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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Ryan let the bow disappear. He felt like shit. He walked out of the arena going home.

"Sorry I have to save her." Decimus appeared next to Eli. "Is she okay? Let's move and get out of the way."
Eli nodded, a bit suprised to see who had come to her aid. He had never really seen them together at all, except during their battle where she was his squad leader. "She'll be fine...yes...can you carry her? I...I can't.", he took a deep breath to steady himself. He had mended her lung already, but it had taken quite a bit out of him. And after his fight with Dru there was very little left as it was. He stood and moved away to allow Decimus to pick her up. Next to Pierce, the tigers both whined pitifully but stayed in their places. She had told them to stay and so they were. Ru shifted uncomfortably and looked up at Pierce. Bandi nuzzled his leg.


Kalin watched the matches with mild interest. He was ready to battle quickly, and return to his bedroom to celebrate. Hopefully, he'd be matched up against a girl. Then they could probably celebrate the event together.

His thoughts were jumbled however, when he felt a pain in his chest. Somewhere nearby, a strong love had been extinguished. It had happened a few moments after that man had quit the field.

'He couldn't have...'

Suddenly, Kalin realized that another love had grown slightly stronger nearby, as well. That didn't bode well, considering what he had figured.

'Well then. I guess that guy won't be coming back...and I guess there are more things on this earth scarier than a broken heart...'
Rhea seems to be sitting in a chair, drinking tea. She frowns and glances at Alex. She didn't appreciate the way he was taking her anger out upon her. "Yes I understand what you're getting at but please for future reference, if you're requesting a conversation with someone you don't approach or address them in such a manner Alex." She sighs and takes a sip of the tea. She looks out to where Luna is sitting. "You will not take any action against Luna. She still has a lock on your soul, she's dangerous but she's so useful. No I do not approve of what she did at all but she does know loyalty. I plan to speak with her about this.... I will correct her behavior and make sure she doesn't do it again. Now please Alex, sit down and relax. You're actions may seem just but taking action against her will only make you look bad. You're a good man, don't ruin yourself on Luna."


CGULL9313 said:
Eli nodded, a bit suprised to see who had come to her aid. He had never really seen them together at all, except during their battle where she was his squad leader. "She'll be fine...yes...can you carry her? I...I can't.", he took a deep breath to steady himself. He had mended her lung already, but it had taken quite a bit out of him. And after his fight with Dru there was very little left as it was. He stood and moved away to allow Decimus to pick her up. Next to Pierce, the tigers both whined pitifully but stayed in their places. She had told them to stay and so they were. Ru shifted uncomfortably and looked up at Pierce. Bandi nuzzled his leg.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan let the bow disappear. He felt like shit. He walked out of the arena going home.

"Sorry I have to save her." Decimus appeared next to Eli. "Is she okay? Let's move and get out of the way."
( Sorry I was just busy with stuff. So let me try and grasp the situation correct me if I'm wrong. )

Pierce looks at the state Heather is in. He glances at the two tigers, "Come on.... we can't just leave her like this. I think you two know the place I'm thinking about bringing her to heal. You two should come, I don't want to leave you here. Don't worry, you'll be by her side." Pierce walks down the stands. He approaches Heather, Eli, and Decimus. "Sorry to interrupt but I know a place to bring her that could also heal her."
Alex landed before her, taking a deep breath as he did. "I...apologize for my anger, lady Rhea. But that girl is not worth the lives of every other person here. We're barely enough to fight this rebellion, as it is. We're barely enough to repopulate, when all is said and done! And I'm supposed to allow this girl to play with her fellow demigods? To treat them as tools? For what? Why is she so important? What makes her worth that!?" He asked, clenching his fist, and taking another breath. He sat beside Rhea, staring down as he fought the anger building inside of him. " I need to understand why, otherwise I will handle this as I said I would, whether it kills me or not."

Eli frowned. "You know....I find that to be terribly unpleasant.", he groaned. Looking back to his friend in the dirt as Decimus picked her up. He saw Pierce approaching with Heather's tigers in tow. He raised an eyebrow. She was a beautify woman, he supposed, young and full of spunk. Men would naturally be drawn to her and she to them...but he alone knew if her painful past. He did not feel safe leaving her until he saw Bandi and Ru. They would protect her from harm. And if they trusted the man Pierce, then she must as well. He followed Morpheus his mind more at ease.

Heather's unconscious body shivered at Decomis' touch.
Morpheus went to Luna. "Well hello cutie. How're you?"

Decimus laid her on his bed and went to the kitchen. "Ill make you tea. You'll love it"

Rhea slides a cup of tea over towards Alex. She sits for a moment, processing many things she could say, wondering what she could do. "Look.... her mother Hekate has done many services for the God's... even for me. I promised Hekate I'd look after her, like I promised many of your parents I would." Rhea takes a break to sip some tea, her golden eyes stare Alex down. "She has not killed one person in this camp. To be honest she hasn't even made a single camper shed blood whatsoever. Compared to all the others." She waves her hand to the arena for emphasis. "So if you go to kill her with a lack of evidence that she is attempting to kill people here. It would only make you seem delusional and hypocritical. If she really wanted to kill someone here don't you think she would have?" Rhea looks up at Luna, whom seems to be scooting away from Morpheus. "Also tools wouldn't be the correct term. Morpheus quite obviously has an.... expressive will of his own. Yes, I do know what happened in the arena. So if she were trying to kill others and use them as tools. Why didn't she take your life then and make you a puppet? If she wanted you to become 'stronger first' the next time she says that tell her she's full of shit. She could easily boost a 'puppets' abilities." Rhea seems to be squinting at Luna, as if trying to process something herself. "Also don't you think it was all too.... perfect? If she wanted to win the hard way she would have fought until he dropped but instead she put him in a position in which I had to declare the victory. Honestly she's a smart girl, she knew I'd step in and stop her before she did anything. But that does not mean I approve of her methods." Rhea finishes her tea and smiles towards Alex. "So for now, just leave the subject and Luna alone. I'll talk to her about what she did in the arena. You confronting her about it will only cause a problem.... I hope you plan to drink that tea before it becomes cold."

( By the way, with the chakrams before. They didn't cut his skin they cut his spirit so he didn't shed any blood. )

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus went to Luna. "Well hello cutie. How're you?"

Decimus laid her on his bed and went to the kitchen. "Ill make you tea. You'll love it"

Luna scoots away from Morpheus. "What do you want?"
Morpheus stood for a bit. "To apologize. I pushed the limit. I toyed with your anger, in your realm. And I'm sorry about that..." He sighed. "Honestly. I am."

(Real shit i posted and kinda didn't reas through his post because i thought it was all yelling at alex. But even then for the sake of my character and my laziness to edit im going to say yeah totally ignoring him and leaving him with the tigers)
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus stood for a bit. "To apologize. I pushed the limit. I toyed with your anger, in your realm. And I'm sorry about that..." He sighed. "Honestly. I am."

(Real shit i posted and kinda didn't reas through his post because i thought it was all yelling at alex. But even then for the sake of my character and my laziness to edit im going to say yeah totally ignoring him and leaving him with the tigers)
( Why would Pierce yell at him? I don't even think Luna would unless she was trying to mess with him. )

Luna stares at Morpheus staring deep into his eyes to seem whether or not he's just messing with her. She verifies he's telling the truth. "Okay... I forgive you." She opens up her umbrella in his direction to hide herself, and push him away. She has a pink-ish tint to her cheeks as she looks the other way.
(No all i saw was Rhea and i didn't continue. Leeearned my lesson)

Morpheus tilts his head, smiling. "Thanks cutie. Alright my man lets go to esquire. Im ready for the next fight"
Dru walked past her noticing the blush and raising an eyebrow at her before continuing on his way shaking his head.
Heather is still asleep when Decimus puts her in his bed, her bare chest gently rising and falling with her deep, restful breaths. Her hair is wild around her, with pieces of mud matted here and there throughout. The cold of Decimus has caused her tan skin to he covered on goose pimples and her nipples to harden. When he walks away into the kitchen, the feeling lingers. She stirrs some from the sensation and rolls onto her side with a sigh. She realizes it is an internal cold and her eyes flutter open to take in her surroundings. She didn't recognize this place. Immediately, she sat up and covered herself with her arms. Her body was healed but her abilities to manipulate were still recharging after having used them so much that day. "Hello?"

The tigers watch as Decimus disappears with Heather in his arms. Ru stares at where his injured master had just been and roars loudly, viciously. Bandi walks over to sniff at the blood soaking into the arena. She scratches at it some, thinking perhaps the girl was just hiding somewhere inside.
(Anyone want to interact with Kalin? In fact, can Kalin fight the next match?))
@DizjayDeathPride[/URL] )


CGULL9313 said:
Heather is still asleep when Decimus puts her in his bed, her bare chest gently rising and falling with her deep, restful breaths. Her hair is wild around her, with pieces of mud matted here and there throughout. The cold of Decimus has caused her tan skin to he covered on goose pimples and her nipples to harden. When he walks away into the kitchen, the feeling lingers. She stirrs some from the sensation and rolls onto her side with a sigh. She realizes it is an internal cold and her eyes flutter open to take in her surroundings. She didn't recognize this place. Immediately, she sat up and covered herself with her arms. Her body was healed but her abilities to manipulate were still recharging after having used them so much that day. "Hello?"
The tigers watch as Decimus disappears with Heather in his arms. Ru stares at where his injured master had just been and roars loudly, viciously. Bandi walks over to sniff at the blood soaking into the arena. She scratches at it some, thinking perhaps the girl was just hiding somewhere inside.
Pierce looks at the two tigers. "Shit.... come on, I know where she is." Pierce runs out the arena and into the city, pulling out his map labeled with every dorm and it's owner. He makes his way to Decimus and knocks on the door.
Heather gasps when the knock comes, looking to the door. She hears Bandi whine and Ru scratching. They can smell her inside. She jumps up and makes her way quickly to the door. She unlocks and opens it quickly. A nervous smile spreads across her face, "Pierce....hi." The tigers force their way inside and start to nuzzle her.
Kalin stands up, smiling. "Alright then. This should be fun." he said, as he ran down from the stands. He hopped over to the arena floor, and grabbed his compound bow from the ground. He'd practiced with a normal one, but for an actual fight, this would make things simpler. He'd also packed a few explosive arrows with optional quick timers, for fun, and a flashbang arrow. He'd aldo fueled his powers quite well the night before. Sufficed to say, he was prepared.
CGULL9313 said:
Heather gasps when the knock comes, looking to the door. She hears Bandi whine and Ru scratching. They can smell her inside. She jumps up and makes her way quickly to the door. She unlocks and opens it quickly. A nervous smile spreads across her face, "Pierce....hi." The tigers force their way inside and start to nuzzle her.
Pierce waves, finding this situation awkward. "Hi.... I brought Bandi and Ru, I hope that's okay. I tried to bring to the tunneling system but Decimus already took you. Are you alright?" A look of concern splashes across Pierces face.
(Welp im back xD cool thanks for the character develop and coming to me soooo)

Decimus came out of the kitchen and stood. "Well don't sound so disappointed. Well it appears your real saviour is here. And you're awake. I'm no longer needed. Youre free to go"

Damian sighed. He didn't feel like doing this. He appeared in the center if the arena. "Hello again."
"Hmm? Am I supposed to know you?" Kalin asked as he set his quiver on his back. He had already planned his first shot, but was careful not to make any sudden movements until the other guy attacked.

(Alex is up in the stands. Kalin is a different person.)

Damian had his hands in his pockets. "Listen, I've sensed you around. You and I are both powerful. Let's just not do this. Agree to a draw so I can go sit down"
"I don't think that's an option..." Kalin says, glancing up at Rhea."Is that an option, beautiful?" he still pulled an arrow out and notched it, regardless.



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