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Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

Chey clicked her tongue as she took a step further, her onyx black wings sprung out in a folded stance as a feather landed on her hand. "As much as I would have loved to not fight, the more you demons appear, the more danger you put the humans in." She responded as her eyes glowed from a bright purple to a golden yellow as she examined their auras and marked them as targets.

"Although I feel much at east with the presence of an Archangel. I'm honored," she teased "Hello Asriel."

@FrostXShadow @child of satan

In the nick of time, Malthael manipulated the hellish fire with light. The fire erupted in mid air between Malthael and Azazel.

"I will not falter as long as light exists. I am the Architect of Light. Light doesn't die easily while I live and breath." As Malthael spoke, he took a step forward and from his hand immersed bright golden rays. "Leave the Angels peacefully." He spoke simply to the demon lord.
Asriel was startled by the demon, tripping over his feet and rolling onto his back in the process. " Th-That's not what I was going to do!" They teased him, and how he hated it. He cheeks heated upon hearing about Malthael, he was pissed. How dare they! He was one of the first Archangels ever created! Of course, he was more powerful than him! He was the only angel aside from Lucifer, to ever see the depths of Hell! He brought his hand to his mouth, biting down as hard as he possibly could. He needed his scythe, and soon he formed the scythe, blood still dripping from his hand. He came to his feet, his head only getting worse by the minute.

@FrostXShadow @MrPotato @Jack of Cloves @FadeAway

[sorry that I forgot to mention how he summons his scythe that was my fault, it's added to his character sheet now]
(you forgot the other Archangel standing there @FadeAway )

Azazel snickered "well aren't you quiet the poet Malthael "he mused holding back is laughter "maybe I should let the dogs take care of you" he stated dryly he waved his hand towards the ground "Canis Inferni" he stated simpily flames erupted from the ground and 6 hellhounds emerged from the flames howling at the sudden relase from hell two of the hell hounds bounded towards Asriel the others stayed to circle Malthael

@child of satan @MrPotato @FadeAway @Jack of Cloves

(Hell hounds are one of the low level demons he can summon. but he can only summon 10 every 26 minuets)
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Cheytire stepped back as the Archangel's aura grew stronger. Even as a seraphim, she knew exactly how much more powerful Archangels are compared to seraphs. After all, they were more focused on being the intellectually superior of the angels and not so much for combat strength. 2 archangels, 1 regular angel and 1 seraph against a demon lord and other demons. There will be a lot of collateral damage if forces that powerful and formidable collided. She stepped towards Malthael and sighed, "I don't think they will listen though."

@MrPotato @child of satan
I watched you, surly very amused. I would want to continue prodding him to see where this goes but if I let lose now I won't be able to control my self, "Hah, no need for self harm I didn't even start teasing you yet" I look at the blood rushing to his finger suddenly getting very hungry, "Oh... Maybe a little fight won't do anybody harm" I throw the rusted knife in the opposite direction of you and I cover my self in my shroud making me hidden but not completely invisible from the archangel

@child of satan

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(That's a cool power and you gave Malthael a new thing to like; poems

xD )

Malthael waited calmly to arouse his powers.
"It does not matter. My top priority is seeing all of us here to safety." Malthael replied to Cheytire without facing. He summoned his Excalibur and assumed his infamous swordmaster's stance.

The first hound leapt at Malthael. Malthael swiftly dodged and slices at the body of the hound. He fought off the rest while trying to ensure Asriel is doing okay.

( xD Glad I could help and im the only demon lord that can summon Demons becasuse im the 1st Demon lord that Lucifer(King of demons) created)

Azazels scythe dissapeaered from his hands and he gave a slow clap and then raised his hand towards the hell hounds "Flamma iaculari" he said to the hell hounds they all opened their mouth shooting streams of fire at the Archangel of light

@MrPotato @FadeAway @Jack of Cloves @child of satan
" I really hate demons..." he attempted to take care of the hell hounds on his own while still trying to keep an eye on Kaneis. He made his way over to the demon while avoiding the hounds. " Attempting to hide won't get you anywhere," he spoke softly, pointing his scythe at Kaneis trying to seem threatening. Which he was probably currently failing in. He may be the Archangel of Death, but he was still an angel, he could only do so much.

@Jack of Cloves

Malthael did not expect the flames and he got hit by them. He quickly summoned a light shield around himself and blasted the hounds with light.

He swiftly strike down the other hounds.

The corpses of the hounds lied around him, some with opened bellies and some with a hole through their body made by the light blasts.

The light shield went off and his Excalibur disappeared.
"Enough games!" He shouted to the all the demons. Malthael held his hand out and channeled lots of mana.

The sky was bright with light. The sun could be seen as if it was really close. The sun was glaring and it seemed as if it threatened to burn them alive. The heat was rising and the environment became more humid.

She couldn't help but agree with Malthael, watching the streams of fire head towards their way. She glided back, launching some of her feathers towards some of the hellhounds surrounding the archangel. It wasn't strong enough to finish them off but at least their speed is greatly decreased after sustaining some damage. "I'd feel more confident if I had recovered most of my powers since the fall of Heaven," she muttered.
I chuckle to my self and watch your facial expression, "You are quite adorable" I swing the opposite way of where the tip of the sythe is at and reveal my self in my demonic human forum, I have two black horns on each side of my head and my chest exposed with a huge gaping mouth on it. Switching out my knife I dart past you and cut a little part of your cheek then tasting the blood, "It's so sweet" I whisper the last part into your ear then I start sprinting of.

((One of Kaneis's powers btw is if he gets a part of your DNA in his blood stream then he can mimic your power to a certain extent))
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(holy crap @Jack of Cloves that was creepy and im back)

"tsk tsk tsk someone has a temper" he looked at all the dead hellhounds "Lucifer's going to murder me" he shook his head and ignored the heat "you think a little heat is going to hurt me....demon lord here I wasn't sent to hell I was born and raised" he stated boredly laughing at the Archangels attempts "anyway" his eyes glowed bright purple and he muttered "Celeritate in igne inferni" his body flashed from sight to infront of the archangel his hand lit up with Purple flames and he aimed the blast directly at Malthael's chest

(Just a little hint for future references whenever Azazel is about to use a spell or summon something his eyes glow a brighter purple)


"Who said the heat was for you?" Malthael took the hit. He staggered back as the hellish blast hit him in the chest.

He mustered enough strength and channeled the surrounding light and heat and casted a much more powerful light blast towards Azazel.

(Jesus, you guys post fast, I can't keep up omg)

Sayurn wasn't prepared for a lunge, and was cut once by the demon's (@Aleatorem ) attack. She hissed and used her other arm to put her hand over the cut. It was bleeding, but it would stop her from fighting.

Sayurn was only a bit relieved by the angel and archangel. Being treated like a child by the demons had made her irritated.

She moved her hand away, this time extending her wings out to their full span. She sent a wave of air, purposely softly enough to only make the demons' hair move and hoping it would only slightly disorietate.

"I didn't come for a fight, I came to stop humans from being unnecessarily hurt."

She watched the other fight go on, unable to do anything as nothing was headed directly her way, and she grew more tired.
(( yeah the posts come fast ))


"I guess the archangels got the attention away from both of us," Cheytire floated over to Sayurn and acknowledged her response. "How are you feeling? Have you not recovered your full strength from the fall of Heaven as well?" She tilted her head and added the information to the glossary of data she stored in her memory.
Vestom stays in his defensive position, but he steps back. He knows he is not strong enough to take on Archangels even at night. He just waits patiently for the Demon Lord to give him orders.
Azazel wasn't prepared for the blast and took it head on flying a couple feet away from the archangel he got up and licked the blood that was pouring from his mouth 'crap..i can take the two angels but malthael is to strong I need to find a diversion to get away and regroup with the other demons' he said in his thoughts. he quickly cam up with a plan he held his hand towards the ground "Canis Inferni" he stated once again summoning 2 hell hounds "Celeritate in igne inferni" he said to the hell hounds, their bodies were engoulfed in purple fire and their speed tripled as they head for the Archangel of light while they kept him busy he mumbled"Celeritate in igne inferni" once again to triple hi speed letting him get behind vestom grabbing him by his shirt "well as much as I would love to stick around I must be on my way" he said quickly prepared to fly away
"Yes Azazel, my Lord." He said out of respect. Vestom sheaths his dagger quickly as Azazel leaves. Might as well get out of here, he said to himself. He quickly escaped the area using his ability. Vestom looks at a clock on a nearby store. Still time to torture the pigs.
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Asriel was utterly confused, “ W-What?” He watched as the demon disappeared, demons frustrated him to no end. But he was completely unable to move, his feet weren't responding and his head ached so bad he couldn't even hear his own thoughts.‘ What the hell is up with you today Asriel? You’re way off your game!’ The fall had affected him more than he thought. ‘ Then again, it’s not like you were built for battle,’ it was true, he was built simply to send souls to Heaven and Hell. He was powerful, this was true, but he hadn't mastered any abilities that would help him in battle yet. He had no need, angels tend to steer clear of him and demons show no interest. Until now that is, maybe it’s because he was weak at the moment. He paid no mind to the other beings around him, he just stared in the direction the demon had ran.

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Fleeing off to a near by empty lot, Kaneis felt the angel's blood rush through him giving his body a surge of power. "Ah..." I sigh as I feel my blood freeze then boil, my hair grows longer and the huge mouth on my chest salvated black sludge. I stumble back getting a bit light headed from the newly introduced power that he has received when suddenly, he cuts himself on a nail.

His blood drips on the floor then hardens, just like Asriel's sythe.
"Well good bye angels untill we meet again" he said dryly and gives a bow towards Archangel of light flaps his wings and flies away from the angels knowing he can't win the battle. he makes it to the top of a building and shifts into his human form ,he sat on the edge his feet dangling off

he whispered a name "vestom" calling the demon to him

(that's his other power summoning demons he can't make them appear but he can keep calling them until they show up)

@Jack of Cloves @MrPotato @Aleatorem
Sayurn looked to Cheytire, "Thank you, I'm still weak. I came out here assuming I would have enough strength to fight one demon, then everyone appeared."

Sayurn watched as the demon lord was taken aback, ending the battle. "So much for coming out here just to stop one demon," She sighed.

She still had no strength and now would be leaving with a cut on her arm. She said good job to the archangel and others, "I'm sorry, I basically started all of that."

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