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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

You know what? If I'm going to stay up all night in an RP, it should at least be one I can actually enjoy. With all the arguments and bullshit, I'm finding this to be more stress that its even worth. Seriously, This is...I don't even know what this shit is anymore.
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Remember Ryan is heartless and no longers gives a shit. He only joined because of Reecca, who is now gone. He as no reason to be here)
Decimus takes Rikka's hand between both of his. "You know. All I wanted was neutrality. This fighting? It's not me. I greatly hate it. And a decent chess match. But no. Life does not allow that. I was house shopping before I had to come here for the ritual. And I want to continue that." He started draining her life force. "You'll live to be a decent 32. I like the number 32." He let her hand go. "I hope you do well in your humanity."

Angelica looked at him start to fly away sadly, sitting on the ground where he was about to leave her. She let the sound of her crying fill his mind for a moment, the image of her alone and scared, then stopped and waited to see what he would do next
Rikka slowly nods her head as she steps away from them and Luna to watch. Defeat in her eyes.
She couldnt help but smile at him tempting to leave. She laid back, and crossed her legs. The tips of her hair and dress breaking and disappearing in the air. She looked up at him and spoke in her normal, slightly high pitched voice. "You and I both know you wont believe a word I say Eric." She was hoping that's enough. The fact she had never once said his real name until now

Decimus sighed. "Don't look so... I dont know. Dead. It makes me feel compassionate." He looked up at the sky. "I just wanted to fucking house shop. Is that so wrong? I just wanted to live like a normal being but no. Duty calls" He rolled his eyes and laid down on the ground. arms behind his head, closing his eyes
Eric flew over her and stayed just above her. "Your right and wrong. Depending in what you would say would determine my belief. If you care enough to actually say my name then prove it by getting this madness out of me. Completely."
She smiled so gently at him "I cant. You are so easy to my persuasion because you love me, not because I touched you. It can't ever leave. Just like Little Red. Just like Morpheus. And just like Damian. Not saying they're in love with me but you know what I mean. They once were. I have touched them all and it will always stay. Its why I can't let Buttercup remember me. Or let his friend remember anything at all. Because of love Eric. It's a dangerously manipulative emotion. You'll always be touched. And I'm very sorry. I never intended for it to be permanent. Not really." She reached up to him. "If I didnt care I would have left you to fly away. And you know that. I would have either forced you to return to keep toying with you or let you do it on your own. But I didnt. I let you choose to go if you wanted. Whats that saying? If you love something set it free. If it doesn't come back it was never yours"
Eric was face to face with her. "If what your saying is true. What are your feelings for me?" His face was serious. He wanted an answer and if it wasn't good he would leave.
She closed her eyes sadly and lowered her hand. "You want me to say I love you, right?" I cant. Because I dont. The last I loved she showed me that was a terrible idea and left me. Alone. When I needed her. To follow the rule of some stupid Goddess. And now look? She turned against her anyways. So she left me for basically nothing." She paused a moment. "We were great together. So happy. So carefree. So... perfect. But perfect is an illusion. Perfect does not last. Happiness must always be destroyed. When you're too high up Fate must always crash you down." Another pause and she started to cry, never once opening her eyes. "I really loved her. I really thought... but obviously I wasn't good enough. I didnt mean the same to her for her to leave so easy at the word of some... being. I waited for months for her to come back. She didnt even send a card! Nothing! It was like I never existed, never mattered!" She took a moment to recollect herself and wiped her eyes. "And thats where I met Decimus. He was wandering around and found me crying in the last house Little Red and I were in. He was eating candy." She smiled at the memory. "Gummy bears. And without asking what was wrong, without a single word, he sat with me and offered me the bag. I called him Gummy for that. He still doesnt like it you know?" A slight giggle. "He stayed with me. Wandered with me. He promised to take care of me. You know he never loved me? Not like you do me. No. More of a.. guardianship. I can't enter his mind. Just a... fyi. Gummy help me get back together and calm down. He helped me accept Little Red was gone and ever coming back. He helped me accept Id be alone, like him. And that that was okay. That we didn't need others to feel whole. That we could do it on our own. He saved me. And soon we had to part too. He bought me more gummy bears before he left though. He said he had something to take care of. I was once again alone. But I didnt feel so lost. Every night I wished she would come back. Every night I wished she would just send something, anything to let me know she was alive or okay. I knew she was. I could feel her still. But I wanted her to care enough about me to tell me. I wanted her to care... but she didn't. Then I get summoned by the same bitch that took her from me. So of course I came. And imagine my surprise to find out she was in love with Buttercup. To find out she was turning against Rhea. Something like that........ I wont ever fall in love again. Never. I cant be hurt like that again. I can only say I strongly feel for you. And if that displeases you, fine. Then this is goodbye."
A tear fell from him and landed on her cheek. "That story is pretty sad. But it's time I restored you ability to love." He held his hand out to her. "I didn't know what I felt for you until you jumped of that cliff for me and I know you didn't either. I can't believe that you don't love me. Somewhere anywhere deep down in the heart of yours. It's time I let it free. Now it's time someone mend that broken heart of yours. Don't worry when we're done we'll come back." He took a deep breath. "This is your choice. If we go we won't come back until you can openly say you love me. If we don't you won't ever have to see me again. Now pick either take my hand or don't. Only you can decide."
She looked at him, shock, disbelief, humor, anger all flashing through her face in one expression. She didn't wipe the tear. She let it dry, soaking into her skin. She laid there, honestly thinking he was somehow kidding. When it was clear he wasnt she looked away, her world crashing. "I see. I can't leave her. I know we're done but I... i just cant." She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes, trying her best to not cry. Her hair and dress were flowing so slowly now. Almost not at all. "I'm sorry Mister Grumpy. I just..."
Eric looked at her turn to Luna. "I see it's ok. I guess this is good bye. I hope you find someone." He flew up and away at top speed. Never to be seen again. All that was left was his scythe deeply rooted into the ground.
She flinched at how much it hurt to let him fly away. She didnt know if she was more upset because she was alone or because he was. She curled a bit and looked at his scythe. She closed her eyes. At least he left her something
Gaige watched Eric fly away. Something happened. It didn't matter he would be back some time. She started to wonder around thinkinf about the fight and what Ryan had said. She felt sympathy for Eric. She knew that her feelings could neve be returned. "Why am I even here?" She sat back down with her head between her knees.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](sure. It seems no one learned anything from it, so I don't see why not to bring him back.)

( Well for now I'd just recommend getting rest because Kalin will be brought back after this ritual and the ritual won't start until tomorrow or when people get back so Alex wouldn't need to do much now. )
Ryan sat behind her, leaning his back on hers. "You're here because we need you. As for why you stay? Completely unknown to anyone but yourself. Given their altercation, Eric is no longer with us."
Gaige didn't move. "I can see why. It was to hard for him to stay so he left. I feel sympathetic for him. I honestly don't know why I stay. I'm useless and a burden." Tears rolled down her cheeks. "You don't need me. The group doesn't need me. I might as well be gone."
(Dear fucking shit it's destroy dizjay emotionally day I see)

He leaned back a bit, pushing her. "Don't say that. You're not a burden and you're far from useless" He sighed as he stood and walked around then sat crossing his legs in front of her. He wiped her cheek. "We all need you. Stop it"
Gaige stopped crying. "You don't get it. Even at my best I'm useless. I can't go into god mode and everything I make is easily destroyed. Like with the titan a while back. I was working the whole battle and just when I get there I'm crushed. Then you come along and save me then rip my heart out right after. Even during the battle earlier today nothing I made did any worth. And when I help you you said I was perfect. My heart skipped a beat. Ever sense then you didn't bother looking at me. Your probably here to do it again. So just go ahead. Let me have it."
(What in the name of everything happened? jesus I left for a few hours and came back to this wow) Dru shook his head this was ridiculous they had lost a demigod today and it wasn't even to an enemy it was to the people that were supposed to be replacing their godly parents. Dru walked away from the group then took to the air glancing at Luna as he went.

Dax shook his head and walked towards the ocean as his sea monkey patted his back trying to cheer him up Dax didn't know the demigod that was killed personally but it wasn't cool to kill him like that. Dax needed a deep swim to clear his head.
He looked confused then smiled by the end. "I didnt look at you again because immediately after I was sent on a task and then not too soon after I had to kind of commit murder. I've been a bit distracted. But do tell me, how did I rip your heart out at the titan? For saving you?" He shook his head. "I said I should have focused on my task and left you there. Hell Luna had it handled. But I didn't now did I?" He pinched her cheek a bit. "Your creations are physical. It's no surprise they're destroyed. Our powers are metaphysical and can get through such things. Besides I've dropped my phone in water a few times so I know what it does to electronics. I can imagine what snow would do. You're not useless. Your abilities weren't compatible. Like... for example in that weird show called pokemon. A plant type can't beat a fire type. It doesnt mean the plant is weak and pointless. It means the environment wasnt suitable. Now put that plant against a water type? Unstoppable. Though I guess plant wasn't the best choice to start since if you're the plant youre weak against water cause.. electronics. But you get what I mean. Besides. You have a brilliance none of us has. Not a single one of us could build a simple potato light, let alone a robot with its own consciousness to understand when it's creator is upset. You are far more valuable that you give yourself credit gaige"
Drumonkey said:
(What in the name of everything happened? jesus I left for a few hours and came back to this wow) Dru shook his head this was ridiculous they had lost a demigod today and it wasn't even to an enemy it was to the people that were supposed to be replacing their godly parents. Dru walked away from the group then took to the air glancing at Luna as he went.
Dax shook his head and walked towards the ocean as his sea monkey patted his back trying to cheer him up Dax didn't know the demigod that was killed personally but it wasn't cool to kill him like that. Dax needed a deep swim to clear his head.
( Uuuughhh. Can we all just step on the platform and bring back mortals? Gods... This makes things harder. Now we're able to do it but suddenly everyone wants to leave. What was the Fucking point of doing all this fighting then? Screw it. I'll just curl up and die and Luna will just bury herself alive. Rikka will throw herself into a poison ivy bush. )
(Ill send ryan after he's done)

Angelica collected herself and stood up, grabbing the scythe and tugging it out of the ground. She held it as she walked back to where the platforms were to finish the mission

Decimus groaned. "Right I have a job to do." He got back up and stretched before going to the platform

Damian silently walked over and stood on his

Of course Morpheus never left Luna's side. He was already standing on his
(ok dial that back a notch or two first off next Dru is flying above them and there are who knows how many people that can fly and Dax is just in the ocean anyone can go over there and call for him)
Drumonkey said:
(ok dial that back a notch or two first off next Dru is flying above them and there are who knows how many people that can fly and Dax is just in the ocean anyone can go over there and call for him)
( I was trying to be humorous. I wasn't trying to complain seriously. ( :( ) I will never attempt to joke again. Ever...... Ever. )
(if you look at that from my point of view it isn't that funny. If it was a joke then it was fairly non punchliney)
Drumonkey said:
(if you look at that from my point of view it isn't that funny. If it was a joke then it was fairly non punchliney)
( Tell me more, Monkey of Dru. Oh great God of jokes. )

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