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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus looked at her then back to the country. "I mean I guess..." He couldn't lie. There was a pulling. But he didn't really understand, nor like, it. He looked out there as they were quickly approaching. "Are we staying here forever?"
"No we don't have to, unless that's what you want to do." Luna turns to the beach they're about to approach. She uses a spell to have the sand crash into the ship to stop it perfectly on the beach. Luna floats down and has steps made of out darkness appear and stay there until everyone leaves the ship. She walks down and steps on the sand. "All of us are going to have to put all our powers together to do some big things. World changing things." Luna starts to make her way off the beach into a nearby forest. "There should be a temple here somewhere."

( @CharChar45 @Kalin Scarlet @Drumonkey @Tazmodo )
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When Gaige had finished showering she went to her room and started building again. He mind drifted off into her thoughts while her hands had a mind of their own. It was the first time she wasn't fully involved with her work. Her heart just didn't seem to be in it anymore. After the last few missions she had fun but wasn't of any use to the others. She had finished her weapon. It was a bull whip that was made of either fire, electricity, or cyro elements all you had to do was prss the button.
Morpheus followed, shaking his head, noticing the stairs didnt disappear after he walked on them. "Aww you do care. And haven;t we been doing that already? Also... how the hell do you just know that?" He walked in the forest with her. "What if you're wrong and there's only poisonous snakes?"
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Ryan felt the ship stop and figured eh we must be there. He never went to bed himself. He carried the sleeping Angelica to a room and left back to the deck and looked out into the vast sea. When he landed he figured Luna had some sort of goal already. No rest for them. He hopped off the edge, seeing her and Morpheus walking into the forest. Looks like he's back. Cool. Ryan walked after them. He noticed Gaige had done the same. And apparently Angelica was up and skipped into the forest too. Everyone seemed to just know to follow Luna
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus followed, shaking his head, noticing the stairs disappeared after he walked on them. "Aww you do care. And haven;t we been doing that already? Also... how the hell do you just know that?" He walked in the forest with her. "What if you're wrong and there's only poisonous snakes?"
"I can feel it, why can't you?" Luna walks into the forest leaving a trail of rocks for the demigod to follow. "I don't know I just feel like this is drawing me to it. It must be a temple for specific Gods or for specific things." Luna came across what seemed to be a stone embedded in the ground, covered in vines. Luna looks around and notices that there are 12 of them in a wide circle. "No.. it's not. This is much more. The others need to get over here now! This is it! Twelve of us and twelve of these pads. There were twelve Olympians. I think this is where we can bring back the mortals with our connected power."

Luna looks up. "This was too easy, this was an ambush! We couldn't have found this out of all the places!"

"You're right." Rikka steps out from behind a tree. "Rhea led you all right too it."
Damian rises up next to Decimus as they approached the circle. "Interesting...." He looked at him. "I thought you were neutral"

"And I thought you were taking care of business. What brings you here?"

"Just that. Business. This act may serve to bring my memories. And you are alleviated of your need to participate"

Decimus smirked and shrugged. "Youd do that for little old me? I'm touched. Very well. Until we meet again Damian" He disappeared in the darkness, going back to his own activities

Damian walked up to Morpheus. "Hello again old friend. Good to see you're back to normal." He saw Morpheus roll his eyes. He chuckled and stood by him, waiting
Dax pulled out his trident and held it at the ready while Dru summoned his katana they both were worried about the person that stepped out behind the tree.
Dove felt the ship land, and quietly exited her room, making her way to the ships deck. She followed Luna down the shadowy steps and onto the island, nervously looking around. When they reached the stones and Rikka came out, Dove automatically pulling out her swords, holding the ready in front of her.
Gaige saw everyone pull out their weapons. "Atop if you attack her the damn fur balls that follow her with attack you with the same thing that hits her but somehow more powerful. Kill thw kitties and we'll be fine." She summoned deathtrap.

Gaige saw everyone pull out their weapons. "Atop if you attack her the damn fur balls that follow her with attack you with the same thing that hits her but somehow more powerful. Kill thw kitties and we'll be fine." She summoned deathtrap.
Drumonkey said:
Dax pulled out his trident and held it at the ready while Dru summoned his katana they both were worried about the person that stepped out behind the tree.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Damian rises up next to Decimus as they approached the circle. "Interesting...." He looked at him. "I thought you were neutral"
"And I thought you were taking care of business. What brings you here?"

"Just that. Business. This act may serve to bring my memories. And you are alleviated of your need to participate"

Decimus smirked and shrugged. "Youd do that for little old me? I'm touched. Very well. Until we meet again Damian" He disappeared in the darkness, going back to his own activities

Damian walked up to Morpheus. "Hello again old friend. Good to see you're back to normal." He saw Morpheus roll his eyes. He chuckled and stood by him, waiting
CharChar45 said:
Dove felt the ship land, and quietly exited her room, making her way to the ships deck. She followed Luna down the shadowy steps and onto the island, nervously looking around. When they reached the stones and Rikka came out, Dove automatically pulling out her swords, holding the ready in front of her.
Rikka chuckles her three cats step out from behind the trees in their small size. They stay huddled around her legs as they stare down each individual, as if they're daring them to make a move. "Ever since I lost to you bunch before I've been quite livid. So I trained myself beyond comprehension. Lady Rhea has tasked me with the objective of capturing you all, killing you if I must. To do this I've even went through extreme measures by forming a new contract with these cats. Though I didn't expect you all to make it this far so I'll make you a deal. If I win, you'll either come back with me to Krete to free the rest of the Gods so they can bring back the mortals. Or I'll allow you to bring back the mortals with me as their ruler." Suddenly the temperature drops drastically. There seemed to be a different aura flowing off of her as symbols much like the cats appear on her skin. Her cats grow to the size of a truck.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/gods_of_sound_by_jonasdero-d7j8814.jpg.ee3ffe814a2844ca8fcdc61833cecf18.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62059" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/gods_of_sound_by_jonasdero-d7j8814.jpg.ee3ffe814a2844ca8fcdc61833cecf18.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( Going to see a two hour movie now. I'm in the theatre, it's previews now. )



  • gods_of_sound_by_jonasdero-d7j8814.jpg
    239.1 KB · Views: 10
The giant Hand of Hades grew out of the ground and punched the third cat, Executioner, into the air. Decimus walked and joined the group. "Sorry But I cant let you interrupt the work going on here." He watched the cat fall back down. "Gaige you're a wee bit wrong. If you had paid a bit more attention in your fight you would have seen that the first two only relay. The 3rd is the problem. Case and point, go for the one."

Angelica walked up beside him, her scythe in hand. "And how about you and I have a bit of a match while your kitties are busy" She charged Rikka, swinging her scythe now turned on "I'm more of a dog person sorry"
Gaige turned deathtrap to shock mode. "All three rely on each other Executioner jusy relys the attack judge tell jury and jury decides what to do. Without one they all are useless." Deathtrap fired at executioner. "But I guess we'll take it out first."

Eric sprouted his wings and went for executioner before Gaige fired at it. He kicked down on his spine sending him to the floor. "Now"
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Dove narrowed her eyes, her grip tightening on her blades as the temperature dropped. She hesitated as she saw the cats turns into the size of trucks, only able to watch as it happened. "How about neither?" She said in response to Rikka's demands.
DizjayDeathPride said:
The giant Hand of Hades grew out of the ground and punched the third cat, Executioner, into the air. Decimus walked and joined the group. "Sorry But I cant let you interrupt the work going on here." He watched the cat fall back down. "Gaige you're a wee bit wrong. If you had paid a bit more attention in your fight you would have seen that the first two only relay. The 3rd is the problem. Case and point, go for the one."
Angelica walked up beside him, her scythe in hand. "And how about you and I have a bit of a match while your kitties are busy" She charged Rikka, swinging her scythe now turned on "I'm more of a dog person sorry"
Tazmodo said:
Gaige turned deathtrap to shock mode. "All three rely on each other Executioner jusy relys the attack judge tell jury and jury decides what to do. Without one they all are useless." Deathtrap shocked executioner. "But I guess we'll take it out first."

Eric sprouted his wings and went for executioner before Gaige shocked it. He kicked down on his spine sending him to the floor. "Now"
CharChar45 said:
Dove narrowed her eyes, her grip tightening on her blades as the temperature dropped. She hesitated as she saw the cats turns into the size of trucks, only able to watch as it happened. "How about neither?" She said in response to Rikka's demands.
Rikka smiles as a wall of ice rises in front which will sprout out spikes once Angelica gets close enough. Rikka raises her hand now that the temperature had dropped so low that the trees around them were starting to be encased in ice and icy fog was visible. Rikka and the cats are enveloped by the fog and seem to have disappeared.

( Angelica ^ )

( Decimus )

Suddenly all the attacks they fired at them are returned. A large fist made out of light flies straight towards him but stops before it hits him. It turns into an orb of light and raises up into the air, floating above Decimus.

( Gaige )

Suddenly 5 foot thick spears of ice rain down towards Gaige while electricity flies back towards Deathtrap from all sides, intending to hit it in every limb and part of its body to set it's wiring and programming off.

( Eric )

The foot that touched the executioner becomes frozen in a cast of ice. The ice on the ground connects to it and keeps him grounded. The ice starts to travel up his body. The executioner then sends his attack back, suddenly an ice body just like Eric rises and slams its foot inbetween his wings onto his spine. Ice starts to spread onto his back and wings. The ice seems like it wont let go of the limb it's ensnared.

( Dove )

Suddenly a barrage of ice shards fly out of the fog straight towards Dove. Only to suddenly stop and start encircling her. The jagged points face her as they circle around her. Four come at her from all sides at first. Another four are ready to go next once she's distracted.
Angelica easily cut through the ice with her scythe just to see Rikka was 'gone.' "Awww no fun! Where did you go? Come baaack!" She started radiating her anger inducement. "Are you so weak you can't fight me straight up? Or is it you're afraid?"

Ryan quickly stuck out his hand and absorbed the light. He drew his bow, an arrow immediately ready. Then it seemed like the cat was gone.

Decimus chuckled. "Cute trick. But you can't hide your spirit. I can still sense it. Ryan, there, there, there, there"

Ryan turned and shot the arrow straight at the first target and pulled the string, following suit shooting at the next locations Decimus told him
Dax didn't like the ice or the cars from earlier but he could only do so much here on dry land. Dax waited for an opening to attack. Dru began to walk towards where he last saw Rikka his feet barely making a sound.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Angelica easily cut through the ice with her scythe just to see Rikka was 'gone.' "Awww no fun! Where did you go? Come baaack!" She started radiating her anger inducement. "Are you so weak you can't fight me straight up? Or is it you're afraid?"
Ryan quickly stuck out his hand and absorbed the light. He drew his bow, an arrow immediately ready. Then it seemed like the cat was gone.

Decimus chuckled. "Cute trick. But you can't hide your spirit. I can still sense it. Ryan, there, there, there, there"

Ryan turned and shot the arrow straight at the first target and pulled the string, following suit shooting at the next locations Decimus told him
Drumonkey said:
Dax didn't like the ice or the cars from earlier but he could only do so much here on dry land. Dax waited for an opening to attack. Dru began to walk towards where he last saw Rikka his feet barely making a sound.
The arrows hit their mark but they're encased in an extremely thick layer of ice. The arrows drill in but are stopped. Rikka and the cats break out of the ice capsules and they immediately get to work. Suddenly Angelica's anger inducement field is wrapped around a peace inducement field. The peace inducement starts to get tighter around her anger inducement to either break it or squeeze it back into Angelica. Though this wasn't visible, it was still happening.

Suddenly even more light appears around Decimus in an attempt to radiate light to poison him and his godly powers.

Several mirrors appear around Ryan.

Rikka's laughter is heard from all around them as the temperature starts to get close to going below zero. The three cats exit their large forms to draw less attention to themselves as they fade away into the fog along with Rikka.

A large and sharp pillar of ice rockets out of the fog towards Dru from behind. Another pillar still hasn't risen yet, it's still like normal unsuspecting icy ground. The moment he turns around to the pillar behind him another would shoot out from the opposite side to skewer him. A cat had been watching him the entire time.
Dru was glad he had slept earlier he was feeling refreshed and better than before but the ice pillar was putting a kink in his day he saw it coming and sliced it before sidestepping it cutting some of it off and moving into the path of the other spear as Dax seems to appear and slice the pillar into thirds with his twin blades and tackle Dru out the way of oncoming impalement before Dax for up and sprinted into the fog.
Dove narrowed her eyes watching the shards of ice carefully. There were four currently circling her, and, if Dove looked closely, she could see another four ready to go. She could try slicing through the ice with her sword, but she felt like the blade would just get caught and stuck in the ice. And that's what Rikka wanted, for her to get distracted. But Dove planned not to. She needed the icicles to attack her.
"Again with the light orbs? So bright"

"On it." Ryan exploded with light, shattering the mirrors,and quickly flashed to Decimus, abosrbing the light orbs. "Looks like we're stuck together huh?"

Morpheus turned into fire and started spinning rapidly, raising the temperature. He continued to spin until he thought about it. He stopped and his hands turned to vacuums, sucking in the fog

Angelica fought the peace but figured it was pointless. She stopped fighting it but didnt let the peace win. She went over to Eric, her hand was on his chest "You know I can feel you're not crazy for me anymore. I can also feel you're lying to yourself about that, trying to resist how you feel about me." She tugged on his collar. "You know I know" She leaned closer, kissing his jaw, leaving a light lipstick stain. "That makes me unhappy. And you dont want that do you? You know what would make me happy?" She pressed her body on his and whispered in his ear "Kill Rikka. Now" She lightly bit him, letting the madness take over again, before jumping back and out of his way
( ! )

Eric did his best to stop the madness. "I meant what I said." He was consumed. He raised a legion of undead roman soldiers to attack Rikka. Swarm appeared feom the ground and swarmed her all armed and dangerous. But mostly thirsty for blood.
Drumonkey said:
Dru was glad he had slept earlier he was feeling refreshed and better than before but the ice pillar was putting a kink in his day he saw it coming and sliced it before sidestepping it cutting some of it off and moving into the path of the other spear as Dax seems to appear and slice the pillar into thirds with his twin blades and tackle Dru out the way of oncoming impalement before Dax for up and sprinted into the fog.
Dax was running into a random batch of fog. It amused Rikka how he thought she would be there out of all the foggy areas. Suddenly Rikka appears in front of him. She seemed colder than usual though.

CharChar45 said:
Dove narrowed her eyes watching the shards of ice carefully. There were four currently circling her, and, if Dove looked closely, she could see another four ready to go. She could try slicing through the ice with her sword, but she felt like the blade would just get caught and stuck in the ice. And that's what Rikka wanted, for her to get distracted. But Dove planned not to. She needed the icicles to attack her.
The icicles finally move towards her. The first four attack from all four sides at the same time. The other four getting ready to shoot at her as soon as she moves to block them.

DizjayDeathPride said:
"Again with the light orbs? So bright"
"On it." Ryan exploded with light, shattering the mirrors,and quickly flashed to Decimus, abosrbing the light orbs. "Looks like we're stuck together huh?"

Morpheus turned into fire and started spinning rapidly, raising the temperature. He continued to spin until he thought about it. He stopped and his hands turned to vacuums, sucking in the fog

Angelica fought the peace but figured it was pointless. She stopped fighting it but didnt let the peace win. She went over to Eric, her hand was on his chest "You know I can feel you're not crazy for me anymore. I can also feel you're lying to yourself about that, trying to resist how you feel about me." She tugged on his collar. "You know I know" She leaned closer, kissing his jaw, leaving a light lipstick stain. "That makes me unhappy. And you dont want that do you? You know what would make me happy?" She pressed her body on his and whispered in his ear "Kill Rikka. Now" She lightly bit him, letting the madness take over again, before jumping back and out of his way
Ryan's godly blood inside of him is now poisoned and nullified. Now that he's all God his powers are now useless and his body is poisoned until they get the antidote which may or may not be available. This was a plan B. So in case she loses they would have to keep her alive to save Ryan. She intentionally had poisoned light float around Decimus in hopes Ryan would absorb it again.

Now that Morpheus had raised the temperature and had taken in some of the frost. The cats make it that the temperature for him is set off. So now it seemed like it was growing far too hot. Even his body thought it wasn't in homeostasis.

Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Eric did his best to stop the madness. "I meant what I said." He was consumed. He raised a legion of undead roman soldiers to attack Rikka. Swarm appeared feom the ground and swarmed her all armed and dangerous. But mostly thirsty for blood.
The cats have the undead Romans acquire sentience. They automatically refuse to follow the command of someone whom isn't of authority especially if they're Greek. The undead now turn on Eric.
Dove quickly dropped down low, rolling forward and under the icicles, letting them crash into one another. At the same time, she pulled her swords out, raising them above her head to block any attacks that may come.
Ryan fell to his knees, his powers becoming nullified. "I... I think the light-"

"Dont worry, Just know this is going to hurt. A lot." Decimus put his hand on Ryan, filling his soul and body with infinite darkness, engulfing all the light within him.

Damian rose up. "Temporarily it seems we've lost Ryan. I'll take him across the planet to recharge in the sun" And Damian disappeared with Ryan

Decimus cracked his neck. "Looks like i'm going to have to get serious now huh?"

Morpheus allowed himself to overheat. He screamed as his body glew red then exploded. clearing the fog. Another Morpheus showed up. "Oh she's good. This is going to be fun"

Decimus slammed his foot on the ground, cracking it open. The souls of the Damned spilled out, rushing straight for the cats and Rikka. "So there you are." He followed them, the Hands of Hades floating above him


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