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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Dru and Dax were knocked over and slid a bit on the ice completely disorientated for a few moments not sure where they were just knowing they were connected to everyone else.
Decimus spoke and everyone heard. "Hello there team. Morpheus cant come to the phone. He's a bit... indisposed at the moment. Currently he and I are unable to help given he's keeping us from screaming pointlessly and I am protecting his near lifeless body. Soon I will send Ryan to join you. If push comes to shove we can just escape to Underworld by coming to me. But knowing the prideful nature of this group... that's not an option is it? So! I wish you all luck in your battle. I will do my best to be sensory and tell you what damage is approaching but there are so many presences in this blizzard it's... almost pointless. I cant currently locate Rikka. But we have an idea. Soon Eric will be awake from his injuries. Damian I want you to release him when he does.. He isn't connected to us so here's the issue. Angelica put in his mind one goal. Kill Rikka. And he can sense her through this mess because of that one objective. Now... how we get to him from there? I will do my best to guide. But until he wakes up.... we're kind of sitting ducks. As I said, I will be stationed here to sense and warn but.. I dont know. Ryan, Damian, and Angelica will be joining you all soon. Please dont die"

Ryan nodded and was released from the Body of Hades. He ran where Decimus was leading him to get to Dru, Dax, Dove, and Luna. Not too long after Angelica ran over and soon Damian appeared, holding the shadow spike. "Fantastic. Wait... Where's Gaige?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus screamed in anger. He only had one option and was getting fed up with all of this but he knew it was going to hurt like hell. He aimed the gun, took a breath, then shot Dove, Dax, Dru, Damian, Angelica, Gaige, and Luna, connecting them all to Decimus and Ryan and all together in his mind. The bullets would cause no pain but they would still be knocked a bit. His eyes rolled back as he fell to his knees, too many senses blinding him. He couldn't see, think, speak, or move anymore. At this point he was nothing more than a transmitter.
Decimus felt Morpheus' soul near collapse. "ILL GET HIM! COME ON!" He grabbed Ryan so they wouldn't be separated and got to Morpheus. He could escape with himself, Ryan and Morpheus to Underworld, leaving the others and breaking the connection, or he could stand there, hopeless, and protect the transmitter. He chose option two. His eyes went full purple as his Cloak activated, in its pure form. Empty black with the light purple swimming. He didn't close his left eye this time. The full Body of Hades protected him, Ryan, and Morpheus from further damage. But now they couldn't go anywhere. They could only sit there and tank infinitely.

Angelica was having fun, swinging around wildly. Her mindless activities were keeping her warm. She spun in a circle and before she took a step, almost tripping on a stump, a bullet hit her head, knocking her backwards. She stood up and shook her head to see the stump. "Whoa.."

Damian was walking to Decimus when he stopped. "Decimus wouldn't stand still... not in this cold" He squinted. He didnt know what it was but he didnt trust it. Then a bullet flew into his mind and he knew it was Morpheus. Then he heard Angelica. "Well Ill be damned. Good job Morpheus"
CharChar45 said:
"T-THE S-S-SOURCE OF THE B-BLIZZARD... W-WE NEED TO F-FOCUS ON T-THAT!" By now Dove was shivering badly, the only thing keeping her slightly warm being the blood seeping from her wound. She couldn't think. She couldn't see. And now she could barely breathe. Rikka... They had to find Rikka and focus solely on her. Everything else was simply a distraction.
And then a bullet hit her head and she collapsed, hitting her hands and knees.

((Read that after I posted lol))
The bears that were attacking Decimus and Ryan follow them until the groups combine. The bears start to fire the beams of ice at the body of Hades to create an ice figure of it after Ryan leaves. So even if they drop it, the ice would trap them they keep making it thicker.

The cannon far off in the distance fires it's beam at Damian, Luna, Angelica, Dax, Ryan, Dru, and Dove. The blizzard covers the sound of the cannon firing and the beam until it gets 8 feet away from them. The ice crawls up their shoes does its best distraction job. As well as a spikes coming at them from the opposite side to make sure they don't see the blast. ( ! )

Luna got hit by the bullet and fell over. She was infuriated. "She can't be in this blizzard but she can't be too far as well. She's not using her cats at the moment so that means they can't exactly see us. She might have a way to sense us but her cats cannot. That should give us some leads to where she is." Luna immediately turns around to the spike.

( @Drumonkey ^ )
Kalin woke up covered in snow, with a small vortex of wind surrounding him. He glanced around but couldn't see anything beyond the vortex.

"Thanks. I owe you one...what's going on?"

"You're group is under attack. These demigods seem more powerful than your friends. You may just want to wait here, and see if they'll leave..." a feminine voice responded.

"Heh, I wish I could. But right now, it looks like they'll probably be in rough shape. They could use some help, starting with this weather. Do you think you can manage it?" Kalin said, standing to his feet. He could tell that she'd been keeping him safe for quite a while, by how much more empty he felt. He was being drained of his emotion, since he had no one to feed on.

"I can clear the snow once. Do you think you can handle whoever is doing this without me?" the voice replied.

Kalin smirked, and drew his bow, notching an explosive arrow. "Heh. That's funny. Who the heel do you think I am?" he said.

"Fair enough..."

the vortex of wind came to a stop, as snow and ice quickly began to overtake Kalin. Suddenly, there was an explosion, as a massive twister erupted around him, sending waves of wind and ice in all directions, and clearing the air for a minute or so.

@Everyone so you had better grab onto something!
Dax speaks up "Guys there was a canon thing in the way we came from and it might still be firing at us." Then they looked down and noticed the ice Dru yelled "Everyone duck." before Dax and Dru duck down trying to free themselves from the ice.
(I thought you dropped so I leave it up to you. Since the intention of the bullets was to connect everyone, you can be mentally connected with everyone else from Morpheus' bullet or because I didnt name you you can take that opportunity to be like nope dont wanna. Your choice) @Kalin Scarlet

"Hey guys update. So I am now trapped in the Body of Hades and covered in ice. So like.. escape will be much harder. In other news, you're about to be blasted. I suggest duck. Ryan shoot at 11" Then the air was clear. "Well that was pretty good timing."

Ryan did as was told an shot the ball, blowing it up. Then the area was clear, for a moment
"WATCH OUT!" Dove yelled as she saw the beam approach their group. Unfortunately, she didn't see the spikes, and she yelped as one pierced her already injured side a cry of pain passing her lips. "F-fuck!" She raised her arms to shield herself from the other spikes, too tired and hurt to think of anything else.
@Kalin Scarlet[/URL]
"Hey guys update. So I am now trapped in the Body of Hades and covered in ice. So like.. escape will be much harder. In other news, you're about to be blasted. I suggest duck. Ryan shoot at 11" Then the air was clear. "Well that was pretty good timing."

Ryan did as was told an shot the ball, blowing it up. Then the area was clear, for a moment
CharChar45 said:
"WATCH OUT!" Dove yelled as she saw the beam approach their group. Unfortunately, she didn't see the spikes, and she yelped as one pierced her already injured side a cry of pain passing her lips. "F-fuck!" She raised her arms to shield herself from the other spikes, too tired and hurt to think of anything else.
( @Tazmodo )

The spike shatters inside Dove. Now that the blizzard was cleared they could all see how each group was severely spread apart from one another and were surrounded by polar bears the entire time. Three ice cannons were already done charging and were aiming at the demigod. If not for the clearing of the blizzard they wouldn't have seen this coming. All three cannons fire at Kalin and the group consisting of Dru, Dove, Ryan, Luna, Dax, Angelica, and Damian. The icy energy is combined with jagged ice projectiles. The cannons shatters after this. Since this one was a stronger beam. The polar bears charge at the demigod.

Luna notices no other things were being spawned at specific points. Luna raises her voice just as the beam was firing at them. She figured out where Rikka was. "She's not even on the ground. Her cats haven't used their powers because they can't see us and she hasn't set anything else up because she doesn't know if we're standing in the same spot. Since her blizzard is gone. Meaning she's above! On the snow clouds! Half of us focus on their bears and the beams and the rest focus on the cloud!" Luna started to have the undead rise up to be used as a shield to at least lessen the blast coming at them.
Decimus cursed. "Jesus it was that simple all along. So focused on retaliation we didnt think to look up. Gaige, Dru, Luna, Alex. You all can fly. Focus on Rikka. The remaining, focus on the bears."

Damian used the shadow and made it an open portal to the shadow realm, absorbing the beam. He grabbed another from the ground in off chance the blizzard returns.

Angelica nodded to the instructions and charged at the bears

Ryan shot arrows, blowing the bears up. He started to feel fatigue coming from the overuse of power. He needed the sun to rise, asap
Gaige had a hell of a time building her trigger. She had to keep taking brakes to build her a heater. It kept braking down. But now that she had finished she climbed out of the snow. She heard about the clouds and flew uo on her dragon. She set it to sword mode. It was made of pure energy and can go it sword or shield mode.

10k saw the spirits after him. He took out his claws and went to work. "I only wanted some fun." His slashes wouldn't hit knowing his only attacks were physical he turned around and ran. "Fuck fuck fuck..... I just want to have fun."
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One final burst of wind deflected the cannon fire, causing Kalin to raise an eyebrow.

"Did you just use your own energy to power that? We agreed you wouldn't do that, remember?"

"If you're dead, our agreements mean nothing, don't you think? Anyways, you're fine, for the moment. But you're on your own, for now. If you're really this low on power, maybe you should take me up on my offer sometime soon..." The voice said before fading out.
Dove could barely think. Everything hurt too much, the ice digging into her flesh, blood seeping through her clothes. She tried to stand, just to collapse again, gritting her teeth in frustration. Dammit... she couldn't just sit here!
As 10k was running he saw a girl be struck down and couldn't get up. He went to her. "Hey what's wrong?" He said carefully picking her up so she wouldn't bleed more.
CharChar45 said:
Dove could barely think. Everything hurt too much, the ice digging into her flesh, blood seeping through her clothes. She tried to stand, just to collapse again, gritting her teeth in frustration. Dammit... she couldn't just sit here!

Kalin glanced over at the others to see they had gotten knocked around a bit, Dove a bit more than the others.

"Hey! You need to get out of there! Fall back, get some first aid, or something..." he said, walking towards her through the snow, which got heavier the farther he went from where he collapsed.

"Collapse...hey! Cover yourself in the snow. It'll slow the bleeding!" he called out, hoping she could hear him as the snow began to fall again, albeit slowly. He reached her a few seconds later, pressing some snow to the wounds, as he tried to pull out some of the ice that pierced her.
Dru said a few words and wings that seemed to be made of ink peeled themselves off his back then they took substance looking like the night sky wih a large light for each of his friends there as he drew his katana and took to the air flying straight at the clouds above them.

Dax held his trident ready and called out to the bears "come and get it Smokey."
@DizjayDeathPride[/URL] )

CharChar45 said:
Dove could barely think. Everything hurt too much, the ice digging into her flesh, blood seeping through her clothes. She tried to stand, just to collapse again, gritting her teeth in frustration. Dammit... she couldn't just sit here!
"No! Don't put snow over your wound! All this snow was created by Rikka! Putting snow onto her wound is like allowing Rikka to shove a sword in it!" Luna runs up to Dove whom fell to keep her from putting snow on it instead of going up for Rikka.

Rikka smiles as she managed to charge up the energy she needed. From now on she'd have to rely on the cats. The blizzard was just to stall. Since they all refused to join her, she would kill them all. Rikka raises her hands as a huge glacier on land starts to move towards them.

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Dove panted, her vision blurry as she swayed looking up to the two forms in front of her. Luna and... Kalin she thought...
"What the hell? When did demigods start making Glaciers out of nothing?" Kalin said, shaking his head as he looked over at Luna,, and gripped her arm. "Sorry, I need this..." he said, his body igniting in flames as he absorbed her love. More of it than he should have taken, but barely the amount he needed to.

Had he also drawn off of Dove's energy, a smaller amount from both might have sufficed. But Kalin thought about what had happened to the girl, losing someone close to her, and it made him think about times long past. Those memories told him to spare her what love she had left. "I apologize if things don't feel quite as nice as they did, lady But our lives trump good sex, right now..." He said, as the snow around them melted.

He looked down at Dove, and held up a flaming hand. "I could close those wounds, if you want."


(Cool beans)

Ryan paused for a moment and stared at the slab. "Now would be a seriously good time to have that wall of fire."

"Update. Given the blizzard is gone, Ill take Morpheus and break the connection. I will return soon. Good job." His Body of Hades groaned and cracked before disappearing. The giant body sized block of ice crashed to the ground where he and Morpheus where. He had darkness to work with finally and went to the shadow realm to break the connection. When he did so Morpheus took a deep breath before clutching his head and screaming in the agony of all those senses. He finally called down and wobbled around.

"I..." His eyes fluttered and he started leaning as Decimus caught him. He was for once finally drained. And thus vulnerable. "I... dont have any energy left."

"And you would need chaos to recharge. Or a seriously good nap. Both of which aren't available at the moment. Just... come on. Ill leave you somewhere relatively safe." He raised them both back up at the boat. "Stay here." He sank back down and rose up with the group. "Fantastic. Let's go wild. Damian and I'll worry about the giant glacier headed to us. Attempt to stop her while we do that" He looked at Damian and the two used the night time darkness to start a wall of shadows poking out with spikes to catch it. If the thing makes it, itll be held back a bit. And from there it would just start to fall into shadow realm. Maintaining this wall however...
"T-that would b-be helpful..." Dove said weakly, barely processing anything else he said. She couldn't even process what was going on around her and was completely oblivious to the giant glacier heading their way.
"Well, I'll make this quick. Deep breaths." He said, before pressing burning fingers against her wounds, cauterizing them in seconds, but not without a certain amount of discomfort. And by discomfort, I mean outright pain. Kalin had hoped the snow was an option. It would have hurt far less than this...

"Don't pass out on me yet..." he said as he finished. "Can you fight? Because if not, we should probably get you out of here."

Kalin looked over to see the wall of shadows holding back the glacier. It seemed to work, but there was no way it'd last forever.

Dove couldn't help but scream in pain as he pressed his burning fingers against her wound, her whole body trembling in pain as tears streamed down her cheeks. She wanted to do nothing more then to black out right then and there, but she couldn't. Not in the middle of a battle. "I-i can fight..." she managed to choke out painfully.
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Cool beans)
Ryan paused for a moment and stared at the slab. "Now would be a seriously good time to have that wall of fire."

"Update. Given the blizzard is gone, Ill take Morpheus and break the connection. I will return soon. Good job." His Body of Hades groaned and cracked before disappearing. The giant body sized block of ice crashed to the ground where he and Morpheus where. He had darkness to work with finally and went to the shadow realm to break the connection. When he did so Morpheus took a deep breath before clutching his head and screaming in the agony of all those senses. He finally called down and wobbled around.

"I..." His eyes fluttered and he started leaning as Decimus caught him. He was for once finally drained. And thus vulnerable. "I... dont have any energy left."

"And you would need chaos to recharge. Or a seriously good nap. Both of which aren't available at the moment. Just... come on. Ill leave you somewhere relatively safe." He raised them both back up at the boat. "Stay here." He sank back down and rose up with the group. "Fantastic. Let's go wild. Damian and I'll worry about the giant glacier headed to us. Attempt to stop her while we do that" He looked at Damian and the two used the night time darkness to start a wall of shadows poking out with spikes to catch it. If the thing makes it, itll be held back a bit. And from there it would just start to fall into shadow realm. Maintaining this wall however...
Luna was drained of her love. "I hope that doesn't affect my relationship with Morpheus." Luna turns to Decimus and Damian. She raises her hands to add to the wall if darkness. "I'll stay here as well. The others should try to get up there."

( @Drumonkey @Tazmodo @Kalin Scarlet @CharChar45 )

Rikka floats down to to the ground instead of making them go up there. "It think it's time we settled this." Her cats grow to their large size. Rikka herself was unable to use her ice powers now that she spent it all on the blizzard and the glacier. Her cats were ready to finish this battle.

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