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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

CGULL9313 said:
Heather: Heather laughed as she listened from the floor. "He's a demigod...same as we are. He can protect himself.", she stated, scratching Bandi behind the ear. She turned to Pierce when he spoke, nodding in agreeance. "We will need to get an idea of the layout...", she shrugged, looking the son of Demeter in the eyes. "Spawn can go check it out." Her eyes left Pierce's to glance at Decimus. "That's you, by the way. Son of Hades. The shadows are all around you...I expect you know how to use them?"
Pierce turned his attention to Decimus. It is true, he could serve good recon purposes. He starts to stare Decimus in the eyes.
Eli: Elijah sighs, shaking his head. "I....we will have to rely on the other teams heavily." He said, fiddling with something beneath his cloak and glancing nervously back at Morpheus and his friend. "We will have to get inside before we do anything. If it is unprotected by enchantments I'm sure he can get us in and out through...his ability. If not we'll have to break our way in...potions...I have a full arsenal of exploding and corroding potions...they will help us." He cleared his throat, uncomfortable with the way she was looking at him. He was certain she was judging him. But he wasn't great at making plans with others....often he relied solely on himself and his last minute mental reflexes to survive.
Damian peered at him. "I can cause the darkness at my whim. Weapons, spikes, strangling, intangibility, clones, teleportation, all of it. My blades, one is darkness and one is light. I cant necessarily control the light well but I can at least use it. You?"

Decimus stared at him as well. He sensed Pierce was studying his powers. Every part of him thought he should resist showing off his power unless necessary. But he also felt he had to do whatever it took to succeed. He watched Pierce, wondering if he felt the same
"I can put people and things to sleep, it is easier the more distracted they are as well as other factors like normal sleep schedule. I can also fight fairly well and my memory is impeccable allowing me greater retention of facts. I can also use my blades to help me peut people to sleep. I think you will be our source of setting things up alright? Once I get a good look at the lay of the land we can fully utilize our abilities."
Heather: Heather tilted her head as she watched the men study each other. She sighed and laid down with her head on the tiger's belly. "Well, when you two are done looking longingly into eachother's eyes....Decimus...you go to the location and check it out. We will need a full report of the area, and how many enemies we're facing.", she said, her blonde hair falling around the lion's gold and white fur as she glanced up at the three boys. "Ryan, go with him incase there is trouble. When you come back I will need to know if you think you can knock them all out at once." Her eyes flew to him, the quiet one, and she smiled at him softly. He would play an important part in their scheme she was sure.
"Do you want me to get us in or hold the enemy still? I can do either"

Decimus sighed and laid on the floor, arms behind his head. "Ayi yi yi. That's so much work. Alright. When should I go beautiful?"

"So.... I mean I know I could. So long as they can hear." He felt his face was serious and he dropped it. He looked down. "I'm sorry.. I didnt mean to sound so harsh..."
Heather: Heather shook her head some from where she lay. "Not at all...", she sighed, as she sat up reluctantly. "Ok. I'll go with Decimus. We'll fly over the islands and I'll find the gods."
"you will have to be a proactive defence and have to be malleable. I need you to scout ahead using the shadows and drop me in places to put enemies to sleep. You will also have to if you can move the enemies into one place in case they wake up early. The main job you have is getting us to my father. Once he is awakened we shouldn't have to worry."
Eric: "I told you about my job and now I'm doing it." he took a step closer. "Your time is running out and your death will be swift, and when it happens I'll be there." Be mindful of who you trust." Without another word he disappeared.

Rebecca: Rebecca got home ate and went to bed. "Ok sandman where are you?"
"Wait wait no! Listen!" He immediately started looking through his bag, finally finding the violin. He pulled it out and started playing, the others starting to fall asleep in seconds

"Hmm... very well. That would be easy." He noticed Rebecca joined. "Welcome."

"I...." His joking was gone. Is cutie going to kill me? Or... my guy. He squinted his eyes and teleported back, playing it off "Well team. What's going to happen?"
Rebecca woke up in a field with two moons one red and the other blue and then Damien and Dru in the middle of it. "Glad you could join us. Well if you can do it then we should practice working as a team."
Heather: Heather stared at Ryan as he rummaged through his bag. When he pulled out the violin, she was uncertain...and a bit wary...but she smiled. "What's the idea behind this....?, she asked as she returned herself to a lying position and curled up against the tiger. Her eyes closed and she smiled wider. Loosing consciousness was always a pleasant sensation...if it happened in a euphoric sort if way like with drugs and....well...this delightful song.
"Just throwing around ideas. I think you should give us a quick run down of what you can do then we practice our team work."
Eli: Eli had heard the man and his ominous warning. He didn't show his feelings as he turned back to Morpheus. "We were discussing our roles in this....", he stated in monotone. "I'm certain your...how many astral forms can you manifest at one time?" The last bit was said suddenly, as if it had just come to his mind. It had. A plan was formulating.
Pierce remained conscious due to the plants communicating with him, keeping him awake and empowering him. In a second his scythe was already out and at his throat, a drop of blood rolls down his neck. "Wake them up.... or I will take your head off." The plants around them held him in place. ( ! ) @CGULL9313 @DizjayDeathPride

CGULL9313 said:
Eli: Eli had heard the man and his ominous warning. He didn't show his feelings as he turned back to Morpheus. "We were discussing our roles in this....", he stated in monotone. "I'm certain your...how many astral forms can you manifest at one time?" The last bit was said suddenly, as if it had just come to his mind. It had. A plan was formulating.
Luna did not appreciate the tone of malice going around the room. Both Morpheus and Eli we're both suddenly in the astral plane. Luna was gone but her voice rang from all around them. "I don't appreciate the betrayal in the air. If either of you even make an attempt at one another, I will end you. Am I clear?"
Rebecca: "Well I can manipulate light to any degree, shoot any element of arrow with my celestial bow and if need be use a sword."
(Really my guy? Gonna say you can out power my music? Sigh whatever Light.) He added a vibrato and ended the song, a light bow. Or as much as he could while sitting. The others started waking up. "See? I can do it with all of my instruments but Jazmine is the fastest. Oh yeah I named all of them..." He was terrified of Pierce.

Decimus started falling asleep. Moments before he started waking back up. He shook his head, sitting back up. When he noticed Pierce his shadows slashed the plants. "Well.... That was.. impressive. He's definitely coming. And if you ever threaten him again, you'll die. Do I make myself clear? Anyways, alright beautiful tell us when to go."

Morphes didnt trust them anymore. He decided to lie. And he damn sure wasnt bringing up his second power. Or the gun. "I can only make 3. The 4th will be my real for-" And they were in the astral plane. "Well.. shit."
"Good since you are better in the back will you be fine staying a little distance away? Also I can charm a few of your arrows to have them put people to sleep upon contact. With all this it should be good though. Do you think you can handle listening to me either of you?"
"Not an issue. Rebecca, as I told him, one of my blades is light. I cant control it masterfully of course. So if the need arises, can you handle a blade?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Really my guy? Gonna say you can out power my music? Sigh whatever Light.) He added a vibrato and ended the song, a light bow. Or as much as he could while sitting. The others started waking up. "See? I can do it with all of my instruments but Jazmine is the fastest. Oh yeah I named all of them..." He was terrified of Pierce.
Decimus started falling asleep. Moments before he started waking back up. He shook his head, sitting back up. When he noticed Pierce his shadows slashed the plants. "Well.... That was.. impressive. He's definitely coming. And if you ever threaten him again, you'll die. Do I make myself clear? Anyways, alright beautiful tell us when to go."

Morphes didnt trust them anymore. He decided to lie. And he damn sure wasnt bringing up his second power. Or the gun. "I can only make 3. The 4th will be my real for-" And they were in the astral plane. "Well.. shit."
( Sorry I though you were trying to kill us in our sleep. '-' We're supposed to work together half of us are secretly trying to kill one another. I got jumpy, I'm sorry! )

Pierce takes his scythe off his next and sets it on his back. He doesn't even open his mouth. He had his reasons, he didn't have to or need to explain to them. They wouldn't understand anyways. He sits back down and stares out the window.
Ryan was near hyperventilating until Decimus patted his back. He looked up at him, to Pierce, then to the ground. "I'm sorry... I shouldnt have shown off.."

"Jeez Pierce he finally gets the balls to show his power and you nearly kill him! I was actually enjoying myself thanks. Hey Ryan, what does the bow do?" The boy didnt answer. Decimus watched him stare at the floor. Oh god if he cries what do I do?
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan was near hyperventilating until Decimus patted his back. He looked up at him, to Pierce, then to the ground. "I'm sorry... I shouldnt have shown off.."
"Jeez Pierce he finally gets the balls to show his power and you nearly kill him! I was actually enjoying myself thanks. Hey Ryan, what does the bow do?" The boy didnt answer. Decimus watched him stare at the floor. Oh god if he cries what do I do?
Pierce sighs and shakes his head. "Sorry.... It was my bad." Pierce stares at the boy some more and runs his hands through his hair while sighing harder than before. He ignores Decimus. He has little time for his side comments. "Ryan.... did you know your father Apollo actually danced and sang the moment he was born?"
Rebecca: "Of course I can. And yes I can. Are we done here? If so I would love a normal dream. Maybe with you in it." She gave Damian a wink.
Dru chuckled and held his hands up in a surrendering manner. "Ok then I will let you two get back to dreaming again just meet me at the capital building this evening and remember we can do this if we work together." then Dru turned around and disappeared leaving behind two doors that lead back to their dreams.

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