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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Steve had just returned from his adventure. It jad been a full year of intense training. Pushing his body to the limits fighting monsters. All for the girl he had once loved. Now he would return to her strong enough to protect her and be her equal. He had heard Rheas voice and decided to meet up with Luna during the briefing. For now he wanted pizza he had a craving for ham and pineapple.

When he got tjere he ordered a few slices and sat down. -Things have really changed- he thought. He saw no one he recognized but he didn't mind. He sat and waited for his pizza.
Drumonkey said:
"I will be back in a little bit trust me." He said to Ryan as he then faded from where he was sitting.
She could hear the sound of her fathers voice calling out to her "LUNA! Luna! Luna." (Is she in the dreamworld or the astral plane now?)
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus could feel her fear increasing. He fell into her dream but could only watch. He couldn't interact. He screamed to her to move. To get out of the house. But nothing. When it burned and engulfed her it did him too and he was back into reality. He could still feel fear. He remembered she allowed him to follow her to the astral plane but he couldn't focus how. He frantically tried to fall in with her but he couldn't. He willed himself to calm down, to breathe, to focus. Too much emotion would cause his death. He could feel himself sinking away from reality. He began to fall into darkness. Then appeared a few steps from her. He saw the spirits swirling around her. He walked up slowly, calmly, his hand extended. "Come on cutie" He noticed she didn't move. "Luna come on" Nothing. Shit this is still a dream Morpheus stood there, helpless, watching the girl he fell for suffering. He had never felt so pointless before
Luna looks up when she hears her father calling for her. She smiles because she believed he would come for her. Luna gets up and starts running towards the voice. "Dad!" She couldn't hear Morpheus.


RedZombieWolf said:
Vermiculus hid in a dark corner, watching and waiting. The people that he saw were completely unknown to him, so he stayed quiet. He didn't know what they talked about, didn't care. But he knew they shouldn't be trusted. The reason he didn't want to trust them, the only regrets he could see that they had was that they didn't kill enough people yet.
Rhea herself appears before him and waves a kind smile plastered upon her face. "Why hello Vermiculus. How are you today?"
He watched her run then followed. He felt her hope. Ease washed over him and he kept up with her. Looks like I'm finally meeting the parents. Hope this goes well for her
Her father or a really good likeness of him caught her in a hug then set her down and looked her up and down. "Sweetheart what in the name of all that is good are you doing here? you should be in your own body with your friends, the one who care for you enough to come after you. I know I was a bit harsh when you were growing up but it made you strong enough to have friends who care deeply for you no matter how you treat them."
So this is the dad she called for. Interesting. He doesn't seem like the leave you to burn to death type... Oh wait. Isn't my son a dream realm ruler? That must be him. Perfect. Save her.
Morpheus could see the fathers gaze land on him when he thought save her and for a split second his eyes turned gold before going back to normal and Morpheus could hear a thought in his mind "Watch my mimicry in action man."
Drumonkey said:
Her father or a really good likeness of him caught her in a hug then set her down and looked her up and down. "Sweetheart what in the name of all that is good are you doing here? you should be in your own body with your friends, the one who care for you enough to come after you. I know I was a bit harsh when you were growing up but it made you strong enough to have friends who care deeply for you no matter how you treat them."
DizjayDeathPride said:
So this is the dad she called for. Interesting. He doesn't seem like the leave you to burn to death type... Oh wait. Isn't my son a dream realm ruler? That must be him. Perfect. Save her.
Luna looks at him. The happiness drains from her face, a frown replacing her smile. He hadn't called her sweetheart in so many years. He would just address her as child or Luna. Everything he said.... was just bullshit. Her father was good at that... just telling lie after lie that sounded so good. It made you almost want to believe it. She didn't believe a single thing coming out of his mouth right now. "What am I doing here? I'm here because you used me, tortured me, and treated me as a tool. A bit harsh? For years you've mistreated me and made me feel like I was nothing but your tool for invincibility. You don't care for me at all. Friends? What the hell.... I never had any because you kept me locked away my entire life. How the hell do you expect me to be in my body when you left me to die?! Neither of us knew that I'd get a second chance. I burned in that fire... and every second my skin bathed in those flames because of your meddling with others, I thought that you'd come back. You did.... but it wasn't for me. It was for whatever object you valued more than I. Strong enough? Because if you I'm a sick person that everyone hates! When I died, I roamed around the Astral Plane for years and I realized then that not one person in the universe gave a shit for me. My mother.... not even Rhea not a single God. Came to help me at all.... not ever. Only after the world ended Rhea came to me offering me a second chance at life to help free the Gods. It hurts to know that the very people you fight for didn't give a single shit for your existence and the people who fight with you hate you." Luna glares at the person standing before her. "Lastly my father wouldn't say any of this.... Even though it was good to rant like this I know this isn't the real him. He would never be so kind... He would never say those things or give me that look. Who are you?"
Morpheus stood there, shocked. He started to walk to her but realized it was pointless. She wouldn't hear or feel him. But by the time he realized that he was already behind her, hands on her shoulders. Luna.... oh my dear Luna. If only I could do something
Dru nodded his head and the glamor faded revealing Dru a few feet away in his socks black slacks gold dress shirt black vest and black and gold tie. "I don't hate you. Morpheus doesn't hate you. I understand you better now thanks to that rant." Dru blinked at her and she was sitting with him at the table her favorite tea or drink in front of her. "I saw you were in desperate need of assistance and I tried to be a good friend. You must understand though You should be back in your body fearing the sun and snapping at people for breathing the wrong way. I would love to be your friend but I can understand if you wanted me to leave and not bother you at all after this. Just know you can talk to me as much as you want here or in another dream or not at all." Dru snapped and Morpheus was in a seat next to Dru and Luna "Talk to her Morpheus she can hear you now."
Rebecca couldn't sleep she tossed and turn and finally got up. She changed and went to get food. Suddenly she found Ryan. "Hey I haven't heard from yoy in ages. Why don't you ever talk to me?" She said slightly sad.
Morpheus looked around. "Youre like a God here as I am there." He looked at Luna and took her hand. "Cutie know, probably better than I do, that I would never hate you. I will walk through Underworld and back for you. Nothing will keep you from me." He closed his eyes for a moment and opened them, they were his natural silver. "You're loved far more than you think. Come back with me. Let's bite people's heads off and lead charges to probably take over the world."

Ryan turned to her and smiled lightly. "I don't not talk to you. I've just been busy. Same as you sis. I can tell you've been off training. Come, join us." He realized he said us though he was the only one sitting there. "Um... Dru will be back soon. Had something to take care of."
Drumonkey said:
Dru nodded his head and the glamor faded revealing Dru a few feet away in his socks black slacks gold dress shirt black vest and black and gold tie. "I don't hate you. Morpheus doesn't hate you. I understand you better now thanks to that rant." Dru blinked at her and she was sitting with him at the table her favorite tea or drink in front of her. "I saw you were in desperate need of assistance and I tried to be a good friend. You must understand though You should be back in your body fearing the sun and snapping at people for breathing the wrong way. I would love to be your friend but I can understand if you wanted me to leave and not bother you at all after this. Just know you can talk to me as much as you want here or in another dream or not at all." Dru snapped and Morpheus was in a seat next to Dru and Luna "Talk to her Morpheus she can hear you now."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus looked around. "Youre like a God here as I am there." He looked at Luna and took her hand. "Cutie know, probably better than I do, that I would never hate you. I will walk through Underworld and back for you. Nothing will keep you from me." He closed his eyes for a moment and opened them, they were his natural silver. "You're loved far more than you think. Come back with me. Let's bite people's heads off and lead charges to probably take over the world."
Luna just stares her mouth unable to form words. She couldn't even describe how she felt about this. Pain, embarrassment, betrayal. So many things flashed through her. "I can't believe you would do this." Angry tears start to flow from her eyes. "You entered my dream of my most.... vulnerable times. Then acted like the man who ruined my life... and I even said all of that." Her words were slightly difficult to understand due to her sobbing. "Just for what? So you could understand me? So to you? Acting like you were my father is a way of helping me?! How could you just make me expose myself like that? That's so cruel.... Now you're drinking tea as if the matter is resolved and it's all a joke to you!" She jerks her hand away from Morpheus. "Stay away from me... both of you!" She hugs herself as if she were feeling cold or exposed, violated even. "You've both betrayed my trust... my life and these memories mean so much do me and you both just spectate and mimic it and even mock me as if it's some game! I can't believe this... Oh Gods I feel so stupid. Just so stupid for trusting a word anybody said even after my own Father betrayed me." Luna starts to back away from them.
Morpheus stands And steps to her. "No. Absolutely not. I am here because your emotions pulled me here. I was simply a forced observer to your memories. I didn't mean to betray your trust. You know I let your past stay yours. I've known you for how long and I've never once asked? Cutie... please don't back away from me. Don't hate me." His eyes were swirling with colors. Red to blue to green to brown to black to purple. Color after color as he panicked, afraid she would hate him. "This isn't a game. I don't quite understand what is happening. But Luna..." He held her. "You're not alone"
Rebecca sat down next to him. "I didn't know you know Dru. It doesn't matter. How have yoy been." She order a root beer.
Dru shrugged "it's been a day and I like to take liberties here since I can." Dru stood up and slammed his hand down on the table and the entire area shook and rumbled. "I came here to help. I was going to use your father to maybe convince you to forgive yourself and start to make friends. I am the son of a dream god do you think I go around judging people for their problems and their fears?! We are all human and we are all troubled. If you don't want my help then fine but that doesn't mean you know me. Here in this place only the truth thrives and grows. This place was supposed to be different, I was supposed to make friends with people like me yet here you are angry and hurt and lashing out. If you want me gone from what was a nightmare then tell me that." Dru leaned over the table his gold eyes boring into her telling her that only the truth could be spoken here in his presence and that even he abided by that rule.
Light said:
Luna looks up when she hears her father calling for her. She smiles because she believed he would come for her. Luna gets up and starts running towards the voice. "Dad!" She couldn't hear Morpheus.

Rhea herself appears before him and waves a kind smile plastered upon her face. "Why hello Vermiculus. How are you today?"
Vermiculus stares at her in shock, wondering how the hell she did that. "Who are you? What do you want?"
RedZombieWolf said:
Vermiculus stares at her in shock, wondering how the hell she did that. "Who are you? What do you want?"
Rhea gives him an odd look. "I am Rhea. The Goddess whom watches over all of the demigod here. Are you troubled? I only came here to check on you."
Morpheus turned to him, rage in his eyes, his voice ice and calm. "Do not yell at her. Do not threaten her. Do not dare intimidating her." He stepped to Dru. "I appreciate you helping her when I couldn't. But I will personally end your life if you dare raise your voice to Luna again."

"Dying a bit. you?"
"This is not your domain. I understand you have feelings for her and are protective of her as a result but don't presume that she can come in here and yell at me for tying to help her. I have been pushed around and looked over and looked down on for long enough and this place was my safe haven and now I am trying to help her but she turns and flings falsehoods at me. I can not stand for that or for your attitude."
Rebecca wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "Are you having girl troubles." She said in a teasing tone. "I'm just playing with ya whats wrong?" She looked concerned.
Light said:
Rhea gives him an odd look. "I am Rhea. The Goddess whom watches over all of the demigod here. Are you troubled? I only came here to check on you."
Vermiculus looked at her, and the only regrets he could see didn't make sense, but they made her seem like a good enough person. "Sorry, I'm just a little paranoid right now. You're the first person I've talked to for some time". He cast his eyes nervously at those talking nearby, "I don't entirely trust those two"

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