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Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

" Well, if only I knew our whereabouts, I have a lot of human friends and they're pretty much all over. It wouldn't be a problem at all if I knew..." he glanced around, trying to identify the city they resided in. Then he saw it, a cute little bakery, and an oddly familiar one at that. He smiled, " Yeah, I totally have a place for us to stay! So if you wouldn't mind following me!" he began walking in the opposite direction of the tiny shop.

[ @MrPotato - @FadeAway ]
Azazel streaked across the sky an landed in a alley where a man was brutally stabbing another human he walked towards the man his boots thumping the ground angrily "tsk tsk tsk" he said while holding a finger in the air and waving it back and forth "You just one a one way trip to hell congratulations" he clapped the man ran at him with the knife Azazel side stepped and watched the man fall to the ground "tick tock I believe your time is up" Azazel laughed when the man began begging for his life "awe don't worry" he gave a small his eyes glowing a menacing purple "your going someplace...far worse" he laughed put his hand over the mans open mouth. He shot flames of hell fire down the mans throat burning him from the inside out before ripping the soul from the charcoal body " I always did like my souls extra crispy" he shrugged and devoured the soul feeling power rush through him "tasty" he snickered before flying off trying to find the angels

( xD imagine Azazel's theme song playing while this is happening)
"Mmm? That wasn't really what I was thinking, Vassie" Kaneis says with an evil grin, "I've been craving for blood since I've got here, and I want to use up that archangels powers before it fully passes through my body." I spin towards you and take your arm not waiting nor wanting a response. I move in the direction of the downtown part of the city where all of the miscreants are trying to find a cluster of them to all take out at once.
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((Lol no, I'm sorry Kaneis is trying to get rid of his blood lust so he doesn't go crazy and giving people nicknames is kind of his thing :P @Aleatorem ))
(OH RIGHT! Lmao okay I got you.)

"Okay, Kaneis we an do th-," as Vestom was quickly interrupted by the pull of Kaneis. "I like to kill mine slowly. One hundred cuts then a slow stab to the heart." He said evilly. "I will take my victim into the alleyway where I can do it." He said to Kaneis.
"What ever cooks your meat." I slit my wrist and blood flows out in to a jagged sword shape then hardens. I walk to a broken down stage and prop my self up on there, "ATTENTION EVERYONE~" My voice booms through the concrete buildings gaining everyone's attention, "To all of you low lifes, that have been mistreated" Everyone gathers around, "And have been beaten and bruised, forced to live your lives out in misery and suffering, that shall happen NO MORE!" The crowd starts to get hyped, "For your god -bows- has arrived" Everyone looks around pretty excited and confused, before one starts clapping then another, and before you know it everyone watching is cheering.

"But like every god I need a sacrifice..." The cheering lowers down after they hear the word sacrifice and turn their attention back to me, "And that would be, my dear followers is. Your. LIFE."

((The speech wasn't that exciting, but I didn't want to write a dang trilogy so yeah. Shut.
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Azazel was flying overhead when he could hear Kaneis talking "oh great what is he doing now" he sighed and Fly down to the stage he landed with a thump at the end of his speech "Having fun Kaneis?" he growled out ignoring the whispers of the crowd he heard a man yell at him to get of the stage Azazel wiped his head around and summoned a knife he threw it directly into the mans skull and watched as he fell to the ground bleeding out. people tried to run but before any of them could get away Hell hounds started circling around making sure the couldn't run

@Jack of Cloves
I growled, "Don't scare them, your going to make the meat gammy" I look over my shoulder to see you and I smirk amused, "Just when I'm about to have my meal. Did you miss me that much" I shrug my shoulders and sigh, "Ah well I guess it can't be helped" I swing my sword and turn around fully to face you eyes full with hunger.
Azazel rolled his eyes "as if I could hear you screaming at the pigs just hurry up and eat" he stated dryly before killing three people and eating their souls "hm tasty"
"Yes sir" I say sarcastically as I jump down slaughtering the first 12 people or so in the first row then practically inhales the souls and meat in one chomp. I continue to slaughter everyone in the area leaving a few for Vestom and Azazel to take, I laugh in enjoyment as I get covered in their blood watching their faces full of hope turn into "Why did I ever believe this man?"

Once I got done, the blood sword splattered on the floor, "Fu**, how do I retract this?" I concentrate trying to put the blood back into my body but all that did was make the blood on the floor harden and make my wound spurt out more blood, "Oh what ever, I healed my wound and started to walk back to the stage.

Michael followed Asriel as they walk to the town. Thankfully, the ordinary citizens did not pay any attention to them as they stroll around. "What are we going to do first?" He asked them.

@FadeAway @child of satan
"We can go and get comfortable in the play we can stay in, we can go grab something to eat. I have a wallet full of this human money that I found on the ground," Ava purred amusingly as she looked around the route Asriel took them to. "Hopefully we don't run into any demons here or at least if we do, they have the decency to not transform." She sighed.

@child of satan @MrPotato
I stand on the stage admiring the blood splatter, "How lovely" I shiver, My blood lust has calmed and the angel blood is starting to slowly come out of my system. I transform into my human form with ease, now not feeling bloated with the over whelming power, "Fits like a glove." I pat my pants dusting off the human remains.

"I should probably leave before the police show up.." I look down, "And get my self some new clothes." I say to no one in particular. Turning around to face Azazel I nod politely, "I shall be in one of the districts in the city. Join me if you may, same for you Vassie" I stick my tongue out to tease then turn around collecting some money and non blood soaked clothes, it was hard to find some but there was a thrift shop near by.

Once I was done there, I headed towards the town. My stamina was a bit low so I was able to blend in much better as a human then if I was wide awake.

((@FrostXShadow @Aleatorem
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Azazel ate a couple more souls before nodding at what Kaneis said. he looked up and started to fly to his apparent building knowing the sun would soon be up. he landed and took a couple of steps before turning into his human form as he got to his door he could hear the sound of a dog barking. he smiled and open the door he was greeted with a husky that almost tackled him as he walked through the door "Yea yea I missed you too buddy I would have summoned you but I didn't want you to get hurt" he scratched behind the dogs ear.

(The husky is a hellhound that has taken a Normal dog's appearance )<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c93048974_Azazelsdog.jpg.8231390e7381a30dc3d425010291a422.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118813" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c93048974_Azazelsdog.jpg.8231390e7381a30dc3d425010291a422.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I walk into town walking right down the middle of the street not really paying attention to anything, 'Maybe I should get another milkshake' I was too tired to be thinking of Angel's and archangels right now all I wanted was to get a milkshake and go to sleep. After that though I shook my head, 'No no no, that is my top priority right now I shouldn't be thinking about anythin-" I spot a store that had a two for one deal on milkshakes, and after that I completely forgot what I was lecturing my self about.
Azazel walked out of his apartment building his dog following him out "Ready to go for a walk Lyth" he said to the dog in a happy tone Lyth barked happily and Azazel smilled "good I could use a Milkshake right now" he walked towards a milkshake shop. Lyth trotted next to him happily Azazel looked down at the dog "your really happy for a hellhound" he mused to the dog as they walked to the store

@Jack of Cloves
I walk out of the store holding three milkshakes at once drinking out of the middle one, "I am not obsessed" I grouch.

Back in the store

"And would that be all sir?" The lady asked quite infatuated with the customer that has ordered three milk shakes by him self, "So, is your girl friend waiting out side for you? Or are these for a friend?" Kaneis shook his head and said quite naturally, "Nope these are all for me." He pulls out his money and when he looks back the lady wore a shocked look on her face, "Hm?" She shook hear head and said in a low voice, "Oh you lonely soul" But it wasn't quiet enough for Kaneis not to hear. After she gave him the milk shakes he took some money out of the tip jar, "No tip for you."


I sit on the bench two of the milk shakes "sitting" by me as I hold the one I'm drinking in front of my face, "I'm not lonely I have you, isn't that right Lac?"

((Lac is milk in latin @FrostXShadow
Azazel saw Kaneis walking out the store holding three milkshakes muttering something about addiction "Uhh kane are you ok? he asked worried the demon might be addicted to milkshakes he mumbled "I knew this was going to happen" he snickered and looked back at Kane, Lyth stood next to Azazel wagging his tail happily he gave a happy bark and licked Kane's leg

@Jack of Cloves
((I reposted it sorry, it didn't show up the first time

Kaneis got startled and almost knocked over Lac in surprise of the furry creature touching his legs, "S-SHUT UP" Kaneis stands and points at you, "YOU ARE AT FAULT FOR THIS, FIRST YOU MOVE IN WITH THAT WOMAN AND TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY AND NOW YOUR GETTING MARRIED" The man sputters out putting you on blast. Kaneis dramatically drops on the floor now just trying to embarrass you, "I'LL CHANGE SO PLEASE DON'T MARRY HER, I LOVE YOOOOU" He crys hands in the air making more of an embarrassment of him self then of you.
Azazel watched in shock as Kaneis did this but he noticed people started to crowd around then he smirked and decided to go along with is "BABY I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART" he Practically screamed trying to hold back his laughter "I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU" he held back laughter and sunk down to his knees and hugged Kaneis "I LOVE YOUUUUU CANDY KANEEEEE" he screamed

@Jack of Cloves ((I couldn't resist))
I burst out in laughter, "OML, I'm-" I try to stop laughing, "I'M SO GAY FOR YOU MAN. PFFFT HAHAHA" I had to lay on my side from laughing so hard. The crowd looks at us weirdly, some chuckling others blushing and the rest just plain confused.

((Omfg that wasn't what I was expecting, I was thinking you were going to be like, "Okay I'm leaving now" @FrostXShadow
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As Marcellus flew across the sky he laughed full heartily " gosh it's been so long since I could fly so open like this" his body buzzed with lightning and his speed tripled sending him streaking across the sky he spun in the air. he finally made it to the town he landed and instantly transformed into his human form, he fixed his hair and walked amongst the humans "this is so great I love being on earth" he stated happily getting some weird looks from some people around him but he didn't care unlike the other angels he was happy that god left sending them all to earth he loved it "time for a milkshake he said walking towards the milkshake shop
Kaneis gets up and looks at the milkshakes, "Luc2 and Luc3, I'm sorry. It's not me it's you" I drink one of the milkshakes as I sit on the floor trying to calm down from laughing. I saw a glint of white hair from far away, 'Hm, I wonder if it's fake'
Azazel fell to the ground laughing "oh my Lucifer I know you are Candy Kane" he continued laughing even more when Lyth came and licked his face he calmed down a bit and sat up next to Kane "you know Sugar Kane your pretty cool for a middle class demon" he smirked and fell back on the ground looking up at the sky

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