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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

This made Eric mad he flew down to the center and landed creating a crator. His eyes glowed red. His fear inducement full blast. "SOLIDERS DO NOT WAVER YOUR TRUE ENEMY IS THE WOMAN WITH THE MONSTERS. YOU HAVE NEEN CALLED BACK TO DUTY TO HELP SLAY THIS FALSE GODESS AND HER BEASTS. GREEK OR ROMAN DO NOT MATTER RIGHT NOW. WE MUST PUT OUR DIFFERENCES BESIDE US AND FIGHT FOR WHAT WE BELIEVE IN. AND THOSE WHO SHALL NOT die." At that moment all soldiers who refuse to fight were immediately sent back to the underworld leaving only a little under half left. This tired him but the madness fueled him
CharChar45 said:
Dove quickly dropped down low, rolling forward and under the icicles, letting them crash into one another. At the same time, she pulled her swords out, raising them above her head to block any attacks that may come.
The next four icicle spears fly forward above her. Going to where her neck would be if she were standing up. Suddenly the icy floor under her raises up to get her to that height level when the spears are at close range.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan fell to his knees, his powers becoming nullified. "I... I think the light-"
"Dont worry, Just know this is going to hurt. A lot." Decimus put his hand on Ryan, filling his soul and body with infinite darkness, engulfing all the light within him.

Damian rose up. "Temporarily it seems we've lost Ryan. I'll take him across the planet to recharge in the sun" And Damian disappeared with Ryan

Decimus cracked his neck. "Looks like i'm going to have to get serious now huh?"

Morpheus allowed himself to overheat. He screamed as his body glew red then exploded. clearing the fog. Another Morpheus showed up. "Oh she's good. This is going to be fun"

Decimus slammed his foot on the ground, cracking it open. The souls of the Damned spilled out, rushing straight for the cats and Rikka. "So there you are." He followed them, the Hands of Hades floating above him

Tazmodo said:
This made Eric mad he flew down to the center and landed creating a crator. His eyes glowed red. His fear inducement full blast. "SOLIDERS DO NOT WAVER YOUR TRUE ENEMY IS THE WOMAN WITH THE MONSTERS. YOU HAVE NEEN CALLED BACK TO DUTY TO HELP SLAY THIS FALSE GODESS AND HER BEASTS. GREEK OR ROMAN DO NOT MATTER RIGHT NOW. WE MUST PUT OUR DIFFERENCES BESIDE US AND FIGHT FOR WHAT WE BELIEVE IN. AND THOSE WHO SHALL NOT die." At that moment all soldiers who refuse to fight were immediately sent back to the underworld leaving only a little under half left. This tired him but the madness fueled him
Rikka starts to have the temperature drop again. Her voice seems to echo around the icy forest. "I'm happy you're having fun in my winter wonderland." Rikka steps forward from behind a tree again. Her cats follow behind him in their small form. They all seemed colder than usual. Suddenly the Romans can only see one person and their beasts. Decimus and the damned. The Romans set up as if they were going to war. The cats used the fear inducement Eric did on the Romans and made their image of Rikka shift to Decimus. Eric's undead were now ready to slay Decimus and his damned. They were hot blooded and determined refusing to stop until their objective of killing Decimus was completed.

Now that Eric was alone since they don't exactly follow him. Rikka whom has just walked out of the forest with her small cats frameworks opportunity. She has a thick dome appear above the crater he was in. The ice was at least thick by 4 feet.
Dove thought quickly, rolling to the side to avoid the icicles , her swords still raised in a defensive position.
CharChar45 said:
Dove thought quickly, rolling to the side to avoid the icicles , her swords still raised in a defensive position.
Suddenly four large beautiful snowflakes float in the air in the formation of a triangle. Suddenly energy builds up in the middle of them and different shaped but sharp ice projectiles rapid fire out of it at her.
"Whoa no. Undead do NOT attack the son of Hades" He clapped, accidently making the Hands of Hades do so, and the undead and Damned stood in attendance, in the form of a chess board. "You are very very tactical ice woman. I'm getting all heated. Let's play"

Ryan gasped as he woke back up, filed with light, and started coughing blood. "My.. heart" He was clutching his chest"

"Interesting. She poisoned you.... hmm. Back to Decimus" He rose them up with Decimus. "Blood is poisoned." He scattered and 20 copies of him swirled around Rikka. "Mystery lady. My name is Damian. I've come to ask, why do you deem it wise to attack 13 of us?"

Decimus looked at Ryan and sighed. "Again, gonna hurt" He put his hand on Ryan and the poison was ripped from his blood. Ryan collapsed from the pain and Decimus dropped him in the shadow realm. "I'll bring him back when he wakes up. Now....." He turned back to Rikka. "I love the cold dear. This is just going to be fun" He was starting to succumb to the power of the Underworld from using abilities he had always avoided. He gestured to the beings. "Let's go"

Morpheus chuckled. "I'll be wasting clones if I keep playing temperature control with you wont I?" He caught a glimpse of the triangles and cursed. He sent a ball of fire at Dove, coating her blades with it. Then he ran around to Angelica. "I have a plan."

She tilted her head to him. "Oh? Very well. What is it?"
Dax split the ground causing Rikka and her cats to fall into a pit 5 feet across and 20 feet deep. Then Dax backs away from where the put was considering closing it after her.
( ! )

Eric sat still for a moment waiting. Gaige pops out of the ground next to Eric with her drill. "Your lucky I have this. They both dig out. Eric flew to the cats full speed. Meanwhile Gaihe had repaired deathtrap and set him to blade mode and wemt to the other.
Morpheus snapped. "I'M AN IDIOT! Protect me. This will take awhile." He rose a dome of solid metal far around their battle so nothing could escape, closing it off. Then he coughed, then hacked, and water started pouring out of his mouth, covering the ground, filling the dome
"Make it salt water it freezes slower than regular water and I can help you make more faster." Dax called out to Morpheus as he sprinted towards him.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Whoa no. Undead do NOT attack the son of Hades" He clapped, accidently making the Hands of Hades do so, and the undead and Damned stood in attendance, in the form of a chess board. "You are very very tactical ice woman. I'm getting all heated. Let's play"
Ryan gasped as he woke back up, filed with light, and started coughing blood. "My.. heart" He was clutching his chest"

"Interesting. She poisoned you.... hmm. Back to Decimus" He rose them up with Decimus. "Blood is poisoned." He scattered and 20 copies of him swirled around Rikka. "Mystery lady. My name is Damian. I've come to ask, why do you deem it wise to attack 13 of us?"

Decimus looked at Ryan and sighed. "Again, gonna hurt" He put his hand on Ryan and the poison was ripped from his blood. Ryan collapsed from the pain and Decimus dropped him in the shadow realm. "I'll bring him back when he wakes up. Now....." He turned back to Rikka. "I love the cold dear. This is just going to be fun" He was starting to succumb to the power of the Underworld from using abilities he had always avoided. He gestured to the beings. "Let's go"

Morpheus chuckled. "I'll be wasting clones if I keep playing temperature control with you wont I?" He caught a glimpse of the triangles and cursed. He sent a ball of fire at Dove, coating her blades with it. Then he ran around to Angelica. "I have a plan."

She tilted her head to him. "Oh? Very well. What is it?"
The romans get in a chess formation as well. A pawn-like swordsman steps forward with his shield covering his entire body.

"Simple." Rikka looks up at Damian. "Pride and envy. I refuse to let anyone but myself become so glorious. I should have been leading this. I should be the next ruler! Greed, I want everything the world can offer in the seat of power. Lust and gluttony... I want all the love and offerings mortals can give. I can never seem to get enough pleasure or enough to feed my outlandish desires. Sloth and Wrath, I just didn't want to put that much effort into doing all of this. I'd rather wait until you all do it for me so I can destroy you all once it's my turn to step in and take what's mine. Nothing satisfies me more than the thought of you all laying dead before the key to your goal. That is why I do this."

Drumonkey said:
Dax split the ground causing Rikka and her cats to fall into a pit 5 feet across and 20 feet deep. Then Dax backs away from where the put was considering closing it after her.
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Eric sat still for a moment waiting. Gaige pops out of the ground next to Eric with her drill. "Your lucky I have this. They both dig out. Eric flew to the cats full speed. Meanwhile Gaihe had repaired deathtrap and set him to blade mode and wemt to the other.
The Rikka that was stuck in between the ground due to Dax bursts into what seems to be an icy explosion. Since it was an ice clone it makes the temperature inside the metal dome drops. Since there is no sunlight shinning through the temperature was dropping even faster. When both Death trap and Eric rocket towards Rikka with the cats all four of them were also clones. They explode making the temperature drop far below 0. Ice was starting to grow everywhere again. Including the dome. Hail started to strike down on the demigod from the top of the dome. A blizzard was starting to kick up.
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Morpheus mumbled an uh oh through the water but continued. He felt himself and it getting colder. He debated making more clones to speed it up but he knew he better not. The dome was about 3ft filled. The thing itself was about 70 ft high.

Decimus made the first move, Damned pawn in front of queen, as usual, 2 forward. And their chess matched started. He felt Ryan stir. "Good.. good"

Angelica was drawn to Rikka now. Her words filling her with... pleasure. Desire. Her eyes fluttered as she licked her lips and bit them. Her breathing was pacing as she walked up to her. "I can give you that. Come to me" She filled Rikka with her dreams, drawing her to her. "I can give you everything" She extended her hand to Rikka, pulling her, tugging her desire so delicately, making her come to touch her

Damian chuckled. The clones disappeared except one. He turned and walked away, leaving it there, going to Morpheus
Dove cursed, doing the only thing she could think of doing being stuck in this situation. Which was something she was trying avoid doing. Dove raised her swords over her chest, the sharp part of the blade pointing up at the ice shooting down at her. With practiced skill, she slashed the blades up, slicing through the ice. Or at least attempting to.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus mumbled an uh oh through the water but continued. He felt himself and it getting colder. He debated making more clones to speed it up but he knew he better not. The dome was about 3ft filled. The thing itself was about 70 ft high.
Decimus made the first move, Damned pawn in front of queen, as usual, 2 forward. And their chess matched started. He felt Ryan stir. "Good.. good"

Angelica was drawn to Rikka now. Her words filling her with... pleasure. Desire. Her eyes fluttered as she licked her lips and bit them. Her breathing was pacing as she walked up to her. "I can give you that. Come to me" She filled Rikka with her dreams, drawing her to her. "I can give you everything" She extended her hand to Rikka, pulling her, tugging her desire so delicately, making her come to touch her

Damian chuckled. The clones disappeared except one. He turned and walked away, leaving it there, going to Morpheus
The 3 feet of water was frozen solid. The hail was starting to pelt them as they got bigger and bigger.

Rikka raises an eyebrow. "I can make these come true myself thank you." The clone stands ready prepared to explode if anything.

The swordsmen make way for the Onager to roll up.

CharChar45 said:
Dove cursed, doing the only thing she could think of doing being stuck in this situation. Which was something she was trying avoid doing. Dove raised her swords over her chest, the sharp part of the blade pointing up at the ice shooting down at her. With practiced skill, she slashed the blades up, slicing through the ice. Or at least attempting to.
The ice projectiles continue to slam into her blades. Though her swords Starr to have ice grow on the hilt.
Decimus chuckled. "You and I both know I'm going to win this, Why are you wasting our time?" He let Ryan raise up as he moved another pierce, capturing one of hers

Angelica tilted her head back and exhaled. She slashed her scythe through the clone. "I can feel your desire. I know where you are. Why dont you come to me?" She continued pulling on Rikka's needs

The clone engulfed the ice clone in darkness, catching its shards, crushing them into nothing. "Want to give me a warning next time?"

Angelica was distracted, filled with the pleasure Rikka was releasing. She followed it straight to her

(A couple of my posts back. Morpheus did it for you when the triangles showed up cause youre welcome)
Gaiage saw the clomes explode she swnt back Deathtrap and used the portal gun to send Eric back.

( ! )

Eric flew up in the air madness still raging on inside him. "Thanks" he started to hallucinate about everything that troubled him. He went bezerk he hone in one the cats spirits and started bashing on the cats his attacks were wild and unorganized like that of a savage. His brain couldn't control himself anymore.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus chuckled. "You and I both know I'm going to win this, Why are you wasting our time?" He let Ryan raise up as he moved another pierce, capturing one of hers
Angelica tilted her head back and exhaled. She slashed her scythe through the clone. "I can feel your desire. I know where you are. Why dont you come to me?" She continued pulling on Rikka's needs

The clone engulfed the ice clone in darkness, catching its shards, crushing them into nothing. "Want to give me a warning next time?"

Angelica was distracted, filled with the pleasure Rikka was releasing. She followed it straight to her

(A couple of my posts back. Morpheus did it for you when the triangles showed up cause youre welcome)
All of the Romans just charged them head on. The onagers fired ice covered boulders, catapulting them towards the damned. Once the rock makes contact with something it explodes in an icy fury, freezing everything caught in the blast.

Angelica ended up going in circles. Rikka's voice rings from all around them but it doesn't seem to come from a general direction. "You're all quite amusing."
Dru was at a loss for what to do. He couldn't feel her hope well enough to find her and he was having a hard enough time holding the cold and ice at bay Dax was having a similar problem. With the sea water frozen at his feet he was ajacent to his element which was infuriating.
Decimus shook his head at the result. "No class. No culture. No patience. No ethics. All I wanted was a simple game of chess" He shook his head and sent the undead and Damned away. He grew tired of their screaming anyways.

Ryan shook his head. "Really? A game of chess mid battle? You're ridiculous" Then a bean of light started shining on him through the dome. He looked up at it. "Ahhh it's morning." He absorbed it all in and shot it out of his hands, putting light in the area

Morpheus could feel Ryan's mind enter the arena. He opened a hole in the dome to shine on him. He continued to fill the place with water. He was up to a good 20ft. He figured that was enough and stopped. He started walking on it. Most was ice anyways so why not? He shook his head. "Damn we're gonna freeze" He sat down on the now complete 30ft block of ice and figured screw it no need for it and snapped, it went and accidently landed above the boat, and crushed it. He softly floated to the ground. "This is no fun. She's going to make me be... me. Ew." He shook his head
Tazmodo said:
Gaiage saw the clomes explode she swnt back Deathtrap and used the portal gun to send Eric back.

( ! )

Eric flew up in the air madness still raging on inside him. "Thanks" he started to hallucinate about everything that troubled him. He went bezerk he hone in one the cats spirits and started bashing on the cats his attacks were wild and unorganized like that of a savage. His brain couldn't control himself anymore.
Drumonkey said:
Dru was at a loss for what to do. He couldn't feel her hope well enough to find her and he was having a hard enough time holding the cold and ice at bay Dax was having a similar problem. With the sea water frozen at his feet he was ajacent to his element which was infuriating.
Eric was actually attacking Luna in his fit of madness and hallucinations. The cats used his madness against him. They made Luna look and sound like Rikka. Since Rikka couldn't be reached at the moment and nor could her cats be. ( Don't give me posts about it being unfair. I gave you two hints to where she is. One of the two are in me previous post. )

Luna had her sword raised, deflecting the blows Eric was throwing at her. Darkness rose from the ground to push her away from him to give them distance. Luna couldn't harm Eric. "Eric what the hell are you doing?!"
Eeic drew his swords. "Don't insult me." He attacked full force he couldn't control himself. Each slash becoming more vicious and deadly.
Damian rose up and wrapped him in darkness, binding him. "OBVIOUSLY THAT ISNT RIKKA! YOU HAVE A MISSION! ATTACK RIKKA, NOT LUNA!" He pointed to Morpheus who was still sitting and thinking. "DO YOU WANT HIM GOING APE SHIT AND NEAR KILLING US ALL?! GO DO YOUR TASK!"

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