. Not too long after he heard Rhea. "Ugh. More work. Whatever."

Ryan ordered pepperoni and sat across from Dru. "So. Tell me abo-" before he finished, Rhea spoke. "Sigh. Already? Not surprised. I wonder if we'll have new teams."

Luna was stuck in a nightmare. She was at the age of 12 again, the first thing she noticed after that was heat. Next was the pain in her legs, that's what she would feel but her legs were numb. She finally notices that she's been staring at the sun and looks away and her eyes start to adjust. She frantically rubs her eyes, which don't produce tears. Her lips felt dry and chapped, her stomach ached from not eating in what could have been a day or two. Fatigue started to hit her now that she was out of her zombie like trance. Luna opens her eyes to notice the house was burning down, all around her. As if the flames had just appeared. She had no magic to speak of in this dream the first thing she did.... or could think of doing was call for her father. Who'd already escaped the house, forgetting all about her since that's what he usually does when he puts her in the punishment room. He probably hasn't noticed he'd left her yet. "He'll come back for me." Her voice was raspy and strained. He never did... and so both Luna and the house burned down in the nightmare.

Luna then woke up in the Astral Plane. The many spirits aimlessly drifting around stare at her and whisper words of pity, hatred, sorrow, empathy, and many more things. Luna curls up and covers her ears, she didn't want to hear it at all. "Dad..."

( @Drumonkey if you want to you can jump in. )
"I will be back in a little bit trust me." He said to Ryan as he then faded from where he was sitting.

She could hear the sound of her fathers voice calling out to her "LUNA! Luna! Luna." (Is she in the dreamworld or the astral plane now?)
Morpheus could feel her fear increasing. He fell into her dream but could only watch. He couldn't interact. He screamed to her to move. To get out of the house. But nothing. When it burned and engulfed her it did him too and he was back into reality. He could still feel fear. He remembered she allowed him to follow her to the astral plane but he couldn't focus how. He frantically tried to fall in with her but he couldn't. He willed himself to calm down, to breathe, to focus. Too much emotion would cause his death. He could feel himself sinking away from reality. He began to fall into darkness. Then appeared a few steps from her. He saw the spirits swirling around her. He walked up slowly, calmly, his hand extended. "Come on cutie" He noticed she didn't move. "Luna come on" Nothing. Shit this is still a dream Morpheus stood there, helpless, watching the girl he fell for suffering. He had never felt so pointless before
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Drumonkey said:
"I will be back in a little bit trust me." He said to Ryan as he then faded from where he was sitting.
She could hear the sound of her fathers voice calling out to her "LUNA! Luna! Luna." (Is she in the dreamworld or the astral plane now?)
( No she's in the dreamscape she's just having a nightmare about being there in the Astral plane. Mainly a nightmare about her life and death. )
Light said:
( No she's in the dreamscape she's just having a nightmare about being there in the Astral plane. Mainly a nightmare about her life and death. )
(*rubs hands evilly* This is what Dru was made for)
Vermiculus hid in a dark corner, watching and waiting. The people that he saw were completely unknown to him, so he stayed quiet. He didn't know what they talked about, didn't care. But he knew they shouldn't be trusted. The reason he didn't want to trust them, the only regrets he could see that they had was that they didn't kill enough people yet.

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