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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

CGULL9313 said:
Heather shook her head and turned back to Pierce. "Thank you for bringing them to me...I'll meet you later back at the arena?", she asks him. Then playfully reaches out and shoves him gently, "I can't wait to see you fight."
Pierce sighs and nods his head, he honestly didn't feel like fighting. "Yeah... you will. Cya there Heather." Pierce smiles and turns away, giving her a slight wave.
She waves back with just her fingers. Before stepping back from the door and shutting it. She turns to Decimus, crossing her arms across herself once more. "So....can I borrow a shirt?"

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This morning had been a slow start for Samuel, he didn't jump out bed with the usual spring to his step ready to conquer the day. He'd required a warm up to completely get his mind and body sharp for the day where he would be able to prove to his contemporaries and his superiors why he was the isotope of victory. His attire was much as it always was, his silver and bronze plate mail woven in between leather patches to provide the most optimal mobility. Despite his armor, which he kept in charming condition battle scars and all, what he wore more brightly was his smile. His morning was devoted to cleaving practice dummies in twain to get his focus for battle tuned.

He walked out to the arena under the eyes of Rhea ready for his assesstment.
Serpico said:
This morning had been a slow start for Samuel, he didn't jump out bed with the usual spring to his step ready to conquer the day. He'd required a warm up to completely get his mind and body sharp for the day where he would be able to prove to his contemporaries and his superiors why he was the isotope of victory. His attire was much as it always was, his silver and bronze plate mail woven in between leather patches to provide the most optimal mobility. Despite his armor, which he kept in charming condition battle scars and all, what he wore more brightly was his smile. His morning was devoted to cleaving practice dummies in twain to get his focus for battle tuned.
He walked out to the arena under the eyes of Rhea ready for his assesstment.
Rhea notices him enter and points at the stands. Expecting him to sit as she drinks tea.
Light said:
Rhea notices him enter and points at the stands. Expecting him to sit as she drinks tea.
Samuel goes where he is ordered with no questions sitting where she required. As he walked towards the stands he couldn't help turning his head to look over and observe the fight that was presently transpiring with a brow that wiggled indiscriminately as his eyes followed the movements of the two. He found himself quite impressed at the capability of his brethren, seeing this sport only made him eager as to when his opportunity to join the battle would begin.
Yo Kalin I feel bad. Im out of town and i didn't warn. im so sorry i kept you waiting so imma forfit alright?

Decimus shrugged. "Of course. Just was waitin for you to wake up." He walked to his drawer and got the first shirt. "Hope you like black. It'll be a bit small so heres some underwear too."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Yo Kalin I feel bad. Im out of town and i didn't warn. im so sorry i kept you waiting so imma forfit alright?
Decimus shrugged. "Of course. Just was waitin for you to wake up." He walked to his drawer and got the first shirt. "Hope you like black. It'll be a bit small so heres some underwear too."
(Its alright. No need to apologize. ^_^ ))

Alex watched the match proceed with even less interest than before. His gaze passed from the field, to the sky, to Luna on more than one occasion. "Lady Rhea, where is a nice place to eat around in the town? I'm sure you've been to a few."

Serpico said:
Samuel goes where he is ordered with no questions sitting where she required. As he walked towards the stands he couldn't help turning his head to look over and observe the fight that was presently transpiring with a brow that wiggled indiscriminately as his eyes followed the movements of the two. He found himself quite impressed at the capability of his brethren, seeing this sport only made him eager as to when his opportunity to join the battle would begin.
Rhea turns to him and smiles. "You just looked at Luna then asked.... Are you asking her out on a date? Are you going to win her over and convince her to stop treating others like tools hmm? Oh I ship it already." Rhea pulls out a small book and writes down both their names. "I've been keeping track for Aphrodite." Rhea smiles and thinks for a moment. "Hm... how about The Bacchus, it's a very good restaurant. Also the next match will consist of Samuel and Alex! I'll go get Luna, she must be prepared! Oh Alex you really are a problem solver!" With that Rhea disappears, with the completely wrong idea.

( But yes Samuel and Alex will be facing off now. )


DizjayDeathPride said:
(I will send this boy to fucking Timbuktu if he fuckin wit my cutie (-A-)(>8U))
( Read my recent post.... hehehe. )
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"Oh my. Lady Rhea certainly shot off without a second thought. I guess I have no choice in the matter, then..."

Alex thought about what he'd just set in motion as he floated towards the ground. As he activated 4 Dynamos to join the 2 that were active, he wondered if he would survive the experience. And he wasn't referring to the coming battle...
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]
"Oh my. Lady Rhea certainly shot off without a second thought. I guess I have no choice in the matter, then..."
Alex thought about what he'd just set in motion as he floated towards the ground. As he activated 4 Dynamos to join the 2 that were active, he wondered if he would survive the experience. And he wasn't referring to the coming battle...

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Rhea carrying Luna over her shoulder. Luna seems to be attempting to break free, muttering excuses. Embarrassment was displayed up in her face, due to being seen like this. Showing others how easy it is to lift her. Once she makes eye contact with Alex she turns her head and opens her umbrella to block herself from his sight with an audible, "Hmph!"

Rhea wastes no time exiting the arena, disappearing.
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Yep. Killin Alex sorry Morpheus is the jealous type truly nothing personal)
(It'd make a great story, buttt...nah, I like him ^^))
Samuel enters the arena ready to face his opponent to renewed focus as he'd given up trying to figure just what was happening between his opponent and one of the women in attendance.

(I got no idea what ya going on about, I'm just here to smack shit up.)
Heather smiled at him, softening her eyes and letting the pupils return to normal, as she takes the clothing from him. She slips the black shirt on over her head before pulling on Decimus' boxers. If she had the energy to manipulate the material she could have made it into anything she wanted, but she didn't have the strength to even change its color. The young girl sighs, tossing her hair as she pulls it out of the collar. "Thank you. Now...can we talk?", she asked him as she ran her fingers through her blonde locks and sat down on his bed. "About what you just said."
Alex walked up to his opponent, the magically developed weapons floating around his body, charged with magical energy.

"So, you are my opponent, yes?" He said, concentrating his dynamos behind him.

Samuel stood fully erect at 6'4" to size up his opponent with respectful scrutiny taking a few seconds to scan his adversary to take in just what he would be dealing with in this encounter. His dynamos sparked intrigue as they appeared as if they could prove to be wild card. He would not jump to this conclusion as he did not fully understand what this Alex was capable off. "Indeed I am, looking forward to good fight bro." Samuel says extending his hand for a handshake before the battle would commence.
Dru watched the two demigods square up from his seat in the stands and found his interest piqued by this Alex kid. So far he had been fairly interesting and he had been part of their god retrieval team but he didn't know much about him. "good luck Alex." Dru said quietly before he went back to reading.
Samuel hearing the side comments from the stands looks up to see the dispenser of the one sided encouragement. "What the hades man, no luck for me?"

Anny was alone in the stands with his legs crossed. He bounced his foot up and down impatiently as he waited for things to begin. So that they could end already. He heard the boy called Dru call out to the boy in the arena and turned his head to look at him. He had been the one to fight Eli and he had done so with the powers of Morpheus. He popped his lips as he stood and walked over to Dru with his arms crossed across his middle. Without saying anything he sat down beside the reading young fellow and glanced over his shoulder at the book he was reading.
"I don't know you, him I have at least met once." Dru shrugged at the comment revealing that the book he was reading was about string theory and the possibility of infinite/ alternate universes. Dru then glanced at the guy who sat next to him and scooted away a little, not because he didn't like the demigod personally he just didn't really talk to people especially while they were awake. @Serpico @CGULL9313
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"Well, we should get started." Alex said, shaking Samuel's hand quickly, and taking a few steps back. His dynamos prepared to attack, charging Alex's gloves with electricity. "Are you prepared for this?" he ignored the cheers and comments being sent around, and focused on the coming fight.

Decimus shrugged. "Sure why not. There's tea in the kitchen for you." He walked back into the kitchen and leaned on his counter, drinking, waiting.

(Ill do Morpheus-Anny dialogue after He's done)
Samuel unlimbers the Beastslayer from his back. Simply unsheathing his weapon caused the air to resonate a whoosing sound as the gigantic object was held in front of him towards Alex. Samuel held his blade forward with his left hand prompting the challenge. "I'll give you the first strike, lets go."

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