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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]As they opened the door to exit, Alex froze Luna's sense of time, locking her in place. He proceeded to lift her into his arms, discovering she really was as light as Rhea made her out to be. He carried her to the apartments, and spent five minutes searching for her apartment. When he finally found it, he released Luna from his manipulation.
"Well, I do hope you have a key. I'm not one for breaking and entering...and you kind of invited me here, so its your responsibility to get us inside..."

Luna could feel the heat on her skin she knew he carried her through the sunlight. It was pouring throw the window that gives the hallway natural light right now. Her eyes grow wide with fear as if touches her skin. She frantically unlocks the door and runs inside where her Windows are made up what make sunglasses. She runs to her umbrella and huddles up in the nearest corner in which even the shaded light doesn't reach. She opens up her umbrella in front of her to shield her from light and sight while she huddles in the corner. The umbrella seems to be shaking since Luna herself can stop shivering, a terrified look is set upon her face as tears roll down it.
Light said:
Luna could feel the heat on her skin she knew he carried her through the sunlight. It was pouring throw the window that gives the hallway natural light right now. Her eyes grow wide with fear as if touches her skin. She frantically unlocks the door and runs inside where her Windows are made up what make sunglasses. She runs to her umbrella and huddles up in the nearest corner in which even the shaded light doesn't reach. She opens up her umbrella in front of her to shield her from light and sight while she huddles in the corner. The umbrella seems to be shaking since Luna herself can stop shivering, a terrified look is set upon her face as tears roll down it.
Alex turned around once the door was closed, to find Luna crouched in a corner, hidden behind her umbrella, which was shaking. The son of Chronos walked over, and crouched beside Luna. Needless to say, he was astonished to see such a sensitive side to the girl. Sympathy washed over all misgivings he felt for her in an instant, and Alex went into protective mode immediately. He grasped the umbrella, pulling it to the side slightly, to look Luna in her eyes. He pressed a hand to her cheek, and tilted his head.

"This is the face of the family I'm trying to protect. Not the person you are when everyone else can see you. This one, right here. One who, even with all her power, is still vulnerable to her fears..." He said quietly, wiping the tears from her eyes. He moved closer, feeling that that was the right thing to do, as a man, and as a kind person in general. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and embraced her, hugging her tight to his own body.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Alex turned around once the door was closed, to find Luna crouched in a corner, hidden behind her umbrella, which was shaking. The son of Chronos walked over, and crouched beside Luna. Needless to say, he was astonished to see such a sensitive side to the girl. Sympathy washed over all misgivings he felt for her in an instant, and Alex went into protective mode immediately. He grasped the umbrella, pulling it to the side slightly, to look Luna in her eyes. He pressed a hand to her cheek, and tilted his head.
"This is the face of the family I'm trying to protect. Not the person you are when everyone else can see you. This one, right here. One who, even with all her power, is still vulnerable to her fears..." He said quietly, wiping the tears from her eyes. He moved closer, feeling that that was the right thing to do, as a man, and as a kind person in general. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and embraced her, hugging her tight to his own body.

She hugs Alex back but pushes away immediately. She starts mumbling to herself about not crying to save water and stay hydrated, she runs to her fridge and starts drink water. Finishing water bottle after water bottle. She then runs to the bathroom since she wasn't even that thirsty at all but in her mind she felt like she was. The water comes back up, straight into the toilet bowl. This wasn't fear, it was trauma.
Heather smiles back at them. "Can we test something?", she asked them both at once. Letting go of their hands simultaneously. Well, not simultaneously exactly. She held on a little longer to one of them. And squeezed his hand before releasing. Pierce of course. She spun around. Grinning profusely. And clapped her hands. "Let's race. No powers. None. On foot. Noooo powers. No plants. No energy draining. No shadows. Nothing at all." She popped out her hip and placed her hand on it sassily. "The winner gets...." She held out her other hand and a strand of her own blonde hair between her fingertips. It grew and bulged, never changing color. It became a golden apple in her palm.
CGULL9313 said:
Heather smiles back at them. "Can we test something?", she asked them both at once. Letting go of their hands simultaneously. Well, not simultaneously exactly. She held on a little longer to one of them. And squeezed his hand before releasing. Pierce of course. She spun around. Grinning profusely. And clapped her hands. "Let's race. No powers. None. On foot. Noooo powers. No plants. No energy draining. No shadows. Nothing at all." She popped out her hip and placed her hand on it sassily. "The winner gets...." She held out her other hand and a strand of her own blonde hair between her fingertips. It grew and bulged, never changing color. It became a golden apple in her palm.
(Don't just leave me in the library with those spirits now)
Alex can only observe what follows, as Some psychological scars are reopened for Luna. He watches until she runs into the bathroom, and follows her, patting her back as she regurgitated the water.

Alex wondered in his head what could have possibly made her like this. But he knew answer. It was the same thing that took as many demigods as it made into hardened warriors. Those scars existed on most of them, and only a rare few could shut them off completely.

As soon as Luna finished, he held her firmly in his grip, embracing her, and stopping her from running off again. He simply sat there with her on the floor of the bathroom, whispering words of encouragement to Luna, as he awaited her recovery.

Decimus raised an eyebrow. His obsessive need to pay attention noticing the little things. Like the hand. He closed his eyes and smiled. "I would but I don't run. It's excessive and requires too much work. Though that apple does look tantalizing."
Serpico said:
(Fuck, I'm smacked and there's too much text, what do?)
( You can have your character relax or do as he pleases on the Island. Rhea is currently working on the next raid to take out a General. )
(Oh, shit. Didn't see it, man.)

The spirits were still watching him. But they turned their heads one by one and wandered off, floating just above the floor or just beneath it in some cases. Some of them were dresses in rags, others in armor. All looked ancient in some way. Except for one. A young man with black hair and scars covering his body. Large rips across his torso exposed his innards. They looked a bit like...well...claw marks. He, with the others, moved on. Anny entered through them, watching them with a raised eyebrow and then looking at at Dru. He smiled. "You found something interesting I presume." He pointed to the word looking wooden shelf containing the black tome. "That one is my favorite, certainly. I made this castle according to the artists depiction of the southern tower." He chuckled and scratched his head, "I assume the box is still out there somewhere in the multiverse. I think I shall try to find it someday...when all this is over with." He shrugged and sighed, "Anyway darling...take hold of anything you would like you take with you. You say the word and I'll bring you back to replace the ones you took and gather more. Sound ok to you?"
"What is the word and I shall say it. Also I can only carry so many since my powers don't work in here so can you let me grab two armfuls and once I step out squirrel them away?" Dru tilted his head hoping for a yes and so ready for this. He doubted he would be seeing any other demigods for a while. "How many books are in this place?"
"I honestly don't know." Anny sighed, walking over and opening his arms to let Dru hand him the ones he wants. "Something along 10,000....not the best collection I'm afraid...but you could always journey with me to the libraries of the world that still stand..." He said the last bit solemnly. "It is a bittersweet feeling you get when you see them..."
Intent on enjoying his triumph Samuel thought over what to do now that all the demi-gods were essentially given free reign around the island. Truth be told he had not idea where to begin or where to go, so much of the island is mysterious and unexplored territory at least to him. He supposed the option to hone his skills were always present but he's done that quite enough already, what he required was an intellectual excursion. The mind after all was also an important muscle meant to be trained to peak ability.

Having decided on it Samuel would wave goodbye to those still in the stands and made his way to the library. He wasn't sure what books he'd check out but he supposed the enjoyment was in finding something you weren't looking for.
"It will take me almost 2 weeks to read all the books here and that takes into account me sleeping 8 hours while I only sleep 4 thus reducing the time. This should be fun." Dru sprinted around and piled books into Ann'y arms and his own making them 3 books wide and 5 high. "I will call you about 4 times a day so please be ready for that. I am ready to go now."
Anny laughed hard, taking the piles in his arms with ease. "I could always leave some in my room for you. 210. I don't stay there. My rest here is far better. You could always cone stay...you would be surprised how spiritually cleansing it is to be away from your body." He chuckled, as he shifted the books to one side some. "You'll have to touch me in some way for me to be able to transfer you between worlds...just a bump of the shoulder....unfortunately I haven't been able to entirely master it without physical contact. My apologies."
Now that it's the time of night, Luna starts to calm down. "I'm sorry.... you had to see that." Luna starts to hold onto him tightly after all this she did owe him an explanation. "I wasn't always like this.... there was a time when I was, pure. That was a long time ago though. I previously didn't need to shield myself from the sunlight. I used to love it in fact maybe just as much as I loved the night. But it was all taken from me in just a couple months. My dad wasn't rich but he was happy... we were happy. Even when Mom left." Luna takes a short break to keep herself from tearing up again. "Things weren't going well and we ended up in a mountain of debt. My father was a gambler or he became one shortly after Mother left. Even after that he got mixed up in the wrong crowd. So he did what anybody in his position would do.... He turned to his daughter with powers for help. At first it was simple.... summon this so I can sell it or summon that." Luna had a bittersweet smile across her face. "The demands got worse and worse, bigger and bigger. Every time I failed to do something correctly, he'd have me stand up straight in the sun with no water as many hours or days as it took to get it right. Sometimes he'd make me stare at it for as long as he wanted me to as punishment. If I ever tried to say no or if I looked like I was going to fail. He'd always threaten to put me outside to stand again. It terrified me.... truly." Luna was starting to wipe away tears again. "Eventually I learned to stop crying to preserve body fluid and keep hydrated as long as I could.... Even if I passed out. He'd leave me there to bake. Eventually I started getting spells correctly and things were looking up. He started becoming nice again... the way he used to be. Until one night he kept trying to get me to end someone's life so he wouldn't have to repay whatever debt he had to. I couldn't do it.... and once again I was set out into the sun. It happened so many times he out the ceiling of one of the rooms of the house to sell whatever he could from it. Also to give me an indoor torture section. Sometimes I'd get so used to staring at the sun..... I even developed the ability to stand up in the sun for more than a day or two. He never even bothered to check on me until he felt like I had been punished... He knew I could last a bit longer than mortals due to being half God." Luna shakes her head and steadied her breath. "Eventually I obeyed and killed whoever he wanted dead..... at night or day. I killed them with my own hands at the simple word please because I believed that if Dad was out of debt. Everything would go back to normal. He didn't give a rat's ass.... all he knew was that he could get in trouble with anything and use me as an escape. One day I realized that and I refused... unfortunately it was one of his worst enemies. So once again he lashed out on me hit me and threw me into the room. I stood there, as if I were lifeless. I didn't even move until it was too late when those same people burned down the house. I was just staring into the very thing that was being used against me. I was only able to take my mind and spirit to the Astral plane before my body was burned. So you could say at one point... I was just like any other spirits that aimlessly drift around the Astral plane. Rhea constructed me another body and gave me another chance... I was lucky because I saved my mind and spirit. Which is the only reason why she was able to make me another body.... of what I used to look like. I didn't kill you because I truly didn't want to. I noticed I was becoming exactly what my father was training me to become. So I stopped...... it terrified me on the inside. I don't want to become what he wanted me to but everyday I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to it."
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"That is fine with me and please pick out a few and by a few I mean 50 or so to keep me interested. I appreciate all the books you are entrusting to me." dru brushed elbows with Anny ready to resturn home shower and then start reading.
Anny transported them back to the physical work. They were standing outside of Dru's apartment. "They stopped for the day at the arena.", he explained as he moved away from the young man. "And don't worry about the books.", the old man winked at Dru. "You'll owe me a favor someday, yes?" He chuckled and manifested the spectral image of Xander to open the door for them. He did it and bowed low before disappearing. He waited for the boy to walk through before following him in
Dru quickly set the books down then directed Anny on where to set the books while sprinting around his apartment looking at different tomes and bringing them to the pile on the floor as he pulled out his katana. He thought to the old man A favor yes but I have limits. If you think because you taught me latin and showed me this treasure trove of knowledge that I would go outside my comfort barriers you would be mista... then his mind changed to nemo and Dory singing boulevard of broken dreams with Pinkie pie on the drums and the kool-aid man on guitar. "Wow that is new."
Anny laughed hard as he saw the images pass through his own mind. He put the books down on the bed "Oh, child.", he sighed. "I mean no harm. I enjoy likeminded people, so it has been great fun. To ease your sweet mind I will call my favor now. A chess game? I will share all of my knowledge of strategy with you...just to get a friend to play with." He smiled and tapped the pile of books with his long fingernails. Quickly, he moved to pull something from his pocket. A small piece of jewelry with a long silver chain. The pendulum was a small amethyst wand. He held it out to Dru. "If you need me just wear this. It is enchanted to create astral energy when it is worn. I can see the signal from anywhere....through walls...people...whatever world I am in."

Heather frowned. "What?", she shook her head. "Well, what is a fair competition for us all? I didn't get to see either of you fight earlier...I want to see muscles and sweat!" Her smile came back all at once, playful as always.
I know quite a bit about chess already so I will gladly play you." Dru grabbed the pendant and summoned his katana to him from the dream world and wrapped the pendant around that before sending it away. "Let's begin."
"Now?" Anny chuckled, slipping his hands into his pockets. "I'm an old man and it's far past my bed time, darling." He moves toward the door, waving back at Dru with a flutter of his fingers. "It was excellent to meet you though. Do call whenever you need me."
"Alright enjoy your sleep uhh you can always call from the dreamworld if you have a nightmare or just need me." Dru shrugged and went to sort the books out.
CGULL9313 said:
Anny laughed hard as he saw the images pass through his own mind. He put the books down on the bed "Oh, child.", he sighed. "I mean no harm. I enjoy likeminded people, so it has been great fun. To ease your sweet mind I will call my favor now. A chess game? I will share all of my knowledge of strategy with you...just to get a friend to play with." He smiled and tapped the pile of books with his long fingernails. Quickly, he moved to pull something from his pocket. A small piece of jewelry with a long silver chain. The pendulum was a small amethyst wand. He held it out to Dru. "If you need me just wear this. It is enchanted to create astral energy when it is worn. I can see the signal from anywhere....through walls...people...whatever world I am in."
Heather frowned. "What?", she shook her head. "Well, what is a fair competition for us all? I didn't get to see either of you fight earlier...I want to see muscles and sweat!" Her smile came back all at once, playful as always.
"Totally off topic but.... have either of you thought about what happens after we defeat Echidna?" Pierce looks at both Decimus and Heather. "I mean... the Gods couldn't even beat Echidna but we could.... wouldn't that mean we've surpassed our parents?"


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