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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

CGULL9313 said:
Heather: Heather shivered as Decimus' nails run down her bare back gently. She laughs at the sensation. A man's hands. She hadn't felt those for some time now. And the coldness of his energy as it flowed into her was something entirely new. Cold fire, she thought with interest. She moved her hands down into the water and brought them to his hips. She ran them up under his shirt to make contact with his bare skin. She smiled up at him, making eye contact, as she let his ice cold energy wash over her body. Goose pimples rose on her tan skin.
Eli's brow raised some as they made their way back to the strange house inside the astral plane. "That....is absolutely terrifying.", he states simply. "Are they not at all dangerous? What are the dangers of this place....?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"What brought me out? Boredom. What brought me to you? I do not know. But I'm curious to find out." He followed the boy's gaze. "What're you looking for?"
Decimus smirked at her touch, his eyes shocked. A slight growl escaped his voice. He hadn't touched anyone in awhile. He's been avoiding everyone since he got here. And that animalistic need hit him. He cleared his throat a bit, regaining control. "Well well beautiful. Screw it since I'm in here-" He pulled his shirt off and let it float away. "You owe me a shirt too now"

"I... dont know. They're definitely terrifying. I think cutie said something about not letting them possess me or something? I dont know. As for dangers... I dont know. I've been here once before. Well no twice. With you remember? And both were short. So I have no idea if we're safe if we're not near her. So let's go back." He opened the door. "Cutie where are you?"
Luna was asleep on the couch. The many spirits surrounding her at least 10 simultaneously turned their heads to the two walking in the door. Their black beady eyes staring them down.
"Awww cutie fell asleep. Well hello spirits. Don't mind us" He looked down and grabbed Eli's shoulder, speaking in his mind. "Don't show fear I believe. If you're weak they'll take you over." He let go and walked into the kitchen
DizjayDeathPride said:
"What brought me out? Boredom. What brought me to you? I do not know. But I'm curious to find out." He followed the boy's gaze. "What're you looking for?"
Decimus smirked at her touch, his eyes shocked. A slight growl escaped his voice. He hadn't touched anyone in awhile. He's been avoiding everyone since he got here. And that animalistic need hit him. He cleared his throat a bit, regaining control. "Well well beautiful. Screw it since I'm in here-" He pulled his shirt off and let it float away. "You owe me a shirt too now"

"I... dont know. They're definitely terrifying. I think cutie said something about not letting them possess me or something? I dont know. As for dangers... I dont know. I've been here once before. Well no twice. With you remember? And both were short. So I have no idea if we're safe if we're not near her. So let's go back." He opened the door. "Cutie where are you?"
"I'm not looking for anything. Just watching, and listening to...nothing, as usual." Alex laid back, as his dynamo started to spin around his hand. His glove sparked with lightning along with the magical construct, the energy in one bouncing back and forth to the other.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"I'm not looking for anything. Just watching, and listening to...nothing, as usual." Alex laid back, as his dynamo started to spin around his hand. His glove sparked with lightning along with the magical construct, the energy in one bouncing back and forth to the other.

Damian watched him. Interesting. His power... just what can he do? I almost fear him. "Nothing.... Interesting." He stared off in the distance. "Nothing..."
Heather smiled wider, watching him remove his wet shirt and toss it into the sea. She let go of him with one hand to grab it. As she pulled it toward them it transformed into another marble. Once again she stuck it in his pocket, then ran her hand up his jeans under the water. Her slender fingers found the edge of his pants, lingered some there, before returning to his side. In another world, she may have removed his pants for him, or at least played with the edge until he got the idea. In another time, she may have pressed her nude body to his. In this world though, in this time, things were more complicated than that. She had not done such things since all of this began. And certainly not since she arrived on the island.
Decimus squinted, his voice sly, head tilted, and an eyebrow raised. "If I didn't know better Id think you want the pants off too" He chuckled and lifted her chin, kissing her forehead. "If you're going to be controlled so will I"
Eli followed Morpheus into the room, staring widely back at the spirits. They were sad looking, almost. Frightening certainly but solemn as well. He wondered why they lingered in this place. When the man gripped his shoulder and spoke in his mind, he nodded. And took a deep breath to steady his nerves. Looking up to them, it felt like they were towering over him. He looked away, shifting uncomfortably.

Heather giggled as Decimus tilted her head and kissed her forehead. She was blushing some, very softly. "Controlled...?", she asked with a slightly nervous smile. "Is that what I am?"
Morpheus kept peering at Luna, watching her. He didn't understand how the spirits worked. But he'd be dammed if they're taking her from him. He shooked his head. "So my man, do you like tea?" He looked through the cabinets. "Jeez there's no tea?!"

"Well in comparison to someone like me? Yes, you're very controlled" He splshed her a bit
"Oh, I love tea.", he said, pulling something out of a small leather pouch. He wandered into the kitchen after Morpheus, glancing back uncomfortably at the spirits. "I have some, actually....I hope you like Earl Grey." He chuckled as he shook a metallic container of herbs up at the much taller man.

Heather laughed hard, her brows arching, "Is that so?", she asked him. A bit taken aback. Perhaps slightly offended. She had always been the wild child. Always been the party girl. Always been one to shock an awe just by being herself. Had she really changed so much? Perhaps she had. She didn't know if she liked that. Her smile faltered some as she looked up at him, but it returned almost immediately. Slowly she let go of him and moved back some. She pulled her golden bracelet from her slender wrist. In her hand it shifted into the shape of a large goblet. Dipping it beneath the waves, she filled it to the brim with water. The moment she tilted the cup up the liquid was instantly transformed into a dark burgandy merlot. She stared into it, and swirled the wine about. She was focusing on the taste of it, trying to impress him with her ability to instantly produce a finely aged drink. When she was done she offered the goblet to him. "Do I even want to get you drunk then?"
He took the vial. "Beautiful!" And began making tea. He could see his discomfort. He would do his best to distract him. "So my man. Tell me about yourself"

He laughed fully. "My im impressed. But my sweet Heather I am a man of full control being the soon leader of the Underworld and all. I don't actually get drunk." He took the goblet and sipped. "Like I said. Snobby drinker."
Eli blinked up at him, slipping his hands into the pockets of his leather pants, pushing the cape back. "Uh...what do you want to know?", he asked him with a shrug.

Heather's eyebrow raised. She would have made fun of him for being a secret lightweight...but the other matter was far more interesting. "Leader of the Underworld?", she asked him, and couldn't help but laugh. "What do you mean by that...?" It was ridiculous what he was saying. It couldn't possibly be. Hades had other children. And when we reached him and freed him he would return to the underworld himself to rule. As he always had. Did Decimus mean not to rescue his father or...there was no way.
He leaned on the counter. "Well everything. History, personality, interests, hates, what pushed you to develop your way to fight. And don't say your parent. My dear boy Damian hates his abilities. You must have had an interest in chemistry in high-school"

He just smiled slyly and sipped again, not breaking eye contact, before saying, "Do you believe Hades' other spawn could stand a chance against me? You've seen the ease I can use my power, even if I hate it." He handed her back the cup. "I am the one true Prince. I'll inevitably be forced to lead or die. No way around it." He layed back, floating. "Though the latter doesn't sound to bad. What about you Daughter of Dionysus. What's your big plan?"
Heather's blue eyes followed him as she listened to him speak. She was curious about Decimus, that was true, but not entirely for the best of reasons. What he was capable of was extraordinary, if not absolutely terrifying. How could one meet him in battle? Even his energy had felt like a weapon. What usually flowed easily into her, amplified, amd returned had entered her body and started to invade her. It whispered in her mind and swirled like vapors inside her soul. She had been intrigued by the feeling at first, but as it grew in ger is started to cool down everything else. It touched her energy and started to absorb it. She had found an excuse to release him, to create the wine, and hadn't gone back to him since. She realized she hadn't answered his question and smiled, "I don't have one.", she told him honestly, leaning over to take the goblet and a deep drink from within.
(Is there anyway I can sneak into the rp right now or should I wait a little)

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Decimus smiled gently at her. "You're lucky. You've been blessed with ease. Your power is more fun to actually play with and use. I hate having to be so controlled. But I know you saw my face after I asked to lose control. That murderous bloodlust. It's hard to maintain. To stay sane. It terrifies me. Let alone everyone I care for whom it pushes away. And i believe Lady Rhea knows that. And is forcing me to get over it." He reached down and touched her hand. He was feeling her soul. But he always felt it was an invasion of privacy so he wouldnt dare tell her. "Im sorry im making this a sob story, killing the mood. Let's do something more... fun" His smile turned wicked again and he dived under

(if you want just knock on room 38. My other character lives there if you want a chat. And yeah i totally made that number up)
Eli chuckled, looking down at his feet. "Well, of course.", he said. He still didn't entirely trust Morpheus to be stable...but they had worked together well enough and it was nice to have company and conversation. He decided to go on. "I was studying chemistry at Cambridge...actually."
The alarm rings over and over. The room was still dark, the window seeping in only a few rays of light. Amadeo groans as he slams his fist down onto the steel alarm, setting it onto snooze while leaving a large dent on the top. Amadeo kicks off the sheets and rises up, his full stature rising as he stretches, yawning. He stumbles down to the kitchen, pulling out a big box of family size frosted Flakes and a giant bowl. He pours in all the cereal and a gallon of milk, and he grabs a large ladle to eat. After he finishes, he goes out to his backyard and goes over to the wild deer. He slowly creeps up to them until he felt close enough. He sprints at a large portly deer, the animal trying to escape, but Amadeo quickly catches up and tackles the deer to the floor, killing it by snapping its neck. He goes back to the yard with the deadndeer on his shoulders. In the yard there is a large shed, and from the shed comes out the giant, large grizzly Grozo. Amadeo smiles and tosses the deer to Grozo "If you're going to hunt for more food, be back here in 15 minutes" The bear simply nods as he starts to crunch down on the dead deer. Amadeo walks back into his apartment, pulling out his Ak-47 and starting to clean the disassembled parts with a rag while listening to music.

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"Cambridge?! Fascinating... I stopped in high-school at AP. My teacher warned me organic chem would be hell. Well I guess it doesn't matter. Im not actually that old." The tea whistled. "Beautiful. Any chance you have sugar? Cutie didn't stock at all."
Heather listened to him, shrinking away some when he touched her. She felt the invasion, felt the coldness enter her...it felt as if it was an animal sniffing curiously for her soul. A predator, checking the burrow for prey. She didn't mean to pull away, but it was get herself away from him. She had instinctively wanted to pull away from him, to escape his searching energy. She felt terribly for it because it wasn't as if he could help it. It was his nature, and she would never ask him to be anything unnatural to himself. That was a major win to get. She smiled, about to speak when he suddenly went under. His feet kicked water at her and she gasped, then laughed loudly. Reaching under the water to try and grab for him with her free hand. "Better hope I don't get you before you get me! I'll turn your bones to grape jelly!" She giggled.

Eli listened to Morpheus' short tale and shook his head, "Sorry...I don't use the stuff.", he said apologetically as he moved over to a chair, pulled it out and climbed up onto it. "Organic chemistry was always my specialty.", he added before asking his own question. "How old ARE you, Morpheus? If you dont mind my asking."
Pierces beast charges towards the beach, Pierce riding on it's back as it heads towards the water. "Come on... we need some sand." Pierce notices Heather in the water but doesn't see Decimus since he's underwater. "Hello.... squad leader." The beast starts to run around, excited as it devours sand, using its mouth to carry it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/FOREST-DRAGON.jpg.df12426174625214e1472925a80f3803.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59159" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/FOREST-DRAGON.jpg.df12426174625214e1472925a80f3803.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna starts to stir in her sleep. The spirits start to grow closer to her. Opening their mouths as their essence flow out of their jaws onto her skin.

( @CGULL9313 @DizjayDeathPride )



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Heather is playfully searching for Decimus under the water when she hears Pierce's voice from the shore. She looks up to see him riding atop a beast made of tree. Her tigers jump to attention, running out of the way of the thing as it comes near and scoops sand from the beach. Heather laughs and holds up both hands to him, her naked body still hidden beneath the waves. One hand waves excitedly, the other brandishes the goblet at him. It sloshes some. "Hey!", she called to him with a laugh, "Come join us!"
CGULL9313 said:
Heather is playfully searching for Decimus under the water when she hears Pierce's voice from the shore. She looks up to see him riding atop a beast made of tree. Her tigers jump to attention, running out of the way of the thing as it comes near and scoops sand from the beach. Heather laughs and holds up both hands to him, her naked body still hidden beneath the waves. One hand waves excitedly, the other brandishes the goblet at him. It sloshes some. "Hey!", she called to him with a laugh, "Come join us!"
Pierce's face stays the same but his feelings on the situation change at the word 'us', he almost forgot she was with Decimus. Whom is most likely underwater. "I can't swim, also I'm extremely busy. I could hang out with you two next time but now isn't a good time." He doesn't show a slight smile at the Tigers. "Anyways until this guy finishes packing up on sand I could stay. How are you preparing for the tournament?"
Decimus came back up not too far away. "Did... you say grape... jelly? Dude that sounds awesome" He noticed Pierce. "Ah. Hello Pierce. Im sorry you can't join us. As for preparation? Heh. You'll see" He looked over to Heather

Morpheus smiled and winked. "I say I'm 18. Or somewhere around there." He saw the spirits. His eyes squinted. "Cutie..."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus came back up not too far away. "Did... you say grape... jelly? Dude that sounds awesome" He noticed Pierce. "Ah. Hello Pierce. Im sorry you can't join us. As for preparation? Heh. You'll see" He looked over to Heather

Morpheus smiled and winked. "I say I'm 18. Or somewhere around there." He saw the spirits. His eyes squinted. "Cutie..."
Pierce shakes his head. "I can't, sorry." The Dragon seems to be taking its sweet time gathering sand. It seems to be distracted by the waves.

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