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Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

I slyly walk in not paying attention to the strange looks the low level demon are giving me.

"Why is he in here with Azazel?"

"Who is he?"

As the questions reached my ears my face twisted with blood lust, not most know me by my human forms but being on spot like this helped give him a sense of mystery. And people fear the unknown so I'll just roll with it for now.

Lagging behind you I feel a wave of fear come over me, 'Oh, it's him' This being the first time I've met him with another highly feared being I felt inferior. And as this feeling grew so did my hair to its original length.
Lucifer: " I hear you lost to an Archangel are you that pathetic" Lucifer gave a sigh and glared at Kaneis "who is this Azazel"

Azazel: Azazel quaked in fear fearing that Lucifer was going to kill him "I-im sorry my lord" he said his voice cracking under pressure he looked back to Kaneis 'Crap' he thought quickly "h-he is my new lieutenant sir" he rambled out

Lucifer laughed "Calm down my son" he got up and walked to Azazel, he put his hand on Azazels shoulder "im just joking with you..you took on the Archangel of Light and stood your ground until you knew you might die you should be proud of yourself" Lucifer stated Azazel sighed in relief "But" Lucifer said and Azazel held his breath "you will kill him and the Archangel of Death next time you meet do you understand" his grip tightened on Azazel's shoulder to the point were his bones were snapping "y-yes sir" Azazel said Lucifer let go of a azazel he stood up gave a quick bow and scurried out of the throne room Dragging Kaneis as he did so
Kaneis's hair stood on the back of his neck, and panted a little for breath once you grabbed him out of there.

I put my hands on my knees letting my now long black hair fall over my face, "I see why you didn't want to go in there alone" I shake my head and stood up straight, "Also, thanks for what you said back there. I was afraid he was going to jump on me if you didn't say that."

Kaneis took the time to search your face and aura, "I find it a little suprising though, you aren't as intimidating as HIM" Kaneis wiped off some of the black sludge, it gave off a poison scent and it was not right for the mood they were in right now. He flicked it onto the ground and it quickly disappeared.
(I'm late again gg)

Vestom nods at Demon Lord Azazel. "Yes my lord, I will do as you wish." He said respectfully. He then walks over to the side of the building unsheathing his dagger. I will gather this soul, I will not fail. He told himself proudly. Vestom quickly rushes off to meet the Demon Lord's request.


Vestom finally finds a human on the verge of jumping off a building. He rushes up to see the man standing there with his head down. Looking as if he was destined to jump. "What are you doing?" He ask the human with an evil grin. "Wha..at are you?" He stammered. "Tell me what have you done that is worth killing yourself?" "I have killed.. my family." He says sobbing on his knees. "There, there. It's okay." Vestom says evilly. Vestom gets closer to the human and grips his dagger. He raises the dagger for a quick kill. The knife strikes through the humans neck, and his soul was released. Vestom gathered his soul, and watched him bleed, and bleed. Yes, bleed you filthy pig. He told himself proudly. Vestom returned to the last spot he saw his Demon Lord and waited patiently for his return. He starts wiping the blood off his dagger for enjoyment.

Azazel looked at Kaneis "yea no problem" he thought about what he said Azazels eyes started to glow and his wings fluttered he stood straight up "well now it's time to eat" he stated simply his aura completely dark "Then we need to find those Archangels so I can gut them and listen to them scream" he started walking forward his boots clicking against the pavement outside the cemetery he flapped his wings and started to fly he looked back "Are you coming?"
I watch you go ahead and smile tiredly forcing my self back in my human form hair short, horns, and mouth gone. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming general" I do a playful salute and walk to your side lazily.
Sayurn nods, confirming her name. She switched back into her human form, wings disappearing back into her skin. Her hair settled down to a darker blonde and she took on a petite form.

She nodded, agreeing with Malthael, "If we can even manage that in time. Even worse, the humans may endure more harmful events than we will right now." She felt her exhaustion. "My lack of rest and food isn't helping my weakness."

(@MrPotato) (@FadeAway) (@child of satan)

"We will definitely need a place to stay. When I was roaming around the other day, I saw a grand hotel located in the middle of this city. Once we've got that settled, then we can rest and eat to our heart's content." Malthael suggested.

"I am no longer the Architect of Light. I am- Hmm... What should my human name be?" Malthael asked, realizing he hasn't got around with his human name. He thought to use Malthael but it could arouse suspicions later on.

@ZeldaFeb @FadeAway @child of satan
After the sun had finally set he flew up to the building he was previously "I see you've brought the soul ive asked for" he said to vestom and took the soul from him he devoured it in one gulp and instantly felt power surging through him he gave a laugh and his demonic grin returned and he walked to the edge of the building "Time to kill those angels" he said before jumping of and flying into the sky he yelled down "Vestom and Kaneis look for the angels send your hellhounds to me if you find them Canis inferni" he said and two Hellhounds appeared on next to Kaneis and one next to Vestom before he took of Searching for the angels
"Yes, my lord." He says to Azazel. Vestom begins roaming around with blood on his skin from where he had wiped his blade. Ah the enjoyment of killing, he told himself.
I stare at the low level demon and watched it shift uncomfortably under my gaze, "I'll do the work, you can just follow" I walk in the opposite direction of Vestom, jumping down off the building I walk to the center of the city to get a better view of the place.
I wobble as I make my way down town the hellhound circling around me as I walk, "Ugh, I'm so hungry." I turn towards you, "Sorry... Vestom?" Sighing I turn ahead, "I need to eat, would you like to join me in a little outing? There's a good chance we might attract the angels"

(@Aleatorem )
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(( damn you guys reply fast ))

Cheytire chuckled at Asriel's reactions as she stepped back, "It seems that you archangels have this covered. Perhaps I can relax a bit." She looked at the other angels and shrugged her shoulders.

"How about Michael? It sounds a lot like your angel name." Chey tilted her head as she glanced at Malthael, "Or will the close resemblance give it away?"

@ZeldaFeb @MrPotato
Azazel flew through the sky searching for a Angel to rip apart. "where are you Archangel" he said growling he decided to go back to where he last saw the angels to try and pick up their scents He flew directly to the spot landing with a soft thud and began walking around to find traces of the angels's scent

"No. Michael should do fine." He smiled warmly to Cheytire. Michael gazed up to the sky, then back to the group. "We should move now. The hotel isn't far." Michael suggested. "We don't want the demons to find us here." Michael said as he started to trek down the forest and move into the city.

@FadeAway @ZeldaFeb @child of satan
Azazel walked around till he found blood "Archangel" he states simply "tsk tsk tsk Archangel of Death...you shouldn't leave your blood lying around" he smirked and finally got a trace of the his scent and flew to his direction "you will die Archangel..i will rip your throat out" he said angrily his Purple eyes burning brightly as he speeded towards the Archangel

@child of satan
Chey smiled, "I chose the name Ava. Ava Dallas. It sounds catchy." She smirked before inhaling deeply and looking over the horizon. "If we stay any longer, more might come. Do you suggest we stay together in one area? It could benefit us in a way when any of us gets into trouble, we can easily call for help. But at the same time, if we get ambushed by demons, all the angels could get wiped out in an instant. What is the best decision?"


Michael pondered for awhile before he answered her, "We'll take refuge in the human city in the meantime while calling all Angels to rendezvous there. We can't stay in the woods. Its too dangerous. Asriel and I will ensure no one gets ambushed."

"Alright. I will provide you support with the use of my powerful eyesight and visions," Ava stood beside him and brushed her hair off her face. "There's a human city not far from here with good buildings that are fairly isolated. It could be a good camp sight while we gather the rest of our kind." Ava replied as she tucked in her onyx wings and patted her hair until they faed into a light silver.


Michael smiled and brushed his golden hair around. He never really used a human form before and this new body is quite alien to him. "Let's head there first. Lead the way."

Ava smiled as she walked up to Michael and patted his shoulder, "You got some feathers popping out of your shoulder blade. You might want to dust them off first." She then looked at Asriel and tilted her head, "What human name have you bequeathed yourself with? Do you agree with the plan as well?"

@MrPotato @child of satan
Asriel snapped out of his trance, looking up at Ava " A-Antonio- Antonio Garcia," the Archangel was already in his human form, as he did feel like it would draw attention if an angel was walking around in a large city. " But, my human friends call me Toni, if you'd like I mean..." he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. " Yes, I agree with the plan, and depending which city we're in I might have a place for us to stay, would you know by any chance?"

[ @MrPotato - @FadeAway ]

I apologize for replying so late, I wasn't getting the notifications.
"Oh that's cool! Antonio huh?" she smiled before looking around, the tint of red in her eyes faded as one of her powers weakened due to over usage. "Well if you already have a place, that should save us some time finding for another location for us to stay in. Or will that be too much trouble for you?" Ava rubbed her chin.

@MrPotato @child of satan

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