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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Heather looked back at him, letting the energy very slowly enter his body from hers. She fluttered her eyelashes and parted her lips when she felt...something start to flow back. Her smile widened and she opened her other hand to him as well. She pulled in the tiny, timid, little stream and let it swirl around and magnify in her. When she returned it to him, very very slowly so as not to overwhelm him, the shy, lukewarm, energy was tripled. "Where did that come from?", she whispered to him.

The bookshelves covered the walls from floor to ceiling. Full of large, small, old, modern, books and scrolls, skulls, minerals, and a crystal ball swirling with black smoke.
Slowly he rubbed his thumb on her skin, refusing to break contact. Every muscle wanted to shut it off. But he refused, staring at her. "I forgot. Do you think it's easy bottling and excepting you're a plague to the ones you care for? It had to go somewhere."
Dru walked up to the crystal ball and looked at it tempted to touch it before he went strolling through the library grabbing things at random and reading them before setting them back and continuing.
Alex dodged slightly out of the way, but couldn't fully avoid the fire, which burned his side and set his jacket arm on fire. Alex rolled to the ground, tossing the jacket away immediately, as he held his side.

Despite having a knack for long range combat, Alex was no good getting up close with a person, his injury a perfect example of that. Alex simply stared at his opponent as he tried to get on his feet again.

"You're pretty good" Samuel offered Alex the genuine compliment as to his abilities, he'd managed to evade his strikes twice thus far though he sensed if he continued with his tactic he'd tire him out eventually. It would result in a rather boring win as it was clear at this rate Alex would not be able to approach him. "I can tell there is something you're still not showing me, lets make this a good fight." Samuel said before slamming his palm on the ground before him to cause a wave of flames to cascade from the floor, churning in Alex's direction.

@Kalin Scarlet

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Serpico said:
"You're pretty good" Samuel offered Alex the genuine compliment as to his abilities, he'd managed to evade his strikes twice thus far though he sensed if he continued with his tactic he'd tire him out eventually. It would result in a rather boring win as it was clear at this rate Alex would not be able to approach him. "I can tell there is something you're still not showing me, lets make this a good fight." Samuel said before slamming his palm on the ground before him to cause a wave of flames to cascade from the floor, churning in Alex's direction.
@Kalin Scarlet

Alex leapt backwards, his dynamos meeting up behind him to pull him into the air. He tossed another dynamo towards Samuel, which began to charge up for an attack, just as the four he'd hidden away reappeared above the Samuel's head.

Alex wondered if the feint would delay his opponent like he hoped, as all four placed dynamos released a barrage of electrical energy down on him, much like actual lightning bolts. "Sorry, I'm not the type for direct confrontation unless I have no choice..." He said floating back a bit further, and landing. He then waited to see the results of the attack, when the dust settled.

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Samuel's knuckles whitened as he saw the dynamo fly directly towards him. The sudden barrage of electrical energy that erupted around him was unprecedented but as it's done until now beastslayer redirected the attacks to itself as it was taller than Samuel thus attracting his electrical attacks by the virtue that the tallest object will always get struck during a lightning storm, not to mention it made a better conductor than Samuel did.

Samuel's fist cracked against the dynamo set toward him, he realized it was an effort to attract his attention but he wouldn't allow one of Alex's weapons to be that close to him regardless. The force of Samuel's punch was nothing to be trifled with as solid stone buckled under his fist like little more than wet paper, he was intent on sending the dynamo sprialing back to his owner.

Samuel utilized the shroud of dust to finally mount his own offensive, gripping his blade by the hilt he used the few brief moments of confusion from the lightning soaked dust to charge at his opponent, flames erupted from the soles of his feet to give Samuel even greater propulsion to add to his already surprising amount of speed. If one were not observant enough one would think his movement was instantaneous. He swung his blade from the left but only meant to strike Alex should he not be able to dodge with the blunt of his blade to prevent needless fatality. "I am."

@Kalin Scarlet
Alex took the hit, flying back towards the arena wall and collapsing. He stood up shakily, and struggled to raise a hand.

"Considering I have somewhere to be soon, I can't exactly afford to continue, and risk further injury. So I yield. Well done, brother." he said, bowing to his fellow Demigod. He then walked over to his jacket, and focused on its past, rewinding its history to its undamaged state. He put it back on, and made his way out of the arena, waving behind him to Samuel.

Upon Alex's surrender Samuel shed his battle mentality. Instead of leaving their exchanges of respect to a simple bow he rushed up to Alex and put him in a large bear hug. "It was well fought bro." He relinquished him quickly just in case his previous strike might have damaged something as his hug would only make it worse. After setting him down he noticed Alex would go on to repair his jacket but not in a manner he would expect, with a tailor and a week waiting period but instant. He pursed his lips slightly puzzled at the nature of his ability. "You were holding back weren't you man?" Samuel said as Alex was beginning to make his leave. "Next time, give me your all so I can do the same."

@Kalin Scarlet
Serpico said:
Upon Alex's surrender Samuel shed his battle mentality. Instead of leaving their exchanges of respect to a simple bow he rushed up to Alex and put him in a large bear hug. "It was well fought bro." He relinquished him quickly just in case his previous strike might have damaged something as his hug would only make it worse. After setting him down he noticed Alex would go on to repair his jacket but not in a manner he would expect, with a tailor and a week waiting period but instant. He pursed his lips slightly puzzled at the nature of his ability. "You were holding back weren't you man?" Samuel said as Alex was beginning to make his leave. "Next time, give me your all so I can do the same."
@Kalin Scarlet
"Why would I hold back?" Alex asked with a smile as he left the arena. It was a rare sight, the often stoic demigod giving a sense of happiness for anything. "I gave you everything I had for you. No more, no less. " He said, turning back around."If you really wish to challenge me again, I'll be around. Good day to you." he said before flying out onto the streets.

As soon as Alex was no longer visible, he doubled over in pain, from the various injuries to his torso, along with the massive hug he just endured. And now he was supposed to 'go on a date'. With the girl who nearly killed him. "Maybe I shouldn't wear the eye patch to this restaurant..." He said as he slowly floated towards
The Bacchus, stopping for medical treatment about halfway. Just an application of salve and bandage later, and he was on his way again...

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Heather held both of Decimus' hands in hers. The slow stream of his energy amplified in her body, swirling around, and returning slowly to him. It cycled from him to get and back again as they sat there, building up to thrice the size it had been when it entered her and continuing to grow. She smiled sadly over at him. "I understand that.", she said quietly. She was focused on the energy work. Focused on warming him from the inside. She knew that he wanted that warmth, and as he felt it he should encourage it to overcome the cold. It wasn't her energy anymore, or entirely his. It was theirs. And it circled between them, growing large. Heather bit her lip and looked back into his eyes. He was a sad man. He had had a lonely life. He deserved something more. A connection deeper than hungrily devouring any kind of loving energy. He deserved to get a chance to share love. She lost control of the energy somewhat, as her thoughts strayed and her subconscious led the ball of energy slowly down his torso to his groin.
Decimus had no idea what was going on. He was just focused on enjoying without taking. He was forcing himself not to close her out as well as not drain her. He continued to stare at her. And suddenly he noticed his breathing was increasing. His mind was... blanking. He had to bite his lip to not give in to the animalistic desire rising within him. He wanted to ask her if maybe she was doing it but he couldn't. One nore task and he'd lose control of something. He had to stay open, not drain, and not give in to his desires all at once. The latter becoming so much a problem he didn't have the opportunity to appreciate the challenge
Dru read through tome after tome of literature on the underworld, the astral plane, the realm of dreams and several other layers of existence that connected to the physical world they resided in. There were methods in the books of reaching them. As well as things to look out for. There was a black book, thick, and the title was in Latin. It was an old book, written by someone called simply "The Man." And was titled "The Castle in the Abyss." It referred to an entity created from the chaos that consumed everything in its path. In its smaller form, the book said, the creature would appear as a small black rock and would compel creatures in its vicinity to feed it. As it grew it would become a black castle that still demanded sacrifice constantly. Eventually if fed enough it would grow into a black hole and consume everything in its path. The story was the history of the man's encounters with the entity over time. He had been determined to destroy it once and for all but it was indestructible. He had trapped it in a magic box but the box had fallen into "all the wrong hands". As he was nearing the end of the book, several spirits made their presence known to him. They were surrounding him. Getting closer.

Heather watched him bite his lip and licked her own on response. Suddenly, she released his hands with a nervous giggle. Her tan cheeks were very red as she looked away from him and covered her blushing face. In another world it would have been nothing, the feelings she had and the ones she felt from him just now, but in this one she hadn't experienced those feelings for some time. She was embarrassed by them suddenly.
He shook his head and chuckled at her blushing. "Whew... alright that was interesting. Did you do that? Entice me? Impressive. Very rare that happens." He raised an eyebrow. "That's interesting. You can be completely nude with me but you blush from... that?" He laughed a little harder. "You're a fascinating girl Heather"
Luna was sitting at a booth. She was dressed pretty well and seemed to be waiting on Alex. "I think my date isn't coming. Probably stood me up, can't blame him. That might mean I can go home."

"Since I am very busy my demigod, all those whom have lost a match or those whom have not participated yet are off the hook. Have fun with your off time, there will be another mission soon." Rhea's voice had rung through every campers mind.

@CGULL9313 @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo @Serpico @RedZombieWolf @Drumonkey )
Morpheus messed up Eli's hair and laughed. "Well looks like we're both good to go my man! Perfection. Truly I didn't feel up to it anyways. Well... now what do we do?"

(Why are/do all of my characters lazy/refuse to fight?
xD I should do something about that)
Pierce sighs and hears the message from Rhea, he already knew this mission isn't too far away. "The last mission was quite harsh.... I wonder what squad I'll be out into this time." Pierce runs his hand along the cave walls and admires the decorating Heather had provided. Pierce needed to add more plants and animals, he could possibly get Bandi and Ru to help him gather animals to live here. Pierce has plants that glow under the night sky grow around the inside of the cave. He runs out of his cave to find Heather. Maybe she could help out as well, she might have to come to since her tigers won't leave her side anyways. Unless he only borrows one.

Pierce finally makes it to Decimus's door, knowing full well she hasn't left yet. He knocks in the door slightly out of breath.

( @CGULL9313 @DizjayDeathPride )
Heather peeked from her hand and playfully slapped his chest. A burst of energy came from the sudden touch into him. "Shut up.", she giggled, "It's different."
Decimus chuckles, cut off by the knock. "My my im popular. Sigh. Ill be back." He went to the door to see Pierce. "Ah. You. Why do you look like you ran here? Anyways yes? No let me guess. Heather. She's in the kitchen." He moved aside for him
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus chuckles, cut off by the knock. "My my im popular. Sigh. Ill be back." He went to the door to see Pierce. "Ah. You. Why do you look like you ran here? Anyways yes? No let me guess. Heather. She's in the kitchen." He moved aside for him
Pierce nods his head and walks into the kitchen, before he even catches his breath he starts to speak. His mind starts to process a million things to say at once. "So.... I need Bandi and Ru.... or at least one of them to get... animals. Y'know for the project...... you did a really nice job on the cave........ might need more help..... by the way..... did you know about the picture of you and I kissing under the golden Apple tree? I think one of my beasts did that.... I apologize.... but it's strange I would have known if one of my beasts did that.... so how's it going with you and what seems to have been a conversation until I came around. Oops.... hey guys." Pierce waves at the Tigers as he's finally done and tries to catch his breath.
Decimus raised an eyebrow, leaning on his wall "So that's why your souls kept moving around in this one area. Y'all have a swanky project. Nice I'm impressed. Use it to take over all of civilization. Or to fight crime. Eiiither or."
Bandi makes a sound and rubs up against Pierce. Heather smiles when she sees him, opens her mouth to speak, then stops when he mentioned them kissing in her relief. Her smile falters, and she blushed even harder. "It...it's ok." she laughs uncomfortably when he finished. "Uhh...I'll come with you. Decimus..." She turned to him, having a hard time looking him on the eye. She looked at his chest instead...but that didn't help. "Want to come too? Could be fun."
He stood a bit shocked. "This seems like a personal project. I would hate to intrude. But I see no reason why not. Think you can handle not trying to kill another teammate Pierce?" Decimus smirked, chuckled, and turned down the hall, walking into his room. "Let me get my coat" When he walked in he remembered something. "Crap.... I need to go check on Damian eventually." He came back out in his coat. "Lead the way"

(Okay now my flight is about to take off just carry on around me ill lay on a shadow floating in the air no biggie)
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus raised an eyebrow, leaning on his wall "So that's why your souls kept moving around in this one area. Y'all have a swanky project. Nice I'm impressed. Use it to take over all of civilization. Or to fight crime. Eiiither or."
CGULL9313 said:
Bandi makes a sound and rubs up against Pierce. Heather smiles when she sees him, opens her mouth to speak, then stops when he mentioned them kissing in her relief. Her smile falters, and she blushed even harder. "It...it's ok." she laughs uncomfortably when he finished. "Uhh...I'll come with you. Decimus..." She turned to him, having a hard time looking him on the eye. She looked at his chest instead...but that didn't help. "Want to come too? Could be fun."
DizjayDeathPride said:
He stood a bit shocked. "This seems like a personal project. I would hate to intrude. But I see no reason why not. Think you can handle not trying to kill another teammate Pierce?" Decimus smirked, chuckled, and turned down the hall, walking into his room. "Let me get my coat" When he walked in he remembered something. "Crap.... I need to go check on Damian eventually." He came back out in his coat. "Lead the way"
(Okay now my flight is about to take off just carry on around me ill lay on a shadow floating in the air no biggie)
Pierce looks at Bandi and smiles. He turns his head to Decimus and scratches the back of his head. "No, I don't think it can be used that way. It's not that kind of project. But yeah if you want to come along you can." Pierce sits down beside Bandi. He frowns at Decimus's remark. He didn't appreciate it whatsoever, it was a simple misunderstanding. Pierce gets up and turns to the door waiting for the others to follow.

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