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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Ryan dropped Jazmine and immediately his bow appeared. He drew the string, an arrow of light manifested. He shot it into the beasts head and destroyed its head. "Oh that was impressive. Sorry beast"
Heather laughed from the top of the dirt stairway as she watched Ryan, her dancing ceased and she stood with her hip popped out playfully. All of the dirt except for the tower of it she was standing on, suddenly became a wall of water. The large wave crashed down upon Ryan and the headless beast. The beast was pretty solid, so it didn't move. But the force of it pushed Ryan back and down to the ground.

Anny felt something in the people around him, and searched for the knowledgable mind. He found it and his head slowly turned toward Decimus. He smiled as he walked over casually. "Hey, I'm Anny.", he said to the young man once he was near enough to be heard. "You are....the son of Hades, correct?"
Ryan splashed. When he had a second to think he used light and flashed behind Heather, bow drawn, arrow in her spine. He lowered it. "I'm sorry" and he flashed back to solid ground. "Lets keep going"

Decimus peered, looking the man over. "You know I know. You also must know I'm very impressed you managed to go there so easily. I don't personally care so much as you don't interrupt my business when I do. Be careful. Each time you enter your soul becomes infected and corrupted. You're gonna die soon. Or eventually."
Heather gasped as the arrow was placed into the back of her golden armor. It he had let it fly she knew it would have gone straight through into her body and killed her. But he didn't release it. He was suddenly back on the ground, "Let's keep going.", the boy called up to her. She smiled as she let the dirt collapse under her and was once again on the ground. "You could have ended it there.", she told him, as she held her hand up and the crystal triceratops regrew it's head with a shake. It turned to Ryan and the two of them rushed him. As she ran forward, her gauntlet stretched and turned into her bone staff. She held it out at the ready as it formed. The edges did not grow sharp as they stretched out to several feet long.

Anny chuckled, sitting down beside the man with a smile. "I am the child of Charon.", he stated, "I belong in that place as much as you do.", he tilted his head to look over at Decimus. "My father has served yours since his creation and I offer my allegiance to you." He said it like it was nothing. Like it was a request for a game of chess. "If you'll have it, Master Decimus."
Ryan turned and shot a normal arrow through her staff. He turned back to the beast and shot it in the head with a light arrow, blowing it's head again. He went back to Heather, arrow drawn. He coated the tip with light to pierce her armor, thinking of shooting it into her shoulder. He held it at her, waiting. "I don't want to hurt you Heather..."

Decimus chuckled. "Very well. I had no idea. Well then I accept. But now you know I'm very calm. Wont really ask for much."
The staff simply opened up and let the arrow pass through, before reforming. The beast's head explodes again, and small crystals shower Ryan like sharp little raindrops. The statue of Heather that had been formed while he had dealt with the beast, and before she sank into the ground beneath it as a puddle of water, said nothing. The water reformed behind Ryan into the form of the girl. She tapped his shoulder with her staff and turned the legs of his pants and his shoes to solid lead so that he was stuck in place. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart.", she giggled.

Anny smiled some over at him, tilting his head. "I sense something about you.,...you want to rule in the stead of your father, am I correct?" He didn't wait for a response before he proposed his plan. His true meaning for approaching the son of Hades. "I want to help you do that, until we can free him....the Underworld is overflown and there is no one to manage it. It is our responsibility to return it to it's glory and restore balance to the afterlife."
"Sigh. I have to be ruthless don't I?" He whistled, freezing Heather. "Release me or ill leave you paralyzed." His hand glew with a ball of light. He reached back and put it on her chest. "Release me Heather"
Heather watched him with a smile, frozen in place. The ground beneath him suddenly rose up around Ryan and consumed him. The dirt hardened to concrete around his body. Leaving him enough room to wiggle around and breathe but his arms and legs were held into place. Her mental powers were not in anyway controlled by her body so she was free to do what she pleased with her manipulation abilities. As long as she was capable of visualizing, it worked fine.
Decimus laughed. "I agree. But I personally don't want to rule. I prefer to live in isolation actually. Its all a demon like me deserves." He knew the man could read his mind so he purposely allowed himself to remember his past. And the lake with Heather. And how it always ends the same. "Personally Anny, I dont want to even be a god. But life yeah?"

Ryan looked around. "Sigh... She's making me fight." He used his left hand to feel in his bag. Thankfully he got the flute easily. He exploded the shoes around his feet with the orb. With the remaining light he destroyed his prison and jumped back, playing his sleep song
Anny sighed, seeing his thoughts and memories pass before his mind's eye. He sent back nothing but the image of a young woman eating a pomegrante, three seeds popping on her tongue and releasing their juices. The woman was Heather. "No one but the power hungry want to rule...do you imagine your father wanted to spend eternity in the place of the damned? Of course not...but it was where he flourished. So would you."


DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus laughed. "I agree. But I personally don't want to rule. I prefer to live in isolation actually. Its all a demon like me deserves." He knew the man could read his mind so he purposely allowed himself to remember his past. And the lake with Heather. And how it always ends the same. "Personally Anny, I dont want to even be a god. But life yeah?"
Ryan looked around. "Sigh... She's making me fight." He used his left hand to feel in his bag. Thankfully he got the flute easily. He exploded the shoes around his feet with the orb. With the remaining light he destroyed his prison and jumped back, playing his sleep song
If you reverse the escaping with the flute grabbing, I shall not argue. His hands were trapped though. Anyway. Eploding lead shoes, freedom, flute grabbing, song. Got it.

Heather moved back, unsurpised by his escape. The concrete explosion sent dusst over the audience and over Heather as well. When the song began she took a deep breath, and once again became water. She was absorbed by the dirt around them and became a pile of mud. The thick liquid swirled and formed into the shape of a giant woman, rising out of the ground. She opened her mouth and spewed a torrent of mud down upon him and his flute. Filling the holes with ick.
Decimus got more stone. "The thought doesn't help. And you're right. Honestly... i hate the Underworld. It's disgustingly colored and too loud. It's not my place. And why would I want to rule? Thats too much stress. I like my hair"

Ryan tsked and put it back. "Why do you want me to fight so badly?" He drew his bow and pulled the string, 3 arrows of light flung. One shot each of her shoulders, the other barely entering her chest, held only by two ribs, minor damage done. "I don't want to fight you. Please surrender." He drew the string, hundreds appearing, aiming at her.
Anny laughed hard at that comment. Crossing his arms across his lap and then his legs at the ankles. He was watching the scene below unfold with only mild interest. The girl was playing, he could see it in her mind. She had already lost in her mind but she was stretching it out for the sheer pleasure of it. He shook his head and looked over at Decimus. "I like your hair too, Master Decimus.", he said with a smile.

There are no ribs inside. She's literally made of mud.

The arrows of light go straight through mud Heather's shoulders and between her muddy breasts, but singe at the mud and create a foul stench. The glorpy monster opens it's mouth in a wide smile. There are rows and rows of sharp crystal shards inside. She opens her arms wide to him and gestures with her hands in a 'come at me' way.
(Ew.... hot)

He scratched and watched Heathers fight. He was curious as to how this would end. Ryan fascinated him. He could feel Ryan was holding back. He knew the kid had more than the bow. He could almost taste it. But he was refusing.
Interesting. The more you refuse to fight the more she pushes you thus, the more you have to give in. Come on Ryan.

Ryan stared, intrigued. He shot the mound of arrows directly in front of her, making them explode in a flash of light, blinding her. He flashed around shooting the arrows through her, rapidly moving so she couldn't keep up. It was still night. He had to waste energy creating his own light and it was tolling on him. He couldn't physically harm her so he had one last option. Harden her mud or music once more. He hated having to rely on light. He was tempted to just use his Bruno, the saxophone. And so he would. "Lack of sight would heighten your hearing." He pulled it out and began playing the hypnotic tune as loud as he could. Causing her mind to be his
Anny chuckled, "I think you see it too. She's not even fighting him...she's just....teasing." He shook his head, a wide grin on his face. "I like this girl. You should take her by force."

Heather felt the tug of the music on her mind, although she had no ears to hear with, she felt the energy from it inside of her. Once it was there she couldn't force it away. The waves of energy they were...melodic. It was almost entrancing. No, not almost, it was entrancing. She hardened the mud herself and let it crummble to the ground. She was nowhere for a moment, before she reformed and crawled out of the pile of rubble. The girl stood naked in front of Ryan and the crowd.

Anny's eyes lit up. "Whoooa!" He couldn't help but laugh. "What I said before!"
Ryan didn't stop just to make sure it was true. He continued his hypnotic song. To test, he willed her through his mind to raise her hand and bow to him while on one leg, the other crossing the one like a flamingo

Decimus thought about it. "No. I don't force. She either wants me or not." He sighed
Heather obliged Ryan's will. She raised one hand, and a tan leg, before bowwing to him. Her blonde hair fell in her face, to conceal her smile.

Anny shrugged, "Silly policy if you ask me.", he jerked his head in the direction of Morpheus and Eli. "If he wasn't so powerful I'd take him by force." He chuckled deeply in his throat and sighed, "But alas. I suppose she would make trouble for you."
Anny raised an eyebrow, watching the arena. It seemed the girl had lost...but...he could still sense her in her mind. Playing. Teasing. "I do hope to.", he said simply.

Heather doesn't open her mouth. Her ears are clogged with mud. She smiles wider, still bowwing to him as his saxxophone suddenly blows a strange out of tune note, then stops making noise altogether. It grows heavy. It is stone in his hands. She could not have stayed in that form, or she would have been put into his trance. Her mind was too vunerable when it wasn't attached to anything.
Ryan took this opportunity and drew his bow, shooting her repeatedly in her limbs with normal arrows. First the shoulders, then the shins, then the arms, making sure they went through. He didn't want to kill her but he had lost control. He only refused to lose. "Surrender!" The last going through the far right of her chest, ripping her lung
As the points of each arrow touched her tan, bare skin, they burst into harmless water that beaded off of her body and into the dirt. The last one, however, struck home. They had come too fast and she had missed it. She gasped, as she grabbed the arrow sticking out of her chest. She could not turn it to water, as she would risk filling her own body with it. She felt it in her lung, and slowly shrunk it down to the size of a splinter and pulled it from her skin with a loud cry. Heather collapsed to her knees, taking deep, rasping breaths and gripping her chest. Blood poured from her where she had been wounded as she looked up at Ryan. Still the words did not come. Through the pain she fought to form a barrier around Ryan of crystal. Any of his light arrows would be deflected by their many angles. And it was too hard to break through with normal arrows. She fell to the ground, on her hands and coughed up blood into the dirt.

Eli screamed from the stands, "NO!!!" And quickly jumped from his seat to run down to the arena.

Heather looked up at him, and raised a hand to tell him to stay away. She wasn't out yet, although she could not naturally heal. The crystal formation collapsed on Ryan. Sealing him into the crystal, it formed around him at every juncture so he could not move. Fusing with his skin or penetrating in some places. That was all she had though, she felt her energy being forced toward her injury. She could no longer manipulate things in her surroundings, but she slowly got to her feet to see Ryan inside the crystal sphere.
Ryans eyes looked around wildly. He looked as fast as he could for a weak point. There was no way she could make a perfect structure while dying. He knew it. He studied faster while it closed, finding that perfect spot. He willed all the light he had, as much as he could, and blasted. The structure exploded around him, piercing his body. He fell to his knees, covered in shattered crystal. He couldnt do much but suffer and pull them out. He was healing slowly. It was dawn but... barely enough. He stared at her. "Just.... quit."
Heather stood across from him, holding her hand to her chest where the blood was pouring out. "T...truce or pull out your bow and just kill me this time. There is nothing to live for outside of this place.", she said through rasping breaths with a small bloody smile.
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Ryan's face was blank. He didn't know if he could draw and stay. He had to kill her and stay or save her and risk leaving. And if it doesn't work she'll want to die anyways. He couldn't decide. But he had to. He looked in the stand at Rebecca. He knew she isn't as strong as him. He would have to be the one to save Apollo. He stared at Heather and pulled the last shard out. He jumped back from her and pulled his bow. He didn't have the energy to make another arrow. He put the last shard and pulled. "Surrender. You can still fight in another match later. Get healed. And fight later. Heather please. Please" He didn't falter. His mind was made
Heather's smile widened, "Why should I surrender? You won when you refused to kill me earlier.", she chuckled before spurting blood from her lips and collapsing once more to the ground. Blood pools around her in the dirt and she quickly loses consciousness.

Eli jumps over the divide and runs to her side, collapsing on his knees in the dirt stained with her blood. He lays his small hands on her nude back and forces his healing energy into her.

Anny chuckled from the crowd, looking over at his new master. "Well, that was intresting...", he muses, pulling out his pipe and lighting it with a match. The match disappears to join the others in his little match sculpture inside his castle in the astral plane.
Alex slows time to a crawl within the arena, allowing the matches to go on, but giving himself time to return. Everyone within wouldn't be able to tell the difference, barring another child of Chronos.

Alex leaped from the side of the arena, were he had caused a portion of it to fall to ruin in his anger. 'Lady Rhea...I would like to speak with you. NOW.' he said, using his Dynamos to fly off.

That girl had done it again! She'd tried to kill the other demigod. She had him completely defeated, and refused to leave it at that. If it hadn't been for Rhea, that girl would have murdered him. Alex had given his word as to what he was going to do if she endangered any of them, again...



Kalin watched the matches with mild interest. He was ready to battle quickly, and return to his bedroom to celebrate. Hopefully, he'd be matched up against a girl. Then they could probably celebrate the event together.

His thoughts were jumbled however, when he felt a pain in his chest. Somewhere nearby, a strong love had been extinguished. It had happened a few moments after that man had quit the field.

'He couldn't have...'

Suddenly, Kalin realized that another love had grown slightly stronger nearby, as well. That didn't bode well, considering what he had figured.

'Well then. I guess that guy won't be coming back...and I guess there are more things on this earth scarier than a broken heart...'
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