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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

(OH FUCK SAKES I WAS JUST ABOUT TO POST! Lets pretend I said mine first then you left since it has strategies for us k? great <3)

Ryan's face went... neutral. He looked up, shook his head, barely got out a no, then stood up saying "Please excuse me. I'd like to be alone." And he walked out.

Damian looked at her, squinted a bit, and a smile barley twitched the corner of his mouth. He shook his head. "Very well if she's leaving it looks like that leaves us to train. So what shall we do first? I can travel hundreds of miles so long as I can see a shadow somewhere. I cant go places i've never seen. And its oddly difficult to go across water. I dont know why. I guess the darkness is at the bottom and that's where there is so much pressure. It's like a huge chore going over there. Also, in between passing through shadows is a realm of pure darkness. It's infinite. It spreads across all darkness in the universe. But it's impossible to explore, so I dont. I wouldn't dream of it. We could use it for storage or shelter. There is no air, ground, or light. Sound barely travels through there. It's hell on the sense of those except me. But so long as touch them once and I stay in there with them they'll be able to see. It's what we'll go through when we travel through shadows. Anyways, I will see you all tomorrow. Goodnight." And with that, Dru left
Rebecca: Rebecca walked to the door. "I be seeing you later." She blew him a kiss and walked through the door.
Heather: Heather was still sleeping soundly. She had been concerned at first, that the boy had some incidious plot, but she had enjoyed the relief of something else taking over her body. It had soothed her and she had given willingly to the pleasant sensation of sleep. Her lips were parted some as she breathed steadily into the tiger's fur. Beneath her lids her eyes jerked rapidly back and forth, magically transported into rem sleep. The young woman hadn't slept the night before. She had been worked up by the trial and full of adrenaline. Wishing that she had someone to love on to get her energy out, she had settled on running with the tigers through the forest and drinking alone until sunrise. It hadn't been quite so satisfying, with her troubled thoughts, but this was. She was dreaming pleasantly for the first time in a while.
Drumonkey said:
Dru chuckled and held his hands up in a surrendering manner. "Ok then I will let you two get back to dreaming again just meet me at the capital building this evening and remember we can do this if we work together." then Dru turned around and disappeared leaving behind two doors that lead back to their dreams.
( OMG I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING. I'm so sorry but every time you try to guess the time you're either living in it or you're about to experience it or past it. I'm not mad but it only happens to you. xD Don't worry it's evening right now and it'll stay that way for the next hour and 6 minutes. When night starts just wait another two hours and it's morning and keep continuing with the cycle. )
Decimus was waiting for a response till he noticed she was asleep. He sighed. "Alright I'll take her home." He walked up to her and looked at the tigers. "I'm just taking her home okay? You're going to follow I assume?" He looked at them, trying to see some sign of acceptance. He assumed yes and slowly picked Heather up. They didnt attack (please) and so he started walking, them following very closely behind. He passed Ryan. "See you tomorrow Ryan." And he left, walking to Heather's apartment. Hoping the tigers would lead
Eli: Elijah didn't much care for constantly being transported magically. It was disorienting. He looked around for the girl who the voice belonged to, but only saw Morpheus. He frowned deeply up at him.

Ru stood up, beside the door and lowered his head to look at Decimus with his yellow eyes. He stepped in front of the door, but didn't growl at the man. He just wasn't going to let his master be carried off by some stranger. She had been before and she only had pain to show for it. Bandi stood and followed Decimus, glancing back at the other men as she did. It was as if her soft eyes were pleading for their help. They didn't like what they saw but until it was necessary they would not attack.
Morpheus put his hands up. "My guy why do you hate me so much? You seem so hostile towards me and we've never once talked. I think. Did I do something? Was it the hydra? Honestly who wouldnt want a 24 headed bobblehead! I mean come on! Listen. I mean you no ill will. If Lady Rhea says you're our leader, I believe it's for a damn good reason. I dont plan on undermining you. I dont personally like to lead. I enjoy having a direct objective to follow. Leading requires me to make that up. So what do we say my guy?" He stuck his hand out to shake. "Are we cool?"
Pierce thinks for a moment, maybe he should've told him different joke. He didn't appreciate or trust Decimus taking Heather's unconscious body out into the unknown. He would have left her to rest here and slept out in the forest of the island. He was sure she'd wake up if he did try anything though, as for Ryan. He's apologized and even went out of his way to make him feel better. There was nothing else he could do. Pierce gets up and walks to Decimus. Noticing the tigers eyes. "Decimus... just leave her here. I'll sleep elsewhere."

( @DizjayDeathPride )
(Whew okay shit I was a bit worried) Decimus got to the complex then waited. "Okay you two. Which is her apartment? I'm sorry I have to carry her. She'll probably freak out later. But let's get her to bed yeah? Lead the way please" He was trying his best not to piss of the tigers. He didnt fear his life so much as he feared killing one. He wouldnt admit it but he genuinely had a soft spot for animals

(I... we.... but...... we left O.o Should i turn back?)
Eli: The dwarf's shoulders relaxed some ad he listened to Morpheus speak. He wasn't sure if he believe him at all when he said he would listen to his lead, but he certainly hoped it was true. He didn't take his hand immediately, instead he said, "I expect you to listen to me...to keep out of trouble and keep us out of danger. You're important to this mission and I can't be afraid you're going to get myself, or any of the others killed with your antics..."
Eli: Elijah nodded, accepting the reply and taking Morpheus' hand. He had to stretch up to do so, but he was used to it. He only blushed a little.

(Yeah, Diz. No way the tigers would let someone remove her sleeping body from where she put it. Lol. If he went for the door handle they would have attacked.)
DizjayDeathPride said:
"You have my word my man. Like I said. There is a time when I can and cant fuck around. I know that."
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: Elijah nodded, accepting the reply and taking Morpheus' hand. He had to stretch up to do so, but he was used to it. He only blushed a little.
With that they're taken out the astral plane. "That wasn't so hard was it? Now that all the ill will is gone we can formulate a plan." Luna looks towards Eli. "We don't have that much time.... only a few hours left until nightfall.
Morpheus just nodded and shook, tipping his hat with the other hand. When they were back he looked at Luna. "There you are cutie! I missed you"

Please disregard Deci-boos prior actions. I thought we were in some courtyard type setting im so fucking up alright redo! TAKE 2!

Decimus went to take Heather home then noticed the angry grr tiger. He decided to listen to Pierce. "Yeah.. I dont feel like getting ripped to shreds. Or killing a tiger." BECAUSE THOUGH HE WONT ADMIT IT HE FUCKING LOVES ANIMALS! He shrugged and sat in a chair. He didnt necessarily trust Pierce anymore after his stunt with Ryan, who was still outside apparently. He looked up and shook his head. "Ayi yi yi what have I gotten into?"
Eli: Eli frowned even more deeply at the transport. He hated the feeling, honestly. He liked his feet to be planted firmly in one plane at all times thank you very much. He crossed his arms once he had pulled his hand from Morpheus' grip. "We'll get in...project in or blast through the walls...he will use his astral forms to distract the general...whomever it may be...you raise the army as the others defeat it and bring them to us. We destroy our target with sheer force. If he has a weakness we will exploit it when we get there and find it. I'll pack every kind of potion I can...fire...ice...invisibility...the whole arsenal. Anything you need to add?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus just nodded and shook, tipping his hat with the other hand. When they were back he looked at Luna. "There you are cutie! I missed you"
Please disregard Deci-boos prior actions. I thought we were in some courtyard type setting im so fucking up alright redo! TAKE 2!

Decimus went to take Heather home then noticed the angry grr tiger. He decided to listen to Pierce. "Yeah.. I dont feel like getting ripped to shreds. Or killing a tiger." BECAUSE THOUGH HE WONT ADMIT IT HE FUCKING LOVES ANIMALS! He shrugged and sat in a chair. He didnt necessarily trust Pierce anymore after his stunt with Ryan, who was still outside apparently. He looked up and shook his head. "Ayi yi yi what have I gotten into?"
Plants take Heather from his arms and let her rest back where she was sitting. Petals wrap around her to keep her warm. Pierce turns to Decimus. "We should leave so she can sleep.... also shouldn't you be checking out the Layout of Mount Olympus so everyone knows what we're dealing with? Missions going to start soon." Pierce holds open the door, expecting him to exit.
The tigers seemed to relax when Decimus out Heather down. The male went over and lied on top of the small girl, like a big living blanket. She sighed under his weight and reached out to bury her fingers in the dense fur behind his neck. Ru watched the men more closely now. The female, however, seemed mildly intrigued in Decimus now that he had let their master be. She sniffed at his hands, her nose brushing against his skin.
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: Eli frowned even more deeply at the transport. He hated the feeling, honestly. He liked his feet to be planted firmly in one plane at all times thank you very much. He crossed his arms once he had pulled his hand from Morpheus' grip. "We'll get in...project in or blast through the walls...he will use his astral forms to distract the general...whomever it may be...you raise the army as the others defeat it and bring them to us. We destroy our target with sheer force. If he has a weakness we will exploit it when we get there and find it. I'll pack every kind of potion I can...fire...ice...invisibility...the whole arsenal. Anything you need to add?"
"No... you're the leader. We should start getting ready." Luna finishes her tea.
(Just wanna point out i said i never picked her up buuuuut whatever ROLL WITH IT!)

Morpheus just shrugged "Eh sounds perfect to me. Give or take a few kinks but it seems like we'll rely on our wit and reflexes. Which isnt shocking. Couldnt plan how they attack ya know?"

Decimus slowly started stroking the girls hair. "Well arent you a lovely creature. Tell me, are you the nice one? Is big bro a big meanie?"
Eli: Eli nods, agreeing with what Morpheus said for once. At least it wasn't utter nonsense. "Ok...I'm going to go gather some ingredients. I'll meet you both by the boats." He moves toward the door, turns, and smiles up at both of them. "I hope I don't let you both down." He says honestly, as he takes a bow. Before any of them could reply hr slips out and is gone.
Bandi jerked away from the man's hand and sniffed at it again. She wasn't being friendly so much as she was sizing him up. Darkness. Arrogance. She backed away and joined her brother beside Heather. Her tail was flicking with displeasure.
Dru had returned to his apartment and rested for an hour before cracking open a book about leadership. Dru finished it quickly then headed outside to practice with his katana and hunting knives before the quest began.
"I... let.. us down? Oi that makes me worry cutie. What if he lets his teams down frequently?! Nah i've seen him. He's interestingly impressive. It will be a pleasure to copy his power too." He turned to Luna. "So cutie now what?"

Decimus looked confused then shrugged. "Well. We better wake her up soon. We need to leave. I trust you can handle that. Dont get eaten. I'll deal with Ryan." He stood, stretched, then walked out
(Is there a way we can upset the time system for right now? I have to work in five hours and I was going to head to bed....)

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