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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

"The ones who survived her murderous assault. Thats who we are to decide who lives and who dies. Truly I am sorry you are so upset by this. But there is no stopping her demise." He looked at Eric, still holding Dru. "Kill her."

Eric held the bkade to her throat waiting for her response. "The gods were our allys and the used us without caring. She is our enemy and nearly killed us."
"Live, and get released." Dru said quickly he didn't like where this was going and how things were turning out. Dax after a minute of thought said in an even voice. "Don't kill her. We stole her cat's lives from her she shouldn't die too."
"You're not better, obviously." Kalin said, walking forward. His body was exuding fire once more. "And you wonder why I didn't give a damn about your orders, Lady. Its because you people aren't doing anything that hasn't been done before. You think your parents turned out the way they were from the start? Doubtful. They were just like all of you. And you say you want to be different, but you're human. All of us are..."


Light said:
Luna simply sighs and has spirits of the Astral Plane stand around Rikka to defend her. "Alright then. Let's take a vote to make it fair. How many of you want her to live? How many of you want her to die?"
( @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @Drumonkey @CharChar45 @Mel @Kalin Scarlet )
"I say let her go. Obviously..."

in reality, Kalin intended to attack the others if they tried to kill the girl, so this vote didn't matter much to him.
Decimus, Ryan and Morpheus joined them. "Quite frankly I dont care. i never wanted to be different. i want neutrality. But she tried to kill us. I say kill her."

"I have a bit of a headache and I'm going to turn her into a toy if she dies. I like toys so... let her die"

"Definitely kill her. This whole ordeal took way too long and thew us off our objective."

Angelica bit her lip. She didnt want to defy Luna. But she couldn't help but want to see her blood run. "Can I torture her if she lives?"

Damian scoffed. "No mercy shall be shown for the one who tried to murder us. And what's to say she wont just return when she's stronger and do it again? End her life"
"Hey lover boy listen. Do you know what it's like to try and muder your friend. This bitch did that to me. I also tried to kill Damian. Luckly he threw me to the shadow realm. Do you honestly think that if we let her go she wont try and kill us. I vote death." His blade pressed slightly hard making a small non lethal cut.

Gaige walked up. "I say death she tried to kill me twice now. So now we kill her."
Drumonkey said:
(Damn half the vote comes from one person how is that fair lol?)
(If you want you can make 4 characters and manage them all at the same time without fail or tardiness between posts)
Alex floated down into sight again, slowing time for an moment while looking down on Luna, literally. "If you kill her, you can't make up the idea in your heads that you're any better than the people you're trying to replace. If you're willing to kill once, what's to stop you from killing the rest? Then what's to stop you from doing anything you feel like? I'm not saying to let her go, but...you all aren't exactly emulating benevolent god-like behavior." He said, before resuming time, and blinking out of existence.
Tazmodo said:
(If you want you can make 4 characters and manage them all at the same time without fail or tardiness between posts)
(I feel like thats a compliment so thank you)

"It appears we have 7 to 4. She dies."
DizjayDeathPride said:
(I feel like thats a compliment so thank you)
"It appears we have 7 to 4. She dies."
"Yeah, I don't think so, assholes." he said as a wave of fire swept around the girl, keeping the others away. "Whichever one of you would accept this if someone you actually cared about was in her place, please, step forward. If you're not confident in that, I'm going to burn your collective holier than thou asses into dust." Kalin said, trying his best to remain calm. He knew he wasn't doing the best job of it, though.

"Seriously! You people want to be gods? You're all just a bunch of immature versions of your parents! How the hell do you think you can rule anything?"
Eric turned towards him. "I don't care who it is her life ends now and if you refuse to acceot that I'll kill you."
Luna listens to the votes and the opinions and sighs. They were right though, they would be just like their parents which is the opposite of their objective. She could also come back to kill them later on. "As much as you all want her to die. They do have a point.... my original goal is to be different from our parents. But she could come back to kill us. So as a medium to both of your arguments. I say we make her a human permanently by making her stay in human form. Decimus shall shorten her lifespan until we see that she no longer carries ill will, then she shall get her regular lifespan back. This is a compromise that I hope we can all agree on." Luna turns towards Kalin and uses a float spell to lift Rikka out of the area towards her. She sits down and starts to stroke her forehead. To brush the hair out of her face.

Suddenly the cats come back to the area hiding in the forest, looking for an opportunity to save Rikka.

( @DizjayDeathPride @Drumonkey @Kalin Scarlet @Tazmodo )
Ryan stepped forward and aimed an arrow into Kalin. "The difference is someone we care about wouldnt try to murder us all. We made an arrangement. Honor it or die with her."

Decimus stepped forward with him and coated the tip in the power of the Underworld. "He makes a point. A decision has been made."

Damian made the grip on Dru tighter, cracking his bones. "Drop the fire or he dies."

"I'm sorry Little Red..." She raised her scythe at Kalin. "Let her go."

The four stop when the cats return

"Oh absolutely not!" 3 Hands of the Underworld grab their throats.

"Wait wait! I want to make them toys! Think about it! Bobblehead cats!"

"You're a sick bastard." The Hands crushed the cats' throats, leaving their lifeless bodies. Darkness engulfs them. "They'll be in the shadow realm for when you have the power to do so"

Morpheus clapped. "Very well!"

Decimus turned to Luna. "That's fair. i can acept that"
Eric walked away with rage pulsing through his vains. "Angelica if you do this madness shit again without consent I will kill you. Now fix it."
"Aw I really wanted to torture her... Oh before I forget! Mister Grumpy you can stop trying to kill Rikka now." Her voice rang in his ears, releasing him of his obligation. She giggled at him. "Kill me? No you wouldn't Mister Grumpy"

Damian let Dru go. "Turn her into a human then."

Morpheus tsked. "Darn she would have made a great toy"
Kalin aimed his own bow at Ryan."Unless you want to forget your sister ever existed, I suggest you put your hands down, light bulb..." Kalin said, already tugging at the boys emotional connections. Even if he got hit, Kalin could siphon it all away. That might even give him the chance to take the kid down, as well. He glanced at the others around him, seeing some aiming for him, and the others attacking the now arriving cats. "Heh, yeah, thank you all for proving yourselves as a bunch of tyrants in the making. By the way, light bulb, you may not want to stand too close to me. My flames have a tendency to just shoot forward and melt off faces all on their own..."
( ! )

Eric heard the comment from Kalin and lost his cool. He summoned his spirits to hold him down by his limbs on the floor. His blade at his throat. "I swear to gods if you don't give Luna back her love I will kill you. I know you took it also don't ever tamper with that if you want you can have mine got it?"
Light said:
Luna looks up at the sight. The matter had already been resolved, Kalin was the only one left still fighting. She simply has a portal to the Astral Plane suck him in. "Stay in there until you can cool down. Trust me, Rikka will be fine." Luna's voice rings around the Astral Plane.
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Eric heard the comment from Kalin and lost his cool. He summoned his spirits to hold him down by his limbs on the floor. His blade at his throat. "I swear to gods if you don't give Luna back her love I will kill you. I know you took it also don't ever tamper with that if you want you can have mine got it?"
(So Kalin is the bad guy for not trying to kill everyone? ...Yeah, makes total sense. Btw, Ryan drew on him first, so why isn't he in an astral prison :P ))
( ! )

Ryan just chuckled. "Consider how long Ive been holding this, the power inside of it. It's pure light. It would move faster than you could see. And would explode in your chest, killing you and your soul. Or did you not notice the purple and black swirling around it's tip from Decimus? Do you really believe you could stop me?" He smiled. "Tyrant? No. i simple know how to honor a deal. Unlike you." He held the arrow at him. "I suggest listening to Eric. He seems a bit more upset than I do. Show a bit of resistance and this explodes inside you"

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