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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )


Greek Gods, their reign was said to be eternal. They had conquered and rose to power. It is said in most stories, they have brought the mighty titans to their knees.

Some don't know they had many allies. Nike, Hekate, and even other Titans. To assist them in bringing down Cronus.

After the great war everything seemed well. Even as time passes and people stopped believing. All they needed we're mortals being alive to empower them.

But it all when wrong January 4 of 2018. When Echidna the Mother of all monsters returned. Her monsters ruthlessly raided Mount Olympus, keeping the Olympians occupied. Forcing them to call upon any other God or free roaming Titan they could. Not even noticing that day by day, they were growing weaker because the main force of Echidna's army was wiping out the human race. In a years time, the mortal race had been minimized to zero and the Gods have been overthrown and imprisoned.

The only thing left to prove both parties even existed are the demigods the Gods managed to protect. Under the guidance of Rhea these surviving demigod remain in an improvised city on the island of Krete. The birthplace of Zeus. They're trained to kill anything that breathes. They have weekly tests, and if one is to fail. They are deemed unworthy and as a liability. Liabilities don't last long in this world, there is also a usual tournament or a decision made to see whom will be a squad leader and who.Will be joining what squad.

They are the resistance that aims to take down each General of Echidna around the world and free each God from their prisons. To finally slay Echidna and replenish the earth.

( For the Record everyone on the island lives in an apartment. )
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Luna stands in her apartment building on the island of Krete. Last night the floor below her held a party all night. She was tempted to kill them all, but as Rhea said. They will be useful to the cause.

Luna calms down now that she thinks about Rhea's decision on the matter. She exits her room and locks the door. She decides to eat out for breakfast. She makes sure to carry her umbrella with her, keeping it closed as she uses the elevator to get to the first floor. Once she exits the building she opens it up to keep sunlight from touching her. She seemed to be up early, the other demigod haven't gotten up to go to many attractions on this island. Like the library, or the arena, or the training grounds. Luna walks down the street and reaches the restaurant a couple blocks down from her apartment building. She enters knowing that the demigod running this place are always open this early. She takes a seat at a booth away from the window and closes her umbrella. She's quite fond of this place actually. They always serve food mixed with nectar and ambrosia which empowers the Godly blood inside.

Luna waits for the usual waiter. She orders her usual breakfast meal which consists of scrambled eggs, pancakes, and hot chocolate. "I wonder what type of day this will be. Maybe I should visit Lady Rhea after this."
Alex wandered the streets. He was constantly occupied with adjusting the eye patch he wore on the left side of his face. It was irritating, but necessary. As a result of his 'gift', Alex had to keep it on, or else he would be in alot of trouble.

'What to do...' Alex thought to himself, as he continued to travel the relatively vacant streets.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Alex wandered the streets. He was constantly occupied with adjusting the eye patch he wore on the left side of his face. It was irritating, but necessary. As a result of his 'gift', Alex had to keep it on, or else he would be in alot of trouble.
'What to do...' Alex thought to himself, as he continued to travel the relatively vacant streets.

Luna notices a boy with an eye patch walking around the streets. She's seen him around a lot but never cared to interact with him. If her information was correct, he was the son of time. She finishes her meal and leaves the money on the table. She walks out the door, her umbrella is opened upon her head. She decides to follow him.
Alex continued on his way to...well, he still wasn't what he wanted to do, but it wasn't as if he was in a hurry to do it. As he walked on, the only sound he heard were the natural sounds of the earth, and the sound of a door opening, which he assumed was someone heading home after an overnight work shift. After a bit more wandering, Alex stopped.

"Hmm, perhaps I could go 'There' today. There definitely won't be many people to bother me...yeah, why not?" he said out loud, just barely loud enough for someone else to pick up, considering how quiet things were, at the moment. Alex began to make his way to the library.

Alex adjusts his eye patch again as he reaches the library, when he catches a glimpse of something out the corner of his eye that causes him to tense up. He stops moving suddenly, and hears a few footsteps behind him.

'What!? Why is somebody following me? Now of all times!?'

Light said:
Luna decides this isn't an appropriate approach but decides to continue following anyways. By now he should have noticed her or else she'd be wondering how the hell he's still alive.
Alex walks up to the entrance of the library, opening it, and stepping inside. Before Luna could get much closer, she feels someone tap her shoulder, just as the world seems to slow down to her.

"Can I help you with something...cousin?" Alex said from behind her.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Alex walks up to the entrance of the library, opening it, and stepping inside. Before Luna could get much closer, she feels someone tap her shoulder, just as the world seems to slow down to her.
"Can I help you with something...cousin?" Alex said from behind her.

A ring of flames grow around them. "Yes, you can. I'm not going to play dumb with you. I demand you keep walking in the direction you were traveling in. Or I'll find it myself. My way." Spirits rise from the ground and threaten to tear apart the entire library.
Light said:
A ring of flames grow around them. "Yes, you can. I'm not going to play dumb with you. I demand you keep walking in the direction you were traveling in. Or I'll find it myself. My way." Spirits rise from the ground and threaten to tear apart the entire library.
Alex considered letting her destroy the library, considering it wouldn't harm 'that place', in the slightest. However, his mind wandered to the people who might get hurt in the process. "Fine. Just put away the ghosts and goblins crap. Its not scaring anybody, and if someone gets hurt, that's your neck." He said, walking up to the door once again. This time, he held it open for Luna.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Alex considered letting her destroy the library, considering it wouldn't harm 'that place', in the slightest. However, his mind wandered to the people who might get hurt in the process. "Fine. Just put away the ghosts and goblins crap. Its not scaring anybody, and if someone gets hurt, that's your neck." He said, walking up to the door once again. This time, he held it open for Luna.

Luna raises her eyebrow at his comment about her getting in trouble for it. "Oh trust me, I've done this before." She walks into the library with a satisfied look upon her face. "Now show me."
"Very well..." He said, as suddenly the world rushed around them. In the blink of an eye, Alex disappeared, and Luna found herself hanging from the side of a banister. "Can you see, now?" He asked, grinning as he observed Luna, who swung by her ankles, which were tied up in rope.

Eric had come to Krete after a long day filling in for his dad. He had never like his job and wished he didn't have to do it. But if not whatevers left of this world will rot or go insane. He didn't know why he hated it maybe it was the look of despair in his victim eyes when the saw him, maybe it was the look of utter joy on some of them, he didn't know. He didn't wear his normal black suit this was his new beige suit. This is the highlight of my day a new suit. I need friends. He walked down the street to lost in his thoughts to pay attention to where he was going.
Tazmodo said:
Eric had come to Krete after a long day filling in for his dad. He had never like his job and wished he didn't have to do it. But if not whatevers left of this world will rot or go insane. He didn't know why he hated it maybe it was the look of despair in his victim eyes when the saw him, maybe it was the look of utter joy on some of them, he didn't know. He didn't wear his normal black suit this was his new beige suit. This is the highlight of my day a new suit. I need friends. He walked down the street to lost in his thoughts to pay attention to where he was going.
Luna started laughing to herself. It was the beginning of night. The Moon was fresh and she was in power. She no longer needed her umbrella. She dropped it and it hit Eric in the head when he was walking under them.

"I'm going to enjoy you groveling at my feet for mercy." With that, she faded away into the darkness of the night. The rope when limp as a sudden swell of Darkness envelops Alex. Bringing him to the astral plane in which time doesn't exist. Her voice rings from all around him. "Now let's take a look at your future shall we?" Suddenly two cross roads open up before him. One leads to failure and death. The other leads to glory with the sacrifice of all the other demigod lives. "Not a bright one for you at all." She floated through his body from behind to be at the front of him. The sensation feels like ice traveling through his chest. "Now what would you like to choose?"
As Eric was walking along the street an umbrella hit him in the head disrupting his thoughts. He looked uo and saw no one. This was normal for him people throwing things and hiding. He thiught he had gotten used to it but he was wrong everyone hated death well the son of death. A sudden pang of loneliness hit him like a semi going down a highway. A single tear rolled down his cheek he wiped it and kept moving. Going back to his apartment and rest for another day of work.
"You're looking at it all the wrong way..." Alex said, after staring at the dark paths that lie before him.

"Your view of the world is dark, indeed. But it is hardly the only view that exists ." Alex said, staring blankly at the scenes before him. The young Demigod adjusted the patch on his face. "I have yet to learn your name..."

Tazmodo said:
As Eric was walking along the street an umbrella hit him in the head disrupting his thoughts. He looked uo and saw no one. This was normal for him people throwing things and hiding. He thiught he had gotten used to it but he was wrong everyone hated death well the son of death. A sudden pang of loneliness hit him like a semi going down a highway. A single tear rolled down his cheek he wiped it and kept moving. Going back to his apartment and rest for another day of work.
"I'd like it to stay that way. I can't wait until you die out there. On your mission, when a monster just tears you open." She shows him the pathway of him being cut down by a monster. "I can't wait to make you my undying puppet after that." She reaches out to touch his face but her hand phases through him. "It seems like my time of fun with you is over. Watch yourself out on the field, hero." With that Alex is transported out the astral plane back to where he was standing.

Luna on the other hand appears beside Eric. She seems to have a displeased look on her face since the sun is rising. "I apologize for the umbrella, I dropped it." She takes it out of his hands. "Thank you for taking care of it for me. I appreciate it." She opens up the umbrella and blocks out the sunlight, she walks down the street. Deciding to return to her apartment. Since she's spent the entire day with that other boy. She needs her rest.
Eric was halfway home when a girl appeared next to him. He had a few questions for her but sue had already left taking the umbrella. "Maybe another time" and he kept walking.
Damian woke from his sleep to see Morpheus playing games. And making food. And drinking coffee. And reading the newspaper. "I didnt know you liked to read the newspaper"

"I dont dear chap. I do however enjoy being in multiple places at once. But yoooou dear boy. Are you alright? Still depressed?"

"I'm not depressed. Why are you in my room?"

"Well dear boy I'm not." And they appeared on shore. "I took you to the beach!" And then they were back in his room "Or... did i?"

Damian groaned and scratched his head. "I hate when you do that. Just tell me where we are"

"You're the kid of shadows dear boy. You tell me? Where does it feel like we are?" The clones of Morpheus disappeared and his original was sitting at the edge of Damian's bed. He laughed and rolled over "You know it's cool. No seriously get up. We need to go out. See the world. Check out the island. We could die you know? I heard it in one of those YouTube videos the kids nowadays are so fond of."

"Dude... You're 18"

"And Im not getting any younger! LETS GO!" He snapped his fingers and Damian was dressed. "Go brush your teeth and eat. I'll be outside your door." And there Morpheus waited
DizjayDeathPride said:
Damian woke from his sleep to see Morpheus playing games. And making food. And drinking coffee. And reading the newspaper. "I didnt know you liked to read the newspaper"
"I dont dear chap. I do however enjoy being in multiple places at once. But yoooou dear boy. Are you alright? Still depressed?"

"I'm not depressed. Why are you in my room?"

"Well dear boy I'm not." And they appeared on shore. "I took you to the beach!" And then they were back in his room "Or... did i?"

Damian groaned and scratched his head. "I hate when you do that. Just tell me where we are"

"You're the kid of shadows dear boy. You tell me? Where does it feel like we are?" The clones of Morpheus disappeared and his original was sitting at the edge of Damian's bed. He laughed and rolled over "You know it's cool. No seriously get up. We need to go out. See the world. Check out the island. We could die you know? I heard it in one of those YouTube videos the kids nowadays are so fond of."

"Dude... You're 18"

"And Im not getting any younger! LETS GO!" He snapped his fingers and Damian was dressed. "Go brush your teeth and eat. I'll be outside your door." And there Morpheus waited
Luna exits the elevator and puts up her umbrella, to shield from the sunlight. She notices a male walking outside a room. He seemed quite.... up on his feet. She walks up to her door and sighs. She plans to sleep until night, hopefully he and his friends were leaving so she could do so. She inserts the key trying to enter before being noticed.
Morpheus noticed the girl. She felt different than Damian. More powerful. He liked power. He decided to sit on her table and wait for her to enter, and so he did
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus noticed the girl. She felt different than Damian. More powerful. He liked power. He decided to sit on her table and wait for her to enter, and so he did
Luna finally opens her door. To her darkened room. The Windows were like sunglasses, shading out the sun. She turns and closes the door, locking it as well. She raises an eyebrow at the boy she just saw at the door next to her sitting on her table. She sets her umbrella down and walks into her room. "Do you have any business with me?" She asks as she passes by.
"Other than I love beautiful women, no." He appeared in her kitchen eating cereal. "Actually there's one thing. You're powerful. I can sense it. And a creature like myself flocks to power. To use it to it's fullest." He threw the bowl up. It disappeared and he was sitting on the table in front of her again. "My name is Morpheus, Son of Eris. And I'd like to make an alliance with you. I don't particularly have any plans so ill roll with yours." He opened his hand and a buquet of roses appeared. "What do you say cutie?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Other than I love beautiful women, no." He appeared in her kitchen eating cereal. "Actually there's one thing. You're powerful. I can sense it. And a creature like myself flocks to power. To use it to it's fullest." He threw the bowl up. It disappeared and he was sitting on the table in front of her again. "My name is Morpheus, Son of Eris. And I'd like to make an alliance with you. I don't particularly have any plans so ill roll with yours." He opened his hand and a buquet of roses appeared. "What do you say cutie?"
She puts her hand on her hip and pops it out as she inspects him. Darkness raises from her shadows and just passes by the roses. Just by the touch, the darkness seemed to sap the life out of the roses. They died in his hands and she smiles. She then takes the roses, dead and all. Just how she likes them. "An alliance? Hmm.... what purposes could you serve? Other than offering your powers, your loyalty, roses, pleasure, and undying commitment to my cause?" She waits for his response.

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