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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Xander tried to contain his excitement for the battle, his father's battle-craving blood flowing through his very veins. Damn the Gods.. He really wanted to be in the arena fighting, battle was all he had, battle was all he knew, and seeing two of these demigods battling with no restrictions.. It made him crazy!

"IS THAT ALL YOU TWO HAVE GOT?!" Xander yelled at the top of his lungs. He wanted to motivate, and push the demigods in the arena to their absolute limit. He jumped out of his seat, running over to the railing, his hands were jittery with such exasperation because he wasn't in their position just yet.

"LET'S SEE SOME BLOOD!" he hadn't meant to say that, but his father's blood boiled from the inside, it seemed as if his father's presence had momentarily possessed him. Did he really want to see bloodshed? Yeah.. I think I do he thought to himself.. I think I do..
The knife bounced off of Eli's armor and the pain of the blast shook his small form to the bone. He gritted his teeth to keep from crying out. The smoke was fading, so he saw the blade buried in Dru's shoulder. Silently, he thanked Athena for it. The poison would work quickly, filling his blood stream. First, the skin would go numb around the area, radiating out from the wound. Then it would spread down his body to his lower extremities. Then, he would slowly become paralyzed. All Eli needed to do was stay out of his sight until that happened and he would have no choice but to forfeit.
Dru began to see his opponent appear form the smoke and then his golden eyes glowed brighter and Elii could feel himself becoming sleepier and sleepier then Dru noticed the poison beginning to flow into him. "damn it."
Eli had started to leave the area, he was going to circle around Dru to avoid any attacks in the time it took for the paralysis potion to take total effect. He stummbled some as he felt suddenly drowsy, and fell into the dirt of the arena. A little cloud of dust appeared where he had fallen. And he knew it would have. He fought the magical exhaustion eating at his energy and forced himself to his feet.
As he got up a cloud of sleeping sand was in the air around him falling onto him causing the sleep to progress further while the paralysis advanced causing his arm to give out.
Eli groaned, the sand raining down around him. He once again fell to his knees, closing his eyes. No, no, no. He could not lose. He thought of his mother and the town he had grown up in in flame. No. No. No. I can't fall asleep. He reached for something in his belt with one hand, fumbling with something. He loaded the wrist weapon again, after tossing a vial over his shoulder at Dru. It was on fire and in the air over him it exploded, showering him with burning chemicals.
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Anny's voice rang out from behind Morpheus, "Indeed.", he chuckled. The old man had appeared behind the younger fellow and stood in silence for sometime before finally speaking. His arms were crossed.
Xander still stood shouting battle cries of inspiration at both contestants in the arena. Both contestants were lagging, staggering.. They began to slow down as each, and every second passed one of there movements dimmed; one affected by poison, the other sleep inducement. Truly a battle of will.. God Xander was amused to no end.

"Fight it" Xander screamed once again, the veins in his neck protruding vigorously.

"What the hell do you think to accomplish if you're defeated here?! SAVING YOUR GODLY PARENTS WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE IF YOU'RE WEAK MINDED!" Xander continued to shout at the arena's inhabitants, it was true, every word he screamed all true. A weak mind, would erode a strong body, in-turn making everything; the body, soul, and mind weak.. You couldn't expect to save the ones you loved without a strong will. Xander knew this all too well from past events years ago.

"This is a battle of will! Who's will is stronger for gods sake! Who wants it the most?! Which one of you will be the savior of OLYMPUS!?!"
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Dru dived to the side onlt his back was getting burned. Dru then pulled out his knife and charged at Eli willing him to fall asleep.
Eli heard the cries of a man in the stands, and Heather's screams as well. He raised his arm toward Dru as he ran at him, on his knees, and let the blade fly. Aiming for his chest. If he got it to the heart, this would end here. Even if it didn't, the paralysis poison would have a double effect. He could see the young man's arm was limp already. One side of his lip and eyelid were starting to droop. Eli fought the other man's will, knowing that he had to in order to be able to avenge his mother, and ran out of the way after taking the shot. His invisibility slowly diminished and he returned to sight.

Anny didn't seem phased as he shrugged at the new form. "I couldn't possibly guess at this point...anything could happen.", he chuckles and then sighs as he looks back out at the battle. He wasn't looking forward to having to be in the ring...he detested violence...but he supposed it was at Rhea's command and he could do it for those still imprisoned by the mother of monsters.
Dru blocked the dart with the blade of his knife before throwing it at his chest as he was revealed. "I save my father and I will win this for him, for you father!"
[QUOTE="Xander Catastrophe](Put me in the arena next, so psyched to fight.)

( I was already planning to. )
Eli growled, rolling under the blade and dodging it. He felt the tiredness grabbing at him, and his body was slow, but dodging when you had such a small surface area wasn't hard. When he stopped, he shook his head to rid himself of it. He was on one knee, and he grabbed a knife from his boot, brandishing it as he stood and ran at the other man.
Xander had heard the man a few rows down talk about a tie.. The idea of someone reaching a draw in battle was.. Was disgusting..

"A draw..? Are you kidding me?! They are both failures if such was a conclusion." Xander clenched his fist, as well jaw.

"A battle is a test of strength, and inner-will. If both opponents were defeated simultaneously it not only shows weakness, but well as they didn't fight with their lives on the line, that win or lose it was all a joke! BATTLE ISN'T A JOKE!" Xander began to bite down the edge of his lip, a river of blood trailed down to his chin. It really disgusted him, the conclusion of a tie.. That was the ultimate insult to battle..

(Thanks Light, hopefully my opponent is on right now lol)
Time for a flood.






Of sexy ass Tyrion Lannister.

Anny looked over to the big man with a frown and a raised eyebrow. In Morpheus' mind he was laughing madly. "Son of Ares I bet you. Gods, I actually want to fight now! Just to put that fool on his knees and make him beg for a draw."
Xander's blood had begun to boil even hotter than before. Someone had ill will towards him, someone in the stadium rows.. He looked over, scanning the vicinity, but hadn't pinpointed who harvested the intent. He'd only met the gaze of a stranger, who harbored a frown.

"What the hell are you looking at?"

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