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Fantasy When Heaven has fallen


He walked into the milkshake shop and order a Oreo milkshake with extra whip cream as soon as he got it he started devouring it not caring about all the weird looks he walked out the shop and saw to guys on the ground laughing "Whats up with them even thought that looks fun" he smiled and decided to walk over to him but stopped in his tracks when the dog started to growl at him he watched as the dogs eyes turned a bright red before turning back to their mismatch Blue and green "Hell hound" he muttered "they must be Demons" he said loudly not even knowing it.
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I was about to respond to your comment but I overheard a few others conversations, "They must be demons" two men in front of him look at each other and echo what the first man said, "Demons?" I scan the man with a stoic face sipping on my milkshake. 'I shouldn't be noticeable as a human, so how does he know?' I look over to the dog that is growling at him, 'Ah he's an angel' I look at the man and smirk and wave at him before jumping on to Lyth, "What you growling at doggo?" I laugh.
Lyth yipped and flung Kane off of him

Azazel laughed as he watched it "so weird are you like drunk off of Milkshakes or something" he looked over to Kane "im soooo boreddd we should go do something candy Kane it doesn't seem like we will get the Archangels anytime soon so we should have some fun" He stated after all his hard work he was ready to just let loose

@Jack of Cloves

The dog kept growling at me so I decided to walk away I downed my milkshake relishing in the flavor "ugh this is amazing" he jumped in the air and ignored the weird looks he got from people once he made it to an alley he transformed into his Angel form and took to the skies flying as fast as he could using his power to make him go faster Marcellus loved flying he loved feeling the wind rush through his hair he took a sharp turn up and flew through the clouds, he stopped flapping his wings and let himself fall making a Cloud angel as he did so "hm ironic" he said as he fell he turned and began to fly again
"You know it man, the next thing you know I'm injecting milkshakes into my blood stream." I laugh and glance over at the angel before he left smiling, "Alright man, I'm down with that. Hopefully if we cause enough ruckus they'll come over." I chuckled, "Like and old man shaking his cane at kids, telling them to get off of his lawn." I say with a teasing tone. I look back to you and takes your arm, "Let's go!" I go to pick up the milkshakes
uriel watches the two with their milkshakes from his perch on a streetlight destruction energy tearing up the light before it reaches him to hide his presence

(What is the meaning of this I know I sensed demons around here)he thinks to himself
Azazel jumps up an starts to walk "so where are we gonna..." Azazel snapped his head around when he felt a power energy appear and then disappear "what the heck was that" he stated aloud "kane did you feel that?" he looked over to the demon
I turn around and gestures to him to just keep quite about it. I turn to where I felt his presence and grins, "So Mr. Tommy Boy where do you want to go today." I blast out a quarter of my aura then pull it back in every few seconds while I wait for your response.
"hmm I don't know sugar Kane a Club maybe" he bust out laughing at the thought "I really don't know kane what do you think we should do?"
"A club? What is that?" I ponder the possibilities and tilt my head to the side, "Do they have milkshakes there?" I ask honestly not knowing what a club is.
Uriel hears the man ask the other if he "felt" that and it was plenty for him

"Terget confirmed" he says and takes off in the air to find any nearby angels this guy was dangerous that much was for certain
Azazel gave a shocked look "you don't know what a club is?" he looked at Kane Dumbfounded "are you serious your gonna love this" he grabbed kane's hand and pulled him down the street to the nearest club
(This has been fun, but I am going to take my leave. I am getting caught up with some stuff and won't be able to participate anymore. Thenk you, this was fun being my first RP.)
Azazel stops after he notices the being fly off "He was an angel" he said to kaneis "Another freaking angel" he growled out "im so tired of these angels I think it's time to kill them don't you?" he cracked his knuckles and began walking to the direction of a hellion gate. Lyth trotted slowly behind whimpering as they got closer.

@Jack of Cloves
I follow you quietly, yawning I say, "They just keep on swarming together, they're just like wasps" I turn into my demon form once I get close to the gate, "It's going to be pretty hard to defeat them"

(( Especially since we lost our last comrade in the war *Sheads tear* R.I.P. Vassie @FrostXShadow
(( R.I.P Vassie xD ))

"Im sick of it" he turned into his demon form upon arrival at the gate, "time to attack them head on, we didn't even get to go to that club" he huffed and walked through the gate

Marcellus was flying when he noticed another angel fly towards him he immediately stopped when he realized it was an archangel his body quaked in fear of the Archangel "p-please don't hurt me" he said quietly as the Archangel flew his way, he was scared out of his mind the Archangels terrified him more than God. @Alphaius
I laugh, "It can wait. So what's our battle plan?" My hair grows again once we enter the gate, and once again the sludge starts spilling out of my chest ripping my shirt from the pressure it build up.
His eyes glowed and he looked at kaneis " we take an army of demons and raid angel territory." he shrugged and spread his wings out letting his aura build up and push out to intimidate the other demons as he walked through. he found himself in his domain the 5th circle of hell, Wrath. he walked through the door leading to his throne room and all the demons bowed as he walked in

((that's right Azazel rules the 5th circle of hell deal with it xD ))
Kaneis whistles, "Woooah, hot shot over here." He lets out half of his aura so he won't get intimidated so easily. The comment earned him some stares and a few rude remarks, but all were too afraid to say anything to him due to his aura and the fact that he came in with their boss.

(( @FrostXShadow Oh shit m8, the real OG right here
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(You know it m8) Azazel walked to the front of the room and turned to face the demons "listen up low-classers" he looked at Kanies "besides you Candy Kane" he looked back at the demons "tomorrow we will raid the angels and kill everyone of those pompous arses and those of you who will not fight.....lets just say it won't end well with you" he smirked
I growled at your comment, "Low class my a**" I clean off the sludge and throw it on the ground melting it enough to make a dent in the floor, I turn to the other demons and glare at them. "That's quite the plan you've got there general but how do you expect to find their base. Let alone the angels."

((Sugar Kane is pissed @FrostXShadow
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(( Sorry Sugar Kane I meant besides kaneis because he isn't a low-class @Jack of Cloves ))

He glared at kaneis "Let me worry about that Kaneis" he looked at the demons Now I want all of you who are under my command to go to the surface and feed from the humans to get your strength, be prepared to attack tomorrow" he waved his hand and a hellion gate appeared opening for all the demons to jump through and slaughter
(( Lol, no it's fine Kane can be a piss-baby at times that's just the way I made him))

I watch the demons jump out of the gate, "Taking a literal meaning to hell on earth now aren't we?" I huff, and looks around your "Palace"

"It's not what I was expecting it to look like really" I said to no one in particular playing around with the random things scattered through out there.


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