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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

CGULL9313 said:
Eli jolts awake, crying out, in the physical plane. He pushes himself away from Luna's belly, with a flush, and climbs out of her bed quickly.
Heather looks down the tunnels, and starts toward them. The glass follows her feet, creating a path beneath them. With a laugh she looks back at Pierce, "Was that what we were doing? Flirting...?", she sighed as the glass erupted in front of her at the swipe of her hand, and formed into two throne looking chairs. She collapsed in one, tired from the day before. "I hardly remember what flirting is...so I guess you're probably right." She rolled her head around, to look at him as the glass continued to move about and create designs along the chairs. Glass roses that reflect the light of the morning all around the tunnel. With a soft smile she opens her hand for the crystalline goblet that is forming, and plucks it from the arm of the chair with ease. It was already full of pink wine and she sipped at it.
Pierce watched as Heather was make a throne room for herself and laughed. "I see you're enjoying yourself here. What do you plan to for the tournament?"
Eli made a strange sound as the stairs started to move."N...nikko's", he said. Referring to the diner not far from their shared apartment building. It was the place that Morpheus and Luna had gone before the trial. He didn't argue with the mad man about the relationship matter anymore. He was liable to kill him entirely on accident.

Heather shrugged, sitting up some at the pleasant change of topic. She didn't want to talk about Decimus with him. She wanted to get to know him personally. "I don't really know yet...suppose I'll do my best to destroy my opponents." She laughed and leaned forward some, taking a deep drink and sighing before she spoke again. She didn't necessarily care if she was on the next mission or not, but it was the game of it all that she liked. "I don't think I could defeat half of the people on this island...but I have a few alliances that might help me." Her smile turned a bit sly. "Would you be willing to join the axis of evil? We have fantastic moustaches."

He stopped the stairs, Eli crashing into him. He couldn't speak anymore. That restaurant was where Luna and he... well it wasn't a date. Oh fuck no absolutely not NO ABSOLUTELY NOT! He pulled his gun out, the strand of bullets wrapping around him. His right hand holding the gun, his left arm covering his nose and mouth. "I DO NOT HAVE FEELINGS FOR HER!" And with that he shot himself in the head, knocking his head back. His eyes rolled back as the telepathic bullet changed his mind. He shook his head quickly. "Whew. Okay we're good. Let's go eat!" And the gun disappeared
Eli cried out as Morpheus pulled out the gun and pressed it to his own head. When he pulled the trigger he turned his head so that he didn't have to see, so when he spoke again so casually it was a great shock. He looked to him with his mouth and eyes agape. "What was that?", he shouted.
He looked at him, serious. "Not even cutie knows about that. My telepathy works near perfectly if i shoot my target with that gun. I keep it hidden. People need to underestimate me. Tell no one. Am i clear?"
Elijah didn't fully understand but he nodded frantically in agreeance. "Who would I tell, after all." He chuckled nervously and started to walk again. His legs felt quite a bit better now, so he took the stairs quickly.
"You must lead my man. I actually teleported to her there. I don't know how to actually walk there..." He followed after him, chuckling. But he could still feel a creeping, lingering thought on his mind.
Eli led the tall man through the front roads, not bothering with alleys as he would if alone. No one would dare mess with him today. Not with the powerful embodiment of chaos at his side. As they near the diner Elijah sees the older man from before and smiles as he tugs on Morpheus' sleeve. "Look who it is." He chuckled. It was a small world now, that was for certain.
Eli nodded, laughing at his enthusiasm and following Morpheus over to the older man. As they approach, Anny looks up from his croissant and smiles wide. He raises his food in the air and waves them over with it. "Hello, my darlings!", he chuckled, "Glad to see you got out alive."
CGULL9313 said:
Eli made a strange sound as the stairs started to move."N...nikko's", he said. Referring to the diner not far from their shared apartment building. It was the place that Morpheus and Luna had gone before the trial. He didn't argue with the mad man about the relationship matter anymore. He was liable to kill him entirely on accident.
Heather shrugged, sitting up some at the pleasant change of topic. She didn't want to talk about Decimus with him. She wanted to get to know him personally. "I don't really know yet...suppose I'll do my best to destroy my opponents." She laughed and leaned forward some, taking a deep drink and sighing before she spoke again. She didn't necessarily care if she was on the next mission or not, but it was the game of it all that she liked. "I don't think I could defeat half of the people on this island...but I have a few alliances that might help me." Her smile turned a bit sly. "Would you be willing to join the axis of evil? We have fantastic moustaches."

"Axis of evil? If you're referring to yourself then no I don't mind all that much." Pierce looks at what she's drinking. "Wine?"
Amadeo pats Gorzo as Gorzo walks away to continue eating the deer "He'll be able to soon chomp on some other monsters. I'm going to be doing a mission to get rid of some minotaurs. You doing anything?"

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"Mmhmm." Heather mumbles with a smile, offering the goblet to him. "I do mean me. And my friend Elijah...I think you met him yesterday." She gestures with her free hand to express someone who was short. "The genius who helped us take down the Cyclops."
CGULL9313 said:
"Mmhmm." Heather mumbles with a smile, offering the goblet to him. "I do mean me. And my friend Elijah...I think you met him yesterday." She gestures with her free hand to express someone who was short. "The genius who helped us take down the Cyclops."
Pierce starts to spin his scythe around. "Yeah... I think I like this idea. I'll join you.. since you have helped me with my tunneling system." Pierce flashes her a smile. "How long are you staying here?"
Heather watches him, feeling a pleasant sensation all through her body when he smiles. She leans back into the throne once more and shakes the goblet some in his direction. "As long as you'll have me.", she said smiling up at him and tossing her long hair behind her shoulder. Her tigers had joined her, lying at her feet. She truly looked like a goddess at this moment, but she felt like a silly girl.
CGULL9313 said:
Heather watches him, feeling a pleasant sensation all through her body when he smiles. She leans back into the throne once more and shakes the goblet some in his direction. "As long as you'll have me.", she said smiling up at him and tossing her long hair behind her shoulder. Her tigers had joined her, lying at her feet. She truly looked like a goddess at this moment, but she felt like a silly girl.
Pierce seemed interested in Heather and her sitting position. "Taking after your Godly traits huh? You sit like a Goddess." Pierce walks over to her and sets his scythe too. "I guess while this world is the way it is we might as well fill in for our parents until their free."
Ryan raised an eyebrow. "Minotaurs? Well no im not busy. Guess ill join. When shall we leave? Before or after the tournament?"

Morpheus sat next to the man. "So esquire. What's your power? You can freely leave the astral plane. That intrigues me." But that lingering feeling persisted

Decimus laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He was thinking about how much he truly hated being here. He was tempted to just forfit the match in hopes he'd be kicked off the island. But what's his plan then? Join the devastation? He sighed. "I just can't catch a break. Ever." He laid there. Not sleeping. But staring.

When Damian got home he noticed something. He was drinking tea when he felt the disturbance in Morpheus. Or his shadow technically. He felt the gun had been spawned. But he didn't sense anyone being knocked back except... Morpheus. He wondered about this. But didn't dare interact
Heather raises an eyebrow as she watches him approaching with his scythe. "I guess so.", she laughed and reached her leg out to rub her bare foot over the back of her tiger. "Do you have any plans for the tournament?"

Anny laughed hard as they joined him and took a bite if his croissant. "Right to the meat of things, eh?" He asked. "Don't even bother with foreplay...", he smiled wide and pointed at Morpheus with his half eaten food. "I like that." The older man kicked his feet up on the chair beside him. Eli climbed into one opposite him, chuckling at the comment.
Morpheus winked but maintained his serious expression. "I'm here for business my new friend. As well as to distract myself from cutie. My man here thinks we're in some sort of sadistic relationship."
"Hmm.", the older man mused, with a smile, "I wonder why. Anyway, what sort of business? I'm assuming you mean the upcoming tournament and forging an alliance or am I entirely wrong?" He finished off the croissant and stuck his hand in his pocket. He produced a stone pipe and a pack of matches. He lit one and used it to burn the herbs inside of the pipe as he puffed. Eli watched him, recognizing the smell of the smoke immediately. It was wanderer's weed. An herb that greatly enhanced one's psychic abilities when ingested or inhaled. His brow raised at the older man. Anny shook the match to put it out before it seemed to disappear into thin air.
Vermiculus wandered the streets, keeping his head low and his hood up. He was looking for somebody like him, but the only way he'd know is if he got close to them
CGULL9313 said:
Heather raises an eyebrow as she watches him approaching with his scythe. "I guess so.", she laughed and reached her leg out to rub her bare foot over the back of her tiger. "Do you have any plans for the tournament?"
Anny laughed hard as they joined him and took a bite if his croissant. "Right to the meat of things, eh?" He asked. "Don't even bother with foreplay...", he smiled wide and pointed at Morpheus with his half eaten food. "I like that." The older man kicked his feet up on the chair beside him. Eli climbed into one opposite him, chuckling at the comment.
Pierce shakes his head. "No... surprisingly I don't I'm quite busy with this project. I just hope I'll do well, there are quite dangerous opponents."
"Completely wrong. Your powers are similar to cutie's. Usually I can just copy powers. But hers are spiritual. I can't copy those. So i have to learn them the old fashion way." He could start to hear the thought of everyone in the room. But he didn't know why. His telepathic abilities were never this enhanced. Could it be the.... is he smoking weed? No it doesnt smell like weed. Hmm...
Heather sighed in agreement, taking another drink. She was worried about several of them, certainly. But the worst of it was the idea that she might have to face her friends. If it came to that...she groaned and stretched her leg out to poke him in the thigh. "Come sit with me.", she whined playfully, moving so that there was room for him on her large throne made of gleaming glass roses.

Anny smiled as he watched Morpheus' face. Without question he offered him the pipe. His thought melded with his suddenly and his words echoed through Morpheus' mind. "You want my secrets then? I don't think I want to share them." He chuckled in his mind and smiled on the physical plane.

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