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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Anny's smile widens and he laughs heartily. "Of course not. You're a big toughie.", he winks, as he puts his arm around Dru's shoulders. They both disappear from the arena and reappear in the same sitting position, but on a red velvet sofa in the middle of his sitting room. Suddenly a tea kettle starts to shriek from another room. "Oh! We're just in time for tea.", he chuckled, removing himself from the young man's side and standing on a beautifully woven rug that depicts the slaughter and genocide of many humans by monsters. It is as graphic as the strange macabre items scattered about the room. On the massive stone mantle rests many skulls, piled on top of one another. Here and there a candle burns atop them. Above them on the wall are two black scythe's crossed. Books are also scattered about the room, on side tables and in stacks on the floor beside a thick armchair. "Sorry for the...you know...dreariness of the place.", Anny laughed, "It's not exactly the dream realm."
Dru muttered an it's fine as he moved with remarkable speed towards the nearest book reading it in a few minutes. "How many books are there." Dru asked in an almost whisper at the sheer magnitude and awe of the sight before him.
Heather holds his hand tightly in hers, refusing his energy and forcing her own into him. It flows into his hand, and up his arm to his chest. A warm, pleasant sensation fills him. It seems to grow, like slipping into a hot, relaxing bath. The feelings he had just felt magnified as she let her energy build in him. "That? That's me. You feel it, right?", she says, smiling at him.

Anny watched the boy flipping through the pages of a thick tome. It was in latin, so he didn't think he was actually reading the pages so much as just admiring them. All along the edges of the thick sheepskin pages were drawings. It looked mideval but it was in spectacular condition. "Oh, you know...I lost count.", he chuckled. Xander entered the room, his eyes solid black, and dressed in a red suit. He held no emotion on his face as he set the tea tray down on the coffee table. Anny turned to him, "Thank you, lurch.", he laughed as the large man silently poured them each a cup, then glanced up at Dru. "Sugar, Master?" He asked with a monotone voice. Anny sighed, and shooed him off with a gesture. "Shoo shoo shoo...you go away. We'll manage on our own." The long haired man bowwed and left the room with his arms at his side. The old man picked up his steaming cup and took a sip, his eyes flickering up to Dru to see his reaction as he spoke again. "I started this collection before the uprising...but I hate to say it really blossomed after all of the human's were dead.", he sighed, "Someone had to protect the history of mankind...."
"Teach me to read latin properly. I know a few words and basic sentence structure and grammar but I want to be fluent. you only have to teach me once and I wn't bother you much again." Dru said as he moved to another book and began flipping through the pages and abnormal speeds. "Oh and once you do I'll fully understand the book within minutes."Dru sounded enthused and his heart rate was actually rising at the thought it was at a steady 75 bpm (Thats a normal heart rate for most people) all the knowledge here would probably keep him occupied for days if he had the chance at that point he finished the book he was on and then grabbed two setting them side by side and flipping both the pages at a fast but closer to normal speed.
Anny watched him, his eyes widening with a musement. He laughed out loud as he approached the boy and offered him his own cup of tea. "If you get any more excited in here you're going to be possessed.", he told him casually. "The spirits in this place are always looking for a life to latch themselves on to so that they can return to the physical world. So, take your tea...and calm down, yes?"
Dru tilted his head as he took the offered tea. "My excited heart rate is about the same as your resting heart rate. My resting heart rate is 45 beats per minute which is normally the range for sleeping people or very fit athletes. For me there aren't any outward signs of excitement. So will you teach me latin and any other obscure languages you may have picked up? I am adept at mimicry which allows me to copy almost anyone that is how I learn languages." Dru didn't seem to change outwardly but his heart rate did drop down to 50 beats per minute.
Decimus couldn't help but close his eyes and smile. It felt.... lovely. Perfect. Warm. Amazing. Sensational. Her. He spoke in whisper. "Yes..."
"It doesn't have anything to do with heart rates here, darling.", Anny chuckled as he moved over to collapse in his arm chair. He kicked his feet up on the codex gigas and smiled over at the boy. He had been collecting thoughts from his own mind, and just then he opened up Dru's and placed them inside. The latin alphabet, common words and meanings, how to conjugate them, and use them properly. He shared with him grammar and sentence structure as well as some silly phrases to top it all off.
Dru smiled and did his best to speak a silly phrase in latin "Eat my shorts." Dru then laughed and his eyes opened wide as the book translated itself in his mind. "Wow that is cool, I need to try that trick in the dreamworld." Dru chuckled and worked to keep his enthusiasm in check as he sipped on his tea. "any books you think I should read in particular? Maybe something about my father or this realm or something?"
Heather smiled softly as she watched him close his eyes contentedly. Her thumb caressed his knuckles gently. She felt it though, as he felt her warmth and her joy he reached out for it with grasping, cold hands. He choked it. He smothered it. He consumed it all into himself. The little ball of energy slowly shrank, the warmth with it. She hurriedly pulled the rest out of his body and returned it into herself. She let go of his hand, reluctant to but knowing that she had to to break the tie. "And....and that? That's what you do to me.", she said quietly.
CGULL9313 said:
Heather smiled softly as she watched him close his eyes contentedly. Her thumb caressed his knuckles gently. She felt it though, as he felt her warmth and her joy he reached out for it with grasping, cold hands. He choked it. He smothered it. He consumed it all into himself. The little ball of energy slowly shrank, the warmth with it. She hurriedly pulled the rest out of his body and returned it into herself. She let go of his hand, reluctant to but knowing that she had to to break the tie. "And....and that? That's what you do to me.", she said quietly.
(damn that was harsh and intense)
Anny laughed when Dru told him to "Eat his bottom" in latin. It as close enough to what the man had intended, he supposed, as he had seen the intent in his mind. "Well, I suppose when you finish all of these you'll want to check out the library.", he said, raising an eyebrow mischeviously as he sipped at his tea.
Decimus didn't open his eyes, enjoying the last of the moment. "Do what?" Then when it ran out he was back to normal. And realized. His voice became impartial, hardened, and sad all in one. "Oh... Im... a leech. Ah. Well I'm sorry. Ill work on that."
"Library?" Dru perked up at the thought and had to calm himself. "Sure let me finish these first it will take me a little while there seems to be more than a few here." Dru began reading in earnest 3 books at a time all of them being memorized then translated if needed and it took 4 minutes for those 3 books and Dru continued that way closing one and grabbing another as he continued through all the books.
Heather's smile was equally as sad as his voice. But where his was hardened, hers was soft. "It's really not your fault, you know?", she said quietly. Offering her hand to him again, palm open on the counter. "I just wanted you to know that....it's not that I don't like you or anything like that. I'm just.....scared of you." She shrugged, and looked to her open palm. Her smile spread across her face from ear to ear. "Which is kinda hot to be honest." She chuckled some, her eyes flickered up to his face once again.
Decimus kept himself still, free from emotion. Watching the ground. Until she ended. He couldn't help but smirk. Then he dropped it, but it didn't last. The comment really lightened him. He touched her palm, willing himself to take nothing, to give nothing. "I don't know what to really do to fix that."
The two most common types of books in Anny's light reading selection are history of the ancient world and scary looking grimoires full of dark magic spells and incantations, as well as often gorey imagery of rituals. Someone has written in the margins of many of the books, in both ancient greek and tiny english cursive. The ink for both is blood red. Anny sighs as he watches Dru flip through a heavy tome he had taken from the Vatican's vaults. It was a diary, written with lovely literary imagery, kept by a priest during the spanish inquisition. "That's a great read.", Anny chuckles, as Dru finishes it.

Heather shrugged, taking his hand in hers. She too tried not to reach into him. It worked both ways, she believed. Ususally, she would be able to freely give and take but with him it wasn't that easy. If she gave, he took too much and gave nothing back. If she took, he would devour her from the inside. "We could work on it together.", she said to him with a soft smile. It was going to be difficult for her to not naturally let herself flow into him as they interacted, but she would do her best. "It could be good training for both of us....annnnnddd.....", she lifted his hand up to her lips and started to nibble playfully on his knuckles, "We get to touch a whole bunch."
"Well I am glad for my memory but I am unsure that I can perform many of these spells, maybe the rituals. I do like the reading and I am a bit rusty on my ancient greek could you help me out with that?" Dru asked over his shoulder as he finished the last of the tomes in the sitting area. "Where is that library and when can I come back, or rather how do I get back to it?"
He smiled at her, genuinely. "I know now that Im absorbing you. Probably because I've never had the contact and it's enjoyable. Now that I know Ill just not adsorb. Just let it come and go as you please." He dropped his resistance. He didn't know if he were freezing her as she said. But he wasn't pulling
Anny pointed at the ceiling. "Out into the hall, past the scary monsters, up the stairs, first door on the left.", he said with a smile. "Bathroom is on the right." He stood up and stretched some, before putting his drink down on a side table. "I'm going to go there....you explore. And do try not to die....", he laughed.
"So that is the way to the library or is that the way out?" Dru tilted his head confused but he memorized t he directions he had given him but was unsure if he wanted to wander this place alone, since this place isn't what he was used to.
"Oh?", Heather asked him, and slowly let her guard down some. She closed her eyes and pressed the skin of his fingers to her lips, letting a very small string of energy snake out from between them into his hand. He was still cold. Very cold. And her body shivered some but she didn't pull away from him. She could deal with the cold. It wasn't entirely pleasant but it was his nature and she figured she could learn to get used to it with time.

"That's the way to the library.", Anny chuckled. He stopped in the doorway to the hall and turned back to look at Dru with a cheeky sort of grin. "You can't leave without me, my darling."
Pierce continues walking towards the arena when he suddenly sees Luna being carried away by Rhea. "Strange... you don't se-." Suddenly he himself had been picked up, hanging by his shirt from the mouth of one of his beasts. "What's wrong? Has something happened?" The beast carries Pierce to the forest where the cave resides behind the waterfall. Pierce is immediately released and makes his way to the cave, expecting the worst. His heart races thinking about what could have happened to the cave that he and Heather had worked on. To his relief nothing seemed wrong, except for the Dragon staring at what seems to be, "Heather and.... is that me? Kissing?! Is that what you brought me here to see? Did you do that?" Pierce looks at the beast that carried him with a shocked expression. He knew his beasts had talents but this is beyond him.

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Decimus could feel it enter but willed himself not to pull, to just enjoy. He felt something in his chest..... cracking. Not a bad cracking but.... cracking. An inkling of warmth from his center. "He stared in her eyes. Taking them in. Almost.... enjoying them. With each passing second the almost disappeared
Dru nodded and began to follow the instructions finding the library quickly and smiling at the sight. "this is sheer beauty."

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