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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](So Kalin is the bad guy for not trying to kill everyone? ...Yeah, makes total sense. Btw, Ryan drew on him first, so why isn't he in an astral prison :P ))

(Just go with mine its better there is a peaceful way to get out of it)
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](So Kalin is the bad guy for not trying to kill everyone? ...Yeah, makes total sense. Btw, Ryan drew on him first, so why isn't he in an astral prison :P ))

( I deleted the post. It's because Luna came up with a compromise. Rikka can live yet you're still fighting, Ryan was about to calm down. So no he's no longer in the Astral Plane. )
Light said:
( I deleted the post. It's because Luna came up with a compromise. Rikka can live yet you're still fighting, Ryan was about to calm down. So no he's no longer in the Astral Plane. )
(About to calm down? He threatened Kalin /after/ a compromise was made :/ ))
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](About to calm down? He threatened Kalin /after/ a compromise was made :/ ))

( True. Just have Kalin calm down and everyone else will. Rikka's going to live. )

( I'll make sure the others back off Kalin. All of them just need to calm down. Especially Eric. )
(Well, they kinda have to back down before Kalin even considers it. Because at the moment his next step is to chuck Eric at Ryan, who would let loose his arrow, which would be blown away by the Zehpyr, who would angrily create a vortex and start choking the crap out of everyone.))
Luna looks down to Rikka and wipes the dirt off her face as her head lays on her lap. "What you did isn't forgivable at the moment. But it can be forgiven over time. You can live but you'll have to live as a mortal. I hope you understand." Luna speaks softly to Rikka. She continues to brush the strands of hair out of her face as she looks towards Ryan, Kalin, and Eric. "Can you all calm down? Please? Just leave Kalin alone to do what he pleases. Ryan could you heal her please? These injuries could kill her the moment she takes human form."

( @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @Kalin Scarlet )

[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Well, they kinda have to back down before Kalin even considers it. Because at the moment his next step is to chuck Eric at Ryan, who would let loose his arrow, which would be blown away by the Zehpyr, who would angrily create a vortex and start choking the crap out of everyone.))

( Luna is working on that. I hope you know that Luna can extract Kalin's soul from his body since she has touched him before. So that wouldn't be too smart. )
( ! ! )

"Sorry but Eric made a request. When he decides to answer Ill decide to not end him" The arrow was glowing with power, waiting to be shot. "Move an inch and Ill let go. Simply agree to his demand so we can move on with our lives"
DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ! )
"Sorry but Eric made a request. When he decides to answer Ill decide to not end him" The arrow was glowing with power, waiting to be shot. "Move an inch and Ill let go. Simply agree to his demand so we can move on with our lives"
Luna sighs and rolls her eyes. "Boys... they're always like this." She mumbles to herself. She talks to Ryan again. "Okay, so when Eric stops making out with Kalin she needs healing."
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Eric heard the comment from Kalin and lost his cool. He summoned his spirits to hold him down by his limbs on the floor. His blade at his throat. "I swear to gods if you don't give Luna back her love I will kill you. I know you took it also don't ever tamper with that if you want you can have mine got it?"
(dont forget he said that.)
DizjayDeathPride said:
(dont forget he said that.)
(Don't have the slightest idea how he would know what Kalin did when they were all spread out all over the place, but ok...))

"Uhm, if you'd even think to ask what I did, id tell you that the girl has her love. I didn't steal it, I absorbed the emotion behind it. I'm not going to make a promise to any of you, because you've all proven just what you are. Sorry if I don't agree with murdering your family, and saying its for the greater good. Now get the hell of of me while you still have body." As he finished speaking, the flames enveloping his body increased in heat slowly, threatening to burn Eric alive if he didn't move. "Unlike the light bulb, I think you have a sense of empathy. You may want to put it to use a bit more..."

Eric stomped his chest without killing him. "My family died a long time ago and you've forgotten that im not holding you down. My undead spirits are. Luna is he right and you still have all thise emotions?" His blade back at his throat. "Your answer will determine his life."

( ! )
Light said:
( They did give you death flag warnings if you didn't answer accordingly. I can only help you and stop them from attacking and or killing for so long. Told you to calm down but you just had to go along and get heated. I'll just take your mind and soul if they do kill you so I can bring you back completely. -_- )
(He literally has nothing to 'give back. And considering they're acting exactly the way he's a accusing them of being, just standing there and watching really isn't the right way to go. But if no one else will be sane...))

Alex froze the time of those involved in this stand off for an instant, pulling Kalin and Eric to opposite sides, and surrounding Ryan with his dynamos. He then let everyone's time resume. "Alright, lets stop this now. Obviously, none of you really know the first thing about being kind hearted. How about we all sit down and think about what we're really trying to do here...and by maybe, I mean stand down, and think about what the hell you're doing." He said in a calm quiet tone. "And before you try anything, the dynamos are set to siphon energy. If you fire that arrow, or try to turn to light to zip away, you'll be in trouble." he walked over to Luna. "Your fairy tale is falling apart. Why not try taking a more active role?"
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(I warned)

"Is that right?" He flashed behind Kalin and shot the arrow into his head before the dominos could follow, exploding it. "Good. That arrow was a bit too charged anyways. Thank you." He wiped the blood off his face. "Ready to heal her now"
( @Kalin Scarlet @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride Okay so I deleted the arguments because I had to interject. Kalin they did give several warnings and I even said to calm down in the out of character chat. Taz and Diz Luna did ask for you two to stop. I don't see how important it is to kill Kalin. So this is how the cookie crumbles. Kalin is dead. Luna did preserve his soul and mind so he can be brought back. If you still want him around as a character Kalin. They did fairly give several warnings. Luna will go to the Astral Plane to visit Kalin to discuss getting a new body so he can live again. If the conversation goes well and Luna is persuaded then yes Kalin could come back. This isn't a biased decision so I don't want either side complaining about this. This argument stops now. )
Decimus shook his head at the mess and dropped Kalin's body into the shadow realm. "Guessing you'll want that too?" He went over to Rikka to finish the plan when Ryan healed her

Morpheus groaned. "How the hell am I going to have a bobblehead with no head Ryan?! Do you know how long it's going to take me to go through my memories and accurately make him another head and then transform him? The energy it will take?! No consideration"

Ryan rolled his eyes and went to Rikka. He held his hands over her as he began healing her. "For the record, Im still not opposed to your death either. I dont quite appreciate being nearly murdered by polar bears"
"What a lovely group of apathetic murderers you've brought together..." Alex said in his normal, unfeeling tone of voice. "I'm sure they'll make such wonderful, benevolent gods. I mean, how could they not." He said to her, not even cracking a smile as he spoke.



(At this point, I couldn't give a fuck. Its not like there's anyone to even care that he was murdered. Hell, the girl they were actually fighting against is probably going to get laid soon enough. Visit him if you want, but I really couldn't care less about bringing him back, now )
(Just because you saud she might get laid to stab at us I might just do it)

Eric walked over to Alex. "Disrespectful slime like him are just a shit stain on humanity." He walked away still furious.

(Its just my character I have to be accurate)
Angelica skipped and caught up to him, her arms wrapped around his right, walking with him. "Aww.. why are you so upset Mister Grumpy? Are you made at me?" She gave him her sweet, innocent voice and poked out her lip. "I'm super duper sowwy"
"Before you call them apathetic, put yourself in their shoes. That's all I have to say, whether you understand that or not is up to you and your intelligence." Luna stands up and helps Rikka walk around as she takes mortal form. Luna continues to walk off until she reaches a platform and steps on it.[/QU
Tazmodo said:
(Just because you saud she might get laid to stab at us I might just do it)
Eric walked over to Alex. "Disrespectful slime like him are just a shit stain on humanity." He walked away still furious.

(Its just my character I have to be accurate)
"Yes, and what will that make us, the people willing to kill our own family in petty squabbles, when we all ascend to godhood? Because none of you can attest to being 'better' than anyone. Not anymore." Alex said, his back still turned to everyone besides Luna. It was out of character for him to speak with another so easily, but it seemed that the death...no, murder, of a fellow demigod got to him.
Eric sprouted wings. "Angelica thanks for the concern but please leave me be. I need to be alone for a little while and think." He pulled away and started to fly.
(Remember Ryan is heartless and no longers gives a shit. He only joined because of Reecca, who is now gone. He as no reason to be here)

Decimus takes Rikka's hand between both of his. "You know. All I wanted was neutrality. This fighting? It's not me. I greatly hate it. And a decent chess match. But no. Life does not allow that. I was house shopping before I had to come here for the ritual. And I want to continue that." He started draining her life force. "You'll live to be a decent 32. I like the number 32." He let her hand go. "I hope you do well in your humanity."

Angelica looked at him start to fly away sadly, sitting on the ground where he was about to leave her. She let the sound of her crying fill his mind for a moment, the image of her alone and scared, then stopped and waited to see what he would do next
Eric turned. "Please don't put false images in my head. I know you don't care about me if you did I wouldn't be leaving." He waited for her to respond.
Angelica looked up at him and pouted, crossing her arms. "You leaving is up to you. I'm still sitting here aren't I?" She turned her head away but kept peeking back
Eric flew a little higher. "Last chance. Give me a reason to stay. All I know is that you rejected me and now I'm conflicted."

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