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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Tazmodo said:
(Do you the Luna character because shes the only one you talk to. And even then you were trying to hook uo with her. I'm not going to argue I'm only saying talk to more people and you'll be fine.)
(Oh, Alex? No, Alex is specifically non social. Unless someone approaches him, or he's constantly around a particular person, he'll keep to himself. Kalin, however, yes. I've tried at least four times to interact with others, just to have it shot dead by someone else. Since the battle on the island I haven't made another attempt because I haven't been on here. If I was waiting for someone to make the first move, I would just ask everyone whose available to RP with. It'd be alot easier))

(Sorry for the text walls, assumptions kinda irk me :/ ))
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Oh, Alex? No, Alex is specifically non social. Unless someone approaches him, or he's constantly around a particular person, he'll keep to himself. Kalin, however, yes. I've tried at least four times to interact with others, just to have it shot dead by someone else. Since the battle on the island I haven't made another attempt because I haven't been on here. If I was waiting for someone to make the first move, I would just ask everyone whose available to RP with. It be alot easier))

(Oooooohh im an idiot sorry about that)
Drumonkey said:
"Yes it would seem that way although debating with you has been interesting thank you for the mental spar however short it was. Now however what do you plan to try to do to us and Luna since she is the one leading this pack of cats." Dax shifted his swords to his trident and shifted back slightly towards Luna.
Luna stares directly at Rikka. They have a stare down for what felt like forever.

Rikka smiles and starts to pet Jury, since it's dying for attention. "I will only give you all one chance to switch sides. To prove your loyalty to me I want you to kill Luna."
Morpheus sighed to himself at Gaige, bit of hatred rising up. Then he heard a quite familiar voice in his head. Distract her So he did. He made a loud groaning sound and stretched. "How lovely that is, why don't we skip to the part where we both know she isn't going to hmm?"

Mid speech Decimus rose up silently and secretly behind Ryan. "There, there, there, there"

Without hesitation Ryan drew his bow and fire his shots. He sent them blindingly fast so they would hit, lowering damage, but greatly increasing their speed
Gaige sat down and started building. She knew she fucked up and decided to let her actions speek for her. She stood back up with a grenade the size of her arm. She threw it and when it blew melted hit caramel flew everywhere. (Dont worry we are ok)
Tazmodo said:
Gaige sat down and started building. She knew she fucked up and decided to let her actions speek for her. She stood back up with a grenade the size of her arm. She threw it and when it blew melted hit caramel flew everywhere. (Dont worry we are ok)
Oooookay Morpheus
DizjayDeathPride said:
(no one else gonna point out this dude has a major hard for wings? or the fact I shot rikka and he's still tryna talk to her?)
(Oh shit I forgot and shut up)
((Thank you very much ^.^))

Dove winced from her ice cold handles of her swords, the blades themselves burning with fire. Thankfully, the fire itself made slicing through the icicles much simpler task. Dove let out the breath she had been holding rolling to her feet.
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CharChar45 said:
((Thank you very much ^.^))
Dove winced from her ice cold handles of her swords, the blades themselves burning with fire. Thankfully, the fire itself made slicing through the icicles much simpler task. Dove let out the breath she had been holding rolling to her feet.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus sighed to himself at Gaige, bit of hatred rising up. Then he heard a quite familiar voice in his head. Distract her So he did. He made a loud groaning sound and stretched. "How lovely that is, why don't we skip to the part where we both know she isn't going to hmm?"
Mid speech Decimus rose up silently and secretly behind Ryan. "There, there, there, there"

Without hesitation Ryan drew his bow and fire his shots. He sent them blindingly fast so they would hit, lowering damage, but greatly increasing their speed
( Don't know why you'd have to point her out if she's right in front of you. )

The four snowflakes fade away all of a sudden. Leaving Dove free to join the others. Except for the fact that her sword hilt was starting to have ice spread along her fingers. It was trying to encase her entire body in ice. It didn't seem to be affected by the fire.

Rikka was only fast enough to have a coat of ice cover her cats to lessen the damage. The arrow flies into her right shoulder. Her cats are knocked back but the arrow slightly breaks skin on them. The ice pushes the arrow out and freezes on the wound. The temperature was still quite cold so Rikka was unfeeling. ( In her character power description. ) She looks at the arrow in her shoulder and glares. She puts up a wall of ice between them which stops the caramel from getting into her. Suddenly the cats glow and numerous arrows of ice fire out of the wall in front of the demigod. The barrage of arrows seemed endless. They were also covered in a poison or sludge due to caramel being thrown at them. Rikka notices she could bleed out without noticing since she can't feel the wound. She pulls out the arrow and freezes the wound. While the arrows fire at them, Rikka has the snow under them raise up above their knees. Which would make it much harder to move. In a moment she would be able to make that snow turn to ice. Trapping them in place.
Dove cursed as the ice crept up her fingers, quickly releasing her swords and rubbing her hands together to create friction to melt the ice.
CharChar45 said:
Dove cursed as the ice crept up her fingers, quickly releasing her swords and rubbing her hands together to create friction to melt the ice.
The ice on her fingers melt away but her swords are starting to freeze over. Smiling snowmen rose up around Dove. They suddenly become angry and develop claws. Their bodies are made of ice instead of snow.
"Oh bloody hell," Dove groaned looking around at the snowman, cursing at the sight of her swords freezing over. Gritting her teeth, she grabbed her dagger from her belt, gripping it in her hand and looking around at the snowmen. She just had to hit one at just the right spot so it would shatter, and she could get out of this circle of creepy ass snowmen.
10,000 grew tired of watching the fight. He flew down by Rikka and retracted his wings. "I'll fight with you. Hi im 10,000 child of Nike. Who are you?" His power was radiating. It feeds off the will and determination of battle.

CharChar45 said:
"Oh bloody hell," Dove groaned looking around at the snowman, cursing at the sight of her swords freezing over. Gritting her teeth, she grabbed her dagger from her belt, gripping it in her hand and looking around at the snowmen. She just had to hit one at just the right spot so it would shatter, and she could get out of this circle of creepy ass snowmen.
The snowmen started to charge at her. One comes from the front aiming for her knee. While two others come from the sides.

Tazmodo said:
10,000 grew tired of watching the fight. He flew down by Rikka and retracted his wings. "I'll fight with you. Hi im 10,000 child of Nike. Who are you?" His power was radiating. It feeds off the will and determination of battle.
Rikka looks over at 10k. "Hmm... amusing. Alright then, I am Rikka. Daughter of Khione. Go kill their leader." She points at Luna.
10k's smile faded "What's the fun in that also you could ask me sense I am lending you a hand. But if you think thats the best course if action then sure." He put on his claws and started to walk over. Then he ran up to her. "Hey fair warning I'm going to kill you apparently." He started slashing at her. "Just do me a favor so we can have fun with this." He was intentionally trying to anger her.
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Her back was open. Dove quickly took that opportunity and rolled back to avoid the attacks of the evil snowmen. However, she couldn't avoid all of them. She hissed in pain as one of their claws scathed her side, blood dripping from the wound. Growling, Dove held the wound with one hand, using the other to hold the knife, throwing it forward to hit the middle snowman smack dab in the middle. If she succeeded, the balanced pressure should shatter the ice. Hopefully.

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