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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Tazmodo said:
10k's smile faded "What's the fun in that also you could ask me sense I am lending you a hand. But if you think thats the best course if action then sure." He put on his claws and started to walk over. Then he ran up to her. "Hey fair warning I'm going to kill you apparently." He started slashing at her. "Just do me a favor so we can have fun with this." He was intentionally trying to anger her.
Luna raises her sword to defend against the claws. Suddenly spirits burst from the ground beneath them to grab on to his soul and drag him into the Astral Plane. While the undead rise to grab on to his physical body since the spirits can't touch something physical. Both the spirits and the undead rush towards him. While this goes on Luna puts distance between them, her swords switch to chakrams.

CharChar45 said:
Her back was open. Dove quickly took that opportunity and rolled back to avoid the attacks of the evil snowmen. However, she couldn't avoid all of them. She hissed in pain as one of their claws scathed her side, blood dripping from the wound. Growling, Dove held the wound with one hand, using the other to hold the knife, throwing it forward to hit the middle snowman smack dab in the middle. If she succeeded, the balanced pressure should shatter the ice. Hopefully.
The snowman broke into pieces. The other snowmen see this and are enraged at the site as a fellow frosty snowmen was destroyed. They charge at her again, this time the same formation except one borrows under the snow, ready to grab her foot later.
Panting and clutching her side, Dove darted forward, rolling around the snowman and snatching her dagger from the pile of shattered ice. She twisted so her ass was on the ground, knife in the hand not holding her side.
CharChar45 said:
Panting and clutching her side, Dove darted forward, rolling around the snowman and snatching her dagger from the pile of shattered ice. She twisted so her ass was on the ground, knife in the hand not holding her side.
Suddenly two icy hands shoot up from the snow and grab onto Dove, trying to pull her under while the other snowmen morph into an ice cannon.
Morpheus stood in front and flames poured from his hands. Decimus quickly used his Underworld power to make it eternal hell flame. Morpheus stood there, melting the arrows as they came. "Um... I cant do this and defend so.." Damian rose up and stood by him, ready to defend. Angelica was still enticed by Rikka. The desire was too much for her to resist until Rikka was distracted with 10K. This snapped Angelica out and she ran over to fight with Luna. Meanwhile, Decimus and Ryan ran around the now battle of fire vs ice and began their assault on the cats. Decimus activated the Hands again and send one flying at the 3rd cat, Executioner. Ryan had an arrow already charged and ready. Execution would have to stop the ice to dodge the Hand and Ryan would attack or he would have to take the hit from the Hand and be burned from the fire
Dove yelped as the hands grabbed hold of her, only the lower half of her body going under. "Shit!" She cursed loudly, struggling to get out of the ground, trying to reach her dagger that had fallen a few feet away. She was barely managing to keep her torso from being pulled under, her blood dripping steadily on the ground.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus stood in front and flames poured from his hands. Decimus quickly used his Underworld power to make it eternal hell flame. Morpheus stood there, melting the arrows as they came. "Um... I cant do this and defend so.." Damian rose up and stood by him, ready to defend. Angelica was still enticed by Rikka. The desire was too much for her to resist until Rikka was distracted with 10K. This snapped Angelica out and she ran over to fight with Luna. Meanwhile, Decimus and Ryan ran around the now battle of fire vs ice and began their assault on the cats. Decimus activated the Hands again and send one flying at the 3rd cat, Executioner. Ryan had an arrow already charged and ready. Execution would have to stop the ice to dodge the Hand and Ryan would attack or he would have to take the hit from the Hand and be burned from the fire
Rikka laughs to herself as she encased all three cats, including herself in a thick coat of ice since they were all standing beside her legs. They would be immediately ejected out the other side of the ice once the Hands of Hades touches it. The knee high snow Ryan steps through hardens into ice around him. Leaving only snow where he is standing. So he would either crash into the ice or he would be delayed because he would have to climb out. Executioner no longer had to focus on the ice wall once it's already set and firing. The three cats glow, and decide what to do. They don't send an attack back but instead Jury decides to have Executioner set up ice traps around them. All four of them are still in moving in the ice but suddenly the temperature once again drops below 0. Rikka was doing a good job of biding her time, they'd all soon freeze to death once the temperature gets even lower. Another blizzard starts to kick up and visibility becomes low. It would soon be difficult to to even see silhouettes of others. While this was happening their real focus, Dove was about to be annihilated.

CharChar45 said:
Dove yelped as the hands grabbed hold of her, only the lower half of her body going under. "Shit!" She cursed loudly, struggling to get out of the ground, trying to reach her dagger that had fallen a few feet away. She was barely managing to keep her torso from being pulled under, her blood dripping steadily on the ground.
( ! ) The cannon starts to charge. The snowman gets even more of her body under the snow and it suddenly hardens into ice. Freezing her into the ground. The cannon fires a blast jagged ice and frosty energy towards Dove. ( Do something Dove! Or somebody try to assist. Though it might require taking the hit for her. > :) )
Decimus tsked and changes course. The Right Hand turns to crush the wall, slamming on it, as the left goes around an blocks Dove from the blast

Ryan flashed behind Rikka and shot the arrow, the tip breaking in the ice and exploding. He jumped back and pulled the string and flashed back to Decimus

Morpheus continued. "Okay seriously? I feel like I made a bad choice. Can you two focus on stopping the ice? My arms are getting tired"

"Shut up Im on it"
DAx fell out the sky twirling his trident landing causing a rift to open up under Dove Dax then quickly swung at the snowman that was revelaed as he held out his katana for her to grab onto. "Grab it girl or you die." @CharChar45
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus tsked and changes course. The Right Hand turns to crush the wall, slamming on it, as the left goes around an blocks Dove from the blast
Ryan flashed behind Rikka and shot the arrow, the tip breaking in the ice and exploding. He jumped back and pulled the string and flashed back to Decimus

Morpheus continued. "Okay seriously? I feel like I made a bad choice. Can you two focus on stopping the ice? My arms are getting tired"

"Shut up Im on it"
Drumonkey said:
DAx fell out the sky twirling his trident landing causing a rift to open up under Dove Dax then quickly swung at the snowman that was revelaed as he held out his katana for her to grab onto. "Grab it girl or you die." @CharChar45
The Hands of Hades takes the hit for Dove and starts to get extremely shredded. The cannon starts to charge up again, ready to fire at Dax and Dove.

Rikka and the cats were knocked out of the ice. The visibility has now gotten worse. The blizzard roars around them. Making it hard to hear even yourself without raising your voice. Silhouettes were now hard to see. The cats stopped glowing and jumped into Rikka's arms since the snow was so high. Polar bears made out of snow travel through the blizzard. They do what most polar bears in human areas do during snow storms. They cover their face with their front paws to cover up their black nose. So it makes them practically invisible in all of the snow. ( Yes polar bears do that. It's scary. ) the polar bears travel through the blizzard as well to hunt down the demigod.

( @Tazmodo @CharChar45 ^ )
Dove yelped as she was pulled under even more, the snow around her freezing into ice. Her knife was out of reach and there was a bloody damn cannon charging up and ready to fire at her. This was not a pleasant situation. She thrashed some more, panic filling her at her hopeless situation. She squeezed her eyes shut, knowing there was no way in hell she was gonna get out of this in one piece, or alive. Yet she never felt the impact, only an explosion, and, at last she opened her eyes, to find that a hand of Hades had protected her. Yet the cannon was recharging again, and Doves only possible savior was the demigod holding out his sword to her. Quickly, she reached up and grabbed it. "I'd like to survive."
CharChar45 said:
Dove yelped as she was pulled under even more, the snow around her freezing into ice. Her knife was out of reach and there was a bloody damn cannon charging up and ready to fire at her. This was not a pleasant situation. She thrashed some more, panic filling her at her hopeless situation. She squeezed her eyes shut, knowing there was no way in hell she was gonna get out of this in one piece, or alive. Yet she never felt the impact, only an explosion, and, at last she opened her eyes, to find that a hand of Hades had protected her. Yet the cannon was recharging again, and Doves only possible savior was the demigod holding out his sword to her. Quickly, she reached up and grabbed it. "I'd like to survive."
The harsh blizzard made the cannon that was only 15 feet away from her no longer visible. The blast can't even be heard because of the roar of the blizzard. Suddenly they can both see another blast coming towards them. It became visible once it was at least 8 feet away.
Dax planted his feet and used a bit of earth to help him pull her up and move her out the way of the cannon. "We are clear of the cannon I'm pretty sure." Dax shouted this comment as loud as he could hoping that Decimus would hear that and know then he looked at Dove trying to assess how ok she was.
Morpheus dropped the fire now. "Whew... okay. So Decimus. Now what?" He waited "DECIMUS?!" He couldn't hear him but he spoke in his mind. "Decimus the blizzard is too thick!"

Decimus winced in pain given the Hands were theoretically connect to him. He jus had to wait a bit and it fixed itself, just to be hit again and shredded, blocking the blast. Then he heard Morpheus. "Shit... Can you relay to Ryan?" He was frustrated that he had a Hand stuck there protecting them.

Morpheus cursed to himself. He knew relaying would take too long. He had no choice. He spun and his gun appeared in his hand. The string of bullets wrapping around him. His left arm covered his nose down as he held the gun over it and pointed it at Ryan, shooting it straight into his head. There was no physical pain but Ryan was still knocked back a bit. "Ryan, Decimus. We're connected now. Whats the plan?"

Ryan was blind in the snow, unable to see. Next thing he knew a bullet hit him in the head. The break of concentration caused the arrow to explode in his hand, sending him flying back. "MORPHEUS WHAT THE FUCK?! Ugh. Decimus?"

Decimus took a while to plan. "Okay shoot at your.... 6 now"

Ryan spun arrow, arrow ready, and fired it. It hit something. The thing roared. "Was that a bear?!"

"No time. Just shoot at 4." He continued to relay messages and retracted the Right Hand
"Thanks!" Dove yelled as loud as she could, trying to see through the storm. It was impossible, the flying snow too thick, the wind too loud.
"Do you have any weapons? If so back to back otherwise just watch my back and tell me when you see something coming our way and I will fend it off." Dax shouted over the storm he wasn't sure exactly what but he knew something was out there and it wasn't good.
Dax screamed next to her ear "you me back to back anything comes turn us around or fight it off yourself." Dax then turned around putting his back to her as he held his trident at the ready.
Drumonkey said:
Dax planted his feet and used a bit of earth to help him pull her up and move her out the way of the cannon. "We are clear of the cannon I'm pretty sure." Dax shouted this comment as loud as he could hoping that Decimus would hear that and know then he looked at Dove trying to assess how ok she was.
CharChar45 said:
"Thanks!" Dove yelled as loud as she could, trying to see through the storm. It was impossible, the flying snow too thick, the wind too loud.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus dropped the fire now. "Whew... okay. So Decimus. Now what?" He waited "DECIMUS?!" He couldn't hear him but he spoke in his mind. "Decimus the blizzard is too thick!"
Decimus winced in pain given the Hands were theoretically connect to him. He jus had to wait a bit and it fixed itself, just to be hit again and shredded, blocking the blast. Then he heard Morpheus. "Shit... Can you relay to Ryan?" He was frustrated that he had a Hand stuck there protecting them.

Morpheus cursed to himself. He knew relaying would take too long. He had no choice. He spun and his gun appeared in his hand. The string of bullets wrapping around him. His left arm covered his nose down as he held the gun over it and pointed it at Ryan, shooting it straight into his head. There was no physical pain but Ryan was still knocked back a bit. "Ryan, Decimus. We're connected now. Whats the plan?"

Ryan was blind in the snow, unable to see. Next thing he knew a bullet hit him in the head. The break of concentration caused the arrow to explode in his hand, sending him flying back. "MORPHEUS WHAT THE FUCK?! Ugh. Decimus?"

Decimus took a while to plan. "Okay shoot at your.... 6 now"

Ryan spun arrow, arrow ready, and fired it. It hit something. The thing roared. "Was that a bear?!"

"No time. Just shoot at 4." He continued to relay messages and retracted the Right Hand
The knee high snow starts to harden to ice. If they didn't jump up once the wave of ice hit them they would be frozen there. This would separate them from the ground. The ice was also thick and widely spread out over the surrounding area. So the earth couldn't easily break through the ice at one point.

( ! ) A large spike made of ice flies towards Dove and Dax while the snow was turning to ice. Even more come straight for them, ready to skewer them as soon as they jumped up to avoid being encased in the ice. The cannon also uses the blizzard to its advantage. Since they can't see it, the cannon turns and charges once again. Ready to fire if they manage to get past the spikes.

Polar bears start to surround Decimus in groups. Several Polar bears run straight towards him, they slide on the ice as well to add momentum to their heavy weight and speed when they smash into him. Five polar bears do this while another set surrounds him and fires blasts icy energy.

Polar bears continue to cover their faces as they approach Ryan. They approach slowly, in groups.

Luna walks through the blizzard. "Morpheus! Morpheus?!" She was yelling at the top of her lungs as she was looking around. A polar bear was approaching her closely from behind to attack. Several others waiting to attack from the front once the one from the back attacks since she couldn't see them. Luna didn't seem as effected as she should be from the cold of the blizzard.
Dax grabbed Dove and pulled her out the snow turning to ice and dived in a direction away from where he assumed the cannon still was. They both hit the ice and avoided getting trapped in it while the spike flew over their heads grazing Dax's face a little leaving a scratch across his cheek as they slid across their backs only stopping when they bumped into one of the polar bears ready to attack Luna. Dax saw this held onto Dove and kicked away from the bear sliding in a random direction. @CharChar45
Decimus had to retract the Hand from them to protect himself. He was getting banged around by the bears. He looked around but this snow somehow provided no darkness. He screamed in frustration being forced to use his power. He let the Hands disappear and started lifting his hands, raising the earth. At first he did this to knock off the polar bears but stopped and coated himself in a giant shell of earth. In that darkness he disappeared into the shadow realm and rose up with Ryan just to be rammed again. "FUCK THESE BEARS!" The bears started to slash

"Decimus! Where are they now?" Decimus was too distracted to relay. He spun there, arrow ready to shoot when he could. He was starting to get cold and cursed. Then Decimus rose in front of him, just to be hit by a bear. Ryan immediately shot it and the arrow exploded in its head. "WHAT DO WE DO?!" He kept shooting right when the bears revealed themselves but he couldnt keep it up forever

Morpheus heard Luna and ran to her mind's location. When he got to her he stood in front of her. He grabbed her and spoke in her mind. "If what's happening with Decimus and Ryan is happening everywhere we're surrounded by bears" He normally would just blow the blizzard away but he wasted so much energy stopping the wall of arrows. A move like that would sacrifice his life. And it wasn't certain his sacrifice would be worth it. He cursed to himself and stayed near Luna

Angelica could feel the bear's one objective: attack. She ran around to where she felt these traits and started swinging her scythe, cutting through them. She had no idea where she was. Luna was gone. She was alone.

Damian couldnt see around. From the looks, he was alone. That could be good or bad. He had no darkness to work with. Just pure snow. He closed his eyes and focused. A black spike came out of the ground. "Perfect I can use the darkness in the ground but... that was so slow." He grabbed the spike and broke it off, carrying the shadow with him as an escape if needed. He started running to where he just thought someone might be
Dove yelped as they hit the snow, rolling to the side. The blizzard was blinding. The wind was defeaning. All she could see was a blur of white in front of her. She had no weapons, losing both her swords and her dagger long ago. And she had no idea if anyone was around her, or what was around her. This blizzard was impossible. And in order to stop it... they needed to find the source. "LUNA!" she yelled as loud as she could, pushing herself up to her feet and shivering from the cold.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus had to retract the Hand from them to protect himself. He was getting banged around by the bears. He looked around but this snow somehow provided no darkness. He screamed in frustration being forced to use his power. He let the Hands disappear and started lifting his hands, raising the earth. At first he did this to knock off the polar bears but stopped and coated himself in a giant shell of earth. In that darkness he disappeared into the shadow realm and rose up with Ryan just to be rammed again. "FUCK THESE BEARS!" The bears started to slash
"Decimus! Where are they now?" Decimus was too distracted to relay. He spun there, arrow ready to shoot when he could. He was starting to get cold and cursed. Then Decimus rose in front of him, just to be hit by a bear. Ryan immediately shot it and the arrow exploded in its head. "WHAT DO WE DO?!" He kept shooting right when the bears revealed themselves but he couldnt keep it up forever

Morpheus heard Luna and ran to her mind's location. When he got to her he stood in front of her. He grabbed her and spoke in her mind. "If what's happening with Decimus and Ryan is happening everywhere we're surrounded by bears" He normally would just blow the blizzard away but he wasted so much energy stopping the wall of arrows. A move like that would sacrifice his life. And it wasn't certain his sacrifice would be worth it. He cursed to himself and stayed near Luna

Angelica could feel the bear's one objective: attack. She ran around to where she felt these traits and started swinging her scythe, cutting through them. She had no idea where she was. Luna was gone. She was alone.

Damian couldnt see around. From the looks, he was alone. That could be good or bad. He had no darkness to work with. Just pure snow. He closed his eyes and focused. A black spike came out of the ground. "Perfect I can use the darkness in the ground but... that was so slow." He grabbed the spike and broke it off, carrying the shadow with him as an escape if needed. He started running to where he just thought someone might be
CharChar45 said:
Dove yelped as they hit the snow, rolling to the side. The blizzard was blinding. The wind was defeaning. All she could see was a blur of white in front of her. She had no weapons, losing both her swords and her dagger long ago. And she had no idea if anyone was around her, or what was around her. This blizzard was impossible. And in order to stop it... they needed to find the source. "LUNA!" she yelled as loud as she could, pushing herself up to her feet and shivering from the cold.
Luna just happened to be near them. She was shivering from the cold. "Y-yeah?" She wasn't anywhere near Morpheus and the cold was affecting her.

( ! ) The Luna beside Morpheus whom seemed not so affected by the cold. Looked up at him with a sinister grin as the polar bears where surrounding them. She suddenly explodes in a fury of ice, not lethal or harming. But it would knock Morpheus back. The polar bears raise their paws, ready to take a swing for when he reaches them.

The bears keep slamming into Ryan and Decimus. This time, when they were pushed. Another bear would swipe at them when they were pushed in their direction. Polar bears have enough strength to take off a humans head with one swipe. So they had to make sure they don't get his by these powerful paws. Along with this the polar bears were getting smarter. Each time one slammed into a them another polar bear would fire a beam of ice onto the ground which would add more ice to whatever it touches. All they do is add little ice stumps, but they're big enough to trip over once a polar bear slams into you.

( ! ) A little stump was created inform of Angelica, along with a 2 inch spike protruding from there ground in which her head should land. It's not big or noticeable but if her forehead lands on it, it will be lethal.

( ! ) A silhouette of a person could be seen quite close to Damian. Suddenly Decimus is standing there in the cold. But He doesn't seem as affected as he should be from the blizzard. In the far distant a cannon was ready to fire at them as soon as Damian approached.
Morpheus screamed in anger. He only had one option and was getting fed up with all of this but he knew it was going to hurt like hell. He aimed the gun, took a breath, then shot Dove, Dax, Dru, Damian, Angelica, Gaige, and Luna, connecting them all to Decimus and Ryan and all together in his mind. The bullets would cause no pain but they would still be knocked a bit. His eyes rolled back as he fell to his knees, too many senses blinding him. He couldn't see, think, speak, or move anymore. At this point he was nothing more than a transmitter.

Decimus felt Morpheus' soul near collapse. "ILL GET HIM! COME ON!" He grabbed Ryan so they wouldn't be separated and got to Morpheus. He could escape with himself, Ryan and Morpheus to Underworld, leaving the others and breaking the connection, or he could stand there, hopeless, and protect the transmitter. He chose option two. His eyes went full purple as his Cloak activated, in its pure form. Empty black with the light purple swimming. He didn't close his left eye this time. The full Body of Hades protected him, Ryan, and Morpheus from further damage. But now they couldn't go anywhere. They could only sit there and tank infinitely.

Angelica was having fun, swinging around wildly. Her mindless activities were keeping her warm. She spun in a circle and before she took a step, almost tripping on a stump, a bullet hit her head, knocking her backwards. She stood up and shook her head to see the stump. "Whoa.."

Damian was walking to Decimus when he stopped. "Decimus wouldn't stand still... not in this cold" He squinted. He didnt know what it was but he didnt trust it. Then a bullet flew into his mind and he knew it was Morpheus. Then he heard Angelica. "Well Ill be damned. Good job Morpheus"
"T-THE S-S-SOURCE OF THE B-BLIZZARD... W-WE NEED TO F-FOCUS ON T-THAT!" By now Dove was shivering badly, the only thing keeping her slightly warm being the blood seeping from her wound. She couldn't think. She couldn't see. And now she could barely breathe. Rikka... They had to find Rikka and focus solely on her. Everything else was simply a distraction.

And then a bullet hit her head and she collapsed, hitting her hands and knees.

((Read that after I posted lol))
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Screenshot_2015-07-16-19-41-31.png.d69f8b3c606c34f0762950c0279a1ea2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Screenshot_2015-07-16-19-41-31.png.d69f8b3c606c34f0762950c0279a1ea2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (for the sake of visual idea. But around the 3)



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