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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Heather stood again with a sigh and followed him in. It felt weird to wear a man's clothes after waking up in his bed. It had been a long time since she had been in anyone's bed for any reason...and this wasn't exactly the best circumstance. Walking over to the counter she put her slender hands around the tea cup and let the warmth flow into her. "So...I don't get it..", she started, tilting her head and looking up at Decimus. "You have some kind of issue with me and Pierce hanging out...that's obvious...but...why?"
Alex simply froze Samuel's sense of time, causing the demigod to not realize what was happening to him until after it happened.

"Well, it is not as if I actually care for these battles. So if you are still standing after this, I will surrender. Although you can't hear a word I'm saying..." He said, as four of his dynamos began to charge two minutes from the start of the battle. When Alex released Samuel's time, he would find that Alex's dynamos were missing, barring the two he always kept active. And both were firing bolts of electricity at him.

Anny smiled politely. He had heard the boy's mind while he spoke. He was a complex, intellegent child. "Don't let me bother you.", he said, holding up his hand in a gesture of peace. "I'm just reading if you don't mind." It was a statement with a double meaning as he was less reading the words on the pages and more the thoughts about the book in the mind.
Dru looked quickly down at the absence of books then into Anny's eyes. Dru didn't know how to feel he knew he was missing something but didn't want to assume too much because what if... then his train of thoughts ended in a musical number featuring deadpool ironman wilson from cast away johnny depp and pink elephants. While this very vivid daydream raged on Dru continued to read the words appearing in his mind with the daydream. "don't... mind me..."
Anny couldn't help but laugh out loud. His grin widened as he looked back into Dru's eyes. "That was very creative.", he said with a chuckle. "I didn't mean to interupt. I was just interested in what you were thinking...", he pointed to the book in Dru's hand. "Very interesting theory."
Samuel had made note of his opponents control over lightning before the battle had the chance to commence, the fact that this seemed to be one if not his main source of offense Samuel was comforted and felt confident in a victory.

Samuel could not perceive when time was distorted for him but that did not weigh into what his next tactic regardless of how potent a power that was. The mere sight of two of dynamos having moving from their initial position had already tipped him as to the nature of what would transpire, he would not have his dynamos disappear from his immediate vision if it was not for the purpose of offense. With this in mind Samuel drove his sword into the ground, it faulted like wet paper under the weight of both his strength and his weapon. The lightning from Alex's dynamos meant to catch him unaware bent around Samuel circumventing him completely striking at his blade which was acting as a lighting rod shielding him from injury.

Lightning cracked and licked the air near Samuel but did not touch him as the beastslayer greedily ate the attack. With this Samuel revealed both his hands from under his vermillion cloak each of which stored a fireball the size of a bowling ball. With a clap of both his hands a cone of flames erupted forward looking to engulf his Demi-god opponent.

@Kalin Scarlet
"Well since my father was lucky and got his own realm apart from this one I though that using my powers I could..." Dru trailed off realizing he was talking a lot about his own hopes and dreams with a person who can apparently read minds and who he doesn't even know the name of. "What do you know about string theory or the likes there of?"
His voice never changed from nonchalant. "I have no problem with yall together. Do whatever you want. Your life your choice. Beautiful I have no problem at all. I have an ability to sense emotion though the soul. Though not accurate. And i can sense you feel negative towards me. Fear. Disgust. Disdane. I don't know specifically. It isn't hostile but it isnt bad. And don't tell me otherwise. You did whatever to avoid me. You were eager to leave me and go to Pierce. And it's cool don't trip. Im used to being the one people avoid. Im a disposable demon. My life has always been that. I accept that. And I don't know why I would dare expect differently." He sipped. "I didn't expect you to anyways. Way too early. We flirted. Ooooo ya know?" He smirked and winked at her. "Now if you want a single moment im willing." He sipped again. "Joking. But seriously. I don't care for you and Pierce. Whatever that is. Im sorry if i seemed like I did. But come oooooon beautiful. The sheer happiness in your voice when you said his name? The disappointment when you realized where you were? Come oooooon" He sipped again. "Doesn't matter dear. I don't care. Enjoy your tea?"
Alex rolled to the side, anticipating the counterattack, but not realizing just what was coming. He had yet to remove his eye patch, which showed just how lightly he was taking this battle.

Under normal circumstances, with the ability to see his immediate futures, and the power to slow down his perception of time, he would normally be untouchable. But he'd decided on his course of action beforehand. He was going to stall, and see if his attack was stronger than Samuel's defense. He doubted it, but he felt he should put up some kind of a fight...

"An excellent strategy!" He declared, as his dynamos continued to fire on Samuel. Having dodged the fire,Alex charged right at the larger demigod.

Anny smiled, and pulled out his pipe. "I know what you just read.", he chuckled, "The theory of everything. Tell me...Dru...have you ever been to the astral plane? It exists on the other side of the realm of dreams." He took a puff of the strong smelling wanderer's weed and pulled his sunglasses off. He offered them to the young man. "Take a look."

Heather listened to him, not frowning not smiling. She just listened. He was honest. She liked that. Even if she didn't like what he was saying. She would pay him the same courtesy. She sighed and took a drink of the tea finally. "You're cold.", she told him simply after she had finished. Her thin shoulders shrugged. She put the cup back down and offered her hand to him across the counter. "Your energy....I mean. It's cold. Like ice water."
Dru took the glasses and peered through the glasses and shook his head. "I have never seen it but I know one of the demigods here can go into it willy nilly just like I do with the dream realm." Dru shook his head at the sight before taking off the glasses and handing them back.
Despite Alex's dynamo's continuing to fire it didn't change the fact that they were not going to circumvent the incredible lightning rod the beastslayer made. Every shot crackled across the ground as it curved around it's intended target and meant the ground standing nearby it thus being harmlessly dispersed into the ground. He found it odd that his adversary still found it a wise idea to charge him as he no longer had the aid of his dynamos and would be facing him virtually naked. There's something else he's yet to unveil or perhaps Sameul just couldn't understand it. Either way Alex's forward charge was met by a cone of fire two meters in diameter being launched his way.
He looked, confused. "Son of Underworld. Isn't that to be expected? If not birth, then given my history isn't that to be expected? Last question, what do you mean?"
Anny chuckled as he watched the boy, then took back the glasses. "Hurt your head?", he asked him as he put them back onto his own face and wiggled his nose. "You're talking about Luna.", the older man nodded, "Yeah. She has a place there....would you like to see mine?" The last question was asked with a raise of the eyebrow. "Nothing suspicious, darling."

Heather shook her hand at him. "Hold my hand and I'll show you what I mean.", she said with a bit of a laugh.
"Sure? My head is fine though. Also remember I won't go down easy so don't try anything funny." Dru stood up wary of the gentleman but still put his book away.
CGULL9313 said:
Anny chuckled as he watched the boy, then took back the glasses. "Hurt your head?", he asked him as he put them back onto his own face and wiggled his nose. "You're talking about Luna.", the older man nodded, "Yeah. She has a place there....would you like to see mine?" The last question was asked with a raise of the eyebrow. "Nothing suspicious, darling."
Heather shook her hand at him. "Hold my hand and I'll show you what I mean.", she said with a bit of a laugh.
( Remember, the spirits there get extremely grabby. Don't let them touch him, also make sure he doesn't get too emotional with whatever emotion he's feeling. Don't want some ancient Greek hero coming back in Dru's body instead of Dru in Dru's body. )


Drumonkey said:
"Sure? My head is fine though. Also remember I won't go down easy so don't try anything funny." Dru stood up wary of the gentleman but still put his book away.
( Oh yeah by the way, powers are negated in the astral plane. Only those with a connection with it can access abilities. )
Light said:
( Remember, the spirits there get extremely grabby. Don't let them touch them, also make sure he doesn't get too emotional with whatever emotion he's feeling. Don't want some ancient Greek hero coming back in Dru's body instead of Dru in Dru's body. )
(holy cow thanks for that? jeez that could have been something else entirely wow that sucks what a sucky place.)
Drumonkey said:
(holy cow thanks for that? jeez that could have been something else entirely wow that sucks what a sucky place.)
( Yup, which is exactly why the spirits want to get out. Meaning they'll take every chance they can get to possess somebody. )
DizjayDeathPride said:
He raised an eyebrow. "Im down for some fun." And took her
(Yeah real shit i was mad i couldnt do anything)
Light said:
( Yup, which is exactly why the spirits want to get out. Meaning they'll take every chance they can get to possess somebody. )
( can't visit there often and I am glad for that.)
Light said:
( Remember, the spirits there get extremely grabby. Don't let them touch him, also make sure he doesn't get too emotional with whatever emotion he's feeling. Don't want some ancient Greek hero coming back in Dru's body instead of Dru in Dru's body. )

( Oh yeah by the way, powers are negated in the astral plane. Only those with a connection with it can access abilities. )
Shhhhhhhh! Shh shh shh shh shhhhhhh! Don't give away my secrets.

Anny lives there too. His aparment on the island is an empty room. Lol.
Light said:
( Would try to what? Possess Samuel? )
( Luna lives there. xD )
(Hell yeah cause the only thing they'd possess is my foot up their astral ass.)
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