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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Morpheus took the pipe and replied back. "Interesting. Youre a telepath as well. Tell me, what is this? Does it enhance our abilities? No thats stupid of course they do. I can hear everyone. I never hear anyone unless I touch them. This is.... interesting." The memory of the stolen information flooded in. "You don't control the astral plane. You van just enter. Sigh. Nevermind. Screw it if I fight her ill just forfit. Or maybe I should prove myself to her. Wait no I don't care nevermind. Ill forfit."

Decimus could feel the soul wandering. Looks like I have a brother here. Interesting. He decided to go meet this person.

Anny nodded, agreeing with the whole lot of conflicting thoughts. "She's a lot more powerful than I am.", he admitted to Morpheus' mind as he watches him smoke and rocked back and forth in his chair. "But control? I certainly wouldn't call what she does control..." While he spoke internally to the young man, he turned to look at Eli. Elijah was watching them with a raised eyebrow. He could feel that they were communicating in someway that was beyond him and he felt out only a little bit before remembering his lack of ability to keep them out of embarrassing thoughts. He sat quietly, only speaking when Anny spoke to him. "Why are you hanging with the mystic mumbo crew? You don't seem like the type." He had already searched through him and found who he was inside....but he wasn't the type to reveal such personal information without permission. Eli cleared his throat. "It just sort of happened..."
Morpheus felt..... insulted when he said that. I thought I cut the link... No i KNOW I di- wait shit you can still hear me. Fuck it im continuing my thought. I cut the thoughts so why do I still find myself.... caring for.. her? She's just my business partner. He looked at Eli too. "Oh yeah he made a bad choice hanging with us. But now he can't leave. Isn't that right my man?"
CGULL9313 said:
Heather sighed in agreement, taking another drink. She was worried about several of them, certainly. But the worst of it was the idea that she might have to face her friends. If it came to that...she groaned and stretched her leg out to poke him in the thigh. "Come sit with me.", she whined playfully, moving so that there was room for him on her large throne made of gleaming glass roses.
Anny smiled as he watched Morpheus' face. Without question he offered him the pipe. His thought melded with his suddenly and his words echoed through Morpheus' mind. "You want my secrets then? I don't think I want to share them." He chuckled in his mind and smiled on the physical plane.
Pierce shrugs his shoulders and approaches her. Sitting in the chair with her, not minding all too much about the closeness. "Well if you have to fight friends I hope they know no matter what it's still a tournament."

( @Aqua Tomorrow Pacific time 2:00 PM Tournament time. East 5:00 PM y'know. )
Amafeo nods his head "After the tournament. I am very hyped for them. It'll be tough though. We might see each other In there" Amadeo grins

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[QUOTE="Xander Catastrophe]Xander's eyes fluttered open, an aroma.. A stench stung inside of his nose; it smelt of a mixture of blood, sewage, and.. Death? Tartarus, home of every possible monster to exist in this wretched world. He'd cursed himself for following that stupid hags advice. Nemisis was like a double-edged sword, she'd promise you one thing, but at the cost of another, and that "other" was his impending doom in Tartarus.
"Damn the gods."

( The God's are imprisoned. All the Demigod are on the island of Krete. )
Light said:
( The God's are imprisoned. All the Demigod are on the island of Krete. )
(Whoops my bad I forgot, was half asleep yesterday, and didn't remember that portion :-p.)

(Where is everyone right now, so I can hop in)
[QUOTE="Xander Catastrophe](Whoops my bad I forgot, was half asleep yesterday, and didn't remember that portion :-p.)
(Where is everyone right now, so I can hop in)

It's about to be morning in the rp so just have your character wake up. Everyone is just doing interactions nothing plot wise is happening. But tomorrow at 2 PM Pacific time. The tournament is going on, that's when something plot wise is happening. If you want an interaction now just wake up in your apartment and try and find somebody to talk to maybe in a restaurant but most of the people whom rp here aren't on the rp right now. They're either doing something else or they're asleep. )
Eli laughed up at Morpheus, ordering for himself when the waiter came back around. Anny shrugged, stopping his rocking to rake back the pipe and take a puff. "That's just how things are, darling. Dynamic and complicated." He spoke out loud, to both of them for both scenarios.

Heather snuggles up to him, putting one leg over his and resting it between his legs. "I'll just trap them if it comes to that.", she sighs, having been thinking about just that, before manifesting a table to put the goblet on and wrapping her now free arms around his middle.
Morpheus chuckled. "So your memories... youre gay. Interesting. I now understand what you meant to Lun- I mean cutie. Interesting. Got eyes for Eli?" He bounced his eyebrows. He chuckled again. "Dynamic and complicated... hmm. I guess I like complicated." He looked at Eli. "Elijah you know I control reality. I could make you an average height. Yet you haven't asked. I can hear your thoughts, your memories now. I know it's something you've always thought about. Hiding in alleyways. Why haven't you asked me to change it? Just curious?"
CGULL9313 said:
Eli laughed up at Morpheus, ordering for himself when the waiter came back around. Anny shrugged, stopping his rocking to rake back the pipe and take a puff. "That's just how things are, darling. Dynamic and complicated." He spoke out loud, to both of them for both scenarios.
Heather snuggles up to him, putting one leg over his and resting it between his legs. "I'll just trap them if it comes to that.", she sighs, having been thinking about just that, before manifesting a table to put the goblet on and wrapping her now free arms around his middle.
Pierce sighs at her closeness. "Are you snuggling me or are you just cold? Anyways this position isn't too bad anyways, since I am quite tired from all the plant manipulation I've been using to dig this tunnel. I made sure the beasts start to rest if they're still digging. I hope you don't mind if I just....." Without much of a warning Pierce starts to nod off. He completely falls asleep in Heathers arms. His head ends up leaning towards hers.
Amadeo pats the large bears head "I don't think I properly introduced my self. I'm Amadeo, child of Atlas. You?" He asks Ryan, curious of this young mans lineage

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"Oh yeah. I'm Ryan. A twin of Apollo's spawn. I have a sister. Rebecca. You'll see her eventually. Probably" He shrugged "Nothing special. Though.... I thought we were God spawn not Titan"
Heather gasps some at the suddenness of it, then laughs quietly and lays her head against his. He must have been very exhausted to fall asleep so quickly. Smiling softly, she holds him in silence while she watches the beasts work and sleep. She slowly opens up a stream of his energy and brings it into herself where she magnifies it with her own. She is very tired as well, she realizes, and her muscles ache from all of the physical effort of the battle. As soon as the energy starts to build however, the sleepiness fades away and she feels renewed. She pushes the energy back into Pierce, recharging him while he sleeps and assuming that the sun in the sky would do the rest.

Eli blinked rapidly, and his face flushed a bright red. "I...uh...", he started as the waiter brought around his tea and breakfast. "Thank you.", he told the waiter before turning back to Morpheus and clearing his throat. "I suppose I have thought of it...but I..." Anny spoke in Morpheus' mind. "That was unfair. You harbinger of chaos you." It was a teasing voice. Out loud, simultaneously, he said, "Darling Eli! You would lose your charm." As he tucked his pipe back into his pocket and sat up to sip at his own tea.
CGULL9313 said:
Heather gasps some at the suddenness of it, then laughs quietly and lays her head against his. He must have been very exhausted to fall asleep so quickly. Smiling softly, she holds him in silence while she watches the beasts work and sleep. She slowly opens up a stream of his energy and brings it into herself where she magnifies it with her own. She is very tired as well, she realizes, and her muscles ache from all of the physical effort of the battle. As soon as the energy starts to build however, the sleepiness fades away and she feels renewed. She pushes the energy back into Pierce, recharging him while he sleeps and assuming that the sun in the sky would do the rest.
Eli blinked rapidly, and his face flushed a bright red. "I...uh...", he started as the waiter brought around his tea and breakfast. "Thank you.", he told the waiter before turning back to Morpheus and clearing his throat. "I suppose I have thought of it...but I..." Anny spoke in Morpheus' mind. "That was unfair. You harbinger of chaos you." It was a teasing voice. Out loud, simultaneously, he said, "Darling Eli! You would lose your charm." As he tucked his pipe back into his pocket and sat up to sip at his own tea.
Pierce's energy starts to multiply within him due to photosynthesis. Pierce holds Heather closer for warmth. Mumbling on about dreams and plans.
Heather smiles as she feels his energy growing. It warms her from the inside out and once again sparks fly from her body and fall like rain onto the cave floor. Everything lights up and the shadows dance. She laughs out loud from the incredible sensation, as it happens again. She is dazed by the lights and the way his energy flows so smoothly from him, to her, and back in a cycle. They had some sort of connection. Their powers seemed very in tune. She wondered what they could do together if they combined abilities, as she looked around in awe at the cave.
CGULL9313 said:
Heather smiles as she feels his energy growing. It warms her from the inside out and once again sparks fly from her body and fall like rain onto the cave floor. Everything lights up and the shadows dance. She laughs out loud from the incredible sensation, as it happens again. She is dazed by the lights and the way his energy flows so smoothly from him, to her, and back in a cycle. They had some sort of connection. Their powers seemed very in tune. She wondered what they could do together if they combined abilities, as she looked around in awe at the cave.
Pierce starts to stir in his sleep.
Heather looks down at Pierce when she feels him stir, and holds him a bit tighter to her. She isn't tired anymore after all of that energy flow but age closes her eyes contentedly. Gently she rubs his back, smiling. And all around them, the cave starts to change. Tiny crystals that had been hidden in the stone burst from the rock and grows rapidly into beautiful, natural formations. They crawl along the walls, forming beautiful designs along the walls. Relief in the form of animals, people and the occasional visual of one of Pierce's creatures frolicking together in a forest. Behind their heads it becomes an image of Heather and Pierce, lying underneath a tree. The apples on the tree turn to gold, and the branches stretch out if the wall, into a sculpture full of golden apples that hang over their heads in a strange chandelier.
CGULL9313 said:
Heather looks down at Pierce when she feels him stir, and holds him a bit tighter to her. She isn't tired anymore after all of that energy flow but age closes her eyes contentedly. Gently she rubs his back, smiling. And all around them, the cave starts to change. Tiny crystals that had been hidden in the stone burst from the rock and grows rapidly into beautiful, natural formations. They crawl along the walls, forming beautiful designs along the walls. Relief in the form of animals, people and the occasional visual of one of Pierce's creatures frolicking together in a forest. Behind their heads it becomes an image of Heather and Pierce, lying underneath a tree. The apples on the tree turn to gold, and the branches stretch out if the wall, into a sculpture full of golden apples that hang over their heads in a strange chandelier.
Pierce starts to wake up. He looks around in amazement. "You did this?" Pierce nods his head in approval. "It seems like the tournament is starting soon tonight."
Heather blinks and looks up at Pierce. Then in shock around the cave. "Oh....holy shit.", she breathes. Surprised to see the many changes around them. She stares up at the golden apples above their heads and laughs. Her tan cheeks pinken some, as she follows them with her eyes down to the image of her and Pierce. It's clear that it's the two of them. She covers her mouth as the two crystal figures lean into each other and kiss. She looks away from them quickly, hoping that Pierce hadn't seen, and moves her arms away from him severing their energetic connection. "Yup....you ready?"
CGULL9313 said:
Heather blinks and looks up at Pierce. Then in shock around the cave. "Oh....holy shit.", she breathes. Surprised to see the many changes around them. She stares up at the golden apples above their heads and laughs. Her tan cheeks pinken some, as she follows them with her eyes down to the image of her and Pierce. It's clear that it's the two of them. She covers her mouth as the two crystal figures lean into each other and kiss. She looks away from them quickly, hoping that Pierce hadn't seen, and moves her arms away from him severing their energetic connection. "Yup....you ready?"
Pierce nods his head and grabs his scythe. He straps it to his back and males his way out the cave and through the waterfall, expecting her to follow. He sets his sights on the arena in the city.

Rhea speaks in everyone's mind. "All demigod... please make your way to the arena for the tournament. Participation is not an option. Once entering the first match will be Dru and Eli."

( @Aqua @Xander Catastrophe )
Dru prepared himself before he walked over to the arena entering it quietly and looking around.
Eli's eyes widened. He hadn't had a chance to return home and prepare anything. He had been stuck in the astral plane dealing with the absurdity of Morpheus and Luna. He hurriedly jumped down from his chair, leaving his uneaten food and drink, and pulled his leather mask from his pocket and replace it on his face. It resembled a monster, with big black bug eyes. They were enhanced lenses, made to see several spectrum of light and heat. He looked up at the other two men, taking a deep breath and pulling his hood up. He was afraid. Dru....who was he? He had been the leader of the group sent in to rescue the god. Had he been the one to put the dead to sleep? He believed he had been. It was terrifying. How would he stop the demigod from putting him to sleep and killing him? "Morpheus...can you make me unable to fall asleep somehow?", he asked.

Heather follows. Grinning when she hears Eli is going first. "Oh! Interesting!", she hurries so that she can see the match begin. Her armor covering her as she runs.
CGULL9313 said:
Eli's eyes widened. He hadn't had a chance to return home and prepare anything. He had been stuck in the astral plane dealing with the absurdity of Morpheus and Luna. He hurriedly jumped down from his chair, leaving his uneaten food and drink, and pulled his leather mask from his pocket and replace it on his face. It resembled a monster, with big black bug eyes. They were enhanced lenses, made to see several spectrum of light and heat. He looked up at the other two men, taking a deep breath and pulling his hood up. He was afraid. Dru....who was he? He had been the leader of the group sent in to rescue the god. Had he been the one to put the dead to sleep? He believed he had been. It was terrifying. How would he stop the demigod from putting him to sleep and killing him? "Morpheus...can you make me unable to fall asleep somehow?", he asked.
Heather follows. Grinning when she hears Eli is going first. "Oh! Interesting!", she hurries so that she can see the match begin. Her armor covering her as she runs.
Pierce takes a seat in the stands. Only seeing Dru standing. "I wonder where Eli is...." Pierce knows as soon as Eli enters the match can begin.

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