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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Kalin entered the arena, yawning and rubbing his eyes just as the giant creature charged its target. Despite his tiredness, he was feeling really good, today. He'd spent the past few hours preparing for today, and he thought his results would show themselves quite clearly. Of course, when he said prepared for today, Kalin meant 'Had lots of passionate sex into the early hours of the morning'. Which really wasn't a bad thing. It certainly wasn't bad for his lovers. He could see them as he took his seat. There was her... And her...and her...
Anny's face was contorted as he looked back at Morpheus. "She should rip out his precious soul and throw it into the depths of Cocytus!", he growled.

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"THIS IS MERE CHILD'S PLAY!" Xander shouted, noticing a darkness spreading in which soon would hinder his visionary prowess, he mumbled several words, and another blinding light appeared, but from his ceremonial mace.


The light within his mace began to pulsate, the raw divine energy hummed all through-out the weapon, illuminating the darkness within the arena with waves of light, not letting the shadows reappear. Xander quickly took notice of the dead swarming him, he gave off a smirk of satisfaction, letting them engulf him.. As they completely surrounded him, he shouted "Severing Light!", and spun in a 360 motion, completely annihilating the undead, making them disperse into black dust.


The user uses the divine energy imbued in their weapon to perform a slice from all around them destroying anything, and everything in their path.

"If that's all you've got" he directed his voice at the woman "then prepare to be annihilated, as I'm fighting with my lifeline, my very soul. I will defeat you!"

Xander charged with blinding speed at his opponent, preparing for confrontation!
[QUOTE="Xander Catastrophe]"THIS IS MERE CHILD'S PLAY!" Xander shouted, noticing a darkness spreading in which soon would hinder his visionary prowess, he mumbled several words, and another blinding light appeared, but from his ceremonial mace.

The light within his mace began to pulsate, the raw divine energy hummed all through-out the weapon, illuminating the darkness within the arena with waves of light, not letting the shadows reappear. Xander quickly took notice of the dead swarming him, he gave off a smirk of satisfaction, letting them engulf him.. As they completely surrounded him, he shouted "Severing Light!", and spun in a 360 motion, completely annihilating the undead, making them disperse into black dust.


The user uses the divine energy imbued in their weapon to perform a slice from all around them destroying anything, and everything in their path.

"If that's all you've got" he directed his voice at the woman "then prepare to be annihilated, as I'm fighting with my lifeline, my very soul. I will defeat you!"

Xander charged with blinding speed at his opponent, preparing for confrontation!

Luna merely rolls her eyes. She's just been using the undead to fight for her but now it seems like she'll have to raise her hand to do some work. Since her chakrams hit him with a soul spell. She had access to it. She merely raises her hand as his soul exits his body. His body drops to the floor before her and his soul is dragged towards the Astral plane. Where there is no such thing as time, light or darkness. The world's laws do not apply in the Astral Plane. She had his soul sit there being allowed to see what's in the arena on the physical plane. Though his body on the Astral plane had several deep cuts in it. Due to the chakrams affecting his soul not his body.

Luna clears her throat. "So.... this is checkmate. You should've focused on cleansing the spiritual damage done to you by the chakrams instead of underestimating them. Now I control have your soul. Your soul will either be absorbed or will perish due to the surrounding spirits and the damage done. Also, because of this." Luna had another spirit jump into his body, it immediately approaches a freshly summoned Spartan. "Because of your arrogance, and failure to take in your surroundings. This is my win." The Spartan brings down it's spear to decapitate his body. Before the Spartan finishes Rhea appears and stops it. Luna was really about to take his bodies head off.

Rhea clears her throat. "Due to circumstances..... I declare Luna the victor of this match.... but she will not be permitted to participate in any other matches. Return him to his body.... now Luna."

Luna sighs and nods her head. She Spartan fades away and the spirit exits his body. Luna takes him out the astral plane and sets him in his body. Without a word Luna releases her control over his soul and walks away.

Eli looks to Dru, then to Morpheus. From there he follows the son of Eris' gaze to the infuriated older man. He cleared his throat. "Excuse me, sir." he said politely to Dru as he walked over to them. His eyes on Anny the whole time. Anny shook his mane of curly silver hair. In contrast his mouth formed the words, "Yes, darling. I'll be fine when the darkness consumes him."
Elijah sighed, as Anny sank down through the rows of seating slowly. The dwarf looked up at his friend. "The man down there...", he pointed to the arena. "He's holding the Christian bible." He explains this with a tilt of the head. "He appears to be using it somehow...I'm not sure what it means exactly...but I believe Anny is insulted by it. What do you know about him anyway? From your time in his mnd?"
Morpheus snapped back to focus. "I... don't remember. I can check my memories in a bit."

Ryan froze. "I.... sis? Why?" He sighed and used his light to flash to the cener of the field
Heather smiled, leaping up from her seat and hopping down over the other rows. "Excuse me!", she laughed as she almost stepped on someone's hand. When she reached the edge she bounded over it and rolled upon landing in the dirt. When she got to her feet, she walked calmly over to Ryan with a smile, "Hello again.", she giggled, as she offered him her golden gauntleted hand. Her helmet slowly grew up her face from the top of the gorget.

When the fight ends, Eli looks to the front as Heather's name is called. He grins and claps his small hands in excitment. "Heather!", he shouts as loudly as he can.
Ryan stared at her and smiled. "Hello again. I'm sorry about this..."

Morpheus' eyes glew silver. "I think I might get something good from this one. I saw that Ryan boy earlier in the mission. He has many secrets"

(Alright real shit end this argument. You're interrupting our thread. Take it to pm or drop it.)
"Yes well thank you for those words of encouragement?" Dru seemed confused and decided now was a good time to leave and began walking away until an older man (I think) Spoke to dur and he just looked the man up and down.
"Not at all.", Heather said with a smile, shaking hands with nothing. "You should feel sorry for leaving me hanging there though." She laughed and stepped back from him several feet. "You go ahead and start first, ok?", she offered, flipping her visor down to cover her blue eyes.
[QUOTE="Xander Catastrophe]Sorry ass, when you can't use proper time frame, and GOD MOD. LOL. Bruh just quit, you're terrible, and you gave me no chance to counter, because you simply went on. Now stfu, and learn to RP properly. Just because you're the host, doesn't mean you can bullshit and overpower people. Scrub. peace.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan stared at her and smiled. "Hello again. I'm sorry about this..."

Morpheus' eyes glew silver. "I think I might get something good from this one. I saw that Ryan boy earlier in the mission. He has many secrets"

(Alright real shit end this argument. You're interrupting our thread. Take it to pm or drop it.)
Well, I give what I get. Anyways sorry, I'll delete the arguments.
Elijah nodded, watching Heather step back from the young man in the arena. "I saw...", he said quietly, interlocking his fingers in his lap. He was afraid for Heather, but if she lost then she could come with him to wherever it was he was headed now that he was going to be expelled from the island. With their gifts they could still do plenty of good out there in the world. He knew he would never stop seeking out and destroying the many children of Echidna. No matter where he was his need for vengence would prevail over all things.
Dru turned away and went to go sit in the stands a little ways away from the others, he wasn't good at communicating with people outside of their dreams and even then it could go bad. Dru just pulled out a book he had left in the stands and began to read occasionally watching for the next match.
(Sorry im so distracted with these damn kids i didn't mean to leave you hanging i saw goblet and thought you offered him a drink. Ill focus more)

Ryan fumbled. "I no i mean im sorry im nervous" he extended his hand. "I didn't mean to be rude.."

The older man was not to be seen, even as he appeared behind the larger man as he walked defeated from the arena. He heard him mumble something about unfairness before his agonizing screams began. Anny had stuck his astral hand into the torso of the blonde man, gripped and squeezed his heart until it stopped. The man fell to his knees, and then onto his stomach, crying out in pain. Anny gave him the sweet mercy of the Gods, and ripped the chunk of muscle still beating from his chest cavity. With it, his sould came freely. "I will show you the true gods.", he hissed, as he dissappeared into the astral plane. He slipped into the empty and unwatched underworld. Feeling the soul squirming in his grasp, the pure darkness of this place was eating at it slowly. He threw the soul into the wailing river and watched the dead swallow it. The last thing he saw of the being that was Xander was his face crying out voicelessly in pain as the grasping hands pulled him beneath the dark waters. Anny smiled as he watched, and took a bite out of the warm heart in his hand and said a short prayer to the absent Hades before quickly returning to the astral plane. This place was a danger, even though he felt more than at home here before, now the monster ere would find him and destroy him if he stayed long. Once in the astral plane he munched on the heart as he approached his dark castle. It was surrounded by a mote of souls with black eyes staring as they were whisked away by the current. They reached their hands up to him as he floated above them and through the black stones. Once inside, he flew to the top of the tower and placed the heart in a container with several others. With great joy, he watched it fill the jar with fresh blood, before he appeared back next to Morpheus. He kept his mind silent to him.

Heather laughed and ran up to take his hand in both of hers. "Don't worry about it. I understand.", she said with a sweet smile, although it was hidden beneath her helm. "I'm nervous too if it helps." She shook his hand and then stepped back a few more feet. "You go first and I'll try to counter. Make it a fair fight, ok?"
CGULL9313 said:
The older man was not to be seen, even as he appeared behind the larger man as he walked defeated from the arena. He heard him mumble something about unfairness before his agonizing screams began. Anny had stuck his astral hand into the torso of the blonde man, gripped and squeezed his heart until it stopped. The man fell to his knees, and then onto his stomach, crying out in pain. Anny gave him the sweet mercy of the Gods, and ripped the chunk of muscle still beating from his chest cavity. With it, his sould came freely. "I will show you the true gods.", he hissed, as he dissappeared into the astral plane. He slipped into the empty and unwatched underworld. Feeling the soul squirming in his grasp, the pure darkness of this place was eating at it slowly. He threw the soul into the wailing river and watched the dead swallow it. The last thing he saw of the being that was Xander was his face crying out voicelessly in pain as the grasping hands pulled him beneath the dark waters. Anny smiled as he watched, and took a bite out of the warm heart in his hand and said a short prayer to the absent Hades before quickly returning to the astral plane. This place was a danger, even though he felt more than at home here before, now the monster ere would find him and destroy him if he stayed long. Once in the astral plane he munched on the heart as he approached his dark castle. It was surrounded by a mote of souls with black eyes staring as they were whisked away by the current. They reached their hands up to him as he floated above them and through the black stones. Once inside, he flew to the top of the tower and placed the heart in a container with several others. With great joy, he watched it fill the jar with fresh blood, before he appeared back next to Morpheus. He kept his mind silent to him.
Heather laughed and ran up to take his hand in both of hers. "Don't worry about it. I understand.", she said with a sweet smile, although it was hidden beneath her helm. "I'm nervous too if it helps." She shook his hand and then stepped back a few more feet. "You go first and I'll try to counter. Make it a fair fight, ok?"
(what was all that?)
Me killing off the character that is gone already. Lol. For the sake of logical story progression.

And for the epic heart eating scene. Just for the hell of it.
Ryan smirked. "Fair? Very well" He looked in his bag and pulled out Jazmine, his violin. Immediately he began fiddling, activating his dance spell. He played louder, making her jig

Decimus could feel all Anny had done. He didn't move an inch. He didn't care. But his eyes were intent on Heather. Then she started jigging. He almost laughed out loud at that
Heather laughed as she started to dance. She let it overtake her and she spun in circles, closer and closer to Ryan. Where her feet touched as she danced, the dirt began to shift and rise up. It made a set of stairs underneath her as she moved higher and higher up into the sky. She danced and manifested a semi-circle around Ryan. Smiling and giggling all the while. Then suddenly, in the middle of the stairs, a chunk of crystal appeared. It grew, or more it forced itself from the dirt. The head came out first, made of hard, blue crystal, and it opened a wide mouth with sharp crsyalline teeth. The beast roared loudly as it was born from the earth. Once it was fully out, it was clear that the thing was intended to mimic a tricerotops. It shook it's massive head, lowered it, and charged at Ryan.

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